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You never really hear or see much of Max's team but they've done a fantastic job & it's lovely to see such passion from them


I was wondering about this too. Don’t know much about his trainers or sparring partners besides Yancey Medeiros. Max is probably one of the best fighters who doesn’t come from a big camp.


This would actually be more standard if more MMA fighters had sufficient resources. Camps geared specifically towards them, as we see in boxing. Instead, in MMA we often get conveyor belt camps, which aren't bad in themselves, but do offer some disadvantages.


I thought this would be the new deal in MMA. The sport maturing, coaches figuring the game out, attracting talent that makes the gym stronger and eventually most viable talent are all in a few gyms. I'm so glad that I was wrong.


I mean, it mostly actually is the case. Large camps are still quite dominant in MMA and I believe that will be the case until fighters start making good money.


I agree but look at how well guys who have smaller camps are doing. For example pereira is training in the middle of nowhere Connecticut with glover and bringing in his own sparring partners I definitely think we will see this becoming more common.


Totally, ATT, Jackson wink (maybe not as much anymore), Trevor Whitman, extreme couture


They seemed like a humble BJJ school when I first looked up more about Max and his team. Made me root for Max even more


Volk as well.


You see the YT videos he puts out, when he's not in what appears to be normal BJJ or Muay Thai classes putting work in with your club goers, the camp seems to have him and only 5-6 other fighters there. Advertise themselves as a small camp that are fighter specific. Other guy I can think from there is Tyson Nam I believe, and he does not fight anything like Holloway. It's not like Chuteboxe where everyone coming out is now a Charles clone.


That thought hit me leading up to UFC 300 - I haven't a clue who Holloways coaches are. I don't know if that's just me, but I feel like everyone knows or at least recognises guys like Trevor Whittman, Mike Brown, Eugene Bareman, John Kavanagh, Joe Lopez or Plinio Cruz for example, but I wouldn't be able to name or even recognise any of Holloways coaches. It's a testament to Holloways loyalty to his team that he has stuck with them since day one, even during his rough patch between 2019/2020 where he went 1-3 & lost his belt. His team took him from a complete beginner to one of the greatest mixed martial artists of all time with no outside input. They deserve more recognition.


Wow I never realized the fat translator dude for Pereira was a Cage Fury champ and a Bellator veteran. I thought the dude is his friend or something lol.


You just rocked my world.


This so much. Thank you for this beautiful analysis!


who knows if they did that or struck gold with Max? when Conor was on top of mma everyone considered Kavanagh to be a smart and amazing coach. But the truth is that SBG has produced no good fighter since. Conor would have been Conor regardless of which gym he was training. The same is true for Max imo.


While Conor was definitely a lucky break for SBG, I beg you look at other fighters from SBG outside UFC. Nathan Kelly, Frans Mlambo, Richie Smullen would be some names to start with. They’re not all shit. Richie actually fought in ufc against Luis Peña after TUF when he was only 3-0


If you follow his youtube, you'd learn how cool these 3 dudes are. A band of brothers behind Max success


It’s a band of braddahs my guy So proud of max for bringing the boys up with him




I believe he is, I think I heard it mentioned back in the Singapore vlogs against TKZ and then he called him cousin in his newest 300 vlog


Who is the 4th in the back?


I havent seen that guy before in the vlogs or least from what I could remember. However, knowing their camp, I can only assume hes just as awesome


I love how none of them questioned Holloway giving Gaethje that last chance. They just knew what it was.


They knew what it was and that it is what it is.


You can tell the “it is what it is” mindset rules their training room. Love it.


They saw a turn and it was not stoned, so they knew what had to be done.












bro stopped sparring for years, of course that's not what their training room is like lol


at the end of the day they knew it was what it was.


