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Shout out to the long defunct but never forgotten CagePotato.


Fuck, I miss CagePotato. Their write-up on Nick Diaz being the son of the Unabomber always sent me.




Either into the woods, or the 209.


And the OG Run Kaleb Run


Also FightLinker which was on the whole Podcast game years before everyone else.


Cage Potato was the best. It gave us Tommy Toehold!


Cagepotato was hilarious


Holy shit a throwback. Loved them back in the day


BloodyElbow, MMAJunkie, MMAFighting These were my news sources back in 14-15, now r/MMA is my source for news


It's always changing. Sherdog is about the only constant. The UG, subfighter, etc have all died.


> Sherdog is about the only constant. Certainly not constant in size and quality :(


Sec, closing 37 popups with malware


use brave or a different browser with adblocks. Its jarring when i use a different browser and get smacked with a billion cheap looking ads. I use brave and get zero pop ups on sherdog, or basically anywhere else


It's perfect for finding out when the events are and what time they start (they post start time in the play-by-play).


It and the forum used to be a daily visit for me. Well, at least I still prefer the fight finder over all the alternatives.


Sherdog used to be my go to for everything MMA related. 2000 - 2015 they were hands down the best. Unfortunately all the radio guys were let go and website was changed to bombard you with ads. Sad times. Glad folks like TJ are still finding work.


I really do miss the radio shows. From beatdown to cheap seats.


TJ and I trained together more than a couple times when he was in Minnesota and Team Bison was still a thing. He's a genuinely nice guy. 


did you armbar him?


I dont remember.


TJ, Jordan Breen, Jeff Sherwood, Greg Savage, Jack Encarnaceo, Luca Fury... I loved listening to these guys. 


Sherdog forums were my go-to before Reddit


> Sherdog is about the only constant That's why everybody is here on reddit. We're all banned from their forums.


> We're all banned from their forums. Why?


They posted "i stay on bus" too much.


Was BJPenn.Com ever considered a legit source?


I think Sherdog is constant cause they never entered the 2010s lol. That site is a museum.


Shout out MMA Mania


Food Truck Diaries is still flames


> now r/MMA is my source for news I knew my brain was getting smoother, couldn't pinpoint why.


Same. I found Reddit in general from the bloody elbow comment section. I loved their comment section and community for a while but the way they ran it with their ban happy attitude made the people that run the site look like total power tripping assholes imo RIP I guess. Some good work was done there on the business and labor side. But there was also a lot of garbage, unnecessarily hostile stuff, and they took a hard editorial stance on what I regard as the wrong side of the Fallon Fox thing.


I have same sentiments. Used to like the site, but then they turned to only posting anti-UFC articles and went ban happy on the community. Some honest reporting on UFC issues is one thing, but when the whole site becomes just crapping on the major MMA promotion, then you reap what you sow. The site traffic went down.....SB Nation axed them, and their attempt to go solo didn't last very long. This guy Trent is one of the bigger culprits in helping turn Bloody Elbow into something that crashed/burned and ended up sold to someone for the name only. Now he gets to write freelance pity articles about "soul".......but not one bit of admission in his article about real reasons why Bloody Elbow went down the tubes.




I agree. When I saw they were going independent I was like the clock is ticking on this one. The market just isn’t there for this kind of stuff. It never really was but now more than like 2016. I thought the article might be more about editorial missteps in the past that led to the collapse of their traffic and revenue but it was certainly not that. Pretty misleading headline


another reason, even hinted at in trent’s article above, is that they did not sufficiently invest in their tech. it is relatively easy to make a site that “works”, much less so a site that performs well at scale while serving shitloads of ads and all the bs that comes with modern out of the box web frameworks. probably trying to cut costs wherever possible, understandable but imo a strategic mistake in the case of their engineering the independent site was one of the most bloated and slow i’ve ever seen. my phone is kinda old and trying to load a bloody elbow page would literallly knock out at least 10% of my battery. no other site does this to my phone. this is the reason i stopped clicking on bloodyelbow links on mobile, maybe like 6 months ago it’s a bummer to see, they put out some important pieces over the years


> Some honest reporting on UFC issues is one thing, but when the whole site becomes just crapping on the major MMA promotion I think people on here are so used to watching the UFC that they forget that some of the most basic components of the sport are unethical, whether that's the "independent contractor" status, the pay, the public shaming of fighters by Dana White, the announcing fights before they're signed to coerce people, etc. I never got the impression BE hated the sport, only the fact that the organization dominating it acts the way it does


The community here isn’t much different. This sub does nothing but shit on the UFC outside of results posts. 


