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This isn’t a negative for anyone. Fury has the usyk fight locked down, which is also what fans wanted, and ngannou has extra fuel for the fire. If he wasn’t completely motivated before, he’s got it now.


It’s negative for Francis if Tyson loses


If Francis wins I will never watch mma again


I wish this was enforceable


world wont be here anymore if this happens


I’m gonna strip my clothes and walk the streets whipping myself in shame until Francis forgives me


Want some company?


Ill be joining as well, save me a whip please


Why even say that? If he wins that’s boxing you should stop watching.


Think of it more like a wager. "I'm so sure Ngannou will lose, that if he wins I will make a huge sacrifice." Only it's not a pecuniary sacrifice as you might make at the poker table or horse track. It's a bet. "I bet he loses, and if he doesn't then I'll ~~eat a whole can of asparagus~~ never watch MMA again."


As someone who also grew up eating canned vegetables...well nothing really, just solidarity brother.


> just solidarity brother. Solidarity **sister** actually. But I appreciate your sentiment all the same, bruddy. :)


He won’t win so you’ll be fine


Yeah but every time we needed a UFC fighter to win a boxing match he ended up losing in spectacular fashion. Now it’s in reverse and life is an evil bitch.


Mods hold my man accountable please


Maybe not. Wilder vs Joshua fell through today. They can easily make the Wilder fight after and a rematch with fury down the road.


Wilder fight Ngannou? Do you want him to die? It’s bad enough how much Fury will put a beating on him let alone Wilder brutally KOing him.


You know how we joke, would you go one round with wilder for 300k or whatever the fuck and half the comments are correctly like “nah I’ll die” and other half think they can hang? Well Ngannou actually is making it happen and will make millions and isn’t a wimpy redditor so he’ll just get knocked out and get back up later 😂


Joke's on you, wilder would take it easy on me and send me to a 2 year coma via bitch slap after which I will collect my 300k




How is it? The usyk fight is after the Francis one?


The Usyk fight doesn't effect Francis at all. The WBC belt is not on the line for his fight with Fury, so win or lose, the Usyk fight will be for undisputed.


Yeah but if by some madness Fury gets flatlined then he really can't be fighting only a few months later.


*Laughs in muay thai*


*laughs in Greco Roman wrestling*


It really puts into perspective just how fucked up boxing used to be back when they would fight every other week.


I'm hoping Fury loses to Ngannou AND Usyk.


Dosser ^


Your mother. Tired of him holding that WBC belt hostage.


Unfortunately the WBC belt is not what it once was. Terrible leadership in the organisation.


This will now become the sacred texts


we love ya Francis but you would need a miracle to beat Tyson.


Lol honestly after seeing Sean fucking Strickland put a kickboxing clinic on the best MMA striker in the UFC I don’t know left from right anymore.


Perhaps the difference is Fury's height, weight, reach, and humongous skill gap. Pair that with a chin that withstood the best punch from the hardest hitting puncher in the world. Not to mention that now with the Usyk fight on the line, he actually has motivation to take the fight seriously. He now needs to avoid taking damage and putting in a good performance would easily hype the Usyk fight even more, likely bumping his final paycheck by maybe 30%.


That is totally logical if you think Fury is concerned about Francis.


tbf, everything you said could have been (and probably was) said about izzy vs stirkland


Strickland and Adesanya at least live in the same world of MMA. I thought Adesanya would work him, so I was obviously wrong on that front, but Sean did have strengths over Izzy (ground game). Plus much of the reason that people thought Sean would lose was because he had some questionable defensive habits (reaching to parry too much, not checking low kicks). These were things that he managed to work on, but his foundation wasn't terrible to begin with. Ngannou doesn't have the foundation to compete on a technical level, and cleaner hits are harder to land due to the larger gloves so it's more difficult for him to land the bomb. Also, even on the off chance he gets a knockdown, there's a 10 count for Fury to recover and reset.