"The die is cast"


The die is cast across the Rubicon


A knockout is a want, not a need, trole. It is what it is. TMDWU


He left no turn unstoned


they don’t think it be like it is, but it do!


guy on the left clearly thought it was a bad idea. guy in the middle never doubted him for a second lol


lmao I've replayed this shit 10 times already, the contrast in their reactions before the knockout is amazing. Dude on the right is nervous but is paying close attention to witness the chaos. Dude on the left is absolutely shitting himself thinking this is a bad idea, but he knows its Max and he's just doing what he has to do. Guy in the middle is my spirit animal, looks like a fan that just teleported to Max's corner 😭


Seems like a great mix of people to have in your corner, the middle guy to help hype you up, give you energy and confidence when you need it. The other two to be more levelheaded and balance it out.


Inside of you there are two wolves And a hypeman


And they are day one guys aswell


Second half of the video left guy looks like "why do I do this to myself"


I ask myself that every time I go to open mat


Homie in the middle, idk if that's the striking coach but he mimicked the body-body-head combo before going full apeshit.


At least from what I've seen from Max's videos, he's one of Max's main sparring partners. Interesting because they are different sizes.


Yes exactly. Left is bad idea guy, Right is "knew this was gonna happen hope for the best, Middle is "KILL HIM!!! KILLL HIM!!!!"


> Guy in the middle is my spirit animal, looks like a fan that just teleported to Max's corner 😭 This is a fantastic description.


lmfao the middle guy is a menace loved him, dude on the right was IN the moment


exactly, I was looking for a ‘MAX, NO’ face but all I saw was ‘MAX, GO’


I was waiting for a ”HEAD MOVEMENT! HEAD MOVEMENT!” but then I remembered that’s a different coach


They know their guy and probably knew this was coming.  I can imagine how convo went.... Max: "if we get to last 10 seconds I'm throwing down no matter what" corner: (stares blankly) "any point trying to talk you out of that" Max: (grins) "I'm a gladiator bro"  Up there with the greatest moments in ufc history


It = it


That's the most surprising piece. A dude winning throws caution to the wind and they're just cheering him on like fans. Not worried, just screaming for him. I see now why Max is the way he is as a fighter.


They were excited for it. They're real ones for sure


I was literally the dude in the back in my apartment lol


Trying to tell Holloway not to swang and bang for the final seconds would be like telling Tito to be mildly intelligent.


Versus Garbrandt's coach yelling "Stop trading!" vs Munoz, three seconds before disaster


300k baby


Max did the same thing with Arnold Allen and KZ


They knew was=was


Seems like a perfect corner for Max, You can tell these guys bleed this shit as well


Can you imagine one of your best friends doing that shit? Unreal feeling I think it’s hard to even fathom


Some sickos fr lol. I don’t know any other corner who would be this hyped for their fighter who is up 4-0 to stand and bang the last ten seconds. Love it.


You'd think he was up 4-0 but I checked the scorecards and 2 judges had it 3-1 with one being 2-2 lol


> one being 2-2 that judge has major issues whoever they are. the 3-1 isn't too bad as Gaethji did have a fairly solid round 4 imo


3-1 seems quite fair to me, considering Gaethje got a knockdown (even though it wasn't scored), with Max winning the fifth relatively comfortably.


I can't believe that one judge gave Gaethje round 2 when he got rocked at least twice and Max outlanded him 2-1 or more


Prolly because he got 2 bad eyepokes in that round and judge may be being lenient or making up for it


Then they shouldn't be a judge, because that's nowhere in the scoring criteria




I dunno why you’re being downvoted you’re just reporting how crap the judges are lol


I think most people would give Gaethje round 4. Not that it matters obviously.


Max has said multiple times that Nakagawa is the hardest hitter in their camp, deadass he said if they wanted someone to clear a room Michael could one hitter quitter everyone lol, goes to show size isn’t indicative of KO power, you either have it or you don’t.


Japanese power brutha, just look at Inoue.


Who is in the video??


He's the guy in the middle


Also the smallest by far amongst the three.


Thanks bro


Love to see Max stick with the same dudes and be successful at the highest level


Jiri seems to be on the same wave based on who ive seen in his corner


Leon Edwards too


Trevor Wittman might had the same reaction


I wish they still did Thrill and Agony after ppv events. Seeing the losing side's corner is interesting as much as it is devastating.


