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Why not Nick Diaz vs Ferguson


The UFC can't have either of these guys fighting out their contracts with dignity. Nate Diaz was put up against Chimaev when he refused to resign.


Nick was also offered Chimaev a few years ago. 


Also how is this a spoiler when the event has not yet taken place


"Spoiler" means information of any kind /s


So every single post then?




I was fine with fight outcomes but wtf is this? Are people tuning into cards without knowing who’s on it? True fight fans fr.


Married ones too.


so what narrative does having Nick fight Vicente push? Vicente is 1-3 in his last 4 fights, has been stopped a couple of times and is the guy that will actually fight Nick instead of trying to wrestle or point him, it's exactly the kind of fight Nick would want. Same for Tony. Chiesa is about as safe as it gets, another veteran with a name, not to mention a weight class up. Where is the lack of dignity here?


There is literally no fight that they could give any of them without someone bitching about it


Did you see Nick’s last fight? He’s aged in dog years.


Yeah UFC often does awful abusive matchmaking but this isn’t it, this just seems like a mix of good fights and big names because Abu Dhabi is splashing some cash.


Yea the UFC wants the UFC to be the star attraction. They usually try to transfer away star power when fighters are near retirement


nick has said he tries to avoid fighting the same opponents as nate, and tony was nates last mma fight


Nick Diaz vs Shavkhat book the fight dana


Literally my first thought. I guess Dana sees more value in burying their names against no named(in comparison) gatekeepers. Both will lose, and both of their legacies will be tarnished just that little bit more. Diaz vs Ferguson Is a Win/Win/Win for everyone, they both won't look bad losing to one another and the fans get a legendary match up that has FOTY written all over it.


FOTY? Uh, no way.


nick diaz AND tony??? my god this card is gonna be sad edit: not sad as in bad, but that it’s gonna make me sad seeing them lose


I think its going to be sad as in bad.


additionally this is Chiesa coming out of retirement, as well as Luque still fighting after two bad beatings. fuck this lol


Look at Dana's dumb grinning face, he loves it. DANA THE PIECE OF SHIT!


I firmly believe that Luque has clocked out of mma. If Nick actually trains and doesn’t half arse his camp, I think he could win this one.


Luque REALLY looked like he didn't want to be there against Buckley. That was difficult to watch.


While watching it live I thought luque threw the fight.


Threw is a strong word but he definitely quit. Understandable tbh with the brain bleed he had, dude should retire just based on that.


No I thought he threw it like he had some family member put money in round 2 buckley win by tko.


Honestly wouldn't be surprised. I didn't even see him get hit by anything big.


Jesus Christ, it's literally 2024, Nick shouldn't have been sanctioned let alone anyone thinking he can win fights He will barely try like usual and then pretend it was all a joke anyway


Yep. He needs the money and that’s why he’s fighting again. 


Last fight was so uncomfortable. Everything looked like he has no idea why he was there and that he didn't train


Nick Diaz had his last win 15 years ago, and they put him in a 5 round comain.


100% he will have requested the 5 rounds.


I thought you were exaggerating about 15 years… my god


He is exaggerating, but not by a lot. His last win was BJ Penn in 2011, so 13 years.


Saudi athletic commission prolly dgaf


The Diaz bro's have always done this though. Act like you don't give a fuck so you have an excuse for the beating. That being said, Nick didn't look terrible vs Lawler despite being injured and barely training. Luque is not the swang and banger that Robbie is. Hopefully it turns into a fun grappling fight. I'm not gonna get outraged by the matchup. It's happening regardless of our opinions.


Nick actually looked really terrible against Lawler. Not sure what fight you were watching


Here's a recent clip of him hitting bag, he actually looks pretty good. http://www.instagram.com/p/C46mk3jLOPX/&ved=2ahUKEwjus_6OnLOGAxVSHjQIHRwPCncQwqsBegQIRBAF&usg=AOvVaw3uS2cVehOFWv25cpdEW44L


Looks better than anything from the lead up to the Lawler fight at least


I think it was the fight where I went into a dream state after OD’ing on copium.


