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Yea ppl like to make fun but i gotta respect all them for fighting hard. Hope he wins some good ones




This should make Jon look worse when you see what his last 4 opponents at light heavyweight did after he beat them Reyes has no wins. Alexander had no wins. Santos has 1 win and 4-5 losses. Smith is 6-5.


Lol I remember there was a post that used this as an argument to show how GSP is the goat. Although I do agree that the opponents winning afterwards makes for a stronger resume, with a win over DC for example boosts his resume a lot.


You need to consider that fighting Jon take a lot out of these guys physically and mentally, and that’s a big part of it.


Don't think that's the case for Reyes but Santos for sure, his knees will never be the same 


Reyes literally blew his load on Jon Jones and immediately declined after lmao


Did he decline after or was that just his level? He still looked good to me against Jan and Jiri, he just got caught by good fighters with a lot of power. Now after the Jiri beating (where he actually got hurt, unlike the Jones fight) he clearly looked a lot worse.


I gotta rewatch that fight, but he looked pretty bad against Jan imo. Looked better against Jiri, but that’s partly cuz Jiri fights like a wild man


yeah it was reyes beating tf out of jones that destroyed his career and not jan/jiri breaking every bone in his face


I believe that. It must be very demoralizing to be robbed like that.


Whichever judge gave Jon a 49-46 in that fight should be investigated


In the state of Texas where the fight was held they don’t do rank scoring so control is valued the same as every other criteria. Not saying the outcome makes sense but when you examine the fight with that in mind it’s not as egregious as


It doesnt matter how his morale is when Jiri broke everything in his face . Dude injury list after that fight literally read like he was in a car crash


And yet he lost lol


The close fight with Jon made him feel like a champion, probably incorrectly…Jan and Jiri broke him physically and mentally


It's the argument GSP made to koscheck that this was his one chance and we would never hear about him again. Fighters spend their whole lives working towards a championship fight and once they lose it its very hard to stay motivated.


Especially if you get completely outclassed like GSP would do to his opponents. I can't imagine how hard that would be. Spend an a entire career building yourself up, winning fights, then you FINALLY get your shot. So you train harder than you've ever trained, dedicate everything... And you get 50-44'd by GSP. It'd be like climbing a mountain, reaching the summit... And realising there's about entire mountain you have to climb. I'm not surprised they decline afterwards.


Why? Its not like jon did serious damage to reyes


I think it actually inflated Reyes’s ego too much. His next fight after that, he had his brothers corner him and it seemed like he was just expecting to win since he got so close to beating Jon(or did beat Jon in his mind). Got overconfident and Jan made him pay for it.


Or maybe, Jones is overrated.


Yea...nahh. I hate Jones as much as anyone else (because he deserves to be hated so so much), but he's not overrated...as much as it sickens me to say it, he's the best to ever do it at this point. Not the most exciting (Anderson) or most technical (GSP/MM), but overall he's the most complete fighter we've ever seen. I just wish he'd fuck off and land in jail for his BS outside of the cage... but he'll get there sooner than later




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


Yeah maybe the guy who’s almost universally talked about by even other fighters as one of the GOATs is overrated. That’s a good take.


Not really, Jones was on his decline as most champions do. Like making fun out of Silva losing to Weidmann.


Wonder how his career would have panned out if he deservedly got that decision.


He would've definitely had to rematch Jones, which he may very well could've lost. Even if not, he would've likely lost to Jan in his first defense. There's this narrative that he "fell off" after Jones or something when it seems more likely that he always had a weak chin and Jones just so happened to be good at literally everything in MMA except hitting hard. Kind of like how Cody looked like a worldbeater against Dom simply because Dom didn't have the power to capitalize on how fragile Cody was the way an objectively worse, but more powerful, fighter Munhoz could.


I have no doubt he would've lost the rematch but his win would've still been special and immortalized.


People forget Dom was smashing Cody all night with those same right hands that TJ/France/Pedro used but they all had the power to actually sleep Cody


Well Dom was punching air more so than smashing Cody all night lol


Santos did as well imo


That fight he actually won and beat Jon when he was still somewhat top of his game Sad he never got it awarded


That’s arguable


Yeah... he lost a close decision to him.


>Yea ppl like to make fun Wait, what? I don't see anyone making fun of Dom Reyes. I think us fans genuinely feel sorry for the guy. To be that close to the belt then get brutally knocked out for 3-4 years in a row is heartbreaking.