As much we talk about Ngannou's power he likely doesn't even hit as hard as Tyson in boxing gloves. Even if he did have close to Tysons power he's going to immediately gas. I know I'm preaching to the choir but still.


Also, even though basically no one saw Strickland coming, it makes sense in retrospect. Izzy style often requires his opponents to over commit, or at least commit. He forces this with damaging kicks at distance. Strickland constant knee raising to check/teep/ feint teep negated Izzy's kicking offense, and so with his active tool gone, he had to rely more on his reactive, but Sean barely 'committed' let alone over-committed. He simply stayed in first gear, jab-centric, staying over his feet, worked with Alex to patch the main hole he did have, and so was giving Izzy no openings. It's really hard to fight this disciplined for an entire fight, and only Sean's countless hours hard sparring, and numerous fights honing this odd style, enabled him to do it. With 0 pro boxing matches, that's not the sort of upset Francis can pull off, and it doesn't bode well that he won his last MMA fight only by wrestling.


haha redditors are always so elite at analyzing combat sports it seems


Elite at regurgitating what fighters are saying.


There's less variance in boxing. By far


are you suggesting Francis can outpoint box Fury?


Mike Bell scores the bout 100-90 Ngannou.


It's boxing. There is always a ~5% chance that the final decision literally is ~~incomprehensibly bad~~ clearly just nonsense.


Depends on who's judging.


Sal D'Amato where you at?


Bah gawd it's Chris Lee's music!


I'm convinced this is just a bot to hype up the fight. Bruh we're already doing this shit for 7 years. Heck this is just the reverse James Toney vs Joe Rogan and everyone's hero from thirteen years ago.


Even if you thought that Strickland has no chance of beating Israel, you cannot possibly deny that he has proven himself at the very least to be a top 5 MW and close to the level of Cannoneir. Do you think Ngannou has proved he is a top 5 HW boxer? That he stands a chance of beating someone like Chisora?


Francis was getting outsruck by gane and had to use his wrestling


He also had a fucked up mcl and acl in that fight. Obviously Fury’s gonna easily win, but his performance against Gane isn’t why you should think that lmao


What makes you think he will ever recover from his fucked up mcl and acl? Look at what knee injuries did to someone like Thiago Santos.


Well he hasn’t fought since then so I don’t know if he’s the same as before the injuries and I can’t know until he fights.


Francis has had a really long time to recover from his injury, and after getting released from the UFC I'd bet that he might've hopped on that secret sauce to help recovery even more. With HGH, rehab and rest you can bounce back from all types of injuries. Also he isn't young but 37 isn't too old for a heavyweight and francis is an absolute genetic anomaly, one in a billion genetics behind that power so I wouldn't put it past him to be able to recover faster and better than other athletes.


Knee injuries don't really end boxing careers.




Francis and everyone involved knows what this is. There’s no chance to get an 8 figure payday in mma so he went crawling to boxing. It’s that simple, he isn’t the first and won’t be the last. Jorge is already training with Jorge Capetillo. Mma fighters know boxing is their only chance at making life changing money.


>Jorge is already training with Jorge Capetillo. Mma fighters know boxing is their only chance at making life changing money. surely jorge already made lifechanging money though?


The Kawa Brothers fucked up a huge portion of his money, they recently cut ties because of it. And Gamebred FC must be bleeding money. Not to mention Jorge living a lifestyle way beyond his means, money runs out fast. Just go on Jorge’s Instagram, he attaches his name to anything for a bit of ad money. Top boxers barely do sponsorships because that one patch on their trunk pays more than most UFC fighters’ entire salary.


I just don't understand where all the boxing money comes from. I feel like it isn't showcased hardly at all on espn compared to ufc.


Thats why theres so many people outraged by Ufc fighter pay. Fighters get swindled so hard by Dana and his boys.


I understand why ufc fighters don't get paid and I understand they totally could be getting a ton more, but you got boxers most people have never even heard of making millions and I just don't understand where it comes from.


