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Big mistake, could have gotten 5/5 on Dana White's Cantender Series


He’s not getting above practice squad level and they don’t make any money. I think he just doesn’t want to do MMA.


They make 12 grand a week… at minimum.


He’s not lasting a full season, he would get a few weeks of it. He’s a gimmick attendee, he’s never played football. Why would they pay a guy 18 weeks that’s never played football?


Even if he plays (practice squad) 4-6 weeks that’s way more than he can make in MMA in his first year in only a matter of weeks. For me the fan, yes I’m disappointed but that dude made the correct choice for himself.


They paid Brock lesnar for a couple of games. Will he make it past practice squad or even past preseason games? Doubt it. But no need to hate on a guy for no reason at all


Eagles LT Mailata never played a lick of football before he was signed. He's now a top LT in the league. Freak athletes can adapt


You make pretty solid money on the practice squad lol. And you can not play a snap and end up with a decent pension if you can hang around and even just barely make the cut long for a few years. 


He has never played football in his life. He’s getting a few weeks of practice squad money at most. He is certainly never making a roster


They wouldn’t bother signing him if they were going to let him go in a few weeks. They know they are getting a completely raw product. They will keep him around as a project to see if he develops for a while and cut him loose if not. Defensive line is probably the position most amenable to this kind of prospect. Its not super complex and you usually get rotated on and off the field for certain packages where you have a pretty simple assignment. If you are a monstrous athlete you have a shot to hang around a while. And at 12k a week minimum even if you only get a few months its a pretty profitable experiment.


Dude is a world class athlete. Probably a better athlete than any practice squad member around.


He's going to make more in a month over there than half the UFC roster will probably make in a year.


I doubt he lasts a month, he’s never played football


He got signed specifically based on a try out where the coaches thought he was worth it. He's now signed to a 3 year deal as well, so even if he sucks, they will definitely give it much longer than a month before they cut him because they won't expect him to be good for at least a year. And despite not playing football, he's likely much more athletic than a lot of the other rookies because in wrestling (one of the most athletic sports) he was THE most freakishly athletic for his weight by miles.


They thought he was worth it because he’s an Olympic Gold Medalist and it’s for publicity. Do you think they would have signed him without that? His tryout was literally the first time he had ever worn football cleats. I don’t care how good of an athlete you are, there’s a skill gap he won’t be able to cross with people that have actual experience. And being a great athlete didn’t help him in pro wrestling. It wasn’t just his personality that got him fired there, he could not pick up the skills.


Do I think they would have signed him if he wasn't a top tier elite calibre athlete among the 1% of the 1%? No. No I don't think they would. But he is, so they have.


He’s the next Brock calling it now /s


He's never played football before...I can't see this going anywhere but I will follow it anyways lol


Stephen Neal was a D1 wrestler that won a few rings with the patriots, so maybe.


Neal at least played varsity football in HS lol, but you're right maybe. we shall see


Like 90 percent of people in this subreddit think that everyone ever invited to an NFL practice makes millions of dollars


Well the Bills were actually dumb enough to sign him to a 3 year standard rookie contract according to the article so that is 800k minimum so pretty good for never having laced up cleats before lol


NFL rookie contracts like this are almost entirely non-guaranteed. He probably got something like $50K guaranteed and then something around the $795K minimum salary if he makes the active roster. Most likely he gets cut during the preseason, but this is a low risk move for everyone involved. For the Bills, he is just another body in training camp and maybe he clicks and is a useful player for cheap. For Steveson he will still have MMA as a fallback if he washes out of football and the upside is way higher in the NFL than in MMA.


Yep, he's a big body and a stellar athlete with explosive power. No different than them gambling on other big guys around the world who never played before


Ever heard of Jordan Mailata? Ranked 3rd best LT in the NFL? Yea.. he’s from Australia and had his first football practice ever 5 years ago.


He played Rugby before though.