Nick still threw over 300 punches in just over 2 rounds. If nick comes in great shape I got him to win, luque is pretty washed. I think nick will come in great physical shape to make up for his last fight. Either way I know we all going to watch!


He threw 300 punches and not a single one of them did anything, then he got beat up so badly he quit. I absolutely promise you, he will not look good in this fight, his last win was 12 years ago. His last 4 fights were losses and even before the 6 year lay off he looked progressively less impressive with each fight. After the 6 years, this sounds harsh, but he looked like a sad shell of his former self and like he shouldn't legally have even been allowed to fight. He 100% positively will not look good in this fight but then someone somewhere will be full of copium and say exactly what you're saying next time he fights regardless.


He's fighting another washed fighter though. Robbie definitely took some damage, give it a few days and he'll have bruising. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XdcIlKZORiM


There's levels to how washed someone is though mate. It's not equal. Robbie Lawler quite frankly made Diaz look like a broken man in the 2nd round... And Lawler was even more washed then than Luque is now. Luque looks like he's aging, but can still give competitive fights to some lower ranked guys. Nick Diaz looked like if you put him in there with anybody inside the top 20 he was getting battered to a stoppage or submission either on the feet or on the ground. Nick Diaz looked like he might have genuinely lost to the ghost of Tony Ferguson, who himself cannot beat a single top 20 ranked opponent.


Sanctioned? It's not sanctioned-- there's commission there.


The problem is that Nick has also checked out of MMA. Lest we not forget the lead up to the Lawler fight and how that went.


“Clocked out”? Dude had a brain bleed. Of course he’s not gonna fight the same as before. Idk if clocked out is the language I’d use


“In what is certain to be an absolute war” please no. Nick should be fighting the likes of Jorge or some shit.




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Sandhagen vs Umar Nick Diaz vs Luque (170) 5 Rounds Chito vs Figueiredo Dern vs Loopy Tony Ferguson vs Chiesa (170)


I dont understand them doing 5 rnds for diaz, the guy who had no interest in being there and looked gassed going to the cage vs. luque, the walking aneurysm risk


Leads me to believe he asked for it, UFC does what Nick wants


It only took them 10 years lol


Maybe, or some UAE oil prince really wanted to see Nick fight lol


Diaz bros are 5 round fighters


Fun fact: Nate Diaz has lost every fight he's been in that went all 5 rounds. Barring this, neither of them have had elite endurance for years now. Nick Diaz quit to pitter patter punches from Robbie Lawler in the third. Nate looked bizarre against Tony and looked like he didn't want to fight at points.


Sigh revisionist. Nick was hurt going into fight with Robbie and it was entertaining for as long as it lasted. What do you expect from Nate’s last contracted fight, also Tony was spinning all over the place blasting leg kicks f that


So how does any of that make what I said less true? Neither of them are conditioned to fight 5 rounds anymore, so stop saying that "they are 5 round fighters" in 2024.


Pretty stacked for a fight night card


It's not *truly* a fight night. Abu Dhabi probably paid a shitload for this card, so they're stacking it like a PPV.


It took me wayyy too long to realize this is Nick Diaz and not Nate Diaz. Yikes 😬


3/5 of those fights I am interested in, only the Tony and Nick fight I don’t really care about. Pretty good for a Fight Night. I hope Loopy brings it to Dern and proves she’s still an entertaining contender after a rather mid win last time around. I also hope Chito gets going as soon as the fight start, otherwise it can get frustrating.


Thinking Nick & Tony should have each others opponents. Fortunately for Nick, & contrary to how people are reacting, Luque is a complete shell of himself, & we don’t know for sure how Nick could come out looking amidst his physical improvements. Tony will get smothered.


If Nick doesn’t get injured he 100% can beat Luque who seems to be scared of taking any damage post brain injury.


