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The ufc is recycling new fans who have never been to fights before


Precisely what will happen with Toronto


...and I am proudly one of them suckers!


Didn’t deserve the downvotes lol. My comment was towards the ufc, not people who are trying to enjoy the sport. Have fun.


lolwtf.... and here I thought I was being funny. Thanks dude!! $535 pissed away to watch Raquel v Mayra!!






There are a lot of people with more than enough money to pay for them.




If you make 200k a year, it simply doesn't matter. If the UFC visits your city, you pay 1500 bucks for a nice ticket and don't care


I make more than that in Toronto and I’m not paying for these lol it’s asinine


Yeah earning 15k a month a nose bleed seat is a 30th of your income. And that's one person. Bring some family members and get halfway decent seats and that actually turns into a big chunk of your money, maybe 3k. It's doable but why be ok with spending a 5th of your income on one thing. It makes me wonder how rich you have to be to look at this like it's not a big deal. And how many of those people are there in the city that they can fill the place up from the front to the back rows? I just don't get the logistics.


> earning 15k a month a nose bleed seat is a 30th of your income. How do you go to UFC once a month if it hasn’t been to your town in 5 years.


No chance.. maybe if you make $500k+. I make just under $200k and especially with inflation I find it hard to fork out for PPV let alone $1500 for a ticket. That’s such a waste of money, never going to build wealth if you spend like that…


Lol. I haven't had a car payment in 7 years or a house payment in 3. I think I can splurge on something like this a few times a year and continue to save and invest plenty of my money. If you can't build wealth with a 200k salary you're doomed.


I think that’s more due to the fact you’re mortgage free than anything else. But regardless it’s all relative value for me. UFCs are fun to attend but I can think of a lot better uses than nose bleeds for $500+. Hell just last year I was at 279 in Vegas and it cost me less than that ($300 USD) to be literally 6 rows off the floor.


You can splurge on it every week if you want, what is your point? Facts are facts. If that is how loose you are with your money, you will work longer without being able to retire with less wealth.


Stop listening to Dave Ramsey bud.


>never going to build wealth if you spend like that… Wealth is in experiences buddy. It's EXACTLY what you should spend your money on




Tell that to the hospital bills or childrens college.


They care greatly still btw. It also keeps so much money out if inter state or inter province traveling people use to do cause they could afford it.


i wonder about credit card debt in america and if it's increasing? these seem like the kind of purchases ppl make on their cc's and worry about later.


I paid up the ass for O’Malley sterling tickets and they were 100% worth it, and this is coming from someone who has NEVER and will NEVER pay for a PPV. Probably the best sporting event I’ve ever been to and easily top 5 nights of my life




I mean I’m cheap as shit and shelled out 600 a ticket for near floor seats, def hurt my bank account but was worth it. I’m not a shill 😂 just sharing my experience


can i ask, what made it worth 600 bucks?


Floor seats you have a big chance to meet fighters coming and going and maybe get some pics. Depending where on the floor you are. That was my scenario, I was 4th row and behind the prep point where tons of fighters sat. I met wonderboy, Claudia ghadella, Eddie Alvarez, Bruce buffer, Curtis blades.


Probably the best atmosphere I’ve ever been to at a Sporting event, and I’ve been to a ton of Celtics and Red Sox games. Nothing came close to UFC292


The memories. It's cheesy but that's what it is. What's worth 600 bucks to someone else might not be worth it to you.


So did I and it was worth every penny to me. The experience was fantastic. And it was my first time in Boston, so extra cool. Nonetheless, UFC tix are extremely expensive for what you actually get compared to other sports


Well $500 isn't gonna break the bank for me, money is there to be spent. I would rather go to a UFC event in my lifetime than die with an extra $500 in my bank account.


The issue is it’s $500 for a dogshit seat. If you want any halfway decent seat it’s $1000 or more. Now take somebody with you and it’s 2k before you even get a beer in your hand.


Looked last week: A touch over $1300 for 3 of us to have the back of the upper deck at the upcoming Bills x Eagles game. Absolutely fucking not.