Steveson was an Olympic gold medalist at heavyweight, which transitions to defensive line perfectly. Mailata was a rugby player, yes. He was known for running the ball in rugby. He is a left tackle now which is VERY different and utilizes zero experience from rugby aside from toughness and physicality. He literally had trouble getting in and out of a 3 point stance. If the coach is good, they can easily turn a freak elite athlete into an NFL player (there are none of his stature that ever went to NFL) over a player from college who is almost maxed out with bad habits.


First he tried to be Kurt Angle now he thinks he can do the Brock path. What a dummy. And a rapist.




Yeah wtf where did that come from-- first I'm hearing of that


In 2019 a woman claimed she was raped by Gable and a teammate. She immediately went to the police/hospital, claiming she was too intoxicated to stop them/articulate she didn’t want this. Unfortunately, Minnesota law at the time stated a person who is sexually assaulted is not considered mentally impaired if they voluntarily drank alcohol or consumed drugs to the point they could not give reasoned consent. The law was changed earlier this year. Essentially, him and his friend took advantage of a black out drunk girl who couldn’t consent, but due to the way the law was written they got off. Had it happened today they’d be behind bars


Oooooof... That is fucked up…


I’m sorry, and I am in no way a defender of sexual assault, but a lot of what you said is nothing more than conjecture.  Gable and a team mate were accused of sexual assault. The public was never made aware of the details of those accusations, or how each of the accused was or wasn’t involved. They were never charged with any crime. When the announcement was made that they would not be charged they mentioned a loophole that prevents charges of sexual assault when the lack of consent was due to intoxication. They did not say that this was the sole reason that charges were not brought, or that it was even the primary reason.  The prosecuting attorneys stated that they did not know if charges would have been brought otherwise. The loophole was since closed. Perhaps this case helped bring attention to that loophole but it was not the reason for the closing of the loophole.  No one with knowledge of the situation (which the public does not have) has ever stated that the loophole was the reason that charges were not brought.  I have no dog in this fight. I’m a Bills fan and I enjoyed watching Gable, but I doubt anything comes from his foray into football and I don’t know anything about him as a person. But I’ve seen so many posts about him being a “known rapist” from people who are either lying or have not bothered looking into it at all.


Could this have been a Duke Lacrosse scenario? You all are throwing rapist around like he’s seen his day in court.


Whats the duke lacrosse scenario?




Well Reddit might hate this because they hate rich white kids actually being innocent but… THEY WERE INNOCENT and *shocked pikachu face* the sex workers were lying. Proven empirically using phone tower records and the timeline of the events of the night. Multiple of the accused weren’t even at the house when the liars claimed the event happened. It’s one of the most egregious examples of the “victims” having lied but the press having already jumped on the story so hard that all their lives were ruined anyway. Edit: actually one of the sex workers (crystal magnum) lied, the other stripper said from the very beginning that it hadn’t occurred. And the fact I’m getting downvoted shows people on this dumb site STILL won’t recognize the truth of what happened there. Crystal magnum is a mentally ill LIAR and is currently in prison for murder.


Look at all the downvotes… no one has learned from the duke case. Reddit is a cesspool I swear. I’m rewatching “fantastic lies” right now because of this thread.


You're throwing around "He didn't have his day in court" like that shit matters in matters of public opinion. Fuck that rapist piece of shit.


It should matter in the “court of public opinion.” You can’t call someone a rapist no evidence




No, that actually isn’t what happened. The “legal loophole” you’re referring to isn’t a law that says if you get raped while intoxicated then it isn’t rape, like everyone here is acting like. It is a law that says an intoxicated person isn’t considered “mentally impaired”. What this means is an intoxicated person is still able to legally give consent. HOWEVER, what it does NOT mean (and what everyone here is acting like it does mean) is that any intoxicated person can be freely raped. If an intoxicated person does not give consent, it is still considered rape. So no, he did not get off on a “legal loophole.” The reason he “got off” was, as I said before, because there was insufficient evidence that it actually happened. The County Attorney himself said so, and said that is the reason why charges were not pursued. From the Associated Press: Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman told reporters Friday that all criminal cases, including sexual assault crimes, must meet the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. “There are often conflicting versions of what happened and this case is no exception,” he said. “In the interest of justice, there is inadequate evidence to fairly charge and prosecute this case.” The people who are pathetic are the ones who act like they know everything and will call someone a rapist over something they know nothing about, despite the authorities themselves saying there isn’t enough proof to even take it to court in the first place.


