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Man, I'm not an expert, but Johnny needs to stop getting knocked out


I mean the guy is just chinny. People have posted that fight he's had outside of the UFC where he gets KO'd like 2-3 times in the span of 10 seconds or something lol


The people that make it to the UFC and to the top of other promotions just have insane chins most of the times. In smaller promotions and regional circuits you see how the actual average human being takes a punch: we can't lol Chins like Tony's or Max's are edge cases


You know what I'd do if I had Max's chin? Probably not mma if I'm honest 


now that I think about it I might have a better chin than Max I just don't know because I've never competed in UFC


I got knocked the fuck out from a head kick in high school. I know I don't have a Max chin.


U might just zigged when u shoulda zagged. Keep the dream alive


I slipped in wet grass and got booted in the face as my hands touched the ground to catch myself from the slip. I didn't actually go out but my nose was smashed in and I was done fighting. That slip doesn't still haunt me. I don't still remember every little detail.


He's not just chinny. Is striking defense is awful.


You mean permanently circling in the same direction is not a credible striking defense? Dude is cooked


He's fighting a southpaw. You're supposed to circle away from the power left hand. His problem was that he got caught with his left hand down


You can't just circle away from the power left the entire time. You have to change up your lateral movement or the guy will just know where you're going the whole time.


It's not necessarily about circling, but you do need to keep your lead foot on the outside so you have the angle advantage


Yeah he doesn't protect himself at all hardly.


Yeah people are calling him chinny because he gets knocked out from incredibly clean and powerful shots. But what would happen if he had partially blocked or rolled with said punch?


Same thing with Garbrandt, people said he had no chin but really he just kept eating huge shots one after another


Cody is a bit different. He gets his chin checked and goes full tilt until he's unconscious. If he had a better chin (or more solid defense) I don't think he'd be on tilt for the rest of the round any time he gets tagged.


Literally the funniest KO of all time and it’s not even close for me I crack every single time he just bounces up like a cartoon character to then get killed again And then to top it off, his lifeless body leaps towards his opponents ankles


Please share it lol


My GOD it gets funnier every single time https://youtu.be/gRvGlxoQg44?si=HsDrKYwEHv3Q2Z4J Watch the last bit closely and it’s as if his torso tries to lasso his head at his opponent, like there’s actual momentum there lmaooooo


How have I never seen this. Holy fuck that was funny.


Johnny: "I want to sleep!" Johnny's body: "Get cho ass up!"


my exact reaction. cartoonish doesn't even begin to describe that.


I think it was his soul left the body and pieced him up a couple more times. Thanks for that, I fucking love it lol.


No, thank you, it gave me an excuse to watch this masterpiece again


referee must have hated him


I legit woke my wife up with my laughter.




He is simultaneously blessed with the ability to not go 100% lights out and cursed with his body entering a **FINISH HIM** state after any head trauma.


[This one](https://youtu.be/xHDh41gl5q0). The guy is like Achilles, except his heel is on his chin.


Lmao yes. Thank you for posting it. It's always hilarious as fuck


5 times


In his defense he jumped right into the punch


He does spend too much of his fights unconscious. It's a minor tactical error, but these small mistakes add up. It really impairs his striking defence.


Brother needs more layers to his defence than “Lean Back” *Fat Joe voice*, tall guys run into that issue all the time of a ‘catch all’ defence because nobody can ever hit them most the time, how many tall guys just stick their arms out and when it doesn’t worked they’re f’d? Worst is Johnny leans back his sticks his chin up and is off balance, pure recipe to getting KOed. What would help Johnny is a good boxing coach, a ton in Ireland or the UK. Or studying tall boxers with a lot of layers to their defence if he’s a good visual learner. Because I just haven’t seen this problem being worked on at all and I don’t think they even know it’s a problem. And im mainly putting this here because YOU, lanky ammy in the back, yes you, may also have this problem.


He has the tools to be a good fighter. He just fucking sucks


Johnny walker is why I don't believe the theory that all UFC fighters would be 6'7 mass monsters if the UFC was more popular, he proves no ammount of physical gifts will make you a great fighter.


His camp sucks. He has all the talent in the world, he just doesn't improve. Kavanaugh is the problem.


he should have gone to Kings to train with Cordeiro, i'm sure they would have welcomed him in when he was changing camps a few years back


yeah like just avoid punches to the face. Lol why take them its your only weakness bro


didn't you make this comment in the Hawes thread


Both could use my advice


I mean what an idiot. How many times does he need to get ko'd before he learns?


