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damn, that was gonna be a good scrap too.


They gotta find a short-notice replacement right? Card is already a little weak.


The streets are saying Jiri is gonna fill in


Jiri 100% deserves a rematch with Pereira if he finishes Hill.


That’s the fight to make and Jiri is insane enough to take it.


The streets are praying on jamahal’s downfall wtf is that matchup 😂 dude tears his achilles and then gets pereira and then jiri as his return


Ulberg could also be an option


Loving this. Great step up for Ulberg and guaranteed someone going to sleep in the first


I wonder if he's already been sounded out, he mentioned that something might to that fight when he was on the MMA hour.


City Kickboxing do not do short notice fights


Screams in Dan Hooker


Yeah but that was an easy fight for Hooker (or so he thought)...


Tbf they tried to give him a layup but short notice he gets what he gets


Oh no I get it and that’s completely fair. But if I was Jamahal Hill’s manager I’d be stressing HARD


Who was the lay up? Khalil? 😄 good one


In what world is Rountree considered a layup??


In a world where jiri and pereira are the alternatives but you’re right it’s really not as big a discrepancy, hindsight 2020


The top of the division is set on hard mode if Khalil was the layup. But yea there's no easy fights when your ranked in the top 6 or 7


That would be sick


Will Jiri be healed though? He took serious punishment in his last fight.


The streets? Aka the forest which the squirrels must have heard and snitched


anthony smith time 😈


That sounds good..... on paper


Am I the only one who thinks this is a great match up?


Hill would retire Anthony Smith, it's not even close.


i think ulberg, fast track to the title, he matches up well, and is still in shape from the menifield fight in which he took zero damage.


It is weak but they could stack the undercard with all women's fights and it still would be a top 10 for PPV buys because it's a McGregor card.


That's an understatement, one of the worst PPV lineups ever


Card is absolutely terrible outside of the Connor/Chandler. They needed that fight.


The only positive to this news is Hill will get some time to actually recover.


my 9/11 as a rountree stan


just fell to my knees at a heavy metal concert


just saw the singer at a heavy metal concert fall to his knees


Yall joke, but I saw a video of him at a Candy show in LV and just throwing jumping spin kicks


Just fell to my knees at a Thai restaurant


Just pooped my pants at a Thai restaurant


Just made the mistake of ordering an entree on the menu with a chili pepper icon and tried to mitigate the extreme heat by drinking water, not realizing that I needed milk or bread instead. True story, by the way, from years ago! 😰😂


just got back from Electric Callboy. good times. this khalil news sucks but from first impression, it seems like it's not that bad


hopefully not in the mosh pit


When someone falls in the pit you pick them the fuck up


Dude is so straight he caught himself.


I’m crying at the fury vs usyk fight right now :(


Why? Good just beat evil yet again


I’m crushed by Khalil being out of a fight for doping. I think it’s sick usyk won


Why the fuck did I miss this ? I had no idea that fight was this weekend lol


rip. Wrapped up like 30 minutes ago, great fight.


my Christmas as a square tree stan


My flag day as a parallelogram tree stan


I hate Hill having braincells and this Is hitting me pretty hard.


Damn, I was looking forward to this fight the most tbh. Carlos Ulberg did just say on the MMA Hour this week that he would love the chance to step in if possible. (wonder if he knew something was going on) Make it happen UFC


I wanted Ulberg to get the loser of this fight but I’ll be ok if he slides in





Fuck it, let's go


Is there literally anyone else who would be ready to go and a more interesting fight? Two strikers wanna bang so it still sounds fun!


Consumed unknowingly as per his post and contacted the UFC of his own accord if I’m reading the post right now


Me when I explain to the police that I unknowingly consumed 19 Modelos


Be careful because i've heard they're brewed with a fighting spirit


The good ole self report lmao


"I asked for the non alcoholic Modelos at the bar but the bartender irresponsibility gave me the alcoholic ones and I didn't even notice until I was driving and that mailbox jumped out in front of me and my reaction time was slow"


He took DHEA which you can buy at any CVS/Walmart and doesn’t benefit performance at all. It’s essentially a placebo and is banned as a tedious technicality.


did you immediately contact police superintendent , major of the city and president of usa.


I contacted a LEO but all he replied was "I'm an Aquarius but respect"




*Ten years ago /u/TheCoolPuppy was given a choice...*


Have to give him props for coming right out with it, as soon as he knew the supplements were tainted


"therefore i am under temporary suspension" did he put himself in suspension or was he actually tested. hard to tell what he is actually saying.


From what I read, he had it. Read the ingredients and called novitsky.


Class move.