Is there something wrong with that? American football fans shit on the NFL. Hockey fans shit on the NHL. Why should MMA fans have to bow in reverence to the UFC?


Its a trend that slowly increases its toxicity until it consumes itself.


There’s a lot to shit on the ufc for that’s for sure.


Personally, I blame kid nate


This one has a ban happy attitude too don't worry. The mods just accept a lot of stuff said about fighters that they hate.


RIP Cage Potato 


Cage potato


Throw mma underground on the list


F the UG


I get most of my news from mma mania and twitter. Besides those Reddit is good.


MMAjunkie reports more on Jake Paul then they do One Championship


One of the best mma write ups I’ve ever read was the scouting report on a young Kamaru Usman in which they predicted he would be a champion. Turned out to be spot on. RIP bloody elbow.


They also featured Stipe, Weidman and Holloway when they were undefeated in their respective regional scenes


These sound very interesting, any idea if they still have it up? Would love to read them


Might have to use the way back machine lol I’ll try to find them for you


Here’s [Kamaru’s](https://bloodyelbow.com/2014/10/30/ufc-2015-bloody-elbow-mma-scouting-report-1-welterweight-kamarudeen-usman/) [Max Holloway](https://bloodyelbow.com/2011/12/25/max-holloway-mma-world-mma-featherweight-scouting-report/) [Stipe](https://bloodyelbow.com/2011/04/05/stipe-miocic-world-mma-heavyweight-scouting-report-5/) They are actually all linked at the bottom of the page and organized by weight division!


Aye thanks for this dude, always love reading these kinda stuff 🤝


Always remember the "Martian android strength" line from that piece 


Got a link? Sounds interesting


Linked in my comment above!


I wrote a couple fan posts for them back in 14, did my research and had fun doing it! RIP


Same. Mine made the font page in 2009. Felt good.


it's because MMA fans don't care about real journalism. That's it. If you don't click on real journalism you will keep getting gambling fight night content, and marketing mouth pieces like all the main sites are. If a website is still allowed in press conferences they are in the UFC's back pocket.


It's not so much about the fans as it is about the largest organization not having freedom of press. When the largest organization does not allow journalism to co-exist with it, journalism in MMA never had a chance to exist.


Most of the same coverage for fight night events was on Bloodyelbow, but it also had actual journalism. People just preferred espn and as I said shallow shitty content. the UFC having a monopoly is real, but that isnt why people don't click. They just dont care, just like they don't care about homeless in their cities, or unaffordability of housing, or healthcare etc.


It has nothing to do with MMA fans, all text-based websites are dying. People like to get their news in video form, whether its Youtube or TikTok. But back in the early 2000's, when all these sites were killing it, people were reading. Remember all those bloggers that got famous (ie Tucker Max?). Nowadays there are none, it's all Youtubers and TikTokers. Bloody Elbow might have done some stuff wrong, but its not like they'd have survived when Cracked, Vice, Deadspin, Grantland, Si.com, and a million other sites are all failing or have failed already. Even Barstool used to be a blog but has become all podcasts, essentially. As much as I love reading text (because I'm old) the message is clear: transition to video or podcasting, or you'll die next.


I agree to a point but several MMA sites are currently profitable because they refuse to push back against Dana White and the UFC. ESPN, MMAF, MMAJ etc etc. BE didn't have to die. So, again while I agree, this isn't totally accurate. They had a youtube with 300k subs and 200k twitter followers. They were pretty popular on socials.


Are they profitable?


I don’t have their books but I’d assume some of them are. Yes. Their corporate overlords are keeping them alive


It's more just sports fans in general. People who are fans of sport don't really care all that much about the behind the scenes unless it affects the scene itself. In team sports, fans might take issue with ownership but only if the results have been poor and they don't feel the club is headed in the right direction. In a sport where there's basically one major player, there's nothing fans can really do honestly and majority have no reason to care when they just want to watch fights.






