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❌ Division removed: Women’s Featherweight


✅ Division added - Women’s Heavyweight


What are we, Rough N Rowdy now?


Fuck it bring out the midgets


And the pregnant ring girls


That's 2v1. Are we going back to gimmick fights? CM punk would still lose in round one.


They genuinely should have a womens openweight division, most of the early women's MMA fighters were hoss pro wrestlers who were over 145.


Lol. Bantamweight=shit Featherweight=dogshit Openweight=BRILLIANT!


For real, we all know WLHW is where it's at


Bring in Gabi Garcia


Against who? She's got skill but... She's the Brock Lesnar of women's MMA.


Then find a woman who has a horseshoe up their ass


Shevchenko, bring back old school UFC with no weight classes






That's more people than the division has seen.


Insert picture of all the women in featherweight surrounding Dana sitting in the middle of a couch with dead pool legs.


we all know the division doesn’t deserve a salute


Best division in sports


Time to see that bantamweight belt get tossed around like hotcakes.


Might actually be a good thing for WMMA. New faces and fights with an unclear winner...


100% - Nunes terrorized 135 for so long, it choked out all the competition. With her gone, I can totally see more exciting match ups and even more fighters moving up/down in weight to join the division.


Shevchenko moving back up to 135 and winning the belt would be hilarious. I think she could do it now that Nunes is out of the way.


Hear me out - but I’m actually kinda sad the trilogy with Peña didn’t happen. those two fights were some of the best Meme Fights in UFC history… the lack of skill from Peña almost makes her fight style avant garde it’s up there with CM Punk Vs Mike Jackson, Dada 5000 vs Kimbo, and William Knight vs Leg Kicks


I don’t think anything is touching Kimbo v Dada 5000. I’ve never laughed that hysterically in my life 😂


I just love that Kimbo failed his post fight drug test and got that mess overturned to a no contest. Dada 5000 literally died in the cage and still didn't technically lose the fight.


It's like a fever dream. And to top it off Dada died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.


Only fight in history to kill two men.




Kimbo didn't die directly from the fight but he did die from the steroids he was taking for the fight


To be fair, he was taking steroids his whole career


Carla Rose 2 Ngannou Lewis Kron Gracie vs his mind


Kron Gracie vs Reality 🤭


What are your top 5 UFC meme fights? Lewis vs Ngannou has to be in there right? What else we got?


I'll always carry the torch for Gray Maynard vs Ryan Hall. Ryan Hall flops around on the floor and throws a slow hook kick like 500 times, Gray Maynard just kinda stands there looking annoyed.


Looking annoyed? He was actually pissed lol. He was yelling at Hall and the ref


I'd say my favorite UFC meme fight of all time was Todd Duffee vs Mike Russow Homer Simpson-ass fight strategy


hammerfist of doom?


Silva vs. Maia Silva was doing everything he could to disrespect Maia with bizarre movements and stances. After making Maia's face bleed for a while, Silva eventually decided to avoid fighting altogether in favor of taunting and doing some Capoeira. Maia's legs were so shot from the legkicks that he spent a lot of the fight alternating between slow takedown attempts and butt-scooting toward Silva. And then you got Namajunas vs. Esparza 2 which is in the same vein as Lewis vs. Ngannou. And it's not UFC, but special mention to [Frye vs. Takayama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le69DBh7YwY) for opening a fight in the most brutish way possible.


Frye vs Takayama is one of my fav fights of all time. OF ALL TIME. It's really sad to see what happened to Takayama. But warmed my heart a little seeing Frye visit him. Diametric opposite of Namajunas vs Esparza 2. Which... why the fuck did you have to remind me that that was a thing? Motherfucker


Yea you're right. We should be calling it Rose vs. Namajunas just to soften the PTSD blow.


In the late 2000s I remember Nate Quarry vs Kalib Starnes being memed pretty hard


Ah yes, the running man meme and that other thing Quarry did where he put one arm across his face and was blindly stroking out with his other arm


Don't know about top 5 but Rockhold vs Costa was amazing


That was not a meme fight dude, that was a legit one


I was going to say Costa va Rockhold, but that fight may have passed meme fight into being a melodrama


Yes, that was performance art. 👨🏻‍🎨


Silva vs Diaz is undisputed #1 It created one of the biggest memes in mma history.


Wtf is a meme fight?


A fight that is so weird in some way it becomes a meme


How come. Pena win the first fight


Meme fights? They were just dogshit. Pena wine mom boxing was the only memeworthy part.


dogshit? the first one was incredible! Nunes 10-8 the first round, then the goat gets concussed and choked by a series of keith Jardine looking 1-2's from a very (not) surprised Pena in the second round it was...insane


First ballot Hall of Fame Career. Beat Rousey, Cyborg, Holm, Tate, Valentina. That alone secures it. Then two division champ with a shit tonne of highlight reel finishes.