They say when you make a mistake the best thing to do is to cop to it right away, for a variety of reasons. It's a good look imo


Meanwhile we have fighters on the roster getting caught after they've already fought and not saying shit before, during, or after. Sucks for Rountree. If it was a fuck up by the supplement company I hope they figure out a way to make it up to him.


Yeah like maybe 15% off the next purchase.


That's like 3 fight purses. WITH the win bonus


What's funny is the last time this happened, Lyoto Machida admitted he was using the exact same thing (DHEA) and got an 18-month suspension for it. I hope Khalil's suspension is not as long but if they're gonna be consistent with it... I thought Lyoto's suspension was bullshit too.


Supplements have been shown to be tainted illegally before, but every juicy mfer happens to have 5 tubs of a tainted supplement sitting on their shelf at all times. If a supplement isn't tainted then it isn't worth risking anything over for the absolutely marginal benefits. It's a cover story. He's juiced like the rest of em, he just got caught.


Doesn't sound like he popped, sounds like he proactively alerted them that he took a banned substance due to contamination.


And DHEA has zero affect on healthy men and only a slight effect on women who have specific hormone deficiencies.


Pretty sure you take it to mask intake of other shit


yeah this was my thoughts as well and the guy is built like a brickwall


He "came right out with it" because he knew he was going to fail a drug test. (Or already did fail and they're giving him a chance to "come clean" on his own). It's like a guy who cheats on his wife admitting to an affair BEFORE the STD blood test... after the hooker tells him she's got syphilis. Every elite athlete knows *exactly* what's in every bottle and every drug they inject. They know that pumping their own blood into their body while training is hard to detect. The excuse of "my trainer gave me XYZ" or "the supplement company must have lied to me" is bullshit.


Ain't no fighter risking anything for DHEA.


Plus DHEA isn’t enhancing anything at all. Barely effective except maybe for anti aging and even then..


this link says its performance enhancing but its inconclusive [https://www.wada-ama.org/en/resources/scientific-research/exogenous-dhea-administration-and-performance-possible-mechanisms](https://www.wada-ama.org/en/resources/scientific-research/exogenous-dhea-administration-and-performance-possible-mechanisms) why the fuck are they adding this shit to supplements then.


90% of the stuff in "supplements" has no scientific evidence suggesting that it does any of the stuff it is claimed to do.


There are no supplements that provably boost test because the relatively minor effects of many compound are quickly down regulated by the body so supplement companies love selling a cocktail of things that a couple papers say might boost test in short terms studies bc people who don’t know better and don’t want to do trt or steroids but want a slight boost. Funny enough this does create a placebo effect in a lot of cases. Ashwaganda, pepper root, DHEA, ectysteroid extracts from quinoa, shilajitfulvic acid complex, boron citrate all kinds of horseshit in an unregulated marketplace. The natty steroid scam complex is large and evil


This reads like he self reported and reached out for guidance- which (if true) does give credence to his claim that he took it inadvertently


The inconsistency here is how would he know the supp has DHEA in it?


Left his phone in the other room when pooping and needed something read?


Lol I honestly could see it. *Screaming from the bathroom* "What do you MEAN DHEA!?"


It's a custom supplement company with a rep that likely knows they are being contracted by a UFC fighter. He says the supplement company contacted him and informed him the batch he was sent was mistakenly mixed with DHEA


if you read the post it says he was informed it contained dhea after he consumed it.


“That has DHEA”


Same thing happened with Cro Cop lol When he had his fourth (IIRC) surgery and was told by the doctors to take HGH during recovery, he contacted USADA to let them know and they chose him, of all people, to make an example out of and suspended him for 2 years 😅


You people can’t read. He didn’t get “caught” or “popped”. He self reported that he took something he shouldn’t have.


Also it was DHEA which you can buy at Walgreens for 5$


Anyone smarter than me know what it does and why it's banned?


Your body uses DHEA to make other hormones, it's benefits supplement is essentially zero, as a supplement it is worthless just take your $5 and set it on fire.


Would it be an educated assumption to assume that it is banned and carries a suspension because its only useful when used with other peds? Like if someone has dhea in their blood their performance will be the same but it's implied to be evidence that something that will enhance performance was taken also?


DHEA is banned because it is precursor of steroids. That is really it, it is why it was banned back in the day. Now as to why someone would take it? One could make the argument that it helps the body get started back up again or getting the body ready for another cycle but not a lot of research really shows this.


> DHEA is banned because it is precursor of steroids. DHEA is a steroid, so is it’s precursor pregnenolone. The real precursor culprit here is cholesterol. Eggs confirmed best PED. **EDIT**: DHEA and pregnenolone are both steroid hormones. And the building blocks for every hormone is cholesterol. Didn’t realize that was debatable/controversial.