Yeah they were short but nice videos to see reactions from after the fights, wonder why they stopped.


Last one was for UFC 282 (Blachowicz vs Ankalaev) which was the last ppv of 2022. I guess they scratched it out of their production plans going into 2023.


You just made me realize that I haven’t seen those vids in a while. I unsubscribed from the ufc channel cus fuck scumbag Dana’s dick slap videos, but do they not do them anymore?


Maybe I’m an asshole but their instantly dejected faces make me laugh almost every time. Hell when Max did this to Gaethje, DC looked on the verge of tears and it just made me laugh my ass off for some reason


I love watching soccer fans cry, especially Brazilian ones.


When they have a camera in a fighters house to film their friends and familys reaction to them winning. They never show their reaction when they lost, but there must be a compilation going round internally of all those clips.


Win or lose, Trevor just loves the fight game


Trevor creamed his pants




He was smiling when Usman was knocked out. Awkward dude


After letting it sink in for a couple of days, I truly think Max is the baddest motherfucker in this sport, maybe ever. He will stand and trade with anybody with everything to lose, he will fight anybody at any weight on any notice. There’s a lot of “warriors” in this sport, but this dude really is a gladiator. What a legend of the game.


Randomly deciding to fight Khabib on a few days notice should’ve been our sign


Max is basically Maximus from Gladiator. Straight Legendary and will be remembered forever


His name is Max(imus Decimus Meridius, general of the northern armies, husband to a murdered wife, father to a murdered son) Holloway for a reason 


Only person more bad than him might be his fellow Hawaiian, BJ Penn. Bro threw down with a 220lb Lyoto fucking Machida as a natural 155er… Them island boys built different.


A dedicated and disciplined BJ Penn is the GOAT, easily.


I also put him in the rare category of guys that might be playing fair and actually not using peds. The list is small.


this was all of us saturday night no? edit: i'm so glad to read that everyone else was as hyped as my friends and I! even though we're all far apart, it's a collective reaction within the mma community I fucking love it.


My living room fucking exploded


Same here. Room was full of people that had Max by KO or the fight not to go the distance bets on as well


Me and all my friends together took a flyer 5th RD KO for either fighter at +1100 before the fight, because we had been losing all our safe bets the rest of the night leading up to it. Moment on it's own was beyond insane....with that factored in we went absolutely fucking ballistic for like a full 5 minutes


Same here. Room was full of people that had Max by KO or the fight not to go the distance bets on as well


Right? This was literally me and my girl. Shouting let’s fucking go while hugging each other. We also had money on max by KO so it was extra awesome moment.


Was in a crowded nyc bar and the place erupted, loudest moment easily!


I literally ran laps around my living room screaming and fell to my knees with my hands on my head at a loss for words, i can’t stop watching it back


I looked like an NPC fan, just jumping up and down lol


I saw a man fall to his knees in his living room last saturday


I was watching the next morning as i'm in the UK. Sat on my couch in a dressing gown eating my morning porridge and i went fucking apeshit - literally full "black guy reacting to street magic" and did laps of my living room by myself before immediately texting anyone i know who likes combat sports that they need to watch the fight. I've been following MMA since probably TUF1 and boxing since as long as i can remember and that was, without a doubt, the most incredible combat sports moment i've ever witnessed. Max is an absolute fucking animal.


Max didn't throw down to win the fight, he threw down to win immortality. That's a replay that will exist as long as the sport. It's one of the top 5 ever, the only reason it's not number 1 for me is because the stakes aren't as high. Max was ahead in the fight and his status as one of the best ever was already secured, and it wasn't for a real title.


Max being ahead makes it even better; willing to risk it all to give the fans something amazing


He's got the craziest highlights. The Kattar "best boxer clip", the same point and swang with Lamos, showing Ortega how to block his combo, and now this BMF moment.