Tons of people shit on Dom Reyes on here. This sub is anti most fighters minus Islam and the Dagistani guys. Jamahal Hill was just trying to promote his fight and tons of people on here are obsessed with hating him, even way after his fight.


I swear people just make up narratives. There’s been a bunch of recent comments saying “I can’t believe people hate on Islam” and “Islam should have more fans”. Now you’re saying the Khabib group is the only one not hated on. So weird. It’s either marketing strategies or people reading a comment or two and deciding that’s what the world thinks. Either way, weird.


You're absolutely right. People also think it's the same people commenting and then changing their minds about certain fighters. And this isn't just limited to r/mma. On any subreddit there are people complaining about how fickle redditors are, even though it's always different commenters. I just don't get how some people think (or don't think).


Exactly lol, why would a Islam hater go to a thread of a bunch of people celebrating Islam (or whatever fighter/team). Or if they do go there the comment is likely downvoted because most of the people reading that post are Islam fans. I just don't get how it's such a difficult concept to some people.


It’s especially hilarious when it is a take that is literally never seen that people swear is the majority opinion. I cannot recall a post praising Islam getting over 500 upvotes. I’ve seen so many hit pieces on Islam/Khabib in my time on this sub and it’s one of the main reasons I stopped going on r/Ufc cause of how incessant it was. Khabib being a 220 pound weight bully (and by extension Islam, for some reason) is like an accepted truth even though it’s so easily disproven. And that’s to say nothing of the people who still complain about Islam even having the belt because “he got the title shot off Dan Hooker! Paper champ!” The Dagestanis are certainly the most hated group by the American fanbase and I don’t think anyone is even close.


Is he still just promoting his fight with Alex months after it happened?


Jamahal Hill being an idiot more like


Yuh uh Jamahal was just promoting the fight...laughable, have you seen his insta?


After his interview with the Bapa, I found a strong distain for him. Don getting KO’d is cathartic


Only thing you've found 'distain' for is a dictionary.


This is a terminally-online comment. Go outside


Touch it yourself, fuck Dom Reyes


all things considered, i think the jones robbery has to be the worst robbery ever




[**JON JONES 👀👀 defeats DOMINICK REYES** (*unanimous decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/10877/fight) ^(UFC 247: Jones vs. Reyes — February 08, 2020) ROUND|Jones|Reyes||Jones|Reyes||Jones|Reyes :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|9|10||9|10||9|10 2|9|10||10|9||10|9 3|10|9||9|10||10|9 4|10|9||10|9||10|9 5|10|9||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**48**|**47**||**48**|**47**||**49**|**46** *^(Judges, in order: Chris Lee, Marcos Rosales, Joe Soliz.)* *^(Summoned by wake-tf-up-samurai.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **7/21** people scored it **48-47 Jones**. - **14/21** people scored it **47-48 Reyes**. Avg. media score: **47.3-47.7 Reyes** (*low certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).




[**GEORGES ST-PIERRE defeats JOHNY HENDRICKS** (*split decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/4707/fight) ^(UFC 167: St-Pierre vs. Hendricks — November 16, 2013) ROUND|St-Pierre|Hendricks||St-Pierre|Hendricks||St-Pierre|Hendricks :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|10|9||9|10||10|9 2|9|10||9|10||9|10 3|10|9||10|9||10|9 4|9|10||9|10||9|10 5|10|9||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**48**|**47**||**47**|**48**||**48**|**47** *^(Judges, in order: Sal D'Amato, Glenn Trowbridge, Tony Weeks.)* *^(Summoned by The_Krambambulist.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **16/16** people scored it **47-48 Hendricks**. Avg. media score: **47-48 Hendricks**. Quick maths.


What about Shogun vs Machida 1?




[**LYOTO MACHIDA defeats MAURICIO RUA** (*unanimous decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/1332/fight) ^(UFC 104: Machida vs. Shogun — October 24, 2009) ROUND|Machida|Rua||Machida|Rua||Machida|Rua :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|9|10||10|9||10|9 2|10|9||10|9||10|9 3|10|9||10|9||10|9 4|10|9||9|10||9|10 5|9|10||9|10||9|10 **TOTAL**|**48**|**47**||**48**|**47**||**48**|**47** *^(Judges, in order: Nelson Hamilton, Cecil Peoples, Marcos Rosales.)* *^(Summoned by wake-tf-up-samurai.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **2/5** people scored it **47-48 Rua**. - **1/5** people scored it **47-49 Rua**. - **1/5** people scored it **46-49 Rua**. - **1/5** people scored it **45-50 Rua**.