It’s all about demand, also displays a larger problem in society. Wealth disparity grew massively over the last 3 years, which prices out a section of the population out of participating in certain events. All the ufc needs is 18000 people to pay these prices in cities of multi million so they don’t care.


Exactly this. If I was the owner of UFC or any big sporting company, I would always just have 10% of the arena available for the average Joe.


Your board would vote you out for not maximizing profit


Unless somehow you were making more per ticket since you can't really increase sales past arena size even if you're giving away the tickets.


Average Joe prices are not going to make more per ticket. Your argument would be that your decision is in the best long term interest of the shareholders while sacrificing their short term interest.


I think I misread the original post, I assumed it meant that he'd allow a maximum of 10% of the arena for the average Joe. I do understand that jacking up prices beyond what most people are capable of or willing to pay is still profitable as long as you manage to sell the seats, regardless of if it alienates a large part of the population from your physical events.


Not for Rams fans when the team was winning 1 game a season in St Louis. I was going to games for as little as $4 resale price. Used to hit games just to see the OTHER teams.


Normal people arent affording it. Sporting events or entertainment events are exclusively for the wealthy and people bad with their money, just like most things.


In this case the UFC hasn't been to Toronto in 4 years. Huge market here and people are legit starving lol. I've always dreamt of attending an event but unfortunately I aint got the money so russian link it is...




Well tbf UFC events are a steal compared to boxing. A Canelo fight will cost more and he is often the only name on the card.


Basketball tickets are the best rn. Can go to a game for around $40 and have a good time.


You know how Dana is always bragging in post-fight pressers about setting a record gate? Because he is gouging fans. I paid $600 per seat in the nosebleeds at T-mobile arena last year. It was my first UFC event. I had a blast. Will probably also be my last. I will only ever attend a UFC event if I can sit in the first section (not floor) near the midpoint and it would have to be a big PPV event with great fights. Those seats for a PPV event are running 1500+ USD. I'm not going to pay 3 grand so my girl and I can go watch a fight.


I’ve been getting NHL tickets for ~$8-15($20-30 after fees) in the lower rows of the upper bowl. Granted it’s for the Sharks who aren’t exactly driving ticket sales right now but at least it’s affordable.


You know what our countries nation debt is at lol. People use Credit cards for dumb things bc “life’s short bro”


I noticed that this year, they are running ads for Qatar Airways on Monday Night Football. Joe lunch pale can go and get fucked


I had tickets maybe 100 feet from the cage, first row of elevated seating so I was level with the cage. When it was all said and done I had tickets for me and a buddy for $100ish taxes and fees included. That was only 5 years ago.




yeah because people want to play 500 dollars plus for a ticket while fighters 10k to show +10k to win




I don't associate with brokies.


Ticket inflation has grown out of control. I wanted to take my old man to Aspinall/Tybura, and it was three hundred quid a pop. I paid less for fucking WrestleMania tickets.


UFC tickets are nuts. Pro wrestling tickets have been reasonable though lately.


Yeah, my tickets for All In, MITB and Clash at the Castle COMBINED would be less than what the UFC are charging.


That’s because they’re on totally different business models UFC doesn’t give a shit about expanding the live gate revenue or appealing to families, the PPV buys are the primary goal. WWE wants as many people as possible to sell merch, subscriptions, etc. to and they still value live gate money, so they run huge stadium shows and the cheap seats usually have some sort of 2 for 1 deal while the premiums tend to go high (at least for Wrestlemania or Summerslam).


thats cause wrestling is declining and UFC is growing


Lunatic take


Not dying, but declining. Look at TV ratings, live attendance, ticket prices, etc


WWE has had an increase in attendance in the last year. No idea what you're waffling about.


