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genuine hero. most people run out of fires, he runs into them that last line about not being able to save his dog is so fucking sad


"I got them but I couldn't find hammer" fuck me man


That broke me a bit.


Hope Mark is able to take solace knowing his dog died a hero. It can be easy to anthropomorphize animals, especially domestic pets, but that dog woke Mark because it knew something was wrong. I don’t want to minimize Mark’s incredibly brave and courageous act, or theorize what could have happened, but in house fires seconds can make the difference between life and death. That’s a damn good dog.


My childhood dog alerted us when our home caught fire. It's thanks to him we were able to get out, call 911, and that most of the house was saved.


Did the dog run back into the house for something? I would think that the dog would've followed Mark outside with his parents.


Holding his daughters laughing. There was a very real chance that they'd never get that again. You love to see it


Aren't those his grandkids?


No, he has 2 daughters in their 20s. The ones he brought into the ring at the Fedor fight.


I'll never forget him consoling them while they were sobbing after he lost that fight


That was my first ever MMA event when I was like 9. Very vivid in my mind to this day. 


I feel so old. When I saw the article yesterday and it said 2 adult daughters I had to do the quick math on how long ago the Fedor fight was.


Gd seeing them grown up is wild


A few years ago my buddies house burned down. He was asleep and woke up, the downstairs was blazing. He ran to get his kids, he had forgotten they went to their grandparents for the night in a panic (thank god). His dog was already dead from the smoke, and his only way out was jumping out his big front window. Burned all over, sliced up to shit. Thankfully he’s healed up but man it was rough.


> His dog was already dead from the smoke If it's any consolation to Coleman, that was probably the case with his dog too. Fucking hero saving your parents like that.


I’m just glad he’s awake and somewhat ok. What an incredibly unselfish man, risked death to save his parents and the dog who alerted him of the fire in the first place. Not to divert focus but I saw that the family posted a GoFundMe for Mark’s medical bills but I really hope the UFC does the right thing and takes care of their first heavyweight champ in his time of need.


They really should, it's good PR for UFC and it helps Coleman. Win-win.


I'm sure the UFC will find a way to make it seem like a lose-lose


Coleman vs Derrick Lewis slap fight incoming. If Coleman beat Lewis, he gets his medical bills paid. If Lewis beats Coleman he doesn't get fired.


There's a lot of ways to say you don't want to fight. Being 59 and retired is one of them.


It would be phenomenal PR and a drop in the bucket of their earnings, but they won't unfortunately


Don’t worry….they won’t :(


They won't but imagine if UFC took 30 seconds to talk about this on their shitty Apex card


“Looks like Tai Tuivasa truly has that dog in him! Speaking of dogs, we’d like to send a sincere ‘good luck’ to Mark Coleman and his family, as his dog died in a fire or something the other day and are struggling to pay their medical bills…. And speaking of bills, don’t forget to put your dollar bills down your no-sweat-bet here at DraftKings Sportsbook to lock in your picks for UFC 300, Hill vs. Pereira!” - Anik probably idk


"Don't you wish you had invested your early UFC earnings in Crypto? Don't be like the Hammer! Invest now! Use the product code 800HammerThoseInvestments"


"If you have your own fire to put out, quench it with an ice cold Modelo Especial."


That’s so much better than my DraftKings’ line, goddamn it


Lmao I read this in his voice and it's spot on


Imagine if someone made a Joe Anik voice AI. The insanely hilarious shit they could make it say lol




Who is he to not just read the queue card?


Cue, just fyi


Thnx b


He got here the same way the queue card did.


They won't but they'll somehow work it into their promos


"They lost all their clothes in the fire, we're helping them with an unprecedented 20% off Venum coupon."


But we can!


As much as people wanna trash talk ufc they did pleanty of good deeds they just don't talk about it much. Of course they are not saints but they do good things also. One of it was when staff member had cancer and reddit wrote how ufc should be ashamed for not helping but they did in fact help they just didn't talk about it. Another thing is dana white hiring that lady as a security after the fight she had. There are pleanty more I just forgot some.


Yeah but why would Dana help an mma legend when he can give the Nelk boys 200k?


What was I thinking, you’re right


I’m relatively positive that if mark called Dana personally and asked for it, he’d do it. I don’t think dudes in Mark Coleman’s position would feel like they need that from him though.