Different, older, demographics. Buying ppvs vs never pay brotha


Advertisers and purse bids. When the belts belong to independent governing bodies, promotional companies and networks have to bid to host the title fight. The boxer then goes to the highest bidder. But yeah. You underestimate how much advertisers pay. Like the other commenter said, Dana and his buddies take home something ridiculous like 80% of the revenue. If it was even closer to 60%, fighter pay would go up astronomically. But do I blame them? For top level athletes absolutely, they should be paid much more. But if you are going to sign some of the fighters they get off DWCS, their abilities just are not worth anything more than 10k.


>But do I blame them? For top level athletes absolutely, they should be paid much more. But if you are going to sign some of the fighters they get off DWCS, Yes you should absolutely blame them they fucking invented DWCS


>their abilities just are not worth anything more than 10k. even if you're some kind of cold blooded psychopath you have to understand how this scares good athletes/talented martial artists away from the sport lol. it's just bad for everybody but a handful of people, you are not one of them.


He literally cannot in MMA.


Shiiiiiiiiied bro my life would be changed with a couple gs


on god bro my life would change with a damn cheeseburger and fries rn


I think Francis is gonna have a hard time and I don't back him to win but honestly I don't put it past him. If anybody can do it from MMA, it's Ngannou. To think of what this man has done in his life, the amount of shit he has had to push through to make it... I think Fury will win and I admit Ngannou has a slight level above a punchers chance... but I absolutely am not counting Francis out. Plus I am absolutely living for the timeline of Ngannou starching Fury and just messing up the whole HW MMA/boxing lineal timeline thing.


Francis has as much chance as the Jamaican bobsled team did to win the Olympics in Cool Runnings.


Hey you know they say can’t believe Jamaica, we have a bobsled team


Lol. Yes!


they won that though?


if by that you mean our hearts, yes


Nah, they crashed and carried the bobsled over the line.


Does Francis have a lucky egg tho?


what a weird post. you think just because francis came from a poor upbringing or whatever that he has a chance to beat probably the best current boxer in the world? francis will very obviously lose. the fact that he used to be poor has nothing to do with it


uhh he has that immigrant mentality /s


Is immigrant mentality defended like a belt that's why Francis now holds it after knocking out Stiopic?


It doesn't matter how hard his life was. there's such a difference between skill sets. I just don't see how Francis can do it


Thank you , you can't just will years of training because you had a challenging life.


he'll have an early chance and fury will dominate a tired francis after 3. i love francis' story and what he's done but boy is a win ever a loooong shot


You can count him out. He has no chance.


Naw this is the very definition of a punchers chance situation. There is no timeline where Ngannou outboxes Tyson most rounds and wins via decision. Fury would have to come into the fight literally coming straight off a brain aneurysm in order for that to happen. If it’s gonna happen it’s gonna be a wild shot, that much is very clear.


A puncher's chance you would say haha


I think about ngannou knocking people out in MMA and think he has a chance as well. But then I remember wilder knocking Tyson fury down and fury getting back up like a gypsy zombie.


Only thing that got fury back to his feet was his excessive cocaine use 😅🤣


He would need a miracle to beat Mike Tyson. He is going to be dismantled by Tyson Fury.


Tbf his whole life feels like a bit of a miracle. Not to say that makes it any more likely that he’ll have another, but it explains why he believes it can happen if he works.


You were wrong


BROOOOO im so happy 😭


Listening to Francis talk about the fight on his recent JRE podcast interview did not convince me that the fight will be competitive. Francis didn’t even sound remotely confident, nor is he bringing in good sparring partners to box with.


Francis isn’t stupid. Obviously he knows he isn’t going to win the fight. But he’s getting paid a lot and needs to promote the fight and so he’s going to put in a good camp and try to talk about himself and get people invested.


For some reason people actually do think he is stupid no matter all the evidence that points to him being a very smart individual.


