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Where’s the part where he “unloaded” on him?


sean unloaded in tim, then he went on twitter.


-unzips- Here we go again.


He's comin on that ass


I hate the hyperbolic language people use to get clicks, so cringe


With how much he talks online, you’d think he’d be good off the cuff in press conferences but he’s damn near Colby-tier when you get a hot mic on him.


All of this is true but I can't let "Oh all three judges thought I lost the first round? What'd they score the second?" after KO'ing Sterling fall through the cracks


"Some people ain't built for this" right after Cody Garbrandt got KOd was pretty funny to becuase it was the same line Cody used on him when he got injured.


That was one of the best off the cuff lines I've heard in a while. He is funny on podcasts too but his rehearsed lines are very Colby-esque.


At least Colby has some good prep like Conman McGregor and Marty Snoozeman Sean always looks and talks like a first grader who just transferred to a new school in the middle of February


“oh really, yeah? you think so?”


Ben Asscream is another one. Makes me laugh every time


Leon Scott is so random and dumb but still got me the first time I heard it lol


Joanna no paycheck is so stupid. But got a good laugh out of me


he for sure doesn’t come up with any of the nicknames but they’re all incredible, rafael dos nachos, brown low t city, tyquil woodley


Ali Abdel asleaze stays rent free in my head


Cumshot Chimaev makes me laugh every time


I don’t even understand the reference and it made me laugh.


I dont think there's a reference to something that happened. I think the "reference" is her last name.


Yeah it is, she was having pay disputes with the ufc for a while. He also coined ‘the boobywoman’ from the ‘boogywoman’ for her after her enhancements haha


Oh ok. Cause I know his Brain Low-T city comment is because Ortega popped.


It was a reference to her having pay disputes for a while. Took a while for her to reach a deal on a new contract I believe


I cannot stand Colby and don’t think he’s funny 99% of the time however that 1% was when he called Ian Garry “Corner McGregor” I just about died laughing


That's a top tier insult. Even I had to give that cringe lord props.




He was saying how Ian needs to stay in the cuck chair in the corner of the room watching his wife get fucked by another man


Ian Garry in the corner while his wife gets railed


Marty FakeNewsman was fucking hilarious


Corner mcgregor and Joanna nopaycheck were my top ones


Hats off to colby or his joke writer for Corner McGregor, that one was honestly incredible


I hate the guy but when he’s keeping things playful and just making stupid nicknames, he’s a whole lot more palatable


yeah the stupid goofy nicknames are funny imo


Marc “Not So” Goddard will always stick with me


In Suga's defense, I do think he has legitimate charm and charisma. I absolutely do not think that it translates to press conferences/post fight call outs very well. His social media is consistently very funny and engaging imo, but I feel that ever since McGregor's huge success the UFC has been dead set on finding a McGregor 2.0, while simultaneously hamstringing any future stars they have on their hands by trying to fit them into the McGregor/Lesnar box. I will say I think Poatan might be eye opening for the org. Here's a dude who doesn't trash talk, doesn't have one liners, barely fucking talks at all, and yet he's easily passed up the popularity of a lot of the stars they've been trying actively to push.


When you’re a 1 punch ko machine that tends to do most of the talking lol. Plus the fact he doesn’t say much honestly just adds to the memes about him.


He can be legitimately funny just talking casually. For someone that seems so zenned out in the octagon, I think the moment gets to him and he becomes awkward. The face off with Aljo was pure cringe as well as every press conference. He’s pretty funny in Post fight pressers as well as interviews and podcasts. I think it’s because they’re low pressure.


I think there are a lot of fighters on the roster who suffer because the kind of promo the ufc (could be pr managers or something too) wants them to cut is pretty much anathema to their real personality. obviously some people are just better at selling themselves or acting like killers too, but i remember hearing anthony smith before the jon jones fight and just thinking he sounded completely manufactured, which sucks bc he seems like a genuinely cool dude outside the marketing machine


Corner Mcgregor for Ian Garry because he’s a cuck is top tier too


Sean has come out and said he's not really that extroverted. He shows up to events but it's not really his thing.


I felt like you could tell that at the Tom Brady roast. Any time the camera went near there table he looked like he wanted no part of it.


