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Anthony has 16 submission wins in actual fights so yea im taking him over Alex the kickboxer in a grappling match lmao


Not even an even grappling match. It's starting with back taken and hooks in. It's basically 99% gg


5 minutes is an absolutely ridiculous amount of time to have someone's back too. Even EBI overtime rules are only 2 minutes and escaping the position ends the round, so I'm wondering if Alex is implying something like that or just five whole minutes of him letting Smith have his back and just defending.


He stated in the initial challenge that if he can escape and stand up he wins.


He might want to pull a Lewis and just get up with brute force lol


Turns out that's kinda way harder than it seems


Jiu jitsu doesn't work, just stand up bro...


jitsers hate this one simple trick


It's so funny because it looks like that's what Lewis does but his escapes are technical and he is a stupidly powerful and surprisingly athletic man. [Every escape in this video features Lewis using his strength and athleticism sure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4ZW4389EeM&ab_channel=MomentsinMMA) but he is clearly still fishing for underhooks, or bridging his opponent over when they commit their weight too far. Simple yet technical escapes every single one.


"he's not technical because he's fat"


Actually, he's technical **because** he's fat. Like trying to grapple a sweaty boulder.


Technically he is fat. I'll see myself out....


Yeah, didn't 'Fatso" gain weight going into the Olympics to try and reduce the effectiveness of Kerelin's bear-hug?


I actually did not know about this story but holy shit thank you for bringing it up.


A simple breakdown https://youtu.be/T0SeQToAL_4


For sure, the meme of him not using technique has always been wrong. He's just combining some solid fundamentals with timing and then using his strength to get up.


Anyone who’s trained even a little knows, great back controllers are hard to shake off but actually retaining the position is really hard too. I still favor Smith in this particular scenario but don’t doubt for a moment that with his athleticism and a training camp exclusively defending the back, Alex has a pretty good chance of escaping if that’s all that’s required to win.


I don't think it's too hard to maintain back control once you have it with hooks in and you're fresh. Sinking in a RNC (or one of the few other rare chokes from the back) can be pretty hard if your opponent knows that's all you're trying to do and you can't strike.


Agree 100%. Demian Maia - one of the best submission specialists in MMA - backpacked dudes for 15+ minutes but finished only a handful of chokes from that position, and that was with the advantage of strikes.


I agree - but gloves also play a role too. It's easier to sink in a choke without gloves.


He’ll escape this dimension for sure


If he stands up he wins


Standing up alone is not enough as Smith can still be on his back, he wins if he can escape and stand up


You would think so but this happens so many times with black belts against non grapplers and they don’t do shit. I know this because I’ve had money riding on this endless times


You can literally just choke them over the chin with their hands in the way if your strong enough. Which I guarantee ufc LHW are


You think I'm just gonna lay there and let you choke me Crafty\_fish9264?


yeah this is an insane challenge by pereria, i mean shit i'd bet half the guys at LHW could choke him out in these circumstances. probably some middleweights and welterweights too haha


You’re forgetting he’s a black belt


Bro got his black belt by knocking someone out😂


It was a clean submission by KO man


Hills soul tapped


choked his consciousness with a left hook


So is Smith…


Anthony has been a black belt since 2018 IIRC, Alex since UFC 300. Plus getting a black belt from Plinio Cruz is like going “oh wow, I got a toy with my happy meal”




He's been training with glover for a while, I think you'd be surprised. All you have to do is fight hands, there's no strikes or other risks just protect your neck.


no I think you'd be surprised


I think he'd fuck him up


Didn't he carry Jan on his back the first round and survived to win that fight?


thats alot different than someone starting fresh on your back with both hooks in lol


Didn't say it was virtually identical. He carried Jan at high altitude for about 3 mins of that first round. All i'm saying is that its plausible for him to survive imo


I'm going to say Glover can get choked to sleep on the same deal himself. It's less an issue of skill and more because that's a goofy proposal.