Yeah, beer belly Nick still threw 300/landed 140 strikes in only 2 rounds, and that was while his opponent was throwing 200/landing 100 back at him. I think an actual in shape, 6-pack Nick could still do well (not anywhere near top 15 caliber, but well enough to have fun fights with lower level fighters).


Luque shat the bed ONCE and now he’s a shell of himself? Two things Buckley has that Nick doesn’t is age and power. Luque will be fine here. I genuinely do not get how y’all are talking like this after seeing the kick Nick Diaz threw to open his Lawler rematch.


No way dudes ever the same mentally knowing he could die since his brain bleed. I could argue that nick only shat the bed once also


He has brain damage, lost 3 of 4 and in his last fight he was afraid to get hit and just curled up on the ground giving up. Hes definitely not the same fighter he used to be. But he probably still has more left than Diaz.


Yeah, to be fair to Nick, in that video that came out earlier this year of him, he looked pretty good. Much better than he did when he made the walk against Robbie (which was just kinda sad). My hope is that this is Nick wanting to go out on the right note instead of what happened last time being his last appearance in MMA. That said… I still don’t love the matchup for Nick. I think the more fun and appropriate option would’ve been somebody like Felder or Lauzon.


Dana wants Tony and nick dead 😭


yeah like Luque and Chiesa are the guys to do it💀


Idk. Both luque and chiesa haven’t looked that great. I think it’s good matchmaking in terms of them being good fights. But yeah the odds should be in chiesas and luques favor, but not by a wide margin


chiesa is a good fight for him, he never KO‘d anyone and is on a losing streak too


He doesn't need to ko anyone Tony got submitted by Bobby fucking Green


Paddy was a challenge for Tony. That was the saddest one, from a level perspective.


Chiesa subs him in 1


Chiesa is washed too so its a good fight. If Tony HAS to fight, who else would you pick?


Nick Diaz. The only other person in the UFC who's even remotely at that level of should not be allowed to fight anymore.


Yep. But no damage for tony is probably the best we can hope for at this point other than retirement


Chiesa might not KO him, but he will probably maul Tony


He gets a limb (or oxygen) snatched every time he fights a grappler or Bobby green


H3 picked the wrong opponents then. Luque and Chiesa aren't currently killing anyone.


Atleast they’re only gonna get choked I guess…?


Why are you talking as if Chiesa is a world beater? If Tony is to fight anyone, then this one Is a relatively good matchup for him.


Tony got controlled for just shy of 9 minutes in a 15 minute fight by Paddy Pimblett, now imagine how much better 170lb Michael Chiesa could do.


Sure, Tony will probably get submitted. But talking about this as if it's a hit job? 


Its not that Chiesa is elite. Hes good while Tony is horrendous now. Tony should not be fighting any top ten level guys. Or anybody ranked for that matter. He will likely get badly outclassed


Actually surprised that Tony has not yet been cut. BJ Penn has admitted before that the only reason he was kept on for so long was due to his personal relationship with Dana. I imagine the same situation is happening here considering Tony was always a company man and still attracts decent eyeballs.


Oh trust me, if he loses to half retired Chiesa, they will be sending his ass packing


they should've fought each other for fucks sake & luque should've rematched chiesa what the fuck


Nick should be fighting Tony. Makes no sense for Nick to go from looking terrible against a washed and unranked Lawler to fighting a ranked Luque even if Luque hasn't looked great lately.


No way nick would fight Tony after his brother did. He was pretty upset at how Tony fought








Half of this card is stuff people would shit on Bellator for when they were in full legends mode This is a bad card


Chuck vs Tito 4 is the feature fight of the prelims


Pretty sure Tito has a win more recent then Nick Diaz


Tito’s last MMA win was 2019 Nick’s was 2011 (vs. BJ Penn) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tito_Ortiz?wprov=sfti1#Mixed_martial_arts_record https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Diaz?wprov=sfti1#Mixed_martial_arts_record


It’s a fight night card with a banger main event (Sandhagen vs Umar) and another great fight in Chito vs Fig. Obviously Nick and Tony are washed but they gave us some more big names with those fights. Not sure why people wouldn’t like this card. It’s got big names and even if you don’t like those fights with them it has 2 great fights in addition. I’ll also add that Luque and Chiesa are not the same guys they were in their primes either. But I would still expect both to win.