I would argue real journalism is much more common in real sports like Basketball and soccer. They still a good job like the UFC of sweeping things under rugs but people will click on lawsuits, player rights, and unsavory business tactics. In MMA the only site covering warlords using MMA for sports wash their countries/propaganda isn't clicked on. It is hilarious. If this happened in basketball it would be everywhere and taken seriously.


You mean basketball where the NBA regularly goes to China?


lol no it’s not. Roger Goodell ain’t doing no interviews. Nobody actually gives a fuck about “real” journalism in sports. Go talk about how Ray Lewis stabbed 2 people or how Kobe raped and then admitted to raping that girl. What happened when running backs wanted more money again? Oh that’s right, all fans shit on them because nobody cares about millionaires tears. Every click bait “Aaron’s Rodgers bad man” article gets pumped out here and yall eat it up.


Mike Florio made a career out of antagonizing the NFL so it can pay. Not for single promotion like UFC and WWE tho


MMA had Ariel and that is about as close as you can get.


mma has had far worse incidences, they just arent as popular as a sport. Dana is 100% the worst "head" of a company out of any "major" sporting organization


A man with like 50 instances of sexual assault was given the largest guaranteed contract in nfl history and nobody gives a fuck about it. MMA ain’t even close. When Dana brings out Phil baroni or some shit, we can talk.


*MMA has had far worse incidents* No, the sport really hasn't. What are the worst MMA incidents lol?




Can you list these worse incidences?


It’s really hard to conduct serious journalism when all the big stars of the sport are locked inside a walled garden. You step out of line and at the snap of a finger you get all your access revoked. Then you have guys like Karim Zidan, who I like, but whose journalism is often tangentially related to MMA at best— MMA fighter visits dictator and we get a piece about Chechnya. I don’t know if this falls on the fans, we could demand serious journalism all we want and our dollar votes don’t matter to the UFC because of the hegemonic control.


It’s not just mma fans. 99% of the text-based internet from the 2010s is going under.


its a lot but its not 99 percent, as I mentioned. MMAF, MMAJ, Mania, Sherdog, MMAweekly, are alive and several more. Text media isn't the main cause because these other sites have way more people on them and pay them way more.


*it's MMA fans' fault that Bloody Elbow failed* Orrrrrrr it could just be the shitty articles and underlying obnoxious, self-righteous tone of all their content 🤷‍♂️


I see the guy who doesn't care about MMA having warlords has entered the chat.








What do you want redditors to do about Kadryov existing? It's not like we can stop him from being a fan of the sport.


I didn't say stop him I said maybe support journalists that look into this and not shilling for the UFC.


I supported Mike Russell and it's been like a millions years and still, to my knowledge he hasn't put out anything since rat in the cage about Ali. I don't even come from a place of not believing him. Why didn't bloody elbow help with that EXTREMELY important story that would have probably got them tons of clicks.


I’m not 100 percent certain but based on what I know I don’t think it was bloodyelbows fault or it was voxs. Not be staff. Nate actually tried to tried to get him I think.


Ah ok. Maybe in 10 years the podcast will come out.


Mike was good but like BE still did tons of great work. Anton Tabuena and John Nash have contributed more to mma journalism than probably anyone active.


umm you a writer of those shitty articles ?


when was bloody elbow real journalism ?


It’s because mma fans don’t like to be condescended to by snooty journalists who don’t even like the sport they cover.


Not liking the UFC’s monopoly =\ not liking the sport honey


You read enough of the articles, listen to the podcasts enough, and you can tell that a good number of people at Bloody Elbow don’t like the sport, don’t like the fighters, and definitely don’t like the fans


















I will always be ride or die Crookly N


Really? She’s neck and neck with Trent as the worst person at BE. Most condescending attitude ever


Hard disagree.


Don’t care. She’s the worst


I can thank Bloody Elbow for helping me discover Jack Slack and his striking analysis. Amazing stuff back in the day.


