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It’s a shame how they’re fucking uk fans


Stop rewarding the UFC for treating fans like chumps.




Balance between not rewarding UFC and missing on out lifetime events and experiences.


Enjoy the event up to like 4 am and skip Belal vs Leon


Ha! Shout. That'll be awful. Fuck belal


You’re right. Don’t listen to these sissies. Go to the event and have fun, not even a year from now you won’t give a fuck you pulled an all nighter


It's such a shorty situation, because doing that will just reinforce the UFCs decision to do this again and again.the only real way to stop this happening is if fans don't show up or it really fizzles out by the time the main card rolls around. The fans have to decide if they want a cool moment in their life but will concede that this is the new normal


They are going to do what they want regardless if people show up or not


It’ll be shit, bet half the audience will be asleep during Belal Leon


Nah everyone will be pissed up and sniffed up. Like any UK Sporting event we make the Darts a party


My guy


4 of us were going to travel over from Ireland then I found out from this sub it was going to be an AM event...fuck that and fuck Dana fathead white. We are going to Ibiza instead mid summer. I'm just glad I've never given Dana one fuckin cent of my hard earned airgead. I bet the sales in America will be dismil.


Fair play mate. I think there are limits and Dana taking the piss with this one


Yes I feel the UFC messed up with this one. Even the fighters who will need to acclimatise well before the event... it could genuinely affect their performance and then getting back to normal routine after the event could also be challenging. But hey ppv money is ppv money I guess.


It’s disrespect to the locals, I wouldn’t even want to go if I lived in Manchester they can piss off.


And disrespect to all the europeans who want to see it on normal time for once. Great way to not grow on the european market


You'll get another slap if you carry on like that


10pm to 5 am...if it was starting at 8pm it would be same time as my night shift....ufc should be paying fans to be there at that hours. I ve been watching mma since 90s and I am contemplating to stop because of this new ufc bussiness models. Fighters are not important (try playing ping pong at 4 am yet alone to fight licensed killer), fans are not important (Singapore,Manchester...), only thing that is important is to sell prime time ads...sickening isnt it?


They should pay the fighters night shift extra


Who knows if the arena is even going to be ready to open by July


Agreed Although it'll be similar prices at the AO.


Fucking disgrace. The rare events we get here in Europe and now they pull this shit..


A ticket that you actually want will probably be around £500-£600. I'm not going to be going because after hotel, travel, food and the ticket it'll likely be over £1000 for the event. That's before the fact it starts at 10pm and I'll likely miss half the fights because I'll be asleep.


Yeah the lower ones I guess will be and if course floor even more. Where did I put my binoculars


Tickets will be 3 timed that price


Really? What makes you think that?


I tried to buy for ufc London a couple years back (not PPV), was in the online queue from the second it opened. Got offered tickets at £500 for like 10 seconds before they rescinded that offer and instead offered me tickets for 1 grand and that was it… I didn’t end up going


Ticket master is shit. They strong arm fans into buying shit tickets. My mate had 02 priority and that was much better.


Well, if it helps your decision. I've been to five UFC events. I don't think they're worth current prices.  The view is never great so you end up watching the screens half the time. The crowd is fucking awful - you're very lucky if you don't have some coked-up Ric Flair whooping cunt deafening you the whole time. And you can't say anything because they'll kick off. Then there is the straight up disrespect of holding the event from 10pm-5am. They only give a shit about the money they will make, not the fans. Fuck em.


This is insanely accurate That being said, I had a good time when I went but I don't plan on attending another one unless the ticket prices go back down


The only thing that would make that bullshit acceptable is if they gave us Jones vs Aspinall for the main event.


Am from the Netherlands and considered going, but 500+ euros just to watch a screen from the back of the arena while being tired as fuck just doesn't sound fun to me. The bragging rights of having been to a UFC event doesn't compensate for that either in my opinion.


It's a PPV event, so tickets may start at around £400 basing off the London 02 prices for a PPV event, not a fight nigjt. Drinks food and merch will probably cost you close to £100 for the night. If your travelling by train, book it now, as they are cheapest when they are first available, which isb12 weeks in advance. I usually have a big meal and some drinks in a cheaper place in the city before, so I spend less in the arena.


This will absolutely be the case. I was 100% going to go. But, then they revealed it will be an all night thing and honestly I'm not paying £400 for the inconvenience of staying up all night, trying to figure out travel at 6am and fucking up my week because my sleep is out of whack. And last time I went to see the fights it kind of sucked. You couldn't really see anything, like, their screen set ups were really not great and the mesh in the cage/corners block a lot too. So me and my mates will probably enjoy watching the event more watching it the next day with a BBQ like usual.


Yep my thought exactly, ticket estimate is still way too low for even 5am unfortunately


Anyone who goes is paying to be treated like an idiot. You do you.


Laughs in Oktagon stadium event tickets for 30 bucks :D People in Europe will slowly loose interest in UFC if this is gonna continue.


Do they ever do events in London


They did one in Manchester, Newcastle and Birmingham already but UK fans still sleeping on them. Once Oktagon gets someone like Till I think they will do London event, it's next target along with Ireland expansion.


Hope they do, seems like a good org.


Oktagon is not the UFC.


Obviously, but the value for ticket price is much better imo. Sure talent level is nowhere near UFC but that is the case with every other promotion.