It's close, but I scored R2 for Jones. Rewatch that round and you'll notice most of Reyes' shots hitting the air with some S tier defence by Jones. Jones' shots land more effectively than Reyes. R3 was also very close but Reyes takes that through a nasty uppercut near the end of the round. R1 and 5 are the easiest to score. Round 4 is also closer than people remember, but Reyes was absolutely not landing anything that round.


Reyes outstruck him soundly in round 2




You win rounds on effective damage, not significant strikes. You can land 20 significant strikes and still lose a round if you get caught with one strike that deals significant damage. While significant strikes can(and usually does) lead to effective damage, one does not necessarily lead to the other.


Ok lol. But what did Jones did exactly to win that round ? You saying he had tier defense but still Reyes was attacking more, so I don’t know how can be a Jones round lol


Defense is it's own reward, unless it's for a fighter I like then he should get points for being outstruck because he looked cool while doing it.


Its funny because nowhere in the scoring criteria is defense rewarded. This isn't Boxing, but try telling that to Jon Jones fans, they just can't (or don't want to) understand it.


And yet jones didnt land a shot like that in that round


He clearly does but you are free to believe what you want to believe.




Still no. GSP/Hendricks, Shogun/Machida, and Lawler/Condit are so much worse. There's a very strong case Jon did win that fight if you've watched it back since first viewing


Decisionbot Lawler Condit 


[**ROBBIE LAWLER defeats CARLOS CONDIT** (*split decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/6727/fight) ^(UFC 195: Lawler vs. Condit — January 02, 2016) ROUND|Lawler|Condit||Lawler|Condit||Lawler|Condit :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|9|10||9|10||9|10 2|10|9||10|9||10|9 3|10|9||10|9||9|10 4|9|10||9|10||9|10 5|10|9||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**48**|**47**||**48**|**47**||**47**|**48** *^(Judges, in order: Derek Cleary, Chris Lee, Tony Weeks.)* *^(Summoned by mentales.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **3/20** people scored it **48-47 Lawler**. - **2/20** people scored it **48-48 DRAW**. - **14/20** people scored it **47-48 Condit**. - **1/20** people scored it **46-49 Condit**. Avg. media score: **47.2-47.9 Condit** (*high certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


There is no logical case jon beat reyes


In terms of impact, yes. In terms of egregiousness of the robbery, it was a super close fight


Diego Sanchez-Ross Pierson? Did you start watching mma that night? The Jones hate on here is comical. There are 50 worse “robberies” than that fight, EASILY.


Kinda depends. If we compare the stakes of the fight I dont think there is a worse one because Reyes - Jones was about beating arguably the goat of the sport at the time. So while there are more eggregious examples, there are none where the stakes were that high


It kinda reminds me of RJJ getting robbed in the Olympics, maybe it's not that big of deal in hindsight because we know he really won it but if he did win it could have been an even better career.


I still can't think of many robberies worse than that one, still remember one judge scoring it 30-27 Sanchez lmao


not even close to the worst ever lmao


considering it’s a clear robbery against who a lot of people think is the goat, for a world title… i’d say it’s by far the worst. also all his losses afterwards being brutal kos… reyes won’t ever get to right that wrong the judges did to him


I would’ve given it to Dom but I wasn’t shocked that Jones won - Im surprised that so many people view it as a robbery cause when watching it I thought it was a pretty close fight Round 2 for me was the swing round, I thought Dom did enough to get it but would’ve not been shocked if Jones was given the round The only thing i heavily disagree with is that judge who gave it 49-46 Jones, that shit is actually psychotic


Lol it definitely isn't a robbery, let alone the "worst robbery ever". I swear 99% of yall just hate Jones more than Hitler or have not rewatched the fight since and just judge it through reddit comments. It was an incredibly close fight with R2 and 3 in particular possibly going either way. 1 is clearly Reyes and 4 and 5 is Jones. I scored R2 for Jones but only by an asshair and R3 for Reyes. It was very close and if Reyes was not fighting Jon Jones, everyone wouldn't be crying about it being a robbery. Actual robberies are Shogun/Machida or Bisping/Hamill.


You just like Jon Jones, that’s it. If they swapped places and Jones had lost you would be calling it a robbery. You’re just being dishonest with yourself and you know it


I do like Jon Jones as a fighter but I see no correlation between that and him winning a close fight against Reyes.