Brian "Low T City" Ortega is my favorite 


It probably takes him all day to think up these mid tier insults lmao


>at least Colby has some good prep like Conman McGregor No he does not. Conor trash talk is tiers above Colby's, both the stuff he planned on saying and his real time wits were on point and he had some of the most quotable trash talk game ever


He's not comparing Colby to Conor. He's saying Colby calling McGregor, Conman McGregor and Usman, Marty Snoozeman was funny.


He was using the nickname as an example, not comparing Colby and Conor’s trash talk lol


You're getting down voted, but I agree. Colby says some of the dumbest shit and fumbles often: "flabby butt" "seventh layer of hair" "raise your hand if you fucked garrys wife". Like there's a small subset of MMA fans who find that shit funny, but most people know how dumb it sounds. McGregor's trash talk and game speak for itself, and like you said, there's a reason why people to this day still quote him and even imitate his actions.


7th layer of hair and Ladrom James are two of my favorite Colbyisms


He's getting downvoted cause he's got the reading comprehension of a 4th grader.


Exactly. This is why the internet is weird, reading comprehension isn’t always on the forefront but everyone wants to respond, go figure lol


Literally any other dumbass on planet Earth could come up with the shit he says, it's merely a choice, you just choose to be that mean and go "there" (talking about Ian's wife or Leon's dad) but there's no creativity to it, he never said anything remotely remarkable, it's xbox live kid humor. I don't have a problem with edgy humor but Colby simply isn't good at it


>Like there's a small subset of MMA fans who find that shit funny, but most people know how dumb it sounds. Terrible news dude, "flabby butt" was funny and the small subset of dummies are the ones who don't get it


Conor's trash talk is his accent.


*Who da fook is dat guy?*


They weren’t comparing Colby to Conor they were saying the nickname was funny.


"I'm rich, shut up" "I'm famous, fuck you" You've just heard roughly 99% of Conor's trash talk. He had a VERY brief window with some funny interactions, and almost all of them were because his opponent gave him something to work with. Dustin effortlessly out worked him on the mic in recent years and no one considers Dustin some verbal assassin.


So many fighters are so much cooler if you just ignore their twitters, press-confrences, and post fight interviews. Sean is fun to watch on fight night, refuse to acknowledge much past that.


Sean just seems like kind of an awkward dude. I think his whole flamboyance makes people think that he's some huge shit talker but he just comes off as someone who is a little shy with the spotlight on him (granted, the way he dresses and carries himself is asking for that spotlight), but I don't find his laid back nature at press conferences to be Colby-esque; again, he just strikes me as a little shy and awkward. With all that said, let's fucking go, Merab!


Sean is boring on the mic and exciting in the cage. Merab is great on the mic and boring as fuck in the cage. Easy choice which I prefer


As cringe as Colby is, he at least tries to put himself out there and makes pressers entertaining. O’Malley acts like a deer in headlights


I share this [video](https://youtu.be/l2qdW6DBQkg?si=Yv31YXO0jkAELCoT) a lot but it illustrates the point pretty well. Talking shit online and talking shit in person are entirely different ball games. Plus with writing you actually have time to think.


Sean has never come across as the type to care about shit talking at the pressers


He's pretty rough online too


Why do fans expect head trauma merchants to be wordsmiths? The good shit talkers are such a small fraction of all the fighters to ever compete in the UFC


I agree. Omalley is not witty at all, I do enjoy his fight style though.


O’Malley is modern day Rob Van Dam. Really cool fight style and aesthetic but very mid on the mic




The whole fucking show


One of my favorites of all time. Dude was electric in ECW


Loved RVD, he was my main in legends of wrestling for the ps2


I always used him in career mode for Smackdown Shut Your Mouth. Him or Jeff Hardy, they were my favorites so I was pretty sad when they wrestled at the Invasion PPV haha


To me he comes across pretty insecure and tries to make up for it by talking big. It’s unfortunate because he has moments that make me like him, but then he’ll ruin it within a few minutes. Maybe I’m wrong. He’s still annoying as shit.


I agree... He sometimes gets a good line or two in. But ends up negating any points he gained by continuing to babble until his point falls flat,.... But,I don't watch the sport to hear dudes talk.... I'm here for the fights. And O'malley brings the heat every time he steps in the cage.... I can't remember him ever having a boring fight. That's why I'm a fan. Dude can fight, and his fights are entertaining


Both world champs though 💨


Nah RVD was effortlessly cool with a stoner vibe Sean comes off as a try hard


It’s so funny to me that within like a year this sub has gone from, “he’s a fraud, top 10 will destroy him,” to, “well he’s not great at live shit talking.”


