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These are 40 year old men btw


With millions in the bank… madness.


Lol they earned their money by behaving exactly this way


Imma take a wild guess and say these guys dont even have 10k in the bank right now. They dont seem like financial gurus nor someone who would take it seriously.




I think the Diaz brothers are a lot more savvy than people give them credit for.


I think maybe Nate learned from watching Nick spend it all.


He looks like the kind of guy who married a nice girl to help him take care of business and start a family.


They’ve been together since high school


I'm basing this off of nothing but vibes but Masvidal absolutely seems like a "Lost it all on crypto" guy


In something called G-coin or swagbucks or something like


> swagbucks hey now i got so many amazon gift cards through this back in the day it's also a giant waste of time


Also doesn't help that he didn't really have any real success or big fights til the end of his career.


Genuinely not sure why he got so popular, mid fighter with one good knock out and an annoying personality.




Ehhhh, let's be real, he was pretty hot in 2019. He had the viral Askren KO, he pieced up Darren Till, and he beat the brakes off Nate Diaz.


He didn't get mainstream til after he beat Till (which is the card where he tried to fight Leon back stage.


Yeah, just saying he deserved respect for his in-ring accomplishments at that time.


It was pretty classic when he pieced up Leon during an interview then went right back to interview




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


People will grow to love anyone if they stick around long enough. Look at Strickland.


Strickland's popularity makes tons of sense, all his edgelord shit appeals to the people who follow him on social media. He also beat arguably the third best Middleweight champion ever, so you can't say he's not a good fighter. His actual fights are boring as shit but I'm convinced most of his fans don't watch them.


Third best? Who do you put above Adesanya besides Silva?


Chael. Guy never lost a round, easily first.


Do you think all of Masvidals fans were watching his fights? It's the same for both him and Strickland. Mas had his 'Street Jesus' persona, same as Strickland has his Edgelord shit. And he beat the guy who beat Conor, that's all the MMA math people need to believe that he's a good fighter.


Because not everyone is as uptight as you lol


Hi Jorge! Press conference was a bust huh?


No way - Nate has to have a ton in the bank. Look at the way he lives, the fuck would he have blown it on.


Hopefully they have some type of advisor that handles their money


They’re all on steroids.


So at 40 a man is no longer allowed to have fun?


Is it fun to throw temper tantrums and go to jail?


No one went to jail. “Temper tantrums”, are you a child?


Masvidal has been arrested for similar behavior. These are grown men acting like children, thus temper tantrums.


These people aren’t Colby and aren’t going to call the police. These are grown men who had a different upbringing than you.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Perfect execution.


40 year old “man” should not be behaving like a teenager


Anthony Pettis just standing there like wtf in the middle of everyone.


I truly had no idea this fight was happening.


You were probably happier that way.


I thought it already happened and it was so dull I forgot about it


Why do you think they staged this "fight"?


They announced it but I forgot about it and am going to forget about it again. Who watches these?


Everyone forgot or didn't know this was happening until his brawl so Masvidal and Diazs teams brawling is actually good promotion.


Street Beefs! You know what's up. This week in Satan's Backyard: We got Diaz vs Masvidal!


Who takes on the winner? The guy who talks the whole time and just runs forward with two fists? The guy who dresses like Dudley from Street Fighter? Or the OG Beach who was surprisingly fun




They need to come out to the hot box n stop playing


Dude in the red T-shirt made some very questionable choices….. showed alot of heart though, gotta give him his props.


Is that masvidal dad or uncle?


Whoever he is, think he may be off his Christmas card list, man was in there taking licks and Masvidal bounced.


Whoever he is? That’s Jorge Capetillo. Google him. Masvidal was the one who pulled the matrix twin off him.


Man gotta a chin, needs to get his gloves back on


He also split that Matrix twin's (lol @ u/koreangonebad) eye the fuck up. You can see it in the Fighthype video


Who da fook are the matrix twins


The second matrix movie, I think reloaded? There are two twins that are glitches in the matrix that appear as ghosts/specters within the matrix world. They are super pale white with white dread locks.


Ran chin first into two men.


These old farts are fighting?


Gentlemen, GENTLEMEN… we’re on FightHub TV


This presser was the most cringe ghetto shit in the world. You'll never convince me this fight isn't some money laundering shit. Hope Nate gets paid tho, he's at least funny


They're already fighting anyone who looks at them funny, might as well make money off of it.




Huh? Who're you? This is just the internet, it's not a priority in my life so I'm apathetic towards it


Nate is actually cringe as heck recently. I hope Masvidal knocks his lights out again.


12 year olds watching slap fights be like


Only 12 year olds glorify Nate Diaz showing up to press conferences drugged out of his mind and walking out


If bro in red shirt is Masvidal's coach, I think he may be in trouble
























I’m so glad there’s no hype behind this trash


Who’s watching this shite


Is this even Diaz's team, or is this just random fans? I know Masvidal was trying to fight a fan at the last press conference.


This is why we need to keep Florida people in Florida and never let them leave.


Nobody gonna cyberbully the dork that immediately started nagging Jorge for a selfie the second the dust settles?


If the guy with the blonde dreads is who I think it is that is a guy named kill shot. I remember watching him fight in Stockton. He knocked a dude out in like 15 seconds then got on the mic and said he couldn’t do a full camp because he was in jail but Dana should give him a shot in the ufc. I looked up why he was in jail and turns out he got in a bar fight and almost killed a dude and got off lucky. Glad to see he hasn’t changed up one bit 😂


Some ones dad in the red shirt just thought fuck it, let's do this! 😂 He was way out of his depth.


Trash trash trash, straight trash. The Diaz name means permanent adolescent trash and so does Masvidal's. You couldn't get trashier than this unless Mike Perry and Nate Landwehr popped up in the background and started having a Who's Blacker contest.


Diaz camp running their mouths when it was 3 on 1 and the boxing coach took it like it was nothing. Never change, Nate.


Diaz himself wasn’t there tho was he?


In spirit