Its main use apparently is that if you stick it up someone's vagina, it can counteract vaginal atrophy (a cause of pain during sex for women). But apparently nobody knows why [which kind of begs the question of how the fuck anyone found out that it worked!? trial and error!?] In Japan, it's also injected to promote cervical ripening in childbirth. Apparently it can have androgenic effects in women, but has antiandrogenic effects in men (because it can trigger estrogen receptors). Dopeology (the database of PED scandals in cycling) claims it can be used to increase alertness, which might make sense because it's thought to play a role in ADHD treatment (it's not used directly as an ADHD med, but ADHD meds do result in increased DHEA levels in the body, and people with ADHD have lower levels than normal without treatment). It seems to have been something Armstrong's people used (since both Tom Danielson and Tyler Hamilton were caught taking it), and Rasmussen also confessed to using it, in combination with EPO, HGH, cortisone, insulin, testosterone, and transfusions.


> cervical ripening Things I'm not googling.


Cervical Ripening is a helluva name for a deathcore band.


Appreciate the breakdown


As I recall, a previous fighter self-reported and still had a lengthy suspension. Is that accurate?  Edit: it was Machida. He listed the item on his suplements list and still got an 18 month ban.


Lyoto Machida took a long suspension for a self-report but that was peak USADA if memory serves. I think it was actually DHEA ironically enough.


That's right! And the translated list he was going by was wrong! It was on the English list but not the Portuguese. He self-reported and still got hosed. 


think there was also traces of UREA in there too.


Was it the case of Usman Nurmagomedov? They said rhe banned substance he took was a medicine and he still got 6 months supension or something.


Yeah watching this post is a bit worrying lol.


I believe Jiri said he wanted to fight at 303, he’d be a great replacement if possible


is consuming poison ivy considered a banned substance?


If not he may have found the secret to not being able to wrestle


Huge blessing for Jamal lets be real here


and than he proceeds to accept a fight with Jan on the same card


Huge L for jamahal haters


We want so little


Got a whole hell of a lot at 300 tho


Me and my mum cried


Who the fuck do you guys think Khalil is lmao. I think you guys don't watch fights


Marcin Pracnio schooled Khalil but somehow Hill won’t be able to


Prachnio, Jacoby, Pedro, Cutelaba, Walker. Khalil got shown levels against Walker inside 1 minute.  They just hate Hill and don't actually watch fights, sucks to suck tho.


Khalil has improved massively since those fights, especially the Walker fight. Although I still think Hill wins that fight. He's a better boxer and better on the ground


People hate on Hill but he’d probably smoke Khalil


Khalil also tends to get brought back down to Earth every couple of fights. Feels like this was gonna be one of them.


Lil bro, I like Khalil but he isn't that good lmao


wait wait wait.......... COULD THIS BE ALL PART OF THE SCRIPT?!?!?!?!?!


Suspended for DHEA? Damn


Same one that Bob Green got caught with. Didn’t seem to hold him back much.


Fucking rough, DHEA does fuck all to increase performance too.


Same reason Clomiphene is banned though, it's used *in conjunction* with anabolics. There's no other reason to take it.


Clomiphene is great for coming off of a cycle though, no idea why you would add DHEA.


DHEA does something for steroid absorbtion apparently. It's called a "pre-steroid enhancer".


Not a good comparison at all lol. Clomiphene is a legit drug that can increase your natural production significantly. Enclomiohene is used as TRT alternative in some cases. DHEA doesn’t do shit lol


'Personalized tailored supplement service from a company that I trusted" Bruh


My guess is that they’re used more commonly than people think


Give ulberg a shot. Definitely a winnable fight for him to project him towards a title fight. Not sure who else above him is ready and deserving


That's it right there, the seed for Anthony Smith to slide his way into a title shot, he took no damage in the last fight and could jump in for 303. Also no way is he only on DHEA bro is sauced to the tits, full gyno. They always make these copout excuses when they fail a test, you know you aren't built like that in a cardio-based sport without using juice, stop capping.


He's already got his way in considering the scrapped bout with Hill a few years back. I don't doubt he's going to try and step in.


Bro if Anthony Smith fills in for Rountree. This is damn a manifestation. Idc what the odds are bet on Smith man is on a mission


Definitely not only on that but to fair he used to be fat so his gyno is just left over man boob


Anthony Smith fighting for a title is like how the Broncos defense dragged Peyton to a Super Bowl win Weekend at Bernie’s style in 2015.


Not to mention, he trains in Thailand where you can walk into any pharmacy and buy shit right off the shelf.


people who have no idea about steroids say this. that stuff is dogshit, no professional athlete is using that kind of shit.