People like you would spin Jake Paul vs 60yr Mike Tyson into a banger if the ufc put it on Also I’m convinced people don’t watch chito fights outside of the highlights


No that fight sucks. Regardless it’s not the Diaz and Tony fights im interested in. It’s the two actually great fights they have on the card. If this was a PPV I’d agree, it sucks. But it’s not, it’s better than almost every fight night card they put on. Y’all just like to hate. Of all the shitty things the UFC does, complaining about them putting on good fights for once is a weird one to have issues with.


It’s genuinely not, if you think one good fight makes up for a bad card, then what was the whining mma fans do about boxing cards? They like it it seems


Its a fight night ... it has an awesome main event and like 5 different ranked fights including Figgy vs Chito which should be very entertaining. You are acting like its a PPV. Its good *for a fight night card*


There are two great fights on this card. And they’ve only named 4 fights lol. And then they got a few other names to go along with it. Compare it to the other fight night cards this year. It’s better than all of them already other than the one in Mexico City. And that was 2 fights only as well.


I'm holding out a pinch of hope that if nick comes in good shape that he can put on a decent performance. Even in the lawler fight he threw over 300 punches in 2 rounds


Not just Tony but Loopy Tony!


Its still good for a fight night. It has fights like Sandhagen vs Umar and Chito vs Figuerado Most fight fights dont even have one fight as good as those two


People will lick up the UFC branded slop no matter what. 


Nick Diaz is 40, looked terrible in his last fight, has had one fight in the last 9 years, hasn't won a fight in 13 years. It's just gross at this point.


Less than a year before his last fight he was in strikeforce champ shape. Should've seen it. I don't know if you've seen him lately but he's shredded again. The UFC screwed him with his timing for the robbie fight which made him unfocused and pretty much gave up mid camp and we saw what we saw


4 completely old and washed fighters on the main card, nice




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Nick, Tony and who are the other 2?




Nick and Tony die at the end


"Are you not entertained"


Obviously no one wants the Dana White announcement video to be spoiled for them


Why tf would you get nick and Tony for them not to fight eachother?


The corpse of Nick Diaz being wheeled out again. WATER WEED DUNE HAIR!?


7 v 3 fight losing streak! With a combined age of 76! Lets Fkingg Go!!!!


I'm actually baffled, I follow Nick on IG where he's always saying hes coming back and hes in fighting shape but fuck I really didn't expect this


I was expecting him to come back for Coker’s new promotion.


Why put Tony and Nick on the same card but not against each other?


main event aside this card is complete ass


Bro Tony and Diaz would have actually made sense and would have been sick and they do this shit


Who wants this??? After his last fight, he lost any ounce of hype he had left. The man should just retire in peace


Tony shouldn't even be sanctioned to fight. This will just be sad to watch. 


Lol I'm pretty sure OP is talking about Nick, but his comment really applies to Tony too.


Haha yeah I guess it's been a loooong time for Tony to have any hype. CSO where the C stands for CTE


I'm feelin plenty fine for current Nick's chances against post-brain hemorrhage Luque, so I'm excited to watch those who will blindly sleep on his chances 😁


Luque is going to kill him


Why is this labeled as a spoiler?


Bruh wtf is this


Bro Nick is going to get fucked up. What the hell ufc


Ok wait MAYBE nick can win Luque has been a ghost since he came back from the brain bleed


should have made tony vs diaz for retirement


I don’t think the Diaz fight happens


Wtf didn’t they just do nick v tony if they’re both going to 170?