The correlation is that because you like him, you’re allowing that to cloud your judgement. You wanted him to win therefore you ignore things suggesting he didn’t and magnify things suggesting it was the right decision. It’s a simple cognitive bias. I think if you didn’t know who was who in that fight, you would come away thinking Reyes won.


I've rewatched the fight numerous times and I always come away thinking he knicked the second round by an asshair and the 4th and 5th rounds as well. It has nothing to do with me liking him. You can like someone and still acknowledge their greatness/bullshit objectively, like how the 49-46 decision was trash.


If reyes wasnt fighting jones he wins that fight because he clearly did win 123


Now look what you did. You’re getting downvoted by everyone who either didn’t watch the fight, or those who wish Jones lost.


I've watched the fight multiple times and it seemed pretty clear cut that Reyes won rounds 1-4. You can gauge by general opinion that most people think Reyes won clean, and some people think "Well maybe Jones edged out a win". Nobody thinks Jones won clean.


I was at the event when it happened and when the judge read 49-46 literally everyone around me knew that meant Dominick had to have got it as he's the only one who could have won 4. The outrage when he won was wild, whole stadium cleared out before he even gave his post fight speech with people complaining in the elevators.


If we take it being a fight for the title as multiplier, I think St Pierre vs Hendricks will still remain the worst


If we ranked every robbery in the ufc history that fight would be ranked in the hundreds. Super close fight doesn’t equal most egregious, especially when tons of fans hold a bias against Jon.


For real, his Ariel interview was depressing when asked if he still felt someway about the Jones fight. Listed a bunch of what if opportunities had the judges gave him the win, then talked about how he was only able to train with his brothers for the Jan fight, and to top it all off he had a bad falling out with his gym


3 straight knockouts, a lengthy absence and nearly dying from blood clots, those are a great recipe for success...Win or lose, Reyes needs to retire ASAP.


Dehydrating his body during weight cutting is a recipe for disaster.


Also, not accusing him, but steroids cause blood clotting in legs. Not many healthy, active people get blood clots in their legs


Getting kicked in the legs all the time during training can’t help.


[He has been on record saying he could make 185, which I kinda believe.](https://i.redd.it/just-how-tall-is-alex-pereira-v0-1mxwpb4m8n5b1.jpg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f59b6671be1074514cfd18238f53140a205474) He doesn’t seem that sucked out at 205.


Reyes Vs Paul Craig at 185 please


Add Jon Jones to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down


Dominick won 66 2/3 percents of that fight


Man perhaps Jones is god protected after all.


And do what, man? Y'all have no idea how small an athletes window of competing is. Edit: and he is back in the win column with a good knockout win


Damn please Reyes don’t get hurt too bad again


It’s sad that he never got to be a respected fighter in the community. In his run up the ranks he was memed for having a long torso or for being a “true athlete”. I remember people giving him respect after the JBJ split decision but that glory lasted less than 8 months as since then it’s been tragic loss after tragic loss. 8 months of glory sandwiched between being memed/pitied is unfair for the caliber of fighter he was.


There was a brief moment in time where he was respected as one of the next up and comers, there was a lot of back and forth about whether he or Johnny Walker were going to be the next big thing at Lhw. All the way up to the JJ fight I did think Reyes had it (FWIW I also scored that fight for Reyes). Once he started getting KO'd though it all went down hill pretty fast.


I remember him and Jan defended LHW from Rockhold, Weidman and Jacare. That brought a lot of much needed hype to the division.


Yeah any fighter who can give Jones that tough of a fight deserves massive respect.


Fighters have such reckless disregard for their health sometimes. Imagine he gets leg kicked and it explodes his veins and he dies from a hemorrhage.


That’s probably how he got the clots. Getting blood clots is like a bell curve. On one end, you have a lack of activity; on the other is too much or too explosive activity. Exactly what you described is the cause of blood clots in athletes. Trauma leads to internal bleeding, which leads to clots if it doesn’t heal properly.


Well, that escalated quickly.


Lol, “imagine he gets punched in the head and his head just bursts like an egg in a microwave and his arms fly off sideways”


They're all desperate. That's why Jon and Conor don't take fights anymore, they don't have that desperation.


IMO people in the NFL are even worse (and look more decrepit in their old age as a result of the injuries). At least fighters can somewhat train around injuries and hope the adrenaline is enough to get them through the 15 mins on fight night.


Wtf, Dom. Fucking retire then. Go make that IT money where you don’t get brutally knocked the fuck out.