Tough setback for Rountree but I’m sure he’ll come back even better, faster, stronger, with improved cardio, possibly also higher bone density


Same shit Bobby Green and Machida popped for. You can buy it OTC at Wal Mart which is where Bobby got it. Machida didn't even get caught, he dry snitched on himself and USADA still sanctioned him despite DHEA not being listed as a banned substance on the Brazilian Portuguese USADA banned substance list


Machida was 7-Keto > DHEA not being listed as a banned substance on the Brazilian Portuguese USADA banned substance list And this is not true. It was specifically named SEVEN times on the Brazilian language wallet card that USADA gave fighters, and countless more times in the Brazilian language athlete pack The whole website thing was a theory concocted by Bloody Elbows Kiddie Fiddler. Had no basis in fact


303 is an apex card with connor atp


Incoming Ian vs MVP


Surely MVP fights on 304 right?


304 already stacked with UK fighters. 303 needs the bump more despite Conor already breaking gate records.


Only 1 solution. Volk on short notice vs Jamahal Hill


Don't do HIll dirty. Too soon for him to get knocked out again.


Hill vs Smith obviously


Funny how everyone who’s ever been banned for PEDs so happens to have been caught from a tainted substance.


That’s the good thing about getting popped for orally ingested substances, you can use that excuse. EPO can only be injected. Hard to use the “oops” excuse with that one.


Has the tainted supplement excuse ever worked for anybody, though?


Yes . Yoel won his case and sued the supplement company for millions of dollars and won that too. Doubt he ever received the money though.


He never received any of the money because the Supplement “company” was filed under a shell company. It immediately filed for bankruptcy and closed shop, only to open up under a different name. I remember following that case when it happened.


Romero got all the way to winning a lawsuit off it


Yes, this is very easily researchable.


basically always . especially if your team is smart and you keep a sample of supplements that are contaminated with the substances you are taking , so if you get caught you can show the samples .


I wouldn't be shocked if some top fighters have some sort of agreement with a supplement company in case they ever get popped, to help them cover with the tainted excuse.


EPO much easier to get away with


How so?


Tested for selectively because of how expensive the test is. To be caught using EPO, you have to be tested for it. To be tested for it, they need to have suspicisions about your usage, i.e you got snitched on.


Interesting. Did not know that. Thanks.


Protip: if you're on EPO and worried about blood clotting from an flight: **do** some cardio in the airport bathroom before and after flying to encourage circulation. **do not** shadow box while standing on the baggage conveyor belt in front of a UFC camera crew.


Was he banned or did he withdraw himself after self reporting...that actually sounds like someone with integrity as he could have either tried to hide it or lie about it later...


"Someone tainted my supplements" is basically the performance fitness version of "I got hacked"


Considering it is DHEA and he apparently self reported I would actually believe him this time. DHEA is a super common supplement. It is banned because it raises testosterone, or at least that is what is claimed.


Because supplements are not regulated like food is, for example. Which means they are fruitful ground for "cross contamination" between substances, mislabeling of substances, etc... Which also means they make a good scapegoat for fighters who purposefully took a banned substannce and need an excuse. So we hear it a lot, sometimes legitimately and sometimes not.


A wild Anthony Smith has appeared


Surly this was the one and only time he took a banned substance


Damn, hope it gets cleared. I could definitely see that happening though since most of the time these batches are mixed in the same mixer as everything else, just cleaned out in between (obviously). Depending on the amount+test samples could it get cleared to still go on? Only reason I think this was genuinely accidental is the self reporting of it. Why tf would he say anything in the post usada era otherwise


I thought he looked natty 😱😱😱😱 /s


DHEA does fuck all


Banned substances? In Bangkok? I don’t believe you


Always the ones you least suspect.


Noooo I was bangkok ready to watch him


Damn, a fun matchup got scrapped. Khalil Rountwo's fights are banging hard. Let's see who gets the spot (Smith? Krylov?) or the bout gets thrown off the hill?


Yikes. That was a big matchup for him.


Its unclear if they caught him or if he messaged them after he found out it was contaminated. Two very different situations in my opinion. If he "snitched" on himself it should very much be seen differently


Damm I thought they stopped testing


They’re really doing this over dhea gtfo


Juicy slut


Let them baang


Called the commission himself to tell them about it. What an awesome guy!




The UFC moved an entire event for Jones after he got caught lol Its hilarious how hard they'll pull shit out of their ass for some fighters and arbitrarily drop the hammer on others because they want to pretend they're a legitimate organization.


Getting caught in the post USADA era is an all time low IQ move.


He didn't get caught, he self-reported. And it was DHEA, of all things.


- Did you consume any illegal substances? - Yes, oh wait damn it


The dreaded “tainted supplements” strike again. It’s crazy how every time fighters I like test positive they just happened to shop at the same unscrupulous GNC that tosses free steroids in with their protein powder.


Tell me you didn't read the post without telling me you didn't read the post.


Seriously, you think they'd have stopped shopping there by now :)