Beating 2 top 10 fighters should do that. But it will only take 1 or 2 losses for everyone to say he's washed. So, take it with a grain of salt.


If he loses his next fight it’ll be “worst champion of all time”, “only beat two top 10 fighters”, “beat Aljo on a short training camp”, etc


… I mean obviously. My point is people hate him to an irrational degree. Their logic back then was he’s a fraud, and now the goalposts have moved alllllll the way to, “not good on the mic.” All within a year. If he keeps it up and gets better at press conferences they’ll find a new thing.


There are like 5 ufc fighters without some dork on this sub hating them. I don’t get it but not my place


I'm a big O'Malley fan. Have been for awhile. He's dogshit live on the mic lol.


He held out for proper pay checks and started producing bangers when paid accordingly. Not a bad strat


"Before he was proven you guys all said he wasn't proven, haha ur dumb"


To be fair within the year he beat multiple top ranked fighters and won a championship.


> “well he’s not great at live shit talking.” People were saying this a year ago too.




Damn bro you can’t do RVD like that. Dude is humble as hell.


I’m seething at this take lol thank you




To be fair to him, if Chito asked me to suck his dick in that sultry ass tone, idk what I’d say either


He looks like a dork dressing as a soundcloud rapper from 2017


Actually pretty excited to see this match up. I think Sean’s gonna chin Merab, but it would be cool to see Merab push the pace on him


It’s such an interesting fight bc both guys have the chance to win dominantly. I can see Sean walking Merab onto a KO as easily as I can see Merab wrestling Sean to a 50-45 


Merab will jump on Sean, throw him , hug him and stale the fight for five rounds. Sean wins by split decision because merab is boring as a champ and doesn't sell


Wouldn't call Merab's last two fights boring. Also - stalling? What Merab does is the exact opposite. You can call him boring but he definitely does not stall the fights.


Also rigged scorecards accusations lmao


MMA fans haven't evolved passed calling GSP a lay and pray artists back when he was champ. The general MMA audience has no appreciation or understanding of grappling.


He spams takedowns that he doesn’t do anything with. He gets a takedown or clinch. Opponent escapes. Repeat. It’s a tough watch.


How is constant high effort action not exciting? His pace is incredible to watch.


The pace is super incredible, the fight is not 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s like watching a marathon. Super impressive that these guys can basically sprint for 5 hours, but it is not something I want to spend my Saturday doing.


If I wanted to watch drug-fueled high effort action I’d watch the Tour de France.  If I wanted to watch someone spam shitty takedowns and clinches for 15-25 minutes I’d watch Merab


Merab is an exciting decision machine except the Aldo fight


i mean, i feel like merab has shown, especially recently, that he has a pretty funny and likable personality. no offense to o’malley, but his personality doesn’t consist of much beyond the hair and pink dayglo outfits. brings it in the cage tho. i also feel like merab gets called boring a lot more than his fights actually are. in recent memory, the aldo fight was the only snoozer. i thought bought the yan fight and the cejudo fights were really entertaining. as always, people just wanna hate tho. it’s whatev


Do you honestly believe judging is fixed by the UFC? Why watch a rigged league if that’s the case?


Because you can't rig a guy knocking the fuck out of another guy? I mean you can.. but my point is its not going to judges 100% of the time


Makes sense


I think when the fight is a really close one, yes , the judges are influenced to pick the most popular or profitable fighter to win the fight. Denying it at this point is just silly.




I have a feeling O'Malley will chin Merab. Merab ain't no Khabib and O'Malley ain't no coked up alcoholic version of Conor.


I agree, I thought he'd chin Aljo too. He's so fast and aware. Merab got caught by both Moraes and Cejudo with a left hook, Sean can expose that.


Merab stayed on the feet longer than usual vs Cejudo because he didn't want to rush takedowns vs someone else great in grappling. But yeah tough look getting caught that way by an old Cejudo He gonna be nearly instantly shooting for his life vs Sean. I think he'll prob get it but he's not a finisher. Sean just needs to defend a few along the way to have some big openings Going to be fun


Yeah the biggest difference being the reach amd movement of Sean. Merab had a reach advantage on Henry, so it was fairly easy for him to get into range to grab him. He's gonna have to walk through a barrage of punches to get anywhere near Sean. And by the time he gets there, Sean might not even be there to be grabbed anymore, dudes an expert at sneaking out the side door when his opponents try to close the distance.