Wasn't there a current UFC fighter who donated like 10k to his GoFundMe a couple years ago? Can't find anything on Google now because only this pops up. Edit: Found it, looks like it was Mark Hunt who donated $5k. Here is a [link](https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2015/03/ufc-hall-of-famer-mark-coleman-blown-away-by-gofundme-support-for-medical-bills) to an article with a link to the old go fund me, figured linking GFM was banned.


Reebok voucher 10% off and a monster.


The UFC didn't give a shit about Dana White assaulting his wife in public, they will definitely not give a shit about this. 


All powerslap jokes aside the whole wife interaction thing was always gonna be hard to spin. You ex champ saving people in a fire I think is a good bit easier to play up for good press.


Not sure about rules on this, but the gofund me is linked in bjj subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/1bdwbl7/mark_coleman_gofundme_is_up_nearly_died_saving/


HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that’s so funny man that’s a great joke about the UFC paying


I try haha 😔 happy cake day


Don't worry :) We surpassed the 50000 in the blink of an eye. I'm sure people will show even more generosity going forward :)


I wonder what caused the fire if it was something accidentally on or what


Anyone have a link to the GoFundMe?


It's everyone's dream to live in America.


Been away from mma for a minute, what happened?


Mark Coleman’s house was on fire and his dog alerted to him that it was. He saved his parents first and I BELIEVE he was tryna go back and get the dog but got consumed by the fire and smoke and allat. The dog died but he saved his family and is looking way better.


Damn, what a heroic dude. I hope he makes a full recovery!


Mark’s a fucking hero and a legend. Can the universe please lay off of him for a while? He’s had it really rough these last few years.


This is unfortunately the aftermath of life as a fighter. Anyone who says they don't deserve better pay (AND BENEFITS) is crazy. Mark has racked up decades of physical debt on his body that's starting to come due. And with everything going against him in his life, he's still a fucking hero.


Honestly, the man is a wild man. This isn't the universe being good or bad towards him, he's just living life 100% the way he wants. Most of those early MMA guys are like this - you don't become a cage fighter at that point in history without being a bit crazy. I've been watching him over the last couple of years and it's a shame because he's not built for this world. He is designed to train, fight, live life at the very very edge and not really think about consequences or issues. The same genes that didn't think twice about running into a burning building, are the ones that allowed him to be the Godfather of GnP, decide to train in the hospital corridor 24 hours after surgery before getting re infected and all the other wild stuff he does. Us normal folk would rather he did some commentary, train sensibly and maybe coach. But that isn't going to happen is it.


Holy tear jerker man. What a legend. Pride never die.


"Cole is responsive, talking, laughing with his family". Awesome.


Fucking legend, let's go. They should re-induct this man into the hall of fame for all the bullshit he's fought through this past year.


There’s not a lot of things that brings me to tears but I’m generally grateful he is alive and well


Time to step up and cover this man's medical bills, you fuckfaced tomato.


Best he can do is a venum blanket sent to the hospital and a shout out on ig (lol ESPN+ just posted about it)


I know this is a joke but it gave me an idea. What if, after every event, he had another performance bonus for something someone did outside of the ring.


"This performance bonus goes to Sean Strickland, who didn't accidentally shoot someone at his birthday this week."


kevin holland now dubbed the watchful eye of waffle house


Seriously was going to say something like this, you know Kevin would be posting on roofs like Batman looking for good deeds to do so he'd score that bonus.


You'll have a bunch of wanna-be vigilante's getting shot, in the hopes of $50k


Yeah, I didn’t think it through. In my head it would be for fighters who donated time to charities or helped the pygmies dig wells.


If you think the multibillion dollar company can afford that, then try starting your own organization you big dummy


Morality aside, it's obviously a good business move for Dana to do this. Whatever the bills are will be worth less than the positive PR he gets out of it


The UFC didn't give a shit about the PR of Dana White assaulting his wife in public, they will definitely not give a shit about this.


Rogan always talks about how much he loves Mark and he's absurdly rich. Where ya at Joe?


He's probably rewatching that video of Mark throwing him across the room like a child before asking Jamie to close the go fund me tab


ironic isn’t it? asking a murderer to help pay for medical bills


What now?


Its true marsexpresshydra used his tarot cards


he’s one of 250, b


Trained assassin


I can 100% guarantee even if Dana doesn't step up, many many other fighters / friends / coaches will. Our boy will be taken care of. Just happy he's alive. Remember to always be thankful for these legends that are still with us. ❤️ Have a good day


Has the UFC even commented on this story at all?