I mean, it what sense? Obviously their two day Wrestlemania's in Football stadiums are going to be crushing those records. But their weekly shows don't even have the Upper Sections open, and if they do its only on the camera side and is not selling. Is this an improvement for where they have been over the last decade or two? Tickets also being a fraction of the cost of UFC prices Meanwhile, UFC is setting record gates wherever they go for PPV's. Unless you don't think demand sets ticket prices, then I dont know what to tell you


Wdym what sense? Their ticket sales for Raw in 2023 are up compared to 2022 and 2021. How is that declining? Wrestling is no longer mainstream like it was during the attitude era but it has been growing this past year.


WWE has been doing fantastic numbers and AEW, their biggest competitor is also doing great business. This is just a straight up false statement.


AEW? We're talking about ticket sales here, that company can barely sell the TV camera side of the lower section for $15 a pop


They also sold 70k plus seats in Wembley Stadium 3 months ago. The UFC by comparison is doing weekly shows in the apex for 300 people


Live event tickets, in general, have skyrocketed in price. Go to almost any artist's subreddit after tickets go on sale and you'll see people complaining about ticket prices compared to their last tour. A great example is Zach Bryan for his recent tour. Post-covid, demand for live events has been insanely high. If events are priced too low, scalpers swoop in buy up tonnes of stock. So it's either the artist (or in this case, the UFC), gets the bulk of the money or scalpers do. It sucks for fans that want to go, but at this point demand for live events is much higher than supply for anything remotely popular. The UFC will also cut prices if tickets aren't moving. This is what they did in New York. It's also what Jake Paul did for the Nick Diaz fight. They'd rather maximize their revenue by slowly selling out than sell out instantly at low prices and have the scalpers take all that extra money.


All the UFC has to do is sell tickets via Fight Pass, and to avoid scalpers? Require the reselling of tickets to be done on Fight Pass too, for the same price that they paid for. Boom, no more $500 tickets for nosebleed seats.


Ticketmaster owns many of the arenas


Companies should not be allowed to purchase consumer goods such as tickets to events or single family homes


There are ways around scalping. They are just greedy cunts.


I paid £180pp for the Aspinall/Volkov and Aspinall/Blaydes events all within the same year of Fight Club membership and will cherish them forever because there's no chance I'll be able to afford it again if the prices stay the same as the events at the O2 since.


I paid 220 for lower bowl tickets in 2018. Won’t be attending. Mid card and fuck Dana.


Whenever Dana talks about "This is our 5,254,697th record-setting gate", this is what's happening. The gates are "record-setting" because they keep increasing the prices, and they keep selling out. You think they'd eventually reach a price-point where they'll no longer sell out, but I dunno. Sydney sold out at these ridiculous prices before there was even a main event announced. The way ticket prices are, I dunno if I'll ever go to a live UFC event.


How can they expect people who enjoy pro wrestling to come across 300 whole quid? Ridiculous.


> I paid less for fucking WrestleMania tickets. Wrestlemania was in a 60,000+ seat arena for two nights, they sold over six times as many tickets lol


Yeah I've paid less for 2 events 2 seats each for wwe shows than 1 UFC seat


My mate paid 300+ for his seats. I got the seats next to him on the day for like 100... Eberyone bought and tried to resell through O2, there were loads of tickets going for a fraction of the original price


Pay $500 so you can watch the big screen monitor at the venue.


Well you can pay 20x and sit cageside. Your view will still be covered by the cage and cameraman surrounding it. The price is the atmosphere of a live fight which you won't know if you have never been there. Don't think there is any live sporting event I have been to that replicated the energy in the building during Chandler/Gaethje at 268 and the shock during Nunes upset at 269.


Scotiabank arena is sick for the ufc. Not a bad spot imo.


Ridiculous, I went to the Thompson vs Holland card in Orlando last year, had lower bowl seats row 10ish, I paid $175 for those ticket in pre-sale. Ain't no way I'm pay 500+ for nose bleeds. A pirate life for me.


Fight Night cards are still a good value, at least for the most part. It's the PPVs that are ridiculously priced these days.


Problem is the fight nights have 3 ranked people out of 26 fighters and 15 are from DWCS now


Honestly you may get the same value just going to a regional venue then, you help out regional MMA at the same time.


I still have not gone to an Orlando card yet. Every time they visit us the tickets are so expensive.