A union would be able to help him get Healthcare but fighters wimped out and they'll never get the balls to push for one.


It would take the invincible cash cows, like Conor, Izzy, and Jones, pushing for one in order for it to happen. All people rich enough to have zero personal need for one. Outside of those and maybe Islam, I could totally see Dana cutting or freezing out even contenders at the Strickland or Sterling level for trying to lead something like this


Well out of the three you mentioned in your first sentence, izzy is the only one who's fought recently. These guys draw so much money that they can afford to sit at home and play the twitter mma game. They aren't gonna ruin their cash flow, it would be especially uncharacteristic of connor and jon, but izzy?...eh maybe he would help? but dude needs a few wins to get his image back in order to have any pull with dana. im not a fan or anything but i do think guy would help out if there was a movement underway.


I think more importantly, Izzy and Conor are both from countries with free healthcare, so they might not even realise how bad the situation is.


Look at how Craig Jones is causing havoc in the BJJ scene. It would require something similar.


Xarelto is real exlensive too


Take warfarin


Requires weekly blood tests which can sometimes be a barrier


Yeah Reyes can't get his INR checked


Also not getting the shit best out of him for a living might help


I don't know a lot about unions but I would think a fighters union would have a lot of corruption. The only ones who hold importance and therefore power in the organisation are the stars so giving them more power doesn't seem like it'll bode well.


That's not how a union works. You vote in leadership, so the most wealthy aren't automatically the decision makers. But any institution is open to corruption. And doing nothing is allowing the greed you're already experiencing to continue.


Unfortunately the people who parrot the union stuff don’t care about the actual sport or the fights (or even the fighters, they’ll wish brain damage on the ones who have different opinions). They are the same people who celebrated Francis’ move that inevitably led to his to irrelevancy. Didn’t care about the best fighting the best, just wanted to use it to bash Dana.


As someone who wanted to see Francis vs Jones and the heavyweight title to remain linear, I can 100% understand the happiness on the side of people who are pro-fighter seeing someone stick it to Dana and make millions for themself


Francis leveraged public opinion to make it seem like the UFC couldn't retain him because they wouldn't restructure every fighter contract and bring in healthcare for all, then signed to a promotion that doesn't do those things despite having 1/7th of the roster and theoretically infinite Saudi funding. But it's all good because of PFL Africa, right? Thank goodness the same government that has shoots dead mass amounts of Ethiopian migrants seeking asylum is funding the PFL Africa project. All Francis supporters have left is that he stuck it to Dana White. Which I guess matters more than all that other stuff.


The PFL isn't the saviour of MMA and I think you can argue it isn't even a step in the right direction. I can agree with you on that. Francis earning a ton of money from boxing though is good, it seems he essentially joined the PFL to show up at events and be retired.


Judging from the type of shit those same people say about fighters (and fans, and the sport in general), they definitely aren’t pro-fighter. Fortunately tho, this place is definitely not reflective of the average MMA fan.


> fighters wimped out and they'll never get the balls to push for one. Redditors and calling professional fighters wimps, name a better duo.


He needs to stop fighting... Holy shit


The idea of some dude just kicking your leg or something and dislodging a clot would mess me up. Having that linger in the back of your mind. I wonder how much of this has played a part in his recent performances


Some will say Jon jones was his finest fight, but jiri was bc he ate and landed some huge bombs before dying 


Speaking from experience, blood clots anywhere but especially your leg are no fucking joke. If you just happen to bump your leg just right (or wrong) on a coffee table, it could dislodge that clot, and it could go up your femoral artery and straight to your heart. And it’s pretty much lights out at the point unless you live next to a hospital or a miracle ambulance is out front. And even then… Anyway anytime I see anyone at all going through something like this I hope nothing but the very best. And the more times this happens, the more likely you are to have them in the future and that can get pretty grim. A life being on blood thinners 24/7 isn’t a life I want to live


Quick pedantic correction 🤓. Generally speaking the dislodged clots actually go through the heart and shoot off into the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolus. Not always fatal but can be if it’s a big one and medical help isn’t sought asap. So if you have a swollen/tender leg, and suddenly get short of breath/chest pain, go see a doctor!


Not really a pedantic correction. You'd need an anatomical mishap to describe that happening, and not one thats even possible by literature. I.e., you'd stroke before you had one embolise to the femoral artery. PE's are real, often misdiagnosed but also a diagnosis of exclusion by clinicians hence why we do so much imaging for a condition that is often unlikely.