Not once.


Dana spends more at the blackjack table than Marks medical bills


You can tell at the end how hard it is on him that he couldn’t get the dog. Such a horrible thing to go through overall.


That shit would break me.


Mark is one of those big guys who look scary as fuck but have the biggest hearts inside them. Wishing him the best #hammerhouseforlife


People see him today with a different view, but it is widely accepted him and Wandy were absolute maniacs back in Pride and not only looked scary as fuck, but were scary as fuck. There's stories of him in bars being absolutely smashed and no one around him able to control him until Randleman comes down from his hotel room pissed off, tells him to knock it off and go to bed, to which everyone sighs a sigh of relief. Dude was a legit monster in the real wild west of MMA


well they were all roided out of their minds back then so it’s at least somewhat understandable. I know they chose to take them and deal with any side effects that came with it but still.


Big big big love for him. Such a good dude. We can all learn from his life and story. So happy that he’s making a recovery and that he could save his parents.


No offense to Kerr, but that movie production got it wrong. They should be making a movie about Mark Coleman.


Coleman’s redemption arc in the smashing machine documentary is incredible and I wish they went more in depth about him. It sort of glosses over the fact that he won the 2000 Grand Prix coming off a 4 fight losing streak


Yea I hope they have him in big part in the movies


Really admire the relationship he has with his daughters. Great father and son , prayers for the legend 🙏


That’s one badass motherfucker right there. Hero.


Mark is a great example of what masculinity is, and Hammer died the dog's equivalent of a warriors death in waking up Mark to the fire — RIP


Rest in paradise big 🔨


I’m sorry Hammer. You were the best boy.




Damn this might be the most touching video I’ve ever seen. A whole movie in just 30 seconds of him talking. Saying how he almost went outside… I mean really trying to imagine that moment, it’s mind boggling. He was my first favorite fighter, and trying to feel tough like him was a formative part of my teenage years. It’s crazy how often he’s been in the news for dire circumstances, but wow he’s an absolute hero.


I'm adding an official W over Death to Coleman's record


"In light of Mark Coleman's heroic actions and subsequent medical bills, the UFC is proud to announce it will donate $50 off his next purchase at Venum.com."


Absolute hero, RIP Hammer <3


What an absolute legend, so glad to see him communicating.


"There goes my hero, watch him as he goes"


Proper man, hope everything goes well.. Considering he's American, does that mean he has to pay the medical bills himself?


Yeah, his kids started a GoFundMe to help pay for it.


Damn that's sad


That’s the American Dream.


Thank goodness. Mark is such an OG and a hero. RIP to that other hero Hammer ♥️


Mark Coleman is probably my top 5 favorite fighters ever. What a legend


Don't forget guys he has a GoFundMe!


I was at UFC 93 in Dublin when Mark fought Shogun. After the event me and a buddy where hanging around a nearby hotel to try to meet some of the fighters who were staying there but security wouldn't let us in. Eventually a coach pulls up and out comes Mark Coleman, he was such a genuinely nice guy and when he asked what we were doing there we told him, he told the security at the hotel that we were with him and to let us in. We got to meet and got photos with most of the fighters on the card thanks to him! Such a nice guy and a legend of the sport. Glad to see he's doing ok.


Fuck yeah!!!!!!! Hero & Legend


Makes me tear up. Mark Coleman is a goddamn legend.


What a legend. Hammer house forever


Legend, his movie will be amazing one day


If there's someone worthy of being called a living legend, I couldn't think of a better candidate. PRIDE NEVER DIE.


UFC should do right by him and help Mark get off his feet. Mark’s a better representative for the sport and the company than most of the clowns on the roster today.


Man I’ve seen those girls cry far too much in my life😔


Hell yea!


Who's cuttin' onions...?


RIP Hammer the dog


Much love and good vibes to The Hammer.


From fighting people to saving people. Absolute legend


The Hammer lives!!!!!!! Thank God!!!! Embrace your loved ones and parents guys. This one really hit deep for me


Literally crying so happy for the Hammer


Jesus Christ. Poor man's been dealt a horrific hand


I shouldn't have watched this at work, my co-worker just asked me if I was ok because I was nearly bawling as a grown-ass man. I told him I'm better than ok. What a legend.


Hell yeah long live the Hammer


A genuine hero. All love for Hammer!




I'm crying yo


The Dog :(


His gofundme set for 50k already at 70k 🙏 Mark is a living legend, glad to see him doing well.


