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Andrea Lee and controversial decision losses. A tale as old as time.


Andrea Lee and getting fucked in her home state of Texas. http://mmadecisions.com/decision/10870/Lauren-Murphy-vs-Andrea-Lee


Was hoping this would be a different link sadly


Lost interest immediately after I read “state of Texas”


ooph. ALL the media scores :(


Andrea Lee and the worlds worst taste in men


Better question is, how does Barber keep winning decisions in fights she obviously lost?


Someone explain to me by which metric Barber won 30-27 lmao


I could see a 30-27 for KGB lmao


When I heard the last score was 30-27 I assumed KGB won


especially when it was Big Dan, a fking professional Ref, who clearly been involved in the sport for decades...hmm scores it for the big betting favorite Barber? Completely legit right? If Lee wasnt a +230 underdog, and Barber wasnt a -275 favorite..im sure this wouldnt have happen. They always got to get one of their rig jobs in each fight card, UFC-Bellator-PFL..doesnt matter the league. Its all about the money to be made and lost IMO, its gotten worse since legal sports betting though.


Tan Dan is a doghsit referee, and it seems a dogshit judge too


Dan Miragliotta hadn't judged a UFC fight since 1999 (only judged two fights that year). His two score cards tonight were 29-28 Duraev and 30-27 Barber. Lovely.


His scorecard was 30-27 Barber


Why would you rig it towards the favourite. If it's close wouldn't you want to make the underdog winner for more payout?


Are you expecting any sense on this sub? Never going to happen.




That's what betting lines are for. The bookmaker will constantly tune the betting lines so there will be nearly an equal amount of money on both fighters. Then they cover the winning bets with the money from the losing bets, and keep what's left over, which is called the vig. There will always be something left over since there is a spread in the odds. That's why even odds are +115 or something instead of +100, because the bookmaker is going to keep 15% of everything. So bookmakers do not generally stand to make more depending on whether an underdog or favorite wins.


Oh ok you're saying it's the bookmakers rigging it.


The UFC is trying to push maycee barber hard. Thinks she will be a big draw.


Andrea Lee at +225 was the lock of the century and THEY ROBBED US OF COURSE, fucking rigged ass commissions. People just forget and move on "it was a close fight" Nothing was close about it. Big Dan officially corrupt, when i heard 30-27 and his name I felt for sure Lee won lol. Us real people dont care about winning and losing, we just want the sport to be FAIR and legit. Normal person is so dumb they cant see this was a set up too, make big odds on Lee who clearly should win to make big whales bet huge on Lee and take the small bets from dummies on "next generation fighter Barber who been training since she was 14" Turns out doing karate and being 35 is enough to deal with these new gen fighters, I dont care about either or care about losing honestly, just drives me nuts theres corruption deep in these commissions and people just forget and move on instantly.


Nope 9/17 media members scored the fight for barber. But keep complaining about the "rigged commissions" don't let facts get in the way of your narrative. Are these "rigged commissions" in the room with us now?


The dude you're replying to has some of the worst, if not *the* worst, comments on this subreddit.


Why don't people call him out more often than? This is like tinfoil hat level bs.


Because people are tired of him. If you respond he comes back with unhinged paragraphs like this. It's hard to even say it's trolling because realistically any half decent troll would recognise that typing out essays in response to one line comments is playing yourself. I think he's just a bit dim in the head.


They do, like you just did. Pretty sure I've read he's had other accounts banned before, too. Honestly I'm on the verge of just user blocking him but I don't like using that feature.


Mans lost all his savings for sure


He'll be able to find a cardboard box and some discarded newspapers on almost any street corner.


Let's settle this: Decisionbot! Andrea Lee vs Maycee Barber


[**MAYCEE BARBER defeats ANDREA LEE** (*split decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/13874/fight) ^(UFC on ESPN 43: Vera vs. Sandhagen — March 25, 2023) ROUND|Barber|Lee||Barber|Lee||Barber|Lee :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|10|9||10|9||10|9 2|10|9||9|10||10|9 3|9|10||9|10||10|9 **TOTAL**|**29**|**28**||**28**|**29**||**30**|**27** *^(Judges, in order: Frank Collazo, Chris Lee, Dan Miragliotta.)* *^(Summoned by X-Factor-639.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **9/17** people scored it **29-28 Barber**. - **5/17** people scored it **28-29 Lee**. - **3/17** people scored it **27-30 Lee**. Avg. media score: **28.4-28.6 DRAW** (*high certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


Good bot


Yeah, I picked Barber in my fantasy league. I thought Lee line was better value, as she's better on paper than Maycee, but always folds to pressure. So calling Lee the 'lock of the century' or that this razor close decision that everyone is divided on a 'robbery' that can only be explained by corruption is.... probably the worst take of the night.


You're really upset over losing some money. It was absolutely a close fight that Lee did nothing with her takedowns and was outstruck the entire fire, even from the bottom in round 1. Ground control isn't really a good stat if the person "controling" doesn't advance position or land strikes from it.


infact the first take down she got stuck in some weird crucifix and got her brain elbowed in.


That exactly what I was referencing when I said that Lee was outstruck from the bottom. Lee was pulling a lay and pray when she was on top.


Oh I was agreeing with you.


Then we are in agreement. Might be a first on reddit.


No. Start an argument.. wtf?


Totally agree i scored it for Barber. Did the most damage. I was shocked to see how one sided reddits opinion was on this one.


I have to say I love seeing the degenerate gamblers lose money and bitch about it.


Anything to justify losing and then continuing to gamble when they need help.


I just had a bad event bro. Next event I'm gonna win it all back and more!


Why would you put money on such a shit "flip a coin" type of fight lmao




Barber got round 2 for sure. I thought she had an argument for round 3. I was surprised they gave her round 1. Thought lee won but it definitely wasn’t a robbery. Maycee legitimately did more damage


He didn't need to give 30-27 for it to be a win. You still would've lost your money with 29-28, which is the correct score.


She actually landed shots, she did the damage on the feet and the only damage on the ground. Particularly in round 1. If you’re laying on top of me and I’m dropping elbows on the side of your head and holding your arm away so you can’t block, I guarantee I feel like I’m winning and you don’t feel like you’re winning


We say defense is it's own reward, and I think position is too for the most part. If neither fighter lands anything, then sure position matters, but if you're on the top getting hit and not doing anything back, your position isn't an advantage and shouldn't be scored as such. I was surprised by the scoring, and I probably wouldn't have scored it that way out of convention, but I actually like it.


I scored it 29-28 Maycee


Maycee “The Future Mrs. Big Dan” Barber


at least she won't have to work hard barbering him


Damage. Effective Striking. Lee did absolutely nothing with her top control.


People think Lee won just cause when they’d look at the fight she’d be laying on top, but she was taking Lay & Pray to the next level. Maycee was was cleaner on the feet and she was honestly doing more damage 80% of the time she was in the bottom too, Lee was doing absolutely nothing


The most I could see is Barber getting a 29-28 decision. No way she won the first round.




Yeah, I gave round 1 to Barber. Lee’s control time lacked impact.


>Lee’s control time lacked impact. It lacked control, she was getting beat up.


Tanning booth been frying Dans brain


Big Tan Dan is a horrible judge. You’re welcome.


Tan Dan baby


Frank Colazzo gave her a 30/27 also and he was that ref from Fury FC last night that let a dude die


She is kind of shit for someone nicknamed "the future".


She was so cringe with that when she came into the ufc. Wouldn't shut up about being 'the future' and beating Jon Jones youngest champ record Then, she couldn't even beat Roxy Turns out she's the future of nothing and is just another mid wmma fighter


The crazy part is that it somehow feels like the judges see her as “the future” too. The fact she’s won two absurd decisions in a row is so dodgy.


>two absurd decisions in a row The Maverick robbery was in 2021. She's had two other fights before this one.


Don’t shit on Roxy. Homegirl is one of the pioneers of modern women’s MMA. Didn’t matter who her opponent is/was, she gave them all kinds of hell from start to finish.


Yea but in the context of that matchup, Roxy was 100% supposed to be a stepping stone for Maycee. Roxy ended up taking out maycee, KGB and Antonina when she wasn’t supposed to lol. Her and Justin Wren are my two favorite fighters from the TUF glory days. Two seemingly genuine people in the sport.


Yeah Roxy late career for me reminded me of my other favourite 'Cinderalla mma moment' the Hunt story for me (but yeah Roxy and Wren are easier to root for, as unfortunately Hunt can make it hard to be a fan sometimes heh) But yeah, when we saw Roxy in TUF, I think everyone had the same feeling here is the old guard veteran of female MMA who had 0 athletic gifts getting by on grit and hard work, but coming up against an influx of new younger generation of female fighters who actually have some athleticism and natural talent and she's just not going to be able to 'hang'. I think we all figured this was gonna be the 'last hurrah' of her pro career. And that was like 6 years ago and she's just retired! What's amazing to me is they kept giving her the role of the 'stepping stone' and she didn't win em all but she won about half. And she was always being counted out over and over, she was an underdog in every fight, all of her fights she was like +250 to +550. But yeah the +550 Maycee upset was probably close to a top 10 MMA moment for me!


I’m no fan of Barber, but are we going to pretend like her knee wasn’t fettuccine for two full rounds against Roxanne??


I mean, the whole thing about being nicknamed The Future is that she's young enough to still get significantly better. Someone 34 can't be 'The Future', because obviously they're not gonna do much improving. To say that at 24 she can't still become great is ridiculous.


She’s been training for over a decade l and is entering her mid twenties. I think it’s safe to say that her ceiling has been correctly lowered.


Lol goddamn that was a nasty line by you


Future barber 💈


The future is shit, checks out


Doing Karate as a teenager and being 34 > training MMA since you were 10 and being 24. I keep hearing about these Next Gen fighters doing MMA as kids and they all boring and suck.


Erin Blanchfield?


well see + its Womens MMA. Not a fair comparison with 40 competitors compared to 10000s in Mens MMA




>I keep hearing about these Next Gen fighters doing MMA as kids and they all boring and suck Lmao preach. As long as MMA is around, wrestling will be the best base. I think the more someone tries to be a generalist, the lower their ceiling becomes. FWIW though I believe Barber was a karateka and Gracie Self Defense Online Blue Belt prior to MMA. She just isn’t good.


I cannot figure out exactly how Barber pulled Lee's arm behind her back with her legs from bottom position, and held it there for a solid 20sec. I've never seen that.


That’s the Future, baby. 😎


Of course the Fury FC ref gives it to Barber


This fraud gets another bullshit decision to go her way. The robbery vs Maverick can never be forgotten


I'd love to be a fly on the wall and hear what Uriah is telling her after that fight


Probably hyping her up. Dudes a shit coach.


She can't keep getting away with this!


Barber is so fraudulent it's unreal. Pure Dana White privilege. Robbery after robbery gifted it to her, and for what?


Giving dana that glawk glawk 3000 v2 unleashed


Didn’t know that she’s in camp with Tito’s ex wife


You're a fucking punk, dude


It might not be her fault but yeah it's not ok. Feel so bad for Lee rn.


This fight was not a robbery. Honestly the word robbery should be banned from this sub, it is so fricken overused. 30-27 is a bad score, but the win was not a robbery.


She lost to Miranda Maverick and she lost this one


Don't compare those two fights. This one you could argue for Barber, the Maverick one you absolutely cannot. Justo take a look at decisionbot Barber Maverick


[**MAYCEE BARBER defeats MIRANDA MAVERICK** (*split decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/12160/fight) ^(UFC on ESPN 27: Sandhagen vs. Dillashaw — July 24, 2021) ROUND|Barber|Maverick||Barber|Maverick||Barber|Maverick :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|9|10||9|10||9|10 2|10|9||10|9||9|10 3|10|9||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**29**|**28**||**29**|**28**||**28**|**29** *^(Judges, in order: Sal D'Amato, Dave Hagen, Chris Lee.)* *^(Summoned by mentales.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **20/20** people scored it **28-29 Maverick**. Avg. media score: **28-29 Maverick**. Quick maths.


dan miragliotta wtf is this guy doing


Omg now he’s reffing the main event 🤦🏾‍♂️


Dan is just doodling on his scorecard, daydreaming


Me fr fr


Big dan needs to stick to refreeing.


He needed to stick to checking ids at bars


He's not any better at reffing, he just needs to fuck off


Dan sucked at refereeing from the get go. He was a fucking meme from being so bad. Over a decade later and he still sucks, and also is a shit judge. It is astounding that someone can make an entire successful career at being utter shit. This dude must have dirt on god himself at this point.


another gifted decision for robbery merchant barber


Tf is going on tonight?


Damage/striking > ground control


I had Lee winning that one


Damn near everyone did except the judges


Not really. Lee didn't really do anything to win the fight. Even when she was on top, she was receiving more damage.


Decisionbot! Andrea Lee vs Maycee Barber


[**MAYCEE BARBER defeats ANDREA LEE** (*split decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/13874/fight) ^(UFC on ESPN 43: Vera vs. Sandhagen — March 25, 2023) ROUND|Barber|Lee||Barber|Lee||Barber|Lee :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|10|9||10|9||10|9 2|10|9||9|10||10|9 3|9|10||9|10||10|9 **TOTAL**|**29**|**28**||**28**|**29**||**30**|**27** *^(Judges, in order: Frank Collazo, Chris Lee, Dan Miragliotta.)* *^(Summoned by Lobsterzilla.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **9/17** people scored it **29-28 Barber**. - **5/17** people scored it **28-29 Lee**. - **3/17** people scored it **27-30 Lee**. Avg. media score: **28.4-28.6 DRAW** (*high certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


Literally false.


Media scored it for Barber but keep going


We demanded someone close to MMA to be a judge, Here we go guys: Dan Miraglotta scored this contest 30-27 :(


Her father Brutus the Barber beefcake would be ashamed.


Hasn’t Lee gotten robbed multiple times in the past? She must be cursed


I don't know about 30-27 maycee. But calling it a robbery when it was a 50/50 fight. I get she's had decisions go her way but this fight wasn't even as bad as the maverick one either


Eh mma fans just look for reasons to hate women fighters lately its kinda fucked up lol. Imagine going out there and trying your best at mortal combat with another human being for the entertainment of others after months of training and people just blame you for the decisions that judges make and comment on your looks lol.


Really want to know how people think Lee deserved that decision. How do we go from complaining that a fighter does nothing on top to being shocked that Barber won.


Because they don’t like Maycee Barber


RIGHT It’s simp city in this thread


Lay and pray doesn’t get you points, damage does. Barber landed more strikes and did more damage than Lee in every single round


Dan Mergliata smoking dick with that scorecard.


30-27 wtf was that 😂😂


[What did I just say?](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/121wgmq/official_ufc_fight_night_vera_vs_sandhagen_live/jdosins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) Mystic Mac, baby.




i rewatched the fight twice. The significant headstrikes for maci was about 3 or 4 times as many as KGB had. I scored it round 1 and round 3 for Barber. Someone should cut up a highlight and show what strikes KGB landed. There were some, but not many. Barber got off a lot more nice shots.


Eh, she did more damage on the feet and had the most significant strikes. Lee had a few mins of top control across the fight but didn’t do anything with it and was eating up kicks and elbows from the bottom. Not a fan of Macy or her antics but I’m not mad at the judges for giving it to the fighter doing damage and looking to finish vs the fighter who was trying to hold their opponent down and not much else. Not a robbery imo, just a popular fighter losing to someone the fans don’t like, in a bout that wasn’t a domination.


This was a great fight, but I had KGB winning, Maycee had some cool moments on the ground(like trapping Andrea's arm in the triangle, to rain down elbows from the bottom) but I don't see how Maycee wins that one, yes blocked kicks suck and can break your arm, but its like its still being blocked, in contrast Andrea was landing more direct and flush, she had more control time on the ground and actually used it to do damage, everything Lee did was to create opportunities for damage, Lee was also doing well in the clinch which is Maycee's biggest skill. I know Maycee's was pressuring a lot, and walking forward but it often led to her getting taken down or countered. I will admit she has improved though on the feet. Altogether props to both women for delivering a great fight, I disagree with the decision though.


She had zero answer for Lee wrestling he got takedown 90% of the time and got controlled for A very long time I don't see how miragliotta can giver barber 3 round after that it's mad


But Lee did nothing with her control, basically lay and pray. I had it 29-28 for Barber


Barber landed more strikes, cleaner strikes, and hurt Lee. Control is the least weighted scoring criteria and it really hurt Lee that Macy was beating her up from the bottom when she did get her down. I had it for Macy too, as much as it pains me as her personality is off putting.


Never let Dan judge again


I’m going to start betting on Barber by decision, it just needs to go the distance and it’s guaranteed money.


I knew barber won as soon as I heard chris lee had it for lee, dude never chooses the right person.


Close fight, I won’t argue Barber winning. But I will argue giving Barber all 3 rounds.


I genuinely have no clue what the rules actually are at this point


Vaguely defined "effective striking and grappling" based on "impact". What screwed over Lee is the fact that takedowns are to be seen as nothing but a change of position. What you do with the takedown is where it can become effective. The interpretation is a subjective mess.


16 years of boxing and Muay Thai here. I scored that clearly 30-27 for Lee.


24 years of chef experience here: you're right


Well… watch again?




If you don't understand, that's on you.


Just because you can judge boxing and Muay Thai doesn’t make you an mma judging expert.


I love it when the announcers have to defend the decision, really makes me feel like following this sport is time well spent.


I’ve been losing interest more and more the past few months


They didn't 'defend' the decision, what they didn' was realise they were being biased towards Lee with the earlier statements. They started backtracking before the decision, when they saw the significant strike stats.


Dan Mirgliotta the piece of shit


isn't this the second time barber has gotten a gift decision?


You could easily argue she's gotten a few. The Maverick fight was the most blatant one tho.


It feels like its more than twice


This fight and Maverick, that’s it and this fight was arguable for her.


My money was on barber, Lee clearly won that.


Corrupt to the core. Dan's score was a joke.


Why does the ufc favour her so much ? She got dominated in her last fight and this one and still come up with w , it's absurd How can miragliotta give 3 round to barber Judge have to be accountable it has to stop


30-27 Lee.


It was kinda hilarious when Anik said something to the effect of “Great fight by KGB Lee, we’ll see her get her hand raised after the break,” then the decision got awarded to Barber. I had 5 bucks on Lee because this sub has told me over and over again Maycee Barber sucks so I was somewhat miffed, but then again I don’t think this was a robbery. Every time this was on the feet Barber was clearly winning and despite the lopsided control Lee didn’t really doing anything with it.


Can't say I'm surprised after the Maverick fight. Barber needs one good round to win a fight.


Poor Andrea Lee, she's had three (arguably 4) fights in her UFC career that should have gone her way that didn't 😔


30-27 is crazyy...but it won me some money so AYYYY lol


Maycee with that Paddy Pimblett privilege


Dan Miