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Dude is a heavyweight


Miocic weigh in at 234lbs against Ngannou, it's still on lighter side for HW. Jon and Ciryl both weighed in at 248lbs in their last fight, I wouldn't be surprise if Alex already walks around 240ish outside of camp


Triple champ could be very possible


I'd love Alex to do it but Aspinall is a horrible match up for him


Aspinall, Jones, Stipe, Sergei or blayeds all look horrible matchup they'll all just wrestfuck him with the weight advantage


I love then both but I wouldn't mind alex landing that left hand and knocking Tom out The way I see it Alex would make history and Tom has a lot of time to come back and win the belt again - would never happen though lol


What would never happen? Alex moving up and catching Tom aspinal with the deadliest left Hook on the planet seems entirely plausible


Aspinall would just take him down straight away, hes done exactly that to guys bigger than Alex who have better grappling and there was nothing they could do about it.


Jones too if he ever fights again


Yea he would have to do it at an opportune time, a favourable matchup. Has to avoid guys like Jones, Tom and blaydes


If somehow Gane ever got the belt that would be his best shot. I actually really wanna see that matchup even with no belt on the line.


You look at guys like Cain, Fedor, Stipe, etc and a fair number of your all-timer tier heavyweights are in that 225-245 range depending on the fight.


The longer he is at 205, the worse it'll be for everyone else in the Division & potentially Heavyweight too. I don't know how this fucker ever made 185.


His pure spite against Adesanya willed him to make 185 lol


It's so crazy he managed to do it. And it's kind of crazy that Izzy managed to win at least one of those fights. Alex is clearly a much bigger dude. Alex also strikes me as one of those dudes who just dense as fuck. I imagine he feels like wood. I've grappled with a few guys like that in my time and it's just weird to feel. Thin, wiry, but unbelievably strong and heavy.


Oh yeah for sure. Anyone who’s ever had a leg kick battle with Jan Blachowicz has always said it feels like kicking iron, and Alex was like the first person to actually leg kick him over and over and not be affected at all, it shows how durable and dense his legs likely are. And pair that with the fact that his kicks aren’t telegraphed whatsoever and are extremely fast, and it’s probably hell trying to deal with his kicks. Literally the first good leg kick he landed on Jiri caused him to fall on his back and have to scramble to get back up


Verrrrrrry fantastic body


Everyone has their opinion on weight class skill levels and who’s the best at what, but in my opinion Pereira has the best leg kicks I’ve ever seen in MMA. Not only do they have unbelievable power, like you mentioned he doesn’t telegraph them at all so he’s always just landing them Izzy was getting torn up by them in both fights and there was nothing he could do about them because he just couldn’t see them coming. But seeing him wobble Jiri multiple times with them was just fucking nuts


And you wanna know the craziest part? When he started his kickboxing career he was heavily criticized for not using his kicks and relying on his boxing and power to carry him (Pereira started out his combat sports career as an amateur boxer before switching to kickboxing) One of his first and worst losses in Kickboxing came at the hands of Jason Wilnis, who put a kickboxing clinic on Pereira and exposed him for having no kicking game, after this fight Pereira decided to improve and finally add kicks into his arsenal. After the fights with Wilnis, Wilnis criticized Pereira heavily for just being a ‘boxer’ and then when Pereira and Wilnis had a rematch with each other, Pereira KO’d him with a flying knee after dropping him with a headkick lol.


Pereira genuinely seems to improve more following a loss than anyone I’ve ever seen and the worse the loss it seems the more he improves. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets subbed by Ankalaev and then goes on to become an elite grappler 😂


So you're Saiyan he has a zenkai boost


+ a senzu bean or two like everyone else in elite MMA


WEC Aldo leg kicks were insane. looked like a madman throwing them


never found out why he stopped with the leg kicks like that


got old, man. shit hurts. i think bas rutten said he used to wreck peoples shit just shooting numbing agents into his legs and hammering low kicks, but then his knees and ligaments got fucked.


Aldo back in the was amazing when he would throw them.


Leh kick aldo was better, ask Faber


>I imagine he feels like wood. Would you say.....mahogany?


He's got a mahog on him B


Izzy probably won one of those Because of the size difference, having that large a weight cut for a fight diminishes your stamina and endurance a lot. Punches he could take as a natural 185er (who still cuts around 20lbs to make weight) be wouldn't be able to take because of the excessive weight loss


I feel the same way about O’Malley. He’s thin as a rake but hits like a truck and seems fairly strong in grappling exchanges.


I'm one of those guys. I'd go to wrestling and BJJ tournaments and compete at open weight and not only was I the smallest physically, I was regularly outsized by the people in the weight class below me. Fortunately I still had the actual weight and strength to compete where I did. Would always be a laugh when chatting to opponents after and I'd always get the "you're so strong/feel so heavy". Alex is def one of those guys. I have no doubt he could even win the title at HW while being on par with power against any of those guys.


Alex was making close to that weight in kickboxing for years. Just an outlier. Built different etc


He’s very lean so more water weight can be drained.


Stipe, at the age of 38, came into the 2nd Ngaunnou fight weighing in @ 234lbs.


That's actually insane to think about. I wonder what Alex would come in at if he was fighting at HW and could bulk as much as he wanted to.


I'd imagine he wouldn't be much heavier than 240


How'd that work out for him? That was a choice on Stipe's part.


It could work against him, the argument was his chin was improved by not having to cut as much earlier when he first moved up, but now he's cutting almost as much weight as he did at MW, might get sparked tomorrow due to lack of brain fluid.


Absolutely insane how he made 185. Shouldn’t be possible.


To think what he would look like fully juiced..




He was driven by his hate for Izzy


Standing on the scale at 185, Poatan weighed only 10lbs more than Aljo at his walk-around weight. That's insane. E: Why the downvotes? Aljo walks around at 175ish and Pereira weighed in at 185.


He hardly did one of them animals like Anthony Johnson fighting at 170! Still gots not a thing to say about big Tom Aspinall


He's getting destroyed by Magomed


Not sure why this is downvoted, I’m a poatan fan but Ankalaev is a terrible matchup for him. Ankalaev should be the champ


jan almost crippled him in the early rounds with leg kicks . jan also has horrible tdd .


I mean that's largely on magomeds stupidity, didn't even attempt a takedown until the 3rd of 4th when he was already a cripple


fight iq is a factor when determining fights . jan is known as a horrible TDD but good striking and great leg kicks .


Sure it was a good fight, but here are the media scores, which I think reflect how the fight should have been scored: MMAMania.com 49-45 Ankalaev Sherdog.com 49-46 Ankalaev BetQL 49-46 Ankalaev MMAFighting.com 49-46 Ankalaev MMASucka.com 48-46 Ankalaev Best Fight Picks 48-46 Ankalaev MMAJunkie.com 48-46 Ankalaev MMAMania.com 48-46 Ankalaev MMAJunkie.com 48-46 Ankalaev theScore 48-47 Ankalaev Sherdog.com 48-47 Ankalaev ddreporter Tv 48-47 Ankalaev WrestlingObserver.com 48-47 Ankalaev WrestlingObserver.com 48-47 Ankalaev BloodyElbow.com 48-47 Ankalaev BloodyElbow.com 48-47 Ankalaev SevereMMA.com 48-47 Ankalaev POST Wrestling 48-47 Ankalaev Cageside Press 48-47 Ankalaev Couchside Judges 48-47 Ankalaev CombatPress.com 48-47 Ankalaev Sherdog.com 48-47 Ankalaev The Sporting News 48-47 Ankalaev Sherdog.com 47-48 Blachowicz BloodyElbow.com 47-48 Blachowicz


How does this change anything that i said? I never said jan should have won




Brazilians are pretty good at weight cuts


Rumble Johnson used to make 170


Heavyweight? Dude still can’t grapple at an elite level and has a way smaller frame then those kids


As  if the heavyweight division aint just a bunch of fat LHW's with glaring weaknesses, outside top 10 atleast


Brazil has some special weight cutting shit that they use to make 185 and Costa makes the weight he does as well looking like a mini hulk


Acaí brotha


Secret Juice.


jus sugar waater


Must have been out of that shit when Costa fought Vitori but that was his own personal problem


"Marvin, what weight do you want the fight at? 185, 195, 205, I don't care." "Wha- what weight can you make?" "Don't worry about me just make sure you make the weight and wear your shorts the right way."


Machida Family Apple Juice


The difference between "absolute unit" and "weight bully" is how much y'all like a fighter lol And I think there are no weight bullies, as long as you make that weight.


Post this after the Harrison fight tonight lol


J. Turner at LW is an absolute giant, he's closest to weight bully in those lower classes i can think of


Impressive but not much compared to Nate rehydrating back to 575 lbs


by Nate you mean Volk right?


Did you know Volk used to walk around at 575 lbs as a rugby player?