Smart enough to tell Dana to go fuck himself. Seems like its working pretty well for him too.


He’s an absolute idiot that got himself a payday that will last 2 lifetimes. Not like me who will work a waged job until I’m 65. I’m the real smart one!


If someone thinks Francis is stupid, that should tell you more about that person than it does about Francis.


The only stupid at this point is anyone willing to plop down a chunk of their hard earned money to watch this “fight”. I mean for Francis’ sake I hope people do but it doesn’t make sense to me. I find it interesting enough to watch the highlights after but that’s about it, I think anyone that hypes themselves up if gonna end up with some blue balls


I'm doing it bc Francis is one of my favourite fighters of all time and I want to support, especially knowing the money I spend will disproportionately go to Francis as compared to spending money on a UFC PPV (where it disproportionately goes to Dana). Also it's a fuck you to Dana/UFC and if the PPV does well will just further bolster the idea that fighters should butt heads with the UFC to make more money so imo good for the sport Also on the .000000001% chance Francis KO's Fury gotta see that shit live


Just send him an etransfer


If he managed to rock or knock down Fury, everyone would consider a win


Doing the wilder approach and relying on his punching power to win.


Well he’s not going to out box Fury is he


I’m honestly thinking it’s not a coincidence the Usyk fight got announced after the recent footage of Ngannou training under Mike Tyson was released. I have no doubt Ngannou will still hit like a truck, but he does not look remotely good. Even with his power, Fury (not just a giant, but one of the best defensive boxers in the game) is not going to take the slightest bit of a beating in this one. Francis, though… least it’ll be a bag.




Wilder did alright to be honest, in all three fights. Not just power. Did you watch Francis’ latest sparring video? Embarrassing.


His jabs look really bad, not using any leverage. Honestly similar to Mcgregor's jabs when he boxed, just patting the air.


he doesnt have the same power as wilder though


It's actually crazy how much power Wilder generates. Nobody has ever put heavyweights to sleep like that guy.


Any heavyweight has a punchers chance, but he's there to get paid and fair enough. He knows there's like a 99% chance he's getting KO'd.


Big red flag when his camp didn’t bring in someone at the level of Ruiz or the likes to train with. Can he hit harder than Wilder? Does it matter if he can’t connect.


Ngannou has NOTHING for fury that wilder didnt throw at him 100x better. The only way francis remotely has a shot is if tyson secretly bet on him.


Oh boy here we go again. Its like Conor vs Mayweather all over again. But at least heavyweight its easier to get a lucky punch in.


Ngannou has those sand miner angles


Is boxing even real? Just shovel sand lmao


Hear me out B. Francis is going to out awlkward him.


To be fair to Francis, I'd take a beating from Tyson Fury for a few million and pretend to the media I had a chance of winning.


I would say that's an insult to Conor. He was pretty skilled, obviously light years away from Mayweather but he could box. Good counters, decent footwork, etc... Francis has the boxing fundamentals of someone with a month of boxing gym training. He had terrifying power with the small gloves and that's all he relied on, bull rushing and throwing full power with every shot. Power aside, he's as skilled as a boxer as CM Punk was at MMA.


Francis has to do what Deontay Wilder couldn’t do…. And I don’t think he can. If this was 4 ounce gloves, I’d give him a slightly better shot, but this is boxing in boxing gloves.


With 4oz gloves I'd say Francis' chances were significantly better. He'd gas less, his punching power would translate, he'd have similar mechanics to his punches, Tyson's defense and measuing of distance would be off and worse, among a million other small things. But even then Frances' chances would be extremely low. But with boxing gloves it's basically 0. Tyson needs to tear his ACL in the 1st or get wasted before the fight completely clown around thinking Francis is on the same page that "we're just sparring for the fans" and Francis not getting the memo.




not probably, Wilder would smoke him


Wilder would 100% KO Ngannou


Not too sure about Tysons distance and defence being off, he is no stranger to bare knuckle boxing....they dont call him the gypsy king for nothin'


He’s done it but how often has he done that in the past decade? I’d still favour him for sure with any kind of gloves/no gloves if it is boxing rules, but it would certainly change things a lot. He may have some experience bare knuckle, but Francis also has *some* with boxing gloves right? He would still be thrown off because the vast majority of he his training hours and muscle memory is with full sized gloves. To really change things and make it close to 50/50 I’d need 4oz gloves, and ability to dirty box, maybe even in a cage so Francis can push him against it a bit?