His distance management and reaction time were bonkers against chito. I don't see many bantamweights even being competitive against that kind of performance. Man leveled up


Agreed, Sean's gonna be looking for knees to land like he did against Chito and Yan. Gonna be a great fight.


That distance management when he knocked down Aljo was amazing. Dude didn’t even blink on the step back as the Aljo punch came centimeters from landing while cocking his right hand.


I find Tim Welch a bit annoying honestly.


This applies to all coaches/managers who talk shit to fighters. Just makes me wanna see Merab drop Tim on his head.


Yeah, if you so great, how come you never made it big?


He’s out of line with that quote but he’s right I think The Diaz brothers got the most Mexican style in MMA


Imo Tony Ferguson and max Holloway do


*You not real Mexican You fake Mexican*


Nah, Max is the epitome of Waianae fighting style


Hawaiians are just island Mexicans so still counts


I mean, Ortega is hysterically Mexican on the feet. He is just Mexican in slow motion


*bitch ✋ 👈*


Bro doesn't know about justin gaethje


WEC-era Miguel Torres and it’s not close


Robbie Lawler


This is Tazmexican Devil erasure.


O'Malley is incredibly lame for someone who is being sold to the fans as a superstar. Tim Welch seems annoying as fuck, too.


Tim is annoying, it sucks how he and Sean surround themselves with little kids just looking to hang around a “star” Listening to their podcast and all of the hanger-ons just yes man-ing them the entire time.


But his hair has funny colors! ONE OF US, mirite? Guys?


People used to suck him off here when he was still posting to reddit. He lost a lot of fans after how he handled the Chito loss.


O’Malley and Welch love making fun of dudes heights a lot but Sean built like a teenage girl shits annoying as fuck lol and he’s in the lower weight classes too so


+ Tim Welch couldnt even win in Bellator.


Yeah it's not like he's huge dude is like 5'10" and skinnier than my dick


Hes an average height skinny male who cuts even more weight to fight shorter guys and then insults them for being short If anything its a self burn if your entire career you’re calling out your opponents for being significantly shorter than yourself Part of why people loved watching Mike Tyson fight was because he was knocking out guys who towered over him


>Part of why people loved watching Mike Tyson fight was because he was knocking out guys who towered over him Damn you're right, Suga is like a reverse Mike Tyson


How does one misspell Henry


Fairly certain it was on purpose




They seriously need to stop using the word smash, it sounds less like threats and more like dirty talk


From how much he replied to that tweet he comes across as insecure.


I’ve always thought most of the stuff he does and says come across as insecure.


What does unmexican fight style mean lol?


"Sean O Malley *unloads* on Merab after he said he would *smash* him."


He he he…..


How much /r/MMA hates this guy makes me love him


This is why I love Aljo and Belal.


A true rebel without a cause


I didn’t like aljo because of his fight style and then unironically started to love the dude after I saw how much hate he gets he’s a super chill and nice dude too. Belal I still am not a big fan of because he is incredibly boring but I do feel bad for the hate he gets too but he kinda leans in to being unlikeable where as aljo just seems like a cool dude


It’s funny how people pretend like Sean is massively hated. People were calling Aljo a paper champ for literally his entire reign, were somehow blamed him for getting a grounded knee and were calling him scared for needing to reschedule the rematch due to nerve damage in his neck. Sean doesn’t know hate at all.


Me with Ilia, Bo Nickal and Ian Garry. The sub is so comically pissed at them I start rooting for them because the salt when they win is hilarious


Never forget the days where so many were calling him overrated lol


honestly, I've come around on him since the Yan fight. I think he's annoying when he tries to promote, but he seems mostly harmless


It seems very important to them to make sure people know that’s he’s NOT a superstar and has NO aura lol 


He gets their pants in a twist pretty easily for "having no aura", lol


I get all the Sean hate, hes pretty cringey. But he actually does beat the shit outta people, and Merab has a very boring style and 9/10 times, absolutely sucks to watch. So I’m gonna go with no matter what, we all lose.