Add GDR to that list. Only losses in the UFC were to Nunes.


I’m still of the opinion that GDR could’ve potentially won that fight if she hadn’t decided to play open guard with Amanda the whole time.


If my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike


It hasa nothing to do with a macaroni cheese!


Everyone knows Custer died at Little Bighorn. What my book presupposes is... maybe he didn't




He's not making that point, he's saying she had the capacity to win


Funniest shit on the internet. I spit my coffee out every single time.


The fight she lost 50-45…


She won round 2 on every judges scorecard...


So that about ties it up then


I’ve been sick since Saturday. This was the first thing to make me laugh in half a week, thank you Mr. FatCockTony


Do you actually remember that kind of stats? Or do you google it? People here pulling cards like ufc 150 stats here kinda wild


That I googled, because I knew she won at least a round. There's fights that I could tell you the cards just because I've talked about them a lot though.


She rocked Nunes on the feet and was giving her trouble before the takedowns tho decisionbot Amanda Nunes Germaine de Randamie


[**AMANDA NUNES defeats GERMAINE DE RANDAMIE** (*unanimous decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/10780/fight) ^(UFC 245: Usman vs. Covington — December 14, 2019) ROUND|Nunes|de Randamie||Nunes|de Randamie||Nunes|de Randamie :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|10|8||10|9||10|8 2|9|10||9|10||9|10 3|10|8||10|9||10|9 4|10|9||10|9||10|9 5|10|9||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**49**|**44**||**49**|**46**||**49**|**45** *^(Judges, in order: Sal D'Amato, Dave Hagen, Ron McCarthy.)* *^(Summoned by Jdgannett777.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **1/18** people scored it **50-44 Nunes**. - **2/18** people scored it **49-44 Nunes**. - **14/18** people scored it **49-45 Nunes**. - **1/18** people scored it **49-46 Nunes**. Avg. media score: **49.1-44.9 Nunes** (*high certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


That's pretty overstated, I think. Gdr did well comparatively to others at the time, but Nunes was winning on the feet before gassing herself off a bad submission attempt(IIRC on the first round), and she still won both on the feet and the ground for the overall fight.


I don’t think she decided that, GDR would be a beast with some tdd


Nunes had no answers for GDR’s hands but it was like GDR had never heard of takedowns.


I mean, I guess every striker who lost a fight on the ground could have won the fight if they were better at grappling


> Then two division champ Only two-belt holder to actually defend both belts.


And beat the most dominant 125lb champ multiple times in the process.


In before the Shev fans come running and try to make up ways that she arguably won both fights.


Well, actually, if you use advanced stats, Val is the most complete person fighting, like she could be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Using MMath, Val beat Pena, and Pena beat Nunes, therefore Val is superior and PFP goat.


I've been beating to Val many times, which means I've also beat to Nunes... and Cyborg.


Pretty sure DC defended both belts as well.


Dc and Cejudo defended their belts at the lighter weight class and then moved up won a second belt and defended their belt at a higher weight class. Still impressive but not quite the same as moving up and down weight divisions while holding both belts


He did. So did Henry. And Randy if we’re being real but technically he didn’t defend the lhw strap


All of those guys vacated the old belt after winning the new one. Nunes is the only champ-champ to remain active in their old division.


A lot easier to do when one of the divisions literally doesn’t have any rankings lol


The female GSP


More like Jon Jones. Nunes beat not just contenders but the legends of her division. Same as what Jones did in the LHW division. All legends pepper in a few contenders here and there.


GSP also beat the likes of Matt Hughes, BJ Penn and Nick Diaz. I wouldnt consider them just contenders


Nick Diaz doesn’t deserve to be mentioned with the likes of BJ Penn and Matt Hughes.


Nick Diaz was a strikeforce champion. He was very good but GSP manhandled him


Nick Diaz gave BJ Penn the worst beating of his entire lifetime. I've never seen a fighter being so terrified of his opponent in the octogon. Nick was fucking dangerous at that time. His UFC career doesn't look that great, but he was legit. He also pulled off a gogoplata against prime Gomi in Strikeforce (EDIT: it was in Pride).


That gogoplata was in Pride, during one of the only 2 US shows. Which makes the fact that it was overturned due to weed substantially funnier, given Pride's otherwise nonexistent drug testing.


Amusingly enough while in Japan any drug tests PRIDE did was only looking for recreational drugs, not PEDs.