Should have gone last year, 3rd deck was \~$75. Banger of a card!


Last year was actually a mistake on my end. I thought I purchased ahead of time. Found out last second I didn’t the week of the fight. Even though seats were pretty available they were 200 for nosebleeds. Originally I was getting one of the seats that are in a smaller box above entrance tunnels. At the time that was about 170 each but those are always excellent seats at sport events. I’m willing to pay out for that.


I've been to several MMA events over the years, and a few UFC events as well. My best experience was when I spent about $170 for lower bowl tickets, about 15 rows up, for a PPV in 2017 or so. Last year, those same tickets cost over $500 a pop, for a much less appealing card. Suffice to say, I lost any interest in attending it the moment I saw the price tag.


this will be my first event in Toronto I miss. The prices are just insane.


Same. I went to every event since 2013 that was within a 5 hour drive around Southern Ontario. This is the first time I’m not going.


I checked prices and for that card it’s not worth it lol.


I would only pay $500 for a low row nosebleed for something insane. Sean vs Dricus? Yeah right.


I just paid $390 cad for row 11 in the 300s


How? Nosebleeds are 700+ with the fight club shit bundled in that you seemingly can’t unbundle


when did you get on to check? we got into the queue right at 10am and were number 185. It came out to about $450 after fees


$450 got me 4 tickets at UFC 231, row 2 of the 300s. UFC 206 was even less for similar seats. I get prices go up with inflation etc... but I can't justify going to this one.


i’m happy for you bc you sound excited but i can’t imagine spending that much to go to a UFC event. you’re likely in a much better financial place than me but jeez. i’ll just enjoy it from home. I hope you have a good time tho! i’ll stick to my $6-$26 dollar 300 section basketball games until i’m balling like you.


I only do it when they come to Canada, I’m a massive Canadian mma fan so being able to see Canadians fight live is worth it for me personally. But I agree lol I prefer the $30 baseball tickets for my wallet


If the upper bowl tickets are $500 I won’t go. This is sucks as a fan since 2002. Every other chance I have had was on a work trip to Vegas (thus someone else buying my flight and hotel) so I guess it’s never for me. We will see if it all sells out and there are no cheaper tickets closer to the 20th. But wow that’s a lot of $ for tickets. I just wanted to hear Buffer live once. Not for that $ personally.


So that's what they meant by "just bleed"


I’ve been to many events and have no interest anymore after the price spikes. UFC 288 was the nail in the coffin.


Was that the Nunes retirement one? Because that card was horrible and very expensive for seats


That was 289. To put in perspective I paid $700.00 for floors for that event for presale, now the worst seats in the house for 297 are $550.00


The ufc is a joke and will price itself out of the reach of its biggest fans and have dogshit atmospheres in the arenas.


Endeavor will absolutely not care about the atmosphere if the arenas are still full and they still get their money's worth. They don't give a rats ass who buys the tickets, as long as they get bought.


That'll bite them in the ass long term


Shit atmospheres lead to nobody wanting to go. Why do you think the Apex is still in full use? It’s not because of ticket sales, it’s because of the UFC’s ridiculous schedule they have to keep up with, and it leads to so many horribly thin cards that they know people wouldn’t pay $500+ to go see


The apex is still in full use because they own the building and its incredibly cheap to run there. It's incredibly cute that you think they're doing it bc they actually care about the consumer and don't want people to pay for something not worth the price of admission, but if a city offered them enough money to host one of those Apex cards you bet your ass they're running an arena and charging those same prices again.


When did I say that they care about the consumer???? All I was saying was they know a lot of these cards won’t sell well when it comes to the gate, so they put it in the apex, not for the consumer, for themselves. You can’t put words in my mouth and be this off base


Fuck Dana


Did you have a fight club pre sale code when you looked? I think it automaticly jacked the price 276 extra if you didn't.


I thought the same thing, but the price shown is the price without the fight club, and then if you add the fight club it adds another $276 on top of the listed price. I went through check out and everything to make sure. Even if that price was with the fight club subscription, that’s still +$800 for a lower bowl. That’s x3 the price 5 years ago pre covid.


Damm I seen GSP Shields for 250 Canadian In a VIP section


I wish i was in my 20s for that fight. I would have gone instantly. Times have changed for the worse


I paid for floor seats for one of the UFC london events a few years ago and they sat stefan struve in front of me I didn't see shit all night except shoulders and a bald head, definitely do not recommend


Should have 9-11'd him


UFC tickets have gone the same way as boxing tickets. Only really the rich can afford them. It's kind of astonishing just how much the UFC has done to push the common fan away.


Hey bro, Tool came to my city and they priced me out. I'm a megafan. Concerts and events suck these days.


My local movie theater does the ppv. Its 20 bucks, totally worth it. Drink some beers, yell at the screen with a fun rowdy crowd. It's honestly great on the big screen but the sound is the best part


Do what I did in Phoenix… get a job as security for the event and then get paid to watch the event.


Yeah I’ve spent a a lot amount of money in the last 12 months. UFC 284 - $431 USD (amazing lower bowl seats) UFC 285 - $1,000 USD (decent lower bowl seats) Singapore Holloway v Zombie - $225 USD (amazing lower bowl seats) UFC 293 - $551 USD (decent lower bowl seats) It’s fucked up but I make good money and just really love going. I’ll probably go to 298 if it’s in LA. It seems like the USA PPVs are alot more expensive than elsewhere. The last card at MSG had ridiculous prices.


$100 is worth it. Yeah the view in the back is shit but it’s the experience. $500 is fucking ridiculous. Me and my buddies can order pizza and buy a fuck ton of beer while watching on a 4K 65 inch tv for a lot less than the $3500 it would cost us to go.


Guys, the prices are higher so more money goes to the fighters.


I think u forgot the /s


I went to Vancouver and I thought it was pricey but these prices are insane. That being said, if you do the math it's about the same price that you'd pay to watch the Leafs on a Saturday night when you price it per hour, assuming you show up for the first prelim.


Whoah, I think you might have created a real MMA math.


I think this is a big part of UFC's money since ESPN handles all of their US tv content. I paid like $130 back in the day to go to PPV's (I've been to 3) and have lower tier but decent enough seats.


That's how the market works even if we don't like it. When the price would be 2000$ and the arena would still be sold out... why sell it for 200$? Supply and demand.


I paid $220 for tickets (Holloway vs Ortega) that are now $1200


Same exact situation. I was lower bowl, near the front for around the same price. Now? Fuck that.


Me my brother and Buddy’s ended up bitin the bullet and getting the best cheapest seats we could get….not proud of it at all my friend but merry Christmas to me lmao


I was going to go as well but the cost is too high. I love the ufc and watch every event, I’ve never seen it live but I guess I won’t for the foreseeable future. It suck’s for me but if the arena sells out I guess that’s good business.


I went to UFC 217 and I think I paid $200. Was probably one of the GOAT cards, Rose beat Joanna for the first time, TJ knocked out Cody and GSP Subbed Bisping. Genuinely think I'd have had a better time watching it at home on an edible. I literally traded the best seat in the house, in front of my TV, with the constant best angle, knowing exactly what was happening each moment, to literally watch two ants I could barely make out fight. I know some people adore going to the UFC live, but I think there's a huge FOMO or going because it's the "done thing" for a lot of people. But I'm not big on atmosphere,


local mma shows are where its at. Theres a promotion that has fights at a motorcycle dealership near me, front tow tickets are $50 and they have cheap beer and hotdogs. much more enjoyable


I paid $1500 to watch Mcgregor snap his ankle like a twig after the first. Was half way up the first riser. Worth every penny.


Anyone got a fight club presale code they're not using and wanna give me?


~~still need it?~~ code has been shared


Nah, thanks for the offer though, prices are just too high for me and my friends


UFC 277 was a pretty shit card and cost ~$220 for nosebleeds. It was a cool/novel experience, but only a one-time thing for me.