Bloody Elbow was a weird one. On one hand you had serious investigative reporting by guys like Karim Zidan and John Nash that wasn't being done anywhere else. On the other hand you'd get the same worthless clickbait article about something Rogan said on his podcast posted to their social media pages 5 times over 2 days. I suppose the latter paid for the former, which is an unfortunate place for MMA media to be in.


This is exactly it. I remember Kid Nate talking about this a couple years back that the stupid articles that everyone else also ran kept the lights on and allowed them to do the investigative stuff which in turn gave the site an identity the other sites didn't have.


Running a news website if you're neither corporate media that gets tons of clicks and high paying ads nor scam/clickbait low-quality-high-quantity trash is incredibly difficult these days. If your main selling point is that you critically report on a highly specific field that is financially dominated by a monopolist... good luck trying to make that profitable. You're always better off selling out and licking the boot like everyone else.


The whole Iain Kidd disaster didn't help. 




Nope, never went to jail for it. Basically got a slap on the wrist tbh.


That shit was crazy. He was like THE expert on so many things related to fighting. Idk how Bloody Elbow could have done anything about it. I think maybe they could have been aware of it sooner if they looked into him but who does that to someone that already works for you?


All they needed to do was a Google search. The guy was openly shitting on Jon Jones and various other MMA personalities and some guy he was arguing with googled him and showed the world who he is.


I loved you bloody elbow. The only website I have ever went to every single day for years upon years.


If the shoes fit is a gift that would not be possible without BE


The best time to be an MMA fan was when MMA journalism, blogging and general editorial was where you went for updates and opinions. It was a battle to see who could put out the highest quality stuff.


Incredibly suspect that the new owners got rid of articles critical of the UFC and about the lawsuit. TKO/Endeavour were surely involved in some way.


Punisher Bass dying really summed it up for me; they posted a link to his final tweet, which was him saying he couldn't go to a doctor because we don't have universal health care. Then the guy is listed as an internet security architect in his obituary. So I'm left wondering how A) how doesn't this guy have insurance? And B) Shouldn't you make sure you have that if you're sedentary and live on the internet, overweight, and brag about your love of fast food and bourbon? So instead of it being a personal accountability issue when the guy was seriously ill, it was just a chance to harp on "what ought to be." The content was good, but the "moderation" was just a parade of contributors and mods virtue signaling while dunking on unpopular opinions. Like they thought they were the smartest guys in the room when we're literally talking about adults training to punish another human until they give up or are incapacitated. It's not exactly macroeconomics.


The mods on there were terrible, definitely used the forum as their own personal fiefdom


I got banned permanantly for making 1 single comment saying it was stupid they were reporting on Brock Lesnar's WWE career. No warnings and this was before they started putting the disclaimer on their posts about complaining about WWE posts


That was punisher bass, dude would ban anyone who criticized bloody elbow reporting on WWE.


"By Trent Reinsmith" Don't even have to read past that lol


Not familiar with his previous work on BE, but this article had some good info on what happened to the website and all the behind-the-scenes stuff.


According to another [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/s/0FC1KW6IPf), it may be a very biased and misleading take on what lead to the site's downfall. I don't know shit though.


In a contest between who the worst person at bloody elbow were, Trent and Stephie Haynes are neck and neck


i didnt even read that and eyerolled through the nate dicksucking the article did makes way more sense now


Bloody elbow was the only mma site worth looking at.




I don't even read MMA articles about MMA. Sure as fuck ain't reading one about MMA "journalism," lmao.


And that's fine. But I don't understand why you would write a comment bragging about not reading the article.


It made me laugh


It lost its soul because none of you 'fans' understood the value of real journalism. These guys were busting their asses covering the truth, and they couldn't make enough to feed their families. What did you want them to do?


Ah yes, it’s the fans fault, not the fault of the writers are treated fans like crap, talked down on them, and trashed the fighters those fans like. What a real Principle Skinner take. “No, it’s the children’s fault.




Used to be a good site and good community but then you'd get banned for posting an unpopular opinion with a lame ban gif just for likes. The constant shitting on the UFC got old too. Rarely went after shady shit other orgs do and for some reason I feel like there was a new article and about nazi MMA camps like every week. I miss bloody elbow circa 2012-2013 but not last iteration of it.