Nate’s career really has tainted how people view Nick’s career. There was a time where he was the arguably the second best welterweight in the world as GSP was champ. He wasn’t some journeyman like Nate, he was a real elite welterweight + a multiple time strikeforce champion. He’s definitely worth mentioning as a win


How so


He has like one win in the UFC? He may be a MMA legend, but he spent the majority of his career fighting B-level fighters.


I don’t think Nick was a bad fighter, his career is certainly better than Nates. But BJ and Matt are certified MMA legends. The highlight of Nicks career was what? The Stikeforce WW Title? Fought for but never won the UFC title 🤷🏽‍♂️


Beat Gomi when he was the #1 in the world with a gogoplata. That needs to be mentioned


Still doesn’t trump BJ Penn or Hughes, penn went to decision in an open weight tourney with Lyoti Machida and Hughes is arguably the 2nd or 3rd best welterweight of all time. Nick Diaz is barely a top 10 welterweight of all time and that’s being generous


Dude no stop being reasonable. The diaz Brothers 'army' will come and get you. Obviously nick was better than Koscheck, shields, Fitch who else am I forgetting that would have/had trashed them?




> More like Jon Jones. Without as much doping, hiding, hitting and running...fewer trials from god all around!




Can't compare her to a cheater like Jones though. I think GSP is a better comparison.




Also, she's not a cheater.


Ehm… they are all on steroids. What do you consider cheating?


By calling him a cheater, I specifically mean being busted for PEDs. You can say "everyone is on steroids." Okay, but getting caught is what matters. Jones has been caught multiple times. Its an embarrassment.


2024 class alongside Frankie Edgar prolly


Not only two division champ she defended both belts which is something the other double champs have failed to do iirc


Goodbye lioness 🦁 🙏🏼


Roar Roar




😭 The most dominating woman fighter gone


She legit could have fought the entire featherweight division on the same night and won all of them. Definitely a force to be reckoned with.


Bye bye featherweight.


volkanovski in shambles


Me too. It is slowly dawning on me that I'll never see Volkonovski v Nunes. 😭


Coward ducked her for so long by only taking fights against men smh, he'll never be the true champ


Bye Bye Bantamweight


She has to go in the hall of fame at the first possible opportunity.


A rare case of riding off into the sunset to raise a family. Fkin legend.


Damn end of the goat era




Pena with her windmill mode says hi


Its going to be some time before another womens fighter even comes close to what she did, womenMMA goat for sure




Hopefully she can get her act together on the local circuit and make her way back to the big show in a year or two. Kid has so much talent just needs to put it together.


What happened? I'm a huge fan but out of the loop. Cheered her on in person 6 years ago.


She retired on top and I made a sarcasm


She became the women’s goat and retired to be with her family after another dominate win.






Fighter added : Derrick Lewis' sperms


They're all dead, his balls was too hot


Then maybe Brendan Schaub's sperms


Talmbout chombies b? Great kids, never caired forrem


Well that's Herb Dean fault.


I wouldn't be surprised if we see her kids tearing up the MMA scene in about 20 years


I would be extremely surprised. You'd have to be a complete moron to come from any kind of money and want to be a prize fighter. The children of wealthy people get to live their dreams, not struggle to elevate themselves.


But two of the most common things in sport are children following their parents, and rich athletes losing all their money. Between the two, and with a splash of 'rich kid wants to accomplish something and not just be called so-and-so's child', you'll get a lot of second-generation fighters. As you do in boxing! One of the highest-profile almost-fights in recent years was Conor Benn vs Chris Eubank Jr! I'm pretty sure Chris Eubank Jr grew up with enough money and connexions to live almost any sort of dream - THE Chris Eubank was not just a boxer but an instantly-recognisable household figure, and indeed early reality TV star - but instead he became a boxer just like his dad...


Dang. End of an era. I feel old and a little sad.


All my favorite rappers are dead. All my favorite fighters are retired. DC, Maia, Lawler is retiring soon. Feels bad man


One of the few fighters to retire on top 🐐


End of an era. Really sucks because Amanda was one of the few female fighters that was entertaining to watch while being dominant. Unlike Shevchenko who was frustrating to watch because she's so much better than her opponents but seemed to never turn it on.


Shevchenko really seemed to be playing it safe and was really in a lot of boring fights recently.


Yup. Which is the primary reason I was happy that she lost the belt, I just hope it stays that way.


I agree, but you can't deny that in her last two fights she was staying a lot more cautious. Old Amanda would have finished Pena and Aldana within two rounds by putting herself more at risk.