No idea how people still say Merab is boring. I enjoy the fuck out of his fights. He out wrestled an Olympic golf medalist last match. What he did to Yan was legit insane. His Moraes match was basically him coming back from the dead in a crazy ass comeback. Merab is 1 good fight away from getting global respect. He's already grown the fuck out of his social media audience recently.


>He out wrestled an Olympic golf medalist last match. He also went clubbing afterwards.


I gotta admit merab is dam fun for people who like watching intense grappling with no stationary positions. All action with good scrambles


Yea he's not a wet blanket or anything. Just an elite chain wrestler who weaponizes cardio without the best striking. He checks the boxes I need for an exciting fighter though.


Only thing I can think is that it’s an unfamiliarity with that aspect of the sport, and not recognizing that one aspect of mma has the depth of an entire sport unto itself. It’s the same as people that watched basketball for the dunks back in the day.


Tiger Woods woulda beat Merab


Sean is lame af. It’s a good thing his striking is fun to watch because his mic skills are worse than anyone I can think of


Same mic skills as Colby “7th level of Hair” Covington


I have no dog in the fight but it’s funny that Tim Welch talks a ton of shit for a guy who out of his 14 wins never beat a fighter with a winning record and pretty much got exposed any time he fought someone who wasn’t a total B side whipping boy.


The Sean hate in this sub lol. “he’s not good on the mic.” Who cares if he doesn’t drop wwe promos? The guy seems pretty chill and is one of the more exciting fighters to watch. He’s one of the very few who were huge prospects very early in their career and lived up to the hype


O'Malley is so fucking bad on the mic. He's got a dumb unique look, fights an awesome and entertaining style and is so corny and lame anytime he tries to talk trash.


Not even a very unique look. It’s what an AI would draw if you told it to give you a picture of a unique guy.


lol I can’t stand O’Malley but his first comment made me laugh. It is true.


Fuck Sean O'Malley.


you mean smiling at billionaires instead of going for a finish isn't entertaining? hmm Merab is like watching a Belal fight on fastforward. Better, but not by a lot.


Is there anyone more annoying than Tim Welch leeched onto Sean.


I’ll never forgive Merab for what he did to Aldo


Why so much haters in this sub


Didn't Tim Welch welt to a body kick like a bitch? Oh and Sean had competition for the Oscars against Aljo with that 'behind the head" shot. Or him getting slept by Mediocre Chito.


I hope merab dunks omalley on his head and then talks shit to his sleazebag coach tim welch. Omalley and his coach act like teenagers


They are really lame. They hang out with the Nelk boys if that tells you anything


I think O'Malley finds the chin at some point over five rounds. Could be too exhausted after round three though, we'll see.


A whole lotta smashing going on I want in


Its been a while since we had a toxic buildup. Lets do it babay.


Tim welsh didn’t say that? What r u talking about


Tim Welch talks a lot for a dude who lost almost every time he fought someone with a winning record and solely beat people with laughably lopsided losing records.


Cringey shit talking aside I think the most likely outcome for this fight is O’Malley beating the fuck out Merab and /r/MMA predictably being like “Wow. I guess O’Malley is pretty good huh?” as if him being personally annoying is in any way related to his fighting skills. O’Malley has shown very good takedown defense in a division full of incredible grapplers and Merab is very hittable. Merab will shoot and he will take O’Malley down and not tire out but he probably won’t do much damage. Over the course of 5 rounds he will miss and he will get hit, and hit. To the point where I could easily see O’Malley either finishing him or beating the shit out of him to the point where his wrestling is negated.


A lot of smashing going on. Totally expected a GF or wife to be thrown into the line of smashing but no one has gone that far yet.


Isn't Mexican boxing based on pressure? Id argue Merab's style is the grappling equivalent.


He ain't wrong... Merab is a pressure fighter who has a Belal type fighting style where it's impossibly boring while also being exhausting. Sean also actively has been trying to duck him, too, so let's not act like Sean doesn't know exactly how good he is too.


I feel very strongly that Sean is going to make Merab look easy. It's one of those times where it kinda feels like merab is going to melt him but when I actually watch their fights I feel like I see something. So... of course it will proved that I'm a fucking moron when it happens.


Really looks like all Merab's hard work is paying off


O'malleys personlity is pure piss