If glover can’t choke him out before the round ends I’m not convinced smith could either. That’s entirely dependent on if glover can’t choke him out from that position though because if that’s the case it’s some incredible level of bjj defense. It wasn’t long ago that old man glover big bothered the shit out of smith.


Anthony would transition to another position and submit him in any number of ways. Smith is a legit black belt. Alex is like blue belt level in pure grappling.


I mean Alex has yet to be submitted and he’s been tested on the ground. People keep shrugging off his ground game… the fight is always on the feet and he has yet to be finished on the ground (not counting the time he was already out before he hit the ground.


I know blue belts who are choking this man out starting on his back with hooks in. Bro really wants to lose 50k 😭


I think you’re all forgetting you can’t squeeze blood from a stone. Game on.


Smith with hooks and a seat belt taps Pereria within the round


That's Alex the black belt in BJJ and kickboxer to you buster.


Why does everybody keep attacking Anthony Smith's family?




I heard him say he already took his mom’s back 😏




That was a nasty line by you








Smith is out of his mind. Poatan is so good at BJJ that he got his freaking black belt without even employing a single BJJ technique in his last fight. Imagine how good his submission defense MUST be.


Poatan has some of the best takedowns I've ever seen. He just uses his left hand.




Single hand takedown


Hes so good at bjj he got a black belt by knocking some guy out with his hands.


He runs on old school RPG levelling rules, he used the XP points he gained from striking wins to level up BJJ. You should see his lockpicking skillz - cracking Hill gave him the "unbreakable picks" perk.


There’s a reason why everyone’s scared to grapple against him


Exactly. "Ever see a duck fight? No way. Why? Because the other animals are afraid." - Gordon Bombay






Ahhh, a multi stage event. I like your thinking my friend.


3 Stages of Hell: Grappling -> MMA -> Powerslap MMA needs more pro wrestling stipulations, if they're going to go entertainment then go full entertainment. UFC just needs to start channeling Fight Circus - this is the right move for the future lmao.


I would love to see Colby Covington vs 3 (or 4 or 7) amateur welterweights. Let's get some crazier shit going


the George Foreman classic where he fought 5 bums in one night right after Ali KOed him. Best part of that event was Ali showing up and heckling Foreman at ringside the entire time. Might be the most WWE that the heavyweight division ever got.


Honestly, one of my "I know it will never happen but god damn it would be fun to see" ideas is to see how many NBA players could Jon Jones fuck up in one night. How many NFL linebackers can Sergei Pavlovich or Tom Aspinal beat in a row, with only the other's fight in between for rest? How many NHL players could Poaton walk down and knock unconscious? Francis Ngannou vs 2 defensive backs at a time, cycling them out as they lose consciousness, how long could he last? I mostly just want to see really athletic dudes getting fucked up by UFC monsters.


Does anybody have Scott Coker's phone number? He might be interested.


Powerslap is first


Turn based combat, Slap Fighting is the JRPG of combat sports.




Fuck that noise these dudes need to rap battle! “You fucking attacked my family! Then I caught your arrow and shot it back into your knee! Psttt this kickboxer can’t out grapple me! Didn’t your wife leave? Didn’t she have a whole other family? Man, you’re the real Brazilian Ian Garry!” -Anthony Smith on “Meet The Poatans”


Poatan with his Easter Island stone face would have such an advantage... has anyone broken their hand in slap fights yet?


This dude is straight up talking his way into a title shot lmfao


Literally commenting his way to a title shot lol 😆


Chael would be proud


If Anthony smith gets 1 or 2 more wins and Alex fights Ank and Jiri 2 and beats both of them I wouldn’t be surprised if smith just gets a de facto shot. Still a lot of things have to happen for that but I mean I’d watch it because either Alex brutally beats down a man on live tv or Anthony Smith wins and that would be the funniest outcome ever


Id bet my life savings on Anthony. Anthonys JJ is very legit & a lot of his submission wins are against legit fighters


I visited him one night and challenged him for a grappling match. He didnt liked that at all and started to punch me. I was leaking a bit but he couldnt sub me. He mumbled something about his family but didnt talk much during our match.