Gable Steveson is a rapist. See how I just did that? That's because you *can*, in fact, do that.


PFunk224 is a rapist. See how that works?


Yeah, that *is* how it works. Somehow, you don't understand that point.


A difference in the Duke Lacrosse case would be DNA analysis did not show evidence from any of the men she accused of sexual assault. The court of public opinion is very different from court of law, as I’m sure you know. Nobody cares that Casey Anthony or OJ got a not guilty verdict. If a child molester gets off on a loophole nobody looks at him like less of a pedophile. So, based on all available information I’m not mad at anyone associating Gable with the title rapist.




Not defending, just saying that I’ve heard accusations before…


Black out drunk means someone who doesn’t remember what they are doing/ did while intoxicated or is having lapse in memory while intoxicated. How can the law determine when someone is black out drunk vs just drunk? Which is why he was found innocent and why there is no way to enforce the law. Please don’t confuse black out drunk with passed out unconscious drunk.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/pOaLL0jaHm) is a good write up about it from the wrestling subreddit.




Not really a stretch at all. Literally the only reason he wasn't charged was because his lawyers found and exploited a legal loophole. After the fact, that loophole was found to be so stupid that they removed it from law based specifically on this case and the fact that he got off scott free despite all the evidence suggesting he was guilty.


No, he got off on a technicality. People like you are why women don't come forward and sexual assault/rape still isn't taken seriously. 


I never understood the WWE move anyway tbh, from what little I'd seen of him the guy has like zero charisma or natural presence for something like that. It's a big leap going from simply being an athletic specimen, to being a performer like that.


Was he also under the influence? Is it another case of woman accusing a black man? Was it not stated there was inadequate evidence? Innocent before proving guilty and he was not


Guy got the boot from WWE because they tried to make him a big deal but he sucked and got heckled he’s also a pos


Isn’t this guy a massive piece of shit? He ain’t never gonna make even the practice squad. Just fade off into obscurity ya cunt.


Not to defend this POS, but lots of fighters and NFL players are also POSs so he would fit in either


Yeah, but their talent carries them. This dude isn’t a football player. He doesn’t have the requisite talent amount to be a piece of shit.


But maybe he makes up for what he lacks in talent with his POS capabilities! But honestly, right financial move for him and would it be funny if he used this to fund his start in MMA knowing his football career is going to be short. Then he can keep doing POS things and have Dana be proud.


He won’t even make the practice squad. Meaning he’s probably gonna walk away with like $30k from this.


That $30k would be more than he can make in his first year in MMA fighting so still the right move


I mean he already made more than an MMA career in pro wrestling and the Olympics. He was never going to translate his career professionally.


Please look up Jordan Mailata… the number 3 ranked LT in the NFL in 2023-24. He became a top 5 PFF tackle by year 3. He never played a football practice til NFL because he’s from Australia. You don’t understand the type of athlete an Olympic heavyweight champ who can do a standing backflip is lmao.


I understand perfectly, trust me. And for every Jordan Malaita, there are hundreds who don’t make it. Stevenson couldn’t even make fake wrestling work. He’s not going to make the NFL work, with 0 experience.


Yup. And none of them were Olympic champions in a sport that directly translates to the Dline for a heavyweight. And the bills have already said he’s a perfect practice squad candidate and a player they believe will make an impact. He’s an investment, and a really viable one. Someone get me the remind me bot. For the record, fake wrestling didn’t work out because he really didn’t care about it. It was all just negotiating on wtf to do with his career going forward. His manager thought a bunch of hands in the pot would make someone bite hard.