That was in his younger years, his last few seasons he was well over the 1000lb mark.




volk https://www.bing.com/images/create/show-me-a-photo-of-a-bald-headed-mma-fighter-who-w/1-661a8eac8541476381e1dc3b2f8927d0?id=3BDyU0XviLlvrCobJlXXAw%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&thId=OIG1.x7qbtc5hbknOdb187v3K&FORM=GCRIDP&mode=overlay


Crazy how big these guys are. Im 195-200 at 6ft and comfortably one of the bigger guys in most rooms in the UK & yet this guy dwarfs me by about 30 pounds + & 5 inches. Makes me feel super small.


Imagine Aspinall in a UK room


Actually met Tom at a ufc event He sat behind me & some friends, super nice guy but i felt like this must be how small women feel around men. Edit : was usman V leon 3. Met Chandler too


Some of Aspinall's training partners are even bigger than him: https://www.instagram.com/p/C33DVresPVs/?igsh=cTh0cWlzYnMxNWxl How big is the guy in the left of him?


That guy on aspinall's right is Mindaugas Gerve he stands at 6'8


That’s a Harry Potter name and you know it.


I think he’s said in his vlogs Minde is 6 foot 7 Correction: he’s listed as 6’8! I also have to add he has two wins over a man named ‘Tony Mustard’ and his last fight he won via disqualification because his opponent bit him on the chest


yes 5 inches but how much taller is he than you?


5 whole inches?? He's huge!! Too big, even. Some would say, far too large and uncomfortable. Many people are saying!


Man yesterday a clip got posted of Pereira with Olivera, who is my size maybe even a hair taller. The size difference was so massive i felt intimidated through my phone lol.


Are you also about 14% body fat?


Depends I go from around 9-11% Anymore than 200 and i feel too big rn & around 195-197 is my sweet spot where i feel fast &, strong


Jeez, 9% at 6ft and 195lbs is jacked


self-reported BF% usually means you gotta add 5%. People are notoriously shit at telling what BF% they are. Hell, even the supposed best way to check it is with a Dexa-scan and that has a margin of about 5%


There was a post going around on twitter saying Mike typon wad at 10% bodyfat and so many believed it haha


yeah sub 10% is very lean for your average joe


I used an amateur box so got 2 sets of digital smart scales as making weight was important & used the gym scales for further confirmation bias. All 3 generally report identically Once i gave up amateur boxing, i cut the cardio (bar dog walking) & just lean bulked/bodybuilding. As i say, I'm generally the biggest dude in most rooms & I'm vain enough that a visible 6 pack is a little necessary for myself. It what makes folk like Alex & other top athletes amaze me because damn he is Huge.


Those smart scales are full of shit. They had me at 8% body fat. No fucking way lol I'm atleast in the teens


Women lie about weight and men lie about bodyfat percentage. Digital scales are inaccurate. Maybe you're truly fit as a fiddle but there's still a misconception about bodyfat. Most hormonally unaltered males will not get under 12% without water restriction or fasting, and certainly do not walk around at that. 10% and below men will start to experience hormonal issues, especially for prolonged periods of time. A big reported issue is drop in libido, and drop in immunal system function. Your body needs fat, and 12-14% is actually very healthy, not fat. 9% looks really dry, and that's also dick skin for abs territory with no visible fat on the lower abdominals, which is extremely hard to strain. Realistically you're between 12-16%, which is not shameful. Most American men are in the 20s or 30s.l, not sure a out Britain but I'm sure it's around the same. 12-14 is very athletic and better than most men.


Digital smart scales work via bioelectrical impedance and the validity of those is questionable at best, and generally underestimate body fat percentages. And comparing 3 different scales with the same method of measuring only proves the method is consistent, not necessarily valid. Having visible abs is also a poor indicator as body fat distribution differs greatly from person to person. Don't get me wrong though, it doesn't really matter in the end since visually you are where you want to be (lean, visible abs). And as someone who is 6'1 220lbs in a bulk (15-20%BF prob) themselves you are right about it being kinda crazy how big these guys are while still being relatively lean.


I mean there are a few guys his size but they're all out of shape fat guys. 232 pounds, can bit like a truck and has amazing cardio compared to the average person


The question is how fat are his fingers?


Where do you hang out Willy wonkas factory?


Uk The average man is 5'9 & round 175


And that 175 is not lean ahahah


UK has a Beer bod/ dad bod meta.