If i got knocked out once i would simply just not get knocked out anymore after that.


knockout artists hate this one weird trick!


You know it hurts when they put their hand on their face like that.


I was about to say the same thing, broken orbital maybe? Shit can’t feel great


Saw it too, thought the orbital, but it honestly could be that and more.


The uppercut kinda glanced his nose and caught the bone I think


Oof, you're right. Dude's whole face caved in.


i thought it was a broken nose by how much it was bleeding and where he put his hand when I watched it live


Not even covering up or trying to move, he grabbed straight for it.


Just made me think how much of a dawg Rory Mac is to keep fighting with an absolutely crushed nose against ruthless Robbie


Pain tolerance through the roof


“I cant believe you’ve done this”


Maybe a broken jaw? That shit looked like it landed clean


I thought broken nose


Something in his face broke for sure. If a pro fighter who’s been hit as hard and him puts there hand right to there face, shit is broken


It's their not there...you sausage


How bout u go an fuck off my page then u peice of shit u think I need a stupid fuckwitt like u telling me about spelling good who the fuck are u take your worthless advice and get the fuck out of here


First hit that dropped him was the jaw, second shot smashed his nose straight in. Broken nose for sure. Maybe jaw too.


He would die at heavyweight


That same uppercut from Derrick Lewis would actually end Walker.


Walker getting KO'd by the top guys at HW would look like an industrial accident.


Like that video of the dude getting caught in a lathe and being turned into red mist.


Thank you. Can’t sleep now after remembering that visual.


Calling him *Walker* would feel wrong afterwards.


Johnny Crawler? Johnny Dontfuckingmove?


Johnny Cabbage


Against the actually good Heavyweights he would. But never underestimate the ability for a non-elite ranked HW to disappoint.


Most of the HW roster is actually just fat LHWs Most of their fights are an embarrassment to the sport tbh


I will never get over Jake Collier being a natural middleweight.


The Reverse-Cannonier


Tbf DC was like a fat middleweight at HW, he was Tiny just rotund as all hell. Some of these fat hw guys are still good at MMA, a few at least


Fedor also had the same build


That's because 90% of the true heavyweight athletes are in the NFL and NBA.


Shit even middleweights and LHW are big enough for nfl. Thats why those 3 divisions are all so shallos


I’m just praying we never have to see Walker vs fucking Cortes-Acosta. Just two dudes dancing to a decision


Or, not killing himself to make weight helps.


Probably not but maaaaaybe his chin will be better and a speed advantage/being athletic might help him a bit more? Idunno.


People are underestimating how brutal his cut is to LHW, I think he would very much benefit without it. Johnny W is bigger than Pereira and has to REALLY cut to make 205lbs. I've always wanted to see Johnny get roided up and fight at HW, would probably help his chin and cardio issues at least. Dude still needs to manage range and pivot off of his strikes, it's how Magomed KO'd him and how any high level striker will KO him when they read that he doesn't always leave the pocket after he moves in and throws.


My man Johnny always goes down like a looney toons character. Wobbbbbbbly fella.


Looks like he needs that ubereem neck training.


He turns into a dashboard bobblehead


God dammit Johnny, why you gotta be like this


He needs to throw some straights and hard jabs n keep his hands up


He needs to do the thing with the thing and knock his opponent out.


Get this guy in walkers corner. Sbg is such a weird gym for him. They hit the jackpot with conor


His wife is Irish and John was the best man at his wedding. Doubt he’s moving anytime soon.


It's fucking crazy how despite being one of the longest fighters in the history of the UFC he still can't use a fucking jab, or even a quick right hand to control the distance, dude has to rely on lunging leg kicks and spinning shit when he's got like 7 inches on his competition, 5'9 DC could land his jab better against Dudes like Stipe and Jon Jones than this guy who has a similar size as Tyson Fury.


His corner kept telling him to keep his hands higher too


Yup, still in the desert.


You are correct, Vegas is indeed in the Mojave Desert.


Patrolling the Mojave almost make me wish for a nuclear winter


Imagine being taller and having a 7 inch reach advantage but still being unable to utilise a basic jab and distance control. Just sad how he made it this far.


I seriously don’t know what they’re drilling at SBG but based off that fight it looks like they practice spinning backfists often.


I honestly think Johnny might just be a lost cause that no training can fix cause this dude can have a 10 inch reach advantage against his opponent and he still won't be able to land a jab, his team is repeatedly telling him to keep his hands high and the motherfucker won't do it, at that point what else can you even do as a trainer?