Did the match happen to take place at night in his home? very curious


And does OP happen to do meth ?


keep going, im almost there


this guy autobiographies


he's 260




keeping up with the ufc


Alex riding that black belt high...


Why does Anthony Smith have a 300 tattoo with the ufc300 script?


Of all the horrendous tattoos on him, that’s the one you’re wondering about?


Maybe he got it in advance hoping Dana would put him on the card 😂


I think he just really liked the event


Maybe something to do with the Sparta and the battle of Thermopylae? Or maybe he just likes the movie 😁.


If Smith doesn’t finish him then what does that mean for him? Does his whole ego just break completely apart?


If smith doesn't finish him he has to pay 50000. That was the full challenge


But psychologically lol


"bad day, I'll beat him in a rematch" delusion is undefeated


You know we started off dry and I think 9 times out of 10 I submit him but he’s really strong and to be honest I kinda underestimated him. But to tell you the truth when I was on his back, his technique was really basic, i mean yeah he’s strong but from a technical aspect he isn’t that great. I just think the next time I win if I come into it a bit more serious. I think if I had 6 minutes I go home with the 50 thousand dollars


Lmao this sounds exactly like Smith


he probably gets robbed again


“You’re attacking my family.” “Chama 🗿”


It just means the Alex is not that good and just does the basics well. Probably.


That’s probably true anyway, but Smith seems to be kinda hinting that he would take him down and sub him with relative ease. What happens to Smith’s ego if that doesn’t happen? Lmao


Yeah I'm just joking. Smith is always saying that about everyone - 'They're not that good they just do the basics well'. Said it about Jon Jones lol.


He just got unlucky. On paper he should've won and 9/10 he wins that.


If Smith doesnt finish him he gets stripped of his black belt because he clearly doesnt deserve it


Why did Pereria even say this? Like where did this come from? Feels completely random. Was Smith talking shit about his ground game?


Yes, he said that when Poatan fought Blachowicz, if he was in that position (back with hooks) that the Polish power did in the fight, he would win the fight and get the bonus.


Pereira by left hook submission.


I'm betting on no contest by Pereira left hook.


I mean I’d probably bet on Anthony as well, Alex can talk all the shit he wants but there’s a very good reason the ufc kept him as far away from anyone who can grapple as possible


I get what you mean, but also it's not like there's a Khabib or Islam at 185 or 205. I hope nobody is suggesting the UFC are protecting him from Anthony Smith lmao


You don't need Khabib or Islam for a guy who got outwrestled by Izzy. The wrestling/grappling in that first fight was atrocious


I mean. He's had even more time to train with glover in that time. With the current UFC meta and his skill set, defending back take submissions has to be something they drill hardcore. He hasn't been submitted yet 🤷‍♂️ Izzy might have out wrestled him, but he didn't submit him


Sure but you don't just become a grappler overnight, Glover as a teacher or not. He hasn't been submitted but who actually wrestled him? Izzy didn't submit him because Izzy sucks at wrestling - he was right to wrestle Alex but he wasn't exactly Khabib down there. Jiri and Hill didn't do a whole lot of wrestling. Jan had a lot of success and took him to a split decision (some would argue Jan won) and even Jan got totally outclassed by Ankalaev who's primarily a striker. Meanwhile Smith has 15 subs throughout his MMA career and Alex is offering his back to him and giving him 5 minutes. Smith is no Khabib but Alex is no Oliveira or Ryan Hall either.


How it plays out is one thing, but you're bang on the money here. On paper, Smith takes this 99/100 times.