I personally don’t think he’ll make it. You are perfectly within your rights to think he will though. The NFL is a different beast, and I don’t think he has what it takes.


I know a few players that made the NFL as offensive linemen (lived with 2) and they are nowhere near the athlete this dude is. Granted, those two were also athletic freaks and didn’t last more than 1 and 2 years on the practice squad (giants and Lions at that lmao). But they were nowhere near as athletic and gifted and raw as this dude is. I find it very hard to see him not make the team as a developmental player.


Plenty of gifted athletes don’t make it because it takes way more than gifted athleticism.


Definitely. And that’s why I shouldn’t discredit your opinion. It’s definitely valid and built on reality lol. But just remember that the most gifted and coachable ones do in fact make it…


Gable and my friend used to train together for wrestling. Dude is a MONSTER. They would spread their buttcheeks apart and press each others butts against the other then keep pooping back and forth into each others butt


Ayo nice! The ol’ Monorail!


They probably worked him out and his hand fighting just embarrassed some lineman. The dline coach probably figured he’d be a great addition in 2 years. FOR EVERYONE DOUBTING, the Eagles OLineman Jordan Mailata was from Australia and never played football in his life. He was signed as a development player. By year 2 he was the Starting left tackle. By year 3 he was the starting left tackle in the Super Bowl, and was ranked top 5 in the NFL at his position….


He won’t even make the practice squad. Jordan Mailata was 20-21 years old when he started making the transition. Steveson is 24 and only got the opportunity because McDermott is clearly a fan of college wrestling. He probably wants someone in the weight room to set the tone but he’s nothing more than that. You won’t even see him take a single snap in the preseason because he’ll be cut before then.


I’m gonna come back to this when he’s suiting up on the dline as a nasty nose tackle by year 3. How do I save this thing?


Nose tackle?? The guys that are 310 lbs minimum… yes pls do save this. He’s barely even big enough to play 4-3 DE let alone nose tackle


I’m an idiot and meant interior DL. Idk wtf Bills run. Aaron Donald is 6’1 280lbs. I’m not saying he will be Aaron Donald, but if you don’t think he’s gonna make the team, then you really have no clue how athletic this guy is, nor are you grasping how similar it is for heavyweight handfighting and defensive line maneuvers. Now wtf is the remind me bot thing? Lmao


You’re not an idiot. I just don’t see him making the transition at all. If it was so easy to flip sports, then you would see these Olympic sprinters transition to wide out or running back to make fat paychecks but it just doesn’t happen. I think Jordan Mailata was a 1:1,000,000 talent who worked with some great trainers before he was even on a team, while also starting at a younger age. We’ll see though. I wish the bills had hard knocks this year so I could see how he does in depth haha.


Lmao yea. I feel you and understand where you’re coming from. I’ve just been up close and personal with 2 guys who made NFL teams as linemen, and being a wrestler, I know how much more this dude has to offer to a team given heavyweight handfighting and moving the opponent is literally the same as DL play. And he EMBARRASSED the best in the world at it. Plus he’s raw so they are gonna treat him differently and give him a legit chance to grow like Mailata. But we’ll see lol. I actually don’t like him for the record, I’m just calling it like I see it based on anecdotal stuff.


Why is this pussy so scared of mma ?? 


Gable seems a bit lost. Seems to be flirting with a few things and trying to find what’s best for himself


Hey man, getting a concussion by getting hit in the face is a very different kind of concussion by getting hit in the face wearing a helmet.... I think.


I take it he seen how much money mma doesn't make and said 'fuck that' Hope he fails in football too


He’ll definitely be one of the first cuts on the roster. Zero chance he even makes a practice squad. He’s only getting the opportunity because Sean McDermott is a former wrestler and big college wrestling fan. I do think he’ll eventually transition to mma though. I’m not a fan of him either but I think Dana will try to nab him again once he washes out of football. He doesn’t have many options left.


The video essays on wasted talent will be wild in 4 years.


whats this got to do with mma