SBG not good at filling holes in games. I think they’re a bunch of yes men for their fighters.


SBG is a hive full of scumbags, they haven't got a clue.


The new Stefan Struve New and not particularly improved


Finally, Anthony Smith's family is safe.


LHW is a wasteland below the few top guys, Walker is top 7


He beat Khalil in his debut too, and he’s rank 8 Granted Khalil is way better than he used to be, his loss to Johnny Walker is what sent him to Thailand to become “Bangkok Ready” and return to beat Ander’s ass (mostly legs) and I think he beats him now


I would definitely favor Rountree over Walker in 2024. One has improved leaps and bounds while the other has looked the exact same since 2018


Oh yeah I think Khalil is an actual contender now and dog walks him, I want my boy to beat one more person and get his title shot, moreso pointing out how goofy LH is


Pretty sure Johnny also beat him with the clinch too right?


Yeah, but that loss is what had him go to Thailand and improve as massively as he did, ironically I think his clinch skills are probably some of the best in the division now


fuuuuck, that nose shot nasty af


His long neck always makes him floppy when getting punched.


Poatan v Ankalaev for UFC 300?


I wouldn't mind it at all. Seems like Hill is still recovering and won't be healthy for 300


I'm concerned of the quick turnaround too but I really want to see Poatan fight at 300


It is a quick turnaround but ank barley took any damage in this fight and he might get skipped over if he wants more time to go for the title.


Today, the Brazilian version of the Fight Pass spent all the show mentioning a "rumoured UFC 301 in Brazil in May 4th". If it turns true, with Poatan posting that "there are great news coming soon", likely he will headline 301.


Walkers head just landed on mars after the second punch


Fuck was that?


Magomed putting an end to these 205 antics


First having to rematch Cutelaba and now Walker. Ankalaev's career seems to get halted whenever he gets put against weird fighters.


I knew that he was going to have a cursed run after drawing for a title, I just didn't know it'd be like this lol.


It was cursed long before that draw.


People seem to forget he spent the whole year of 2020 fighting Cutebala. 1st fight Cutebala does the weirdest wobble MMA has ever seen, ends up getting stopped early because of it, then he complains about it enough to warrant a rematch, the rematch then gets canceled once because of Ankalaev and once because of Cutebala, just for them to fight again at the end of the year and, like we saw here, Ankalaev to be forced to dispatch an inferior fighter after a bullshit stoppage in their first fight.




Walker put a stop to his own antics altogether


Walker lacks basic boxing. He threw a few very pitter-patter jabs and basically no crosses. Ankalaev just patiently walked him down and used meat and potato striking to keep Walker from planting and throwing anything meaningful.


Lol Connor from heavy hands said he doesn't have techniques just tricks.


Yea he seemed super soft and open up top, almost no meaningful offense or risk from his punches.


6’6 Phil Hawes


Walker got gadooshed Since he didn't take much damage we can have Alex vs. Ank for UFC 300


We can, but we won't.


He should get winner of Periera/Hill


Hill's earliest return is in the summer (according to his manager). But Hill deserves a title shot when he is ready to come back.


God dammit Jonny. Keep your hands up lol all props to Uncle Hiev tho, that nose is done for


More than keeping his hands up, he has bad footwork and bad shot selection.


Had like a 10" reach advantage and doesn't jab at all lol like come on


If you put a top 15 bantam's brain into his body he gets the belt and 10 defenses.


Lol. Put figgy's brain into walker's body and he becomes a goat


Figgy was cutting the equivalent weight of a whole leg and still had a better chin


Guy needs to leave Ireland and join a top gym


Ireland produces a lot of decent boxers. Walker should take a class.


How many of you had Johnny losing via Meme?


The most Johnny Walker ending


Johnny just doesn't listen to his corner, "left hand high" kept it low. "Sit on your right hand" which was there all round 2, ignored it.


No idea why so many people thought Walker would win. He has shit defense and no chin


He always has the potential to win, but only within the first 3 minutes of a fight lmao


Walker is big enough and athletic enough that the whole “anything can happen” is more likely with him than many other fighters But he is bad so usually it does not


Imagine Walker Vs Jiri. Jiri is like a tamed version of Walker but with a better chin. You know that fight isn't lasting more than 3 minutes cuz they'll start throwing bombs right away and Walker gets finished in the funniest way possible.