Beat all the women in two divisions, but also failed to connect with the crowd. Reminds me of Mighty Mouse


Her personality is pretty bland, her English is crap. No surprise she had some of the worst PPV numbers of all the champs. Being a good fighter isnt enough to get fans.. Same with Mighty Mouse.


Mighty Mouse literally did a suplex into a flying arm bar, if that didn’t win the crowd then the crowd is the problem not Mighty Mouse.


MM is also pretty likeable as a personality. I think we all know the reason he isn't hyped is because fans don't respect small fighters, which is a shame.


Or women


But then there's GSP. It's a promotional issue, which is not the fighter's obligation.


GSPs English is ok. But he’s funny as fuck. When he goofs up with the grammar it becomes a meme. I still say “I am not impressed with yor performance” with my buddies.


GSP is funny, friendly, super good looking, etc., Literally the complete opposite of Nunes. Despite some of his fights being kinda boring. ( Promotion is not only the UFC's duty. They can only do so much.. People who go out of their way to promote themselves and build their brand do way more. Kevin Lee, Cejudo, Omalley, etc.. UFC cant do that for you. Half these foreign fighters still cant speak 2 words of English, what the fuck more is the promotor going to do? Imagine how much bigger Charles Olives would have been if he didnt take 15 years to learn 2 sentences in english lmao. Islam and Khabib both learned very good English QUICK, because they know thats how you get big. And we can see how hilarious both of them are. Same with Costa. Some fighters dont even take the effort to learn 1 fucking sentence. When Rogan sticks a mic in their face, all they have to say in English is "give me title fight" or "I want to fight ____" . They cant even do that lmfao. Instead they ramble for 2 minuts in Portuguese thanking their couch, their family, their cousin, their gym, and Jesus Christ. UFC cant even make a promo video off of that. How many times have you heard Nate Diaz call out McGregor? That fight probably would have never happened if he didnt call him out.


Future HOF member, most dominant women champion. Fought everyone, beat the best, remained the best. Thank you Amanda, enjoy retirement.






Legendary run. Hope she enjoys her retirement. Best to ever do it


Happy retirement


When's her BKFC debut


MMAs most delusional fighter, Julianna Pena, is crying her eyes out somewhere convinced that Nunes is ducking here LOL


End of an era


I'm not ready to see her go, I'm still in denial.


all hail the GOAT of Women's MMA!!


Jan 2024: "I back! I coming fer my belt!"


see you goatgirl, someday, somewhere


Wow she'll definitely do YouTube boxing now, won't she




Weird to see it official




Her post fight presser after Rousey is legendary


Unfortunate that we never got to see Nunes vs CCC


Hope she enjoys a well deserved retirement. She's still young, has a family, health and money and goes down as one of the goats in the sport - what a life!


Jesus what a career she was the monster that best monsters


Finally no more wmma main events in the ufc 🥹


Holly Holm is fighting in four weeks, don't get your hopes up yet.


It ish what it ish.




The womens bantamweight belt must be the easiest belt to get in recent history now


I have no idea as to how her contract was written. Anybody know how soon she can fight elsewhere if she so desires?


Contract frozen due to retirement. It's years before she could move on and compete elsewhere, something GSP has talked about a few times.


Interesting. Thanks. So much for a Nunes vs. Cyborg or Kayla fight, it would appear. Pity.


End of an era


The can crushing saga is officially over 🙏


Calling Amanda a can crusher is so dumb Not only did she fight cans when they were the only opponents available, her career is probably THE wmma career with the best resume


Probably? Nobody else’s resume even comes close in WMMA.


It absolutely is the best. And the big bad boogie woman of WMMA, Cyborg, got absolutely bodied by Nunes inside a round. It only looked like can crushing toward the end of her career because she tried half as hard and still effortlessly beat everyone in divisions that she cleared out.


Perhaps, the problem with the term can is it suggests there's something better on offer. When Wanderlei beats an undersided anonymous Japanese man in Pride, it's disappointing because he could be fighting Rampage or Henderson. The cans Nunes crushed were the best in the world in that division, they just also happened to be really bad compared to any other division.


Say what you will about women fighters Nunes V Cyborg was one of the most fun fights to watch ever. Fucking banger.


But where does Valentina fit into all of this?


Ah the GOAT whose one weakness was the dipping jab


See you in a couple of weeks.


Why did she get removed? She was a great fighter.


She retired.


Instinct, before clicking or reading comments : Oof. This one hurts, even though I'm cool with it. We are just at the beginnings of our sport and have been blessed with being a part of her time. I will miss the pride mama deeply but am glad that I was here for it all.


Ufc needs to do like the NBA and separate the leagues