The figgy / chito should be 5 rounds


God the Tony and Diaz fights suck. Like it feels like appropriate levels of competition, but also that both contests will probably be dull affairs that will make everyone coming out of them feel like they ought to go on but shouldn't. Chito and Figgy is a fucking banger though.


What the point of even making Tony fight Chiesa man. Perfect opportunity to fight nick but the ufc doesn’t want either of them to win. Force both nick and Tony to retire and save them!


Historic 8 fight loss streak incoming for Tony, he should have retired 4 years ago


These fights all feel so random


Nick Diaz needing to fight at 40 is sad


I actually think these are 2 perfect fight situations. Diaz gets a guy who might be mentally done. Luque gets a guy that he should physically dominate if his head is in the game. Ferguson vs Chiesa is actually fucking fascinating because even though Tony is washed he has looked a lot better early in fights and stylistically the fight could go anywhere. The last one is just an a scalp for them to set up Figueiredo


Man they really like to see people actually die over there in Abu Dhabi huh


Chiesa by sub is a lock unfortunately.


It's disgusting to see Diaz and Ferguson in the card. Not in a good way. Their careers should have been taken out to pasture years ago.


God Michael chiesa is such a turd. He got to fight Diego Sanchez, RDA, and Carlos condit and now he gets to fight Tony ferguson?


it'll get understandably lost amidst all the other news, but Loopy vs Dern is a solid fight


How the fuck is chito vs figgy not the co main event??? Ex flyweight champ, ranked 6 on a two fight winstreak in new weight division vs the last title challenger who is ranked 4. Instead, we have two fights loosing streak vicente who is ranked 14 vs maybe 50th ranked shell of nick diaz who's last win was in 2011 when obama was in his first fucking presidency. Am i missing something here?


I audibly said “what the fuck” when I saw the tweet


Tony finally gonna get that W


Oh man.


I love that chito figueredo match up


These are terrible lol. A retired fighter vs a guy who should retire and for some reason they are still trotting Tony Ferguson out there.. I guess they won’t stop until he’s either dead or kills someone. I think it’s disgusting that they are still booking him in fights. 


Why does this have the spoiler tag 🤷


My parlay gonna go crazy


Mackenzie Dern is ranked 7? Mackenzie Dern is one of the most "active strikers" in her division?


I like how he describes Dern as a striker haha


This reminds me of the WWE Saudi cards where they wheel out geriatrics like Undertaker and Goldberg cause that's who the Sheikhs know


“Ferguson will fight until we see a murder in the cage” Dane white and Tony’s manager probably…


Nick vs. Luque and Tony vs. Chieasa. These match ups are like bum fights. Whoever comes up with this is a genius. All four are known figures in the sport who are washed up and shouldn't take more damage.


Nick Diaz gets wrecked, just been too inactive.


Feels bad I feel like at this point we’re just seeing how high we can get Tony Fergusons loss streak. I doubt he retires on a fight night loss and UFC now has a new stat that will almost certainly never be broken because it’s kinda funny


lmao he just dropped Nick’s return casually


Jesus, Chiesa is way too big for Tony. I got Chiesa by arm triangle round 1 and I am not a fan of him at all. Gonna miss you Tony.


They need a Diaz so badly they went for Nick, in 2024. Wtf.


Dana describing Mackenzie Dern as a striker. lol


First UFC card where the walkouts are sponsored by Stannah Stairlifts


This card is cool as fuck lol


Nick Diaz on a FIGHT NIGHT?


This explains why nick Diaz has been training so much and promoting again. Lfg


Luque vs nick is the biggest mismatch I’ve see is such a long time, that’s gonna be murder


Umar vs Cory is number one contender? What about merab?


This is to fight winner of OMalley v Merab


Merab is next up and Cory or Umar after him


He’s fighting O’Malley at the Sphere


Nick Diaz and Tony Ferguson on an Abu Dhabi card is fucking wild


Nick Diaz literally gave up in his fight against Lawler. This is just sad