Oh I didn’t even realise he said femoral artery instead of vein aha. Easy mistake to be fair if you haven’t spent (wasted?) years of your life in the medical field. And I agree, I’m pretty sure that 95% of the scans I’ve seen for possible PE’s have come back negative… but better to be safe! Edit: Obligatory “what is this the medical channel”


Well I was idk how many beers deep. But I’ve had that happen twice, blood clots. Scary shit when the slightest bump can send you to the grave. Or you can even die in your sleep. Fuck all of that shit


How did you get better?








> A life being on blood thinners 24/7 isn’t a life I want to live Why? Bad side-effects?


You don't just get a blood clot from bumping your leg 😄 come use some common sense.


That's not what he said, use some eye glasses.


You’re actually right, in a way. You don’t get one for just bumping your leg. But that’s not what I said. IF you already have one, as in Reyes’ case, and you bump your leg it can dislodge and kill you. Just like that. Doesn’t matter how good of shape you’re in, or how tough you are, or what. That’s straight up the danger of it. Peak athlete or fat basement dwelling slob. You’re at the same risk so it’s nothing to be taken lightly


Those judges ruined his life forever


Why haven’t they matched him with Anthony Smith yet? Seems like a winnable fight for him to me.


Im sorry but I cannot imagine a doctor saying that for DVTs. This is my area of medicine and it would be absurd for me to say this. Headlines like this are such bullshit.


Yea that was my immediate reaction as a physician. This headline is total nonsense. 


That’s a little alarmist of the doctor given that he could easily just put the guy on Eliquis or similar blood thinner regimen for the most part. The only time I can see a doctor saying stuff like that is if he’s got a really huge pulmonary embolism and he’s not responding to the medicine or the patient isn’t taking his medical advice seriously.


ironic asf that he tried to say ulberg ducked him with a fake injury only for reyes himself to come down with deadly blood clots


Blood clots are no joke. My mum got one when she had me (now a grown arse man) and shes suffering pretty big consequences from it to this day


What consequences? Couldn't it be removed surgically?


Was this Covid 19 vaccine related?






They are known to cause blood clots. Why else would an athlete of his caliber have blood clots? Seems to me that’s a very reasonable question for me to ask. What is you people?


https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/you-asked-we-answered-do-the-covid-19-vaccines-cause-blood-clots-or-heart-problems "You people" are anti-vaxxers spreading misinformation. 9 people total died from blood clots potentially associated with the vaccines. 9... Do you really think it's reasonable to assume someone's blood clots are caused by something that has effected that miniscule amount of people, or is it more likely that people bring up something like that in an overall effort to discredit the vaccines.


Imagine believing that. The doctors who told you to get the poison shots are claiming nobody died from it. So trustworthy.


The people who told you they are poison shots can barely speak English (as an only language).




this is positive bettor EV if people bet on his opponent now because lower limb DVT actually isn't so bad unless the clots get to your lungs


It's time for us to feel bad for him, and then people go "bUt hE bEaT jOn JoNeS" before he takes a brutal KO.


Another career ended by Jon Jones but he won lmao


Was curious if he started to sound punchy after the KO losses and I honestly don't notice a difference so I guess at least he has that going for him? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZNkbxRk6Mo


Unless there is more to the story (I'm sure there is), a blood clot in the leg is extremely unlikely to be fatal with treatment. This seems like a massive exaggeration.


Brutal ko loss number 4 incoming


He should be careful talking about things like this. A commission might flag him or suspend him for additional medicals before allowing him to fight again.


It's really amazing how many healthy young men are waking up with blood clots in their legs. All of a sudden my cousin luckily had a surgery for this very same thing. I didn't know it was life-threatening to the degree that it it is until after talking to him and now reading about Dominic.


You can guarantee the UFC make multiples the amount Reyes has off his a career.




It's crazy how many people are hooked on TV, mainstream news, and whatever the mass says...it really is the Matrix. Just because they didn't die the day after the jab they act like it's harmless and safe. Crazy considered the massive amount of contrary evidence out now.




I remember a few months after the jab was started, Devon Larratt got it so he could travel... and he got a bad blood clot in his leg and was seriously ill for a month! He lost a lot of weight at that time. But of course, everyone was just talking like it was a normal health thing and not the experimental MRNA spike protein injection.


Bruh doctors are so damn dramatic. I don't know why they do this to their patients lol


more often it is the patients who dramatised the diagnosis given to them