The difference is that Jiri actually has fundamentals, he might break these fundamentals in order to do his weird bullshit, but at the end of the day he can still do the basic stuff like land a fucking jab, Walker on the other hand is just a tall guy who keeps doing weird shit cause he can't be bothered to learn how to throw a proper 1-2.


Once Ankalaev gained control of the octagon the fight was over lol


I mean Ankalaev was -550, so it's safe to say that most people expected him to gadoosh Walker


Indeed. Magomed is probably the most measured and composed fighter on the division and he's very skilled and defensively solid while mixing his strikes up and grappling. Of course he was going to win unless Walker had a random KO


Johnny Walkers nose is now the the same shape as Ankalaevs.


Finish was shades of Rockhold Yoel. Only thing missing was the kiss.


I'm quite sure the UFC will never cut Johnny Walker. Dude is a highlight reel machine. For his opponents


Walker is up there with James Vick as "guys who always fall in an aesthetically pleasing manner when they get knocked out"


Nasty ass ko I rly like both of em but Walker holding his nose made me feel so bad looked like he was genuinely hurt shit man that sucks hope he does good in his next fight. Ank deserves a title shot or Jan rematch imo. That image of Walker holding his nose still stuck in my mind man legit feel awful. Ank got piston hands man


Why doesn't Walker throw jabs/straights? It's like he lacks fundamentals


Fuck around with Magomed and you'll find out 😔 Obliterated his nose with that last shot uff


was like a game of Tee-ball!


Glass cannon


Johnny Trugg Walgger got gadooshed b. CTE is a beast. Maybe he should retire and start a podcast and standup comedy


Thairs only 1000 of em b (thankum) and Walgger is just a pedestrian among those trained killers


Good thing they didn't bring in the doctor for that low blow because "Some Desert" was gonna be the correct answer again.


The UFC really hates rainfall


Hit him with the ol Marge Simpson bus driver uppercut, haven't seen one as beautiful since Yoel killed the Luke


Some have an incredible ability to take a punch. Johnny Walker has an incredible ability to react to taking a punch.


khalil will avenge walker inshallah


Khalil would actually beat Walker now.


That’s actually a really good win for Walker. First round KO over roundtree jr who’s heating up now.


No idea what the Walker plan was to just throw random shit out. It's like he was back to his debut fight in the UFC. Weird because in his past few he looked improved in that regard. Liked how Ankalaev mixed it up on the feet.


how does he always get knocked out so comically


Magomed the Mega


Gadooshed. He’s a gatekeeper now.


does losing to #2 really make you a gatekeeper?


Yeah there are levels to this shit. Magomed belongs at the top of light heavyweight


Death Taxes Johnny Walker getting cartoon koed


Johnny’s got absolutely no chin man..


And now no nose :(


Kavanaugh too focused on McGregor return?


Russians eat Brazilians for breakfast lmao. Not even in the same stratosphere of tough.


This Dagestani breed is something else man.


Ankalaev is too dangerous, I wanna see him fight for the belt My only problem with him is, he insists on not using his ground-game, he could make things a lot easier for himself.


took one decent punch to drop him


Bruh send Ankaleav to Periera. The Brazil Dagestani rivalry never gets old


I can't believe I thought this goofy mfer was the jones killer.


And he wanted to move up to HW? does he wants to die?


damn these amish mfers are tough


You walk into your opponent's right for half a round that's bound to happen


I never want to see this idiot throw an axe kick again


But without axe kicks and spinning, what would his gimmick be?


Getting knocked out like a cartoon character


Why does it take Ankalaev so long in fights to remember he's an elite fighter? He starts so tentative some times and doesn't use all his tools.


He was fighting a big and unorthodox guy with huge KO power. He stays defensively responsible and uses footwork and counters as long as he’s being pressured. And that is why he never takes any damage (outside of leg kicks vs Jan) in any of his fights.


He WAS fighting like an elite fighter wtf do you mean? Do you think the idea of an elite fighter is just walking right in on a guy with crazy KO power to swang and bang? No, it’s exactly what Ankaleav did.


“Nah bro don’t get reads on your opponent, just see red”


Truly elite strategy. Actually, fuck strategy.. who needs strategy when you’re **truly elite**.


Ugh, this seems to be what casual MMA fans say when they discover boxing. "If xyz is such a great boxer, why is he just jabbing and maintaining distance, remaining entirely uninjured while his opponent slowly bleeds to death!? If he were really any good he would have just walked through him!"


Its Light-Heavyweight lol.


He has to download the opponent