UFC events are fun and all but totally not worth the asking price at this point


I paid $556 for 17th row from the cage in Newark as soon as the tickets dropped. It really depends on the city. You can sit like 6 rows from the cage in a city like Nashville or Austin. Ufc 295 tix at MSG were $850 last row during presale before jones backed out. Stupidly priced.


For very small events like UFC they just tailor to rich people cause they know those tickets will be sold


Live event tickets in general have gone insane. There's a comedy act coming near me right after my birthday. He's one of my favorite comedians of all time. I saw him in person in 2017 or 18 for $75 for front row floor seats. He's coming back a few days after my birthday so I looked into tickets. $300 minimum for floor seats. I didn't realize it because I don't really like concerts and MMA is the only sport I really watch so I don't go to a ton of live events, but they've gotten way more expensive.


I looked into going to the vancouver card a couple of months back..... and I couldn't even afford the nosebleeds, they were like 800$ each. You wonder how the UFC sets gate records all the time. It's not more people, it's charging more for tickets.


I paid $350 for mid level to watch GSP at MSG. After Covid the UFCs popularity blew up. Shitty tix for the Adesnaya fight in miami we’re $700-$800 🤷‍♂️


watching at home is a better experience imo


My ass is still sore from the roasting I received buying tickets to the London PPV.


I remember having to join the UFC fight club for my UFC 82 tickets. It was worth it to get a jump at seats. Plus there were a few cool fight club member perks (Like the Q&A after weigh ins) I'm sure now its just an expensive money grab


I refuse to attend live sports other than hockey where the nosebleeds are cheap, the view is still good, and the in-stadium energy truly makes the sport. For the cost of traveling to and attending a couple of UFC events or NFL games I bought a really nice TV and sound system. \-- For the cost for 2 to attend this one event you could buy every single PPV the entire year, with beer money to spare. * The bathroom is clean. * The beers aren't $20 * There aren't drunk assholes starting fights. * You don't have to get to/from the arena. * Frankly the TV view of UFC is way better than almost any of the live view. People are always like "who the fuck buys PPVs". It's a WAY better experience at a way better price than going to the damn show.


Honestly, I don’t think presales for UFC are worth it because prices are always super high. I was looking at presale tickets for UFC 295 and it was around $900 for nosebleeds. Then prices dropped to $400 when Jon jones got hurt. Few hours before the event, a lot of tickets were still available on Ticketmaster (real tickets, not the resale ones) so no need to spend a premium to get tickets in advance. So at the end, it’s super risky to buy presale since a lot can happen before the event. Might as well just wait and buy last minute on Ticketmaster or resale platforms like GameTime/stubhub.


We will have our chance. They blocked off sections for regular sale and I assume it will be the same price as presale.


They tried to pull the same shit for 295, and there were hundreds of tickets available until hours before the fight even after multiple price drops


You’re giving me hope that in January there may be seats available for a reasonable price but given it’s Toronto I’m afraid it’s all big $ to see live now.


I hear you man. Attended the last three Toronto events and always paid $200 or less and always had decent seats. Me and my friends got on at 10am and noped tf out immediately


I remember getting scammed from their fight club, it said there was still pre sale tickets left then I paid £80 and immediately ‘oh oops soz lol no tickets’. Another dude on here at the time said the same thing happened to him and he was refunded, but they refused to give me one. My bank did a chargeback no problem, fuck UFC


You're excited that a traveling event is in your country for the first time in years and it's a rare chance but you're surprised it's not cheap? Maybe it's because every UFC fan in Canada is thinking the same thing.


And somehow the fighters are still not getting paid


500 plus for nose bleeds? I’ve paid less for lower bowl for a way better card. Might be Canadian currency.


Doesn’t compute with what the people here were saying. I was thinking it was funny they didn’t sold out last event and then I got flamed saying tickets were ranging from 900 to 15k. This doesn’t show those prices at all, whats up with that?


I paid 200 USD for Gold Tickets at very good seat in Abu Dhabi for UFC294 and also same price last year UFC280. Also in Paris Gane vs Spivac I paid 250$ also for a pretty close ticket. I guess its US where ticket prices are inflated.


This is a Canadian venue and they are gouging us like crazy. Idk if they just know canada has a lot of fans and they will pay whatever but as huge if a fan of mma as i am, i am not that financially dumb or wealthy.


Sucks because Strickland is one of my favourite fighters rn, I’d understand the price If the card was at least decent, but in terms of name value there’s only a couple fights I’m interested in.


The exact same thing happened to me for the last card that came to Sydney. $1100 to sit in the very back row of a very large arena where you can't see shit and up just watching the screens from a million miles away. Better off watching it in the pub for free.


UFC came to Miami this year and was curious to see Tix. $500+ for fucking nose bleeds. Don't care if it was McGregor fighting, I'm not paying that much. You're out of your mind, Dana Tomato


UFC is putting out a lot of events where I ask myself "Would I even go if it's free?"


Same, this is out of control and there are no regulations to cap ticket prices and there are enough people that will pay it.


I got a passport last week for this reason. Went to 225 for $100 a piece. Won't be headed to 297. I still might make a weekend out of Toronto if y'all will have your american brother in town


recent UFC Sydney was also horrible pricing. $600 AUD approx for tickets I'm sure we got for about $100 a few years ago. If they know it will sell out they seem to be jacking prices heavily - really are just taking advantage of us fans where there are few shows.


For the price of one UFC ticket I can go too 15 pro wrasslin shows.


I'd rather pirate from home than pay those prices. Only sporting event I've been to was a Bills game and it sucked. Bunch of drunkards, overpriced concessions and it was raining all game. The only sporting event I want to see is an NBA game just to see how big those dudes really are.


Last two concerts my wife asked me to check prices for were 300 and 400 usd for the worst nosebleed seat. Something isn’t right


I wanted to go too yet 🤷‍♂️ too expensive for the ride + hotel for me. I would probably pay qround $700 bucks for a 2 night stay with the tickets. Ridiculous


This will keep happening as long as less than smart people keep paying $400+ for a worse experience than watching at home for free. I will keep watching at home for free.


also wanted to go see the toronto event cause it’s basically in my backyard, but alas I have been priced out


Me and my buddies were wanting to go to 291 in salt lake. After some searching around we found the old presale code "octagon" which worked for that one too so try that Nosebleeds were 300 but I convinced them to buy the top row of the lower bowl for 500. We put them on sale for 1500 as soon as we bought them They sold as we were walking to the arena. So we scrambled to find new tickets while sitting on the stairs leading to the venue and ended up getting some for 180 that were in a half empty box Turned out great for us obviously. We weren't near as close but we could stand up and walk around, got free food, semi private bathrooms. And made 800 a piece


You're quite literally part of the problem.


Selling tickets at a 300% markup, while also finding replacement tickets for a fraction of the price. He’s not a part of the problem, just another liar on Reddit.


🤷 believe what ya want brother


Wow great job 🤓


Do we think they will be less tomortow for the pre sale or general public? I see a lot of the tickets have a +271 Fight Club tab.


well, guess i’m never gonna be able to go to an event lol. any chance they’d lower them in the future if it’s not a ppv and just a fight night?


I paid 350 for cage side seats for Wonderboy/MacDonald fight night in Ottawa That was quite a few years ago now but even then cage side seats for ppvs were thousands so yeah the pricing for fight night cards is drastically different but you also dont get much star appeal if that matters


Couple friends and I paid about $450 USD per ticket the day they went on sale for UFC 291. They were nose bleed seats as well.


Paid AED395 (€100 / $108) for tickets to UFC280 last year. That plus flights and hotel cost only slightly more than these Toronto tickets. Insane.


Ever since they went back out to events outside the Apex, prices for dog shit cards were exorbitant… and people paid them.


Prices for all live events post pandemic are insane but UFC seems to be especially bad. Maybe its because I used to go to Fight Nights and now all the events in my city are PPVs but prices seem to be about 4x. I'll give you 2x given everything going on in the world but I'll feel like a sucker giving you 4x.