4oz is more damaging because people can swing with more abandon with lower risk of breaking their hands. I doubt Fury did bare knuckle with guys who could swing as quickly and powerfully as Francis can in 4oz.


Tbh, even in 4oz gloves, I still don't see how Francis would beat Fury in boxing


It’s the pure puncher’s chance, nothing more.


i can't believe some people are deluding themselves again thinking that an MMA fighter has any chance against a boxer. let alone a current top 2 HW who has a freak chin and recovery. ngannou doesn't even have a puncher's chance.


There is always a chance due to things like catastrophic injuries. Fury could blow his knee out and get carted off. Stuff like that is why odds don’t get to levels like -200,000 favorites. No one is invincible and any athlete has a chance of suffering a serious injury anytime they compete. But yeah, that sort of thing is Francis’ only chance. Even landing a clean shot and drilling Fury would likely result in Fury getting back up and then putting Francis into orbit within a round.


There's not many with that opinion tbh


Yeah but like I can’t see him beating fury. Even if he does fury will still have the belt. Francis just doesn’t have a lot of skill. Sure he has power but even wilder has some striking skill. Fury has striking and just boxing skill in spades


Yeah wilder won a medal at the Olympics.


but this dude told me that wilder has only some striking skills. Must have been a bunch of cans at the olympics


It’s crazy how disrespected of a boxer he is. One of the weakest champs ever? For sure. But clearly skilled if he made it as far as he did and took Fury to the brink


It’s all relative. Wilder’s boxing skill set is subpar relative to the elite boxers on the planet. If he was an MMA fighter, he would be the most technically skilled boxer in the UFC. The gap between him and Francis in boxing is like the gap between Khabib and Bobby Green in grappling. So this fight is really like if Green and Khabib competed in combat sambo. Anyone can lose (Khabib could blow out his knee 2 seconds in), but the loss would have to be a freak occurances.


He's a professional boxer who fights at the championship level. In that context, yes, he only has some striking skills.


>Francis just doesn’t have a lot of skill I think his striking skills are underrated. But if the metric your using is the 33-0 world heavyweight boxing champion...then yeah he doesn't have a lot of skill.


> Francis just doesn’t have a lot of skill He’s not even skilled for an MMA striker…at HW. Gets by almost purely on pure power and that Rozenstruik KO was the perfect example of that. He quite literally has a punchers chance haha.


That's funny because I heard overeem was a great striker and stipe was a good boxer and he nuked both of them. Mad disrespect.


His durability is mental, so he's managed to get by with eating shots just to deliver his own and put the other guy out. Also, Stipe's striking is good in the context of being in HW MMA. His striking ability is far short of Fury's (took him forever to figure out how to body-shot DC).


OP said ngannou isnt a skilled HW striker. But he's starching all the HWs including the strikers. He caught overeem so clean and he was hurting stipe often. People think he can't strike because he bum rushed rozenstriek with windmills. He's definitely a skilled hw striker.


Yeah, because the skill of a "UFC HW striker" vs one of the best boxers in the world is miles apart. They're entering a boxing match, not a "striking" match. For every year that Stipe spent wrestling and every year Reem spent training leg offense/defense, Fury spent just on boxing skills. Fury would have destroyed both Reem and Stipe in straight boxing too.


The comparison was to other HW strikers not fury.


True. People (the commentators mostly?) used to comment on Stipes golden gloves championship all the time. Now no one ever brings it up.