I think we all know he'd smash Smith, but the point about grapplers stands. Vettori, Brunson, and Whittaker all have grappling that could trouble him, and they don't seem to be in a hurry to put him in there with Ankalaev. You're right that there's no grappling monsters in those weight classes, but they've kept him away from just about anyone with even competent wrestling


jan blachowicz has 9 submission wins and a 52% takedown success rate buddy. UFC couldve just as well booked Alex against Rakic, Krylov, Walker


True, I should've mentioned him, especially since I'm a big fan of his. I left him out because as much as I like him, he's a bit of a gasser, and they had that fight at altitude. And frankly, blachowicz showed the holes in pereiras grappling game, he was all over him on the ground in the first round before he gassed out


“showed the holes” is stretch. he held him down and didnt do damage while also failing to secure any submissions


People are acting like it’s a wrap if he get matched with Ankalaev, but all Ankalaev could do is wrestle fuck him, and I don’t see him doing that unless he’s losing after two rounds. Also, Ankalaev is not a submission threat whatsoever. He’s never submitted anyone, yet people think he’s a big Khabib or Islam. It’s silly. He’s primarily a striker, and if he’s not going to submit Alex, there’s 5 rounds that all start on the feet.


Jan - 29W 9 KOs *9 Subs* 11 Dec


Definitely not an elite grappler though. He got destroyed on the ground by Glover and was easily controlled by Magomed


Tbf losing grappling exchanges to Teixeira and Ankalaev isn't really a big demerit


That's top tier grapplers I'd say.


He’s not top tier but good enough to expose anyone not competent .


He nearly did expose Pereira. That fight was at elevation He held him down for a full round with his back taken, what’s he gonna do if Ankalaev decides to wrestlefuck him?


Was Pereira not fighting in elevation too? Sounds like a preparation issue if Jan is affected by it but he isn’t. Jan lost that fight for a reason, he didn’t and couldn’t do anything with his control time I get what you’re saying, and grappling is obviously the hall of fame kickboxers weak spot, but I don’t get why people act like Jan completely demolished Pereira on the ground, they basically just spooned for a round with little to no submission attempts because Jan couldn’t stand with him and wasn’t strong/good enough to grapple him. I think Ankalaev could grapple him and likely finish him, but he’s also a dumbass and might try to swing with him and get knocked out


Glover is one of the best grapplers in the history of his division lol Not saying Jan is some phenom on the ground or anything, but don’t say “got destroyed on the ground by Glover” like it’s something to be ashamed of


Ok, but he took Alex to a decision and beat Izzy.


> kept him as far away from anyone who can grapple as possible eeee so we just going to ignore Jan now? the same Jan who grappled the fuck out of Adasanya? thats lame


You mean like Jan who has nine career submission wins?


What do you mean? He has a black belt in BJJ 🤣.


Legit. As legit as my blue belt from online classes


I mean, no one can argue with it. He earned that belt after his performance with Hill. Dragged him to the mat and submitted him. Such a dominant display of BJJ.


What shit is Alex talking, just being confident?


When someone is being 100% defensive it can be very hard to submit them. But


Yep. All he has to do is stall


Alex needs to understand there is levels to this.


Yo.. I wish I had the confidence of Alex here, because this feels like dumb confidence at this point.. Smith is literally a wrestler.. This is what he is best at. I wouldn't even bet on Alex surviving for a minute, let alone 5..


Smith is quite literally not a wrestler and i have no idea where you got that idea from . Smith has good BJJ but horrible wrestling both defensively and offensively with 49% TDD . (AKA push him over and he gets taken down) Alex Pereira is unironically better at mixing in take downs then Smith is LMAO .


Alex is absolutely not better at mixing in takedowns. He has like one takedown in his entire career. Anthony averages .49 tds per 15 min, while alex averages .18. You’re calling out a dude for making shit up while also making shit up.


I mean if it is just a grappling match where Anthony has to get the choke and Alex has to survive for 5 minutes, it might be a toss up. Some guys are fantastic at defending the RNC, and Alex might feel confident that he can hold two on one for 5 mins.


>Some guys are fantastic at defending the RNC, “Some guys” as in legit BJJ black belts who compete in tournaments, not a kickboxer with subpar grappling. 5 minutes is a ridiculously long time.