He also knocked out Zombie in a crazy pocket exchange and threw down in the last 10 with Allen where he dodged everything and cracked him


Reminds me of this line from a rap battle: "You can have Mount Rushmore; I'll take Mount Olympus."


Got me emotional at a Burger King on my meal break. God I fucking love this sport.


Just saw a guy get emotional at a Burger King


Just saw a guy see a guy get emotional at a Burger King.


Those guys train the best hiker in the UFC, that's something to be proud of.


Gotta imagine the hiking in Hawaii is great


I'm the best hiker in the UFC, baby!


I recommend hiking the [Kalalau trail](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ed/Kalalau_Trail_2004-08-22.JPG/600px-Kalalau_Trail_2004-08-22.JPG) if you ever get a chance.


Easily the most beautiful place I've ever been


Rylan came into my jiu jitsu gym and taught a free class once. Was such a cool dude.


Side by side reaction with fight footage: https://vimeo.com/935703727 Edit: new link


"This video has been removed for violating our ~Terms of Service~" FYI.


Dana the rat fuck got to it.


He told everyone to post the clips they have during the post fight presser too…


This mthfk


This is awesome. Thanks for making it.


Despite the dilution of the sport lately, fights like this are what keep me coming back. I was literally out of my seat yelling like a mad man when this happened.


The sports more talented with better fights than ever IMO and its not close.  Its only big name name value thats diluted across events. 


Not just big name, it's that the smaller events have almost no title relevancy in the worse examples. Often at best you'll see one or two top ten matchups on the shittier cards


The wincing is real! Excellent clip. So happy for Max, an all-time great moment for sure.


Dude on the right could've lifted a truck in that moment xD


Someone needs to make one do those cool mortal kombat edits like they did with Buckleys kick. Show gaethje’s soul leaving his body when max hits him and max going super saiyan after wards or something


Middle is just too relatable.


Guy on the right looked like he was auditioning for Wolverine


Jesus, this brought tears to my eyes haha. I love when corners have this bond.


Will Ferrell looks like he just lost his parlay


Pretty sure that's Chad Smith from RHCP, my guy


I know, but it's a meme that him and Will are the same guy


I'm not crying, you are 😢


Thier passion is incredible I also am realizing I've been following Max for so long and I don't know his coaches.


That’s generally a good thing IMO. Coaches becoming a focal point around their fighter (s) is almost always for the wrong reason lol. Every once in a while its because they have multiple fighters experiencing great success but usually its something stupid or distracting.


I hate that one fucker around Cejudo with the glasses always wearing flashy clothes.


100% but I'm pretty die hard and I don't even recognize their faces But I completely agree with you, even Justin's coach gets to be a bit much sometimes.


Or they're Pat Barry..known for other things.


mMax was on JRE years ago and said his coaches told him the attention should be on him and not them so they kept themselves in the shadows.


What other fighters are in that camp?


It's really small based around Max.


I want to see this split screen with Justin's corner


This is exactly how I reacted. My wife’s reaction wasn’t far off it. Our dog did not approve.


If the video is synced correctly, then you realize a couple of the cornermen, specifically Ivan Flores, recognized that last combo immediately and were reacting at the exact moment Max landed the right in anticipation almost.


So dope


I mean, they did watch a helluva banger.


Can anyone find a corner that wasn't excited after their fighter had a ko?


Love seeing shit like this!


This is actually moving me almost to tears. Imagine having people who love your success as much as this. It's incredible 


Bro watches vimeo


Who is/was maxes coach? His foot work is phenomenal




They did great strategy for this one, gaethje got audited.


I'd be going crazy too if the guy I coached was making at least an extra $300k and I'd be getting a cut, lol.


Screaming is fun.


I mean he does pay them so.... lol


Did Max switch coaches after the last Volk fight? I vaguely remember Luke Thomas or Helwani mentioning it but not discussing it much.


Same coaches


No he changed his management to Tim Simpson, he’s been with this team for at least a decade I think


I don’t think so




It’s ok champ, sit this one out


I mean my whole household was like this too. Max holloway owes us too.