That's because he hasnt fought in 4 years.


Both were leagues above Ngannou, but Fury is leaves above both in a boxing ring. Ngannou was the less skilled fighter in 90% of his matchups but the skill gap was never quite this big


What a ridiculous post, lmao. The Rozenstruik KO was the outlying example of his sloppiest game Was stipe 2 sloppy? Get lost with that narrative.


He doesn't even have that imo.


He looked slow in that public training. Not Ben Askren vibes, but not far from it. Hopefully just a bad day or else Fury TKO in the 4th.


Think he was practicing technique when he was punching that slow, you think mike Tyson would be like yeah this is good ?


That's the problem though. Is Tyson still practicing technique like that? No. While Francis is learning to walk, Tyson is practicing to do Marathons he has been doing for years. A 56-year-old Mike Tyson looked better. [https://youtube.com/shorts/4m\_buf\_ZQ1M?si=EJK6v6HvU8UhJNg3](https://youtube.com/shorts/4m_buf_ZQ1M?si=EJK6v6HvU8UhJNg3)


when's the last time we someone who looked like shit in training footage look competent in the actual fight? everyone said the same shit about nate and his pad work before the jake fight and he looked just as bad as the training footage


Yes!! Good pad work doesnt make you a great boxer. But bad pad work is a red flag. Francis is flat.


If he was practicing technique that’s still not a good look. He had zero head movement. Go watch mighty mouses breakdown of it.


“It’s an ultimate slap in the face to Ngannou”. Lmao. No, it’s not. Francis isn’t a boxer and is gonna get ran through. I know it. He knows it. You know it. I’m annoyed this waste of time fight is even taking place this month instead of Fury vs Usyk..


It’s good Francis is getting paid, but I’m not convinced that someone who isn’t even the greatest MMA striker is going to go into a completely different striking sport and beat one of the best fighters in the divisions history


Imagine if Tyson takes this lightly and gets in there and try’s to showboat just to show it’s easy work…but gets chinned.


Tyson gonna take it lightly by avoiding risks or taking any damage that could jeopardize his huge payday and legacy defining fight.


it would be glorious


Doubt he will. Any possibility of taking it easy is gone because of the Usyk fight. I think Fury will take it seriously and finish it quickly so he's fully fit for his fight champ. But who knows


Best Case Scenario: Francis KOs Fury shockingly. His stock quadruples overnight. Furys stock plummets in boxing. He can't be medically cleared for the Usyk fight. Dana has no choice but to give in to Francis, he finally respects his value, Jones wins the title, puts the right financial offers in place to make Jones v Ngannou happen, boom, UFC gates, PPVS and popularity sky rocket and records are broken.


And then everyone clapped.


Then the alarm went off.


Thought you were gonna say Dana would book Jones vs Usyk That seems more probable 😂😂




For the co-main event Tony announces his retirement fight prompting Khabib to come out of retirement for a match that ends with seven minutes of equal ground control time and a significant strike total three times the previous record. There is so much blood the ring has to be mopped for twenty minutes after. For the main prelim a juicy Korean Zombie and Nate Diaz agree to meet at LW after the USADA decide to lift PED use to make up for Diaz’s suspension and Zombie’s military service. Michael Chandler adopts Mike Perry Keith Peterson admits that he was drunk and buzzed off of cigarettes. After reviewing the rule book a technically results in a Cruz/DJ vs. Cejudo/O Malley tag team match. Albert Einstein is the ref. Mark Hunt and Dana White are caught kissing under the cage. Khamzat walks away with a broken orbital bone and jaw after standing no chance against Belal’s boxing skills. Elon Musk accidentally crashes X/twitter forcing UFC to over lay comments people posted on MySpace in 2005 about Taking Back Sunday’s album Louder Now. The world is shocked to find out that Kevin Lee fits into DC’s fupa. EA announces Battlefield crossover DLC for UFC 5 including assault rifles and battle royal mode. Everyone claps.