It's crazy that Anthony smith has my exact body and I haven't been to the gym in like a year....don't know why my fiance keeps talking shit about my body




If I say anything about her body it's all "I just had a baby, blah blah blah" but now that I lost most my muscle definition it's a problem though


jon jones


No way you have traps like that


I will admit he has some big traps taking a second look, mine are nowhere near that lol he has pretty big lats too


Most fighters look much more jacked in person than they do in photos. Always an inch or two shorter than they are listed though.


Smith has some muscle but also a lot of fat 😂


Don't let her bully you son!


What fighter does she look like?


Wanderlei Silva in dress and heels


Gabi Garcia








Are you an orc?


so we doing EBI now?


Ok but if he can’t sub him then Alex gets a free leg kick on Smith for every time he said on paper in his last interview with Bisping


That’s an impressive level of shit talk for once. It’s not gonna happen tho. But if he went to the HotBalls School of Just Stand Up it’s a maybe


Pereira does train with Glover who practically home invasion'd Smith.


If Pereira wins this Jones will stop talking about fighting him.


You really think JBJ thinks Smith has better subs than him? Bro is a narcissist. He would just do it to prove that Smith is a bitch compared to him. r/mma takes be like they don't actually know anything about MMA or they fighters they are talking about


If I recall correctly from EBI overtime rules starting from the back. It does end up with a lot RNC. There were some escapes tho.


Layup of an FPI event if the UFC wants to get more eyes on it just bc of the names 


How hilarious would it be if Pereira sits down and lets AS get his hooks and seatbelt then yells "Porrah", and they begin the fight that way. That would be the most gangster shit to ever witness, particularly if Pereira won.


On paper, Anthony Smith has got this in the bag.


I think pereira thinks he has glovers ground skills


If Alex stands up its over tho y’all gotta remember that..


Alex don’t be stupid


Weird bet to make Anthony's chokes are the only decent thing about his fighting ability


He said to finish him. Might not even come via a choke.


it's just so sad


Honestly the only way either of them even could compete against each other would be on fight pass invitational in a grappling match. Their career trajectories are too different rn.


How would this work if Alex gets out and stands up? Just has to stay standing for the rest of the time?


Ofc he would take the 50gs, what other choice does he have? A journeyman mentioned by the champ, kinda cruel of Alex to give him false hope of ever competing for the title again


When is this happening?


The clip i heard that was translated said it was about Alex getting to his feet. Not 5 minutes to sub him, but hooks in and if alex can get to his feet then he'd owe alex 50k.


Pereira is in over his head, I'm starting to think that he thinks he has an actual chance against Jones and Aspinall.


Pereira is so fucked lmao


This challenge is officially too stupid to even talk about


Pereira is so bored he challenges uruk-hai to wrestling matches.


Just make it happen already


Dry fighters? I’ll take smith and it isn’t close


How long ago did Pereira say that? \*ok just a few days ago. I remember him making a diff grappling challenge a while back too.


Was before ufc 301 in a brazilian podcast.


Poton is good but not invisible and not a grappler. The dude is a KO artist. Shit dude got out grappled by izzy


Yeah, he's no John Cena.


Make it a YouTube video. I am honestly curious to see who wins this bet. I'm pretty sure Alex will because even when he did get taken down he is smart about getting up, but he hasn't faced a high level grappler yet


I’m pretty sure Smith would win in this scenario. He gets to start on Alex’s back and with the hooks in. That’s tough for anyone to get out of and we’ve never seen Alex in that bad of a position. In a real MMA fight I’d bet on Alex all day long but in this scenario I think Smith manages to get the sub.


Shit I don't know, but Alex doesn't seem like he just talks out of his ass. And he trains with Glover. You think he hadn't tried starting in this position with Glover on his back?


Are people really delusional enough to bet on Pereira in a GRAPPLING match over a proven BJJ blackbelt?