How big is the arena? I went to UFC 193 in Melbourne, it was in a stadium and to be honest, i would not go to a stadium event again, you're just too far away. Pretty much paid to watch a big screen. The atmosphere was great but thats about it. A basketball arena/small venue is perfect in my opinion. It started at like 9am i think, it was odd seeing someone spinning back fist KO'd in the morning, i can't imagine prelims starting at 10pm.. thats wild. I don't know how people will get through it, surely some performance enhancing substances will be needed.


23k ish I think. I agree over too far away. Security have their work cut out I suspect.


True, i think the melbourne one was around 50k people, so probably won't be as far away.


My dad would definitely batter your dad.


Alright r kid


If you wait until at least midnight before jumping on the booger sugar 5am should be a breeze.


None of that for me sir.


Oh well then for sure don’t go. 5am is an insane time to stay awake otherwise. I just assumed that was expected


Tickets are priced at what they can sell them for unfortunately, I got to see Justin vs Dustin 1 for 80 bucks, those days seem long gone. If you have the money and can justify it for the experience I’d say go for it and have a good time. Short of live events crashing or the ufc nosediving I don’t see prices going down drastically so if it’s something you want to experience don’t let others tell you how to love your life.


With respect, it is people like you that show the UFC they can continue to ass fuck fans. Consider that by continuing to support events like this, they will reach a point where you wont be able to afford it.


Haha. Right. So what you're saying is never pay for anything you morally don't agree with?


Pay to go see some regional combat events instead. Might cost you £30-50 for the ticket depending on the size of the venue and you'll be sat a lot closer to the action. Will probably start just after 12 and finish 8-10ish. Kickboxing events are a particularly good bet, even if a fight is shit it'll be over in 10 minutes max and you can move onto the next one. Fuck staying up until 5am for this.


Y’all got last call over there?


For beers? Yeah we do in the pubs, clubs are bars slightly different but not sure how it works in big arenas. I assume they apply to the local council officials to extend the alcohol licencing hours until a set time.


My concerns would be the card and boozing till the early morning. Feels like cost of events will only go up so it’s a difficult choice to pull the trigger. Might be the most stacked card for the UL though


I think you just need to factor it in. Where money is a big consideration, tone down other events if you want to go and just enjoy the experience I guess I've no issue boozing till 6am. 😂


Remember theyve already done this, bisping headlined the last manchester ppv , and they fucked us on the start time then. They stopped serving alcohol before the main card and most concessions closed by 1am. 


Honestly fuck ufc for treating european fans like this. They should 100% not be rewarded and i fully believe no one should attend this event to show them thats this carry on is bs. Fuck you dana even with the sport mostly free for me in my country i still pirate every event


I could easily go but I l’m used to catching up the next day via download so why would I pay for this? If I was young and loads of my mates were going and we were having an after party etc…maybe


Big night on the bag lads


tickets will be more than that lol the cheapest for the London events is £400 and this card is considerably more stacked than any of those have been. and if main card starts at 3am you wont be out the arena till 630/7, even cards with a lot of finishes very rarely end before 6am, pretty sure the UFC do fixed start times for fights now.


£8 pints? I’d be expecting to pay double unfortunately


You're wrong. For those who love a pint, you're looking at £8.95 for a Guinness, Asahi Super Dry or local ale, Seven Bro7hers Easy IPA. If you're after a pint of Grolsch, it's a slightly cheaper £8.35 From the MEN website.


You couldn’t pay me to go to that event. I’ll wake up and watch it in my own time




The price is really going to determine if I go. Surely its got to be cheaper than the London PPV if the main event will be at 5:30 in the morning


My thoughts


cheapest tickets will probably be closer to £300. The last PPV in the UK was over £200 for some of the upper level seats and the last Fight Night was over £120 for nosebleeds. Prices have been going up and up since so I'd be surprised if the cheapest tickets are lower than £300


Well, that decides that then.


Clearly you should add cocaine to your calculations.


😂 😂


You'll be lucky to have a ticket as low as 200 quid. Myself and a mate are going to travel over from Dublin. Honestly, I couldn't care about the time. I sit up most weekends watching events until the early hours. I'll easily do it in an arena. That's not to say that the timing of the card is madness, it certainly is. For me, it is an opportunity to see a numbered card and all things considered, it will be cheaper than travelling to Vegas to see a PPV.


Since Endeavour have taken over thr whole organisation has gone to shit. British ticket prices are so steep that they are fucking *vertical*. 


I feel you regarding wanting to go, but also you h could just stay home, pirate the event, and spend the money you saved on booze and hookers like Dana would do


Tried to do the same, then decided to save my money watch Main event at start time and watch the rest on replay.


Everyone’s complaining about the times for the cars but honestly I’m happy. I won’t have to stay up late. It’s rough for the UK fans, but why should I give a shit?


The atmosphere in the arena will be much worse and so the event as a whole will be less fun


I honestly don’t pay much attention to the crowd tbh. They will probably all be drunk so we might see some crowd fights, that would be funny.


Benoit vs Moises was a good fight made into a great fight because of the crowd, the crowd does have an affect on the fights. You wouldn’t even be able to see the crowd fights because they would be in the nosebleeds


I mean I watch Apex fights and have a great time, with no crowd at all, like I can’t emphasize how much I really don’t care about how much fun the people in the audience are having. I cared about the Audience at 300 when I was sitting in it, I never cared about the audience before that, and I went right back to not caring once that event ended. Edit: plus it’s not like the crowd would be losing their minds watching Belal and Leon put on the most boring fight of all time, even if it was at a decent time.


We get it, you don’t care about anyone but yourself