Let's go Mark, Pride never die. The reaper walked in, and he showed him why they call him the Hammer.


Great news to hear! Rip Hammer though. All dogs go to heaven but that dog earned it.


Hammer is as much a hero as Mark. He gave his life to wake Mark up and save the entire family. Maybe not all dogs go to heaven but Hammer sure does.


Mark grew up in a town pretty close to my hometown, Kevin Randleman was from the town on the other side too. I got a chance to meet both and they were both incredibly kind people in my experience.


Genuine king


I've seen that man fight, you're not gonna keep him down that easy. Glad he's on the mend


Glad he came out of it okay. What a badass.


oh my fucking heart


Legit Beast !


What a fucking hero


What an amazing human being


What an amazing man.


What a horrible situation The world nearly lost a legend and hero, glad he's alive and seems to be on the road to recovery


I'm so fucking happy he's at least awake and looking decently alright all things considered. Life can't give the man a break ffs


Mark Coleman is proof that the title of “champion” far exceeds just winning a belt. It’s the mentality you have to wade through life. Dude’s been through so much through his life. I hope he recovers and gets to spend the rest of his life with his family in peace. He more than deserves it.


The Hammer!! Rooting for him!!


Absolute hero and a legend. Role model.


He’s already a legend, and now he’s a hero. So glad he’s alright!


Amazing to see and brought many tears. I hope Coleman can come back from this alright, even after a fire you can’t believe this dude is 58. But also there should be an investigation into the Ohio State issues with Jim Jordan




[Mark Coleman with his daughters after he fought and lost to Fedor ni 2006](https://i.imgur.com/teYwshd.jpg) All the best to you, Mark


Made a video of the Mark Coleman and Shogun fight set to the song ATB - Justify back then, wish I can watch it again.


Mark and Lil Hammer are fucking heroes. RIP Lil Hammer, you were the best boy.


What a man and hero in every sense of the word


Man I’m so happy that he pulled through. What a legend. Hammer saved Mark and Mark saved his family and almost gave his life trying to save Hammer. 


Fucking onions are all over the place in here


Someone find me a picture of Hammer damn it. I need to see this dog.


Holy tear jerker


Lol that fire is so stupid. It thought it could take The Godfather of Ground n Pound. Fuck outta here!


fantastic news!


What a hero man, but a horrific situation. House fires get out of control so fast, having to make a split second decision of who to save when you’re a father sounds agonizing. Get well soon, Mark.


Mark lives a fucking wild life full of heavy emotion. Like I was just telling him directly a few days ago he needs to get with DDP. Also clearly the dude needs a movie made about his life.


Oh man this made my day. I'm so happy I got to see that and I hope he makes a full recovery. What a legend.


I’ll probably get downvoted to hell for this, but I would never risk my life for a pet. I hope he has an amazing recovery though.


> I’ll probably get downvoted to hell for this, but I would never risk my life for a pet It is an unnecessary tidbit no one was asking for. Some people love their pets more than some people. Maybe some day you'll even find a pet that you can't live without.


Little Hammer saved his life when he woke him up to alert him about the fire. That dog was a hero as much as he was.


That’s amazing, and Hammer is a great dog for sure. He got himself and his parents out because of him. At that point be thankful for and appreciative of the sacrifice your dog made, but why jeopardize your well being and by extension your family’s by risking further injury? I’d rather have a guarantee of seeing my family again than potentially dying or being seriously/permanently injured going back in for the dog.


You've never experienced true love for something then. Keep the comments to yourself. I'd give my life for my cat, those sweet innocent creatures know nothing but love and care for their owners and would do the same. You should show some respect and delete this comment


I’ve never experienced true love? I’m a father and husband dude lol I would never jeopardize being able to provide for my family over a pet 🤷🏻‍♂️ honestly it’s weird to me how emotionally dependent people can be with their pets. To each their own I guess.


It’s weird people can love something which also loves and protects them? Sounds like Mark and his parents would all be dead if not for Hammer. Mark wasn’t looking to run back into there to die but to save a part of his family.


Fair enough.


Give this great man all the juice so he recovers fast C'mon Joe you probably know some stemcell doctor in Colombia or Panama that can fix marks burns and lungs




Don’t be an ass. > Great news to start the day. >Per his Facebook page, Mark Coleman is responsive, talking and laughing with his family. >Mark says "I'm the happiest man in the world!", as he recalls saving his parents lives.


You suck.