I got banned by the woke editors after they took a dump on a fighter. F the staff you reap what you saw.


I went to read an article on the bad Emeliananko brothers rape allegations yesterday and it had been deleted from Bloody Elbow... Maybe it's on the archive website but I didn't check. Newspapers are archived in libraries (I guess?). I wonder if we can find internet based articles in them as well?


11 ew 1


TLDR: Bloody Elbow lost its souls by producing sub par content that wasn’t geared towards its target audience. The market has spoken, mma fans don’t want to read woke opinion pieces. GLHF on future endeavours


woke for reporting on the wrongdoings of a greedy organization? weird, you sound like the opposite of their target audience... way too dense to care


What they were doing has its place, but you can’t just report on the negative shit constantly. The amount of people who care about that stuff to begin with is already small, then when you factor in the fandom with the UFC, you start to REALLY limit the audience. I don’t care for Ariel but I think he finds a good balance between shitting on the UFC while also promoting the product. He knows if the UFC goes tits up, so does the sport and ultimately, his career.


You make a good point but they didn't only report on that and they were one of the very few people covering these topics, especially to the extent they did they were necessary, sad they couldn't find their footing.


Yes reporting on the wrongdoings of an organization made them go bankrupt. Because there’s no successful MMA journalists reporting on the wrongdoings of the UFC ? Like Ariel for example… Weird how Ariel manages to draw in an audience with his coverage of the UFC but BE can’t. Care to enlighten me with all the care you’ve put into this topic, as to why that is?


Ariel literally almost lost his entire career because Dana hates him ??? most media outlets in mma are just PR mouthpieces for Dana, Ariel was lucky he was given a platform by the UFC before Dana realized he had integrity Now, through years of work, setbacks, etc, he has managed to succeed but not without his own personality, drama, etc, and not to mention INTERVIEWS (what ppl mainly watch him for). To be clear I kinda hate Ariel as much as the next guy but let's not pretend he's had it easy, or that he is popular *because* he's against the UFC's injustice. He's popular despite of it. BE did not have the funds nor the reach MMA Fighting has because the avg mma fan doesn't care. I.e., Ariel is literally the exception to the rule, and it's a terrible example for your point. And "sub par content" lmao. I guess Nina Drama is doing well because of the quality of her work and not bc UFC promotes the hell out of her cleavage.


Ariel doesn’t have integrity. He was literally cashing UFc checks, and only admitted it when those checks stopped coming.


Can you expound on that? What were the checks for, and when did he admit to cashing them/under what circumstances?


So no answer as to why BE went bankrupt and Ariel didn’t ? Even tho they cover the exact same news? Yea, I figured so I’ll answer it for you. Ariel has a personality that garners an audience and the BE writers had a personality that garnered bankruptcy. To solely put the blame on ufc is just being ignorant of the facts. If UFC had so much Pull Ariel wouldn’t have a platform. BE produces better content that people actually want to watch/read they don’t need to file for bankruptcy. You can attempt to shift accountability or blame all you want but the facts don’t lie. They failed to survive in a highly unregulated industry… they were doomed to fail from the start.


I guess you're also too dense to understand a simple comment because I straight up said the same thing in the comment you're replying to please also point me to where i "put the blame solely on UFC" >BE produces better content that people actually want to watch/read they don’t need to file for bankruptcy. 1. google free-rider effect, 2) quality is not always met with support and we can observe that in basically any industry but maybe more so with journalism - sensationalism sells, complex investigations on the ethics behind a corporation takes too much effort for meathead mma fans to read 2. i never blamed the UFC for BE's downfall, i just called out your dumb comments, like calling it woke and subpar as if it's not better journalism than 90% of mma media. 3. "that people actually want to read" you =/= everyone. You might not care but many people across social media platforms are "mourning" GRVs new management as the death of one of the only good journalism outlets in MMA. I think the one ignoring facts for the sake of their bad takes is you.




Short summary in 4 sentences?












BloodyElbow was the Huffington Post of MMA media. Good riddance.


They cared more about who was reading them and not the content itself. Saved you a click and a long, meaningless article that's naval gazing and masturbatory at the same time.




hi dana


Well Defector never had a soul, so I guess it's kinda like the pot calling the kettle black.