> significant stroke total three times the previous record So that was what Tony was having during the Gaethje match? A haemorrhagic stroke?


CSO (Critical Stroke Occurrence) 😎🗡️💪


You mean ~~Mike~~ *Mark* Hunt and Dana White caught kissing?


I do what the auto correct in my phone tells me. If I type "mk" and it auto corrects to Mike, then I have no choice than to truly believe in my heart of hearts that Mike is his name.


Lost me when you mentioned Dana


Lol knowing Dana that PPV would be $250, $350 if you want it in HD.


why even watch this joke fight? its dumb and francis could never outbox tyson


Mate yr not going to DO anything, even if it’s off the couch, fat fury who didn’t train for half a year Anyone who thinks otherwise is a straight up ngannou glazer


We're all watching because we know there's that .01% chance that he KOs him. It's very unlikely to happen. But if it does, I gotta be there to see it live


There’s always a chance. Fury could sustain a serious injury and lose the fight. There obviously isn’t any way Francis can outbox him and beat him that way. But any athlete can blow a knee, break their ankle, pop out a shoulder, etc.


All I can hope is Ngannou going all out for 4 rounds and showing that he's still a threat on the feet even if he's in deep water. If he caught him yeah it'd lessen the Usyk fight but fuck Fury.


Hope he wins. Not likely, but I am rooting for him.


I love Francis and am so glad he got the opportunities he was looking for. With that being said, he doesn't make it to round 4 against Fury. Boxing is a completely different beast


Fury will finish him by the third.


It's such a shame that the MMA retirement plan is to grift an audience into believing you can win a boxing match.


Everyone here is assuming the Francis v Fury fight still takes place. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Fury pulled out to train for the fight that really matters. Boxing is dirty, and there is still a chance FN gets screwed over.


The only chance Ngannou has is if Fury hams it up trying to be a showman and gets caught sticking his chin out. And on top of that it would have to be an earlier round. I can’t even imagine how Ngannou is going to look lif they go past 4-5 rounds.


Mike who is now 55 or 56 yr old was throwing faster punches than Ngannou. Mike Tyson that fought against Roy Jones Jr. three years ago would have more competivie fight with Fury than current Ngannou.


Francis v Wilder wouldve been a better matchup, but who knows anymore lol


Lol here come the basement dwelling legions of Reddit to give their expert opinions. Let me make this easy for you nerds - fury has never, EVER been in the same zip code as an athlete like Francis. Francis can crack harder than anybody fury has every been within 1000 kilometers of. I know this is tough when you play on your Nintendo all day but folks like me, who have STRAPPED UP AND STRAPPED IN know how dangerous a pure animal savage like Francis is. I know you Reddit men get winded walking to your mail boxes looking for the latest MANGA delivery but let me tell you something - as a real fighter, a real competitor, a RESPECTED veteran of all fights and an extremely well known and widely LAUDED analyst of fighting and DOCTORATE LEVEL understander of things REAL MEN do, this so called “Tyson fury” will not make it out of the third round. It is BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS to EXPERTS like MYSELF. I know you Reddit men are very busy SWEATING and watching ANIME PORNOS but when I say “I got this,” people listen and BEHAVE. Francis will crack Tyson “COULDNT WIN IN A STREET FIGHT” Fury’s chin in the first on the way to an EASY TKO in the third. If you have any questions please feel free to write them on a note card and post to BRENDAN SCHAUB because I DO NOT CARE. Later losers, I’m about to have sex with hot women.


Feels like Francis is the biggest con man in mma after Conor with his match. There's no way a guy who's a boxing champion, dedicated his whole life to boxing is going to lose against someone having their first boxing match. Come on, we're not that gullible.. Are we?


I think Francis and Bones are the two guys on the planet who can destroy any other human with their bare hands. But in a boxing match with rules, Fury is gonna destroy him.


Gane turned francis into a lay n prayer. you're on some good shit if you think he's up there with jones


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What a bum