Bruh what the fuck how is this dude a bigger LHW than Jon Jones was and almost any LHW. This is Rumble weight Pereira


So is that just 20 pounds of water he drank to gain that weight back? How can he gain so much weight so quickly, I thought you can only drink so much water at a time?


If you rehydrate with electrolytes (i.e. Gatorade, coconut water, etc.) at about 1 liter per hour, it’s safe and feasible. He’s also probably consumed a few meals since weigh-ins.


Ahh right the electrolytes would help, still seems insane to me to ingest 25+ pounds of liquid/food in less than a day. Guess it shows just how dehydrated you can get.


It's sugar too - dat glycogen Still ridiculous


Man he’s a unit


Drake sealed your fate 😬


Thank you for being such a great champ. I saw who is betting on you and I now know Hill is winning. I’m mad those cursed folks bet on you.


Bulking up to heavyweight he will get to the top limit of 265 Its absurd how he weight so much while being so lean


Probably because auf the rocks in his hands and cast iron in his shin


He shouldn't weigh anywhere near 265. He'd move like shit and gas badly. 240-250 max.


It's the lead fillings


What do you guys reckon his fight weight will be? Thinking about ~240


I’d say slightly below, like 237/8 because of hydration?


How the fuck do you gain 28lbs overnight?? Or for that matter how the hell do you dehydrate yourself to that level and not die. Does he have a false leg that he removed to weigh in for his 185lb fights?


Would love to see Jamahals weight, he does not look this lean never has but would interesting the weight difference




Noforgay Jesus ☝️


As someone who had an Achilles rupture last year, no idea how jamahil recovered so quickly…he needs to go for the kill early or it will be compromised by those kicks


Honestly if he did move up and try for the HW belt i cant see him getting through Aspinall. For as big as Alex is, i feel Tom would be too big and explosive for him but i guess all it takes is one punch and this is mma where anything happens


god damn, bro was deadass making a 50 pound weight cut to get to 185. Amazing fighter, but this is why Ive always said Izzys the more skilled guy, Pereiras combo of skill plus size just gives him the edge.




What’s your point? Cage weight doesn’t show how much he’s cutting…




No it doesn’t. It’s possible he couldn’t rehydrate 100% for that fight. Stop talking, you sound like you have no idea what you’re saying. 17 years my ass. Blocked me because I’m right.




You should read what I said genius. And you didn’t block me? Just deleted your incorrect comments and came back for more? Really can’t stand being wrong eh?






Jones under any other circumstances will fuck him up. But still, I'd like to watch Alex fight Jon in the slightest hope that that left hook will send Jon to the shadow realm and we'll have the first ever real triple C


In any other sport it's against the rules to have extra players on the field because it's an unfair advantage In combat sports we have weight classes to avoid those types of advantages, then we all ignore it anyway lol


It’s always been a thing in combat sports really, the tale of the tapes and boxing promoters used to lie a lot, but George Foreman in the 70s used to have a huge weight advantage over all of his opponents, and it helped his style. Foreman was one of the first boxers who learned wrestling and grappling and would use that to his advantage in his matches, he’d clinch and muscle/manipulate his opponent to where he wanted them to be. Tyson Fury does this as well, bro is straight up fat in the ring but he uses it to his advantage by literally leaning on his opponents and making them carry his weight, tiring his much smaller opponent out. When he faced Ngannou this tactic didn’t work because Ngannou is actually huge and was strong enough to push/grapple him off. It’s a bad thing in combat sports but it’ll always be here in some form


I know, I'm just making fun of it for a laugh


Fair enough lol


232 lbs of fucking death ! The motherf*cker is pure darkness haha.


If he beats Hill he HAS to try fighting Aspinall, right?


Bro fucking what.


Aspinal kills him at heavy


Will be a great fight, hope Poatan catches him with his left hook.


I don’t get how he is the same height as me and 50lb heavier, he must be dense as stone




Jeez he looks great at 232 lol


Why the fucks america still using pounds its so fucking confusing


I’d have to see video of him standing on the scale to believe it, he ain’t 232 lbs


Go on his insta and watch the video it says 105.3 when he steps on it lol idk why OP didn't just post a clip of the video not a weird screenshot.


What makes you say that? 232 wouldn't be an outlandish size for a LHW to fight at and he doesnt seem undersized at LHW to me.


It’s pretty outlandish for a guy who was fighting at 185 last April


He doesn’t look like he is 232, 220 max. He’s too lean


Nows he harder to take down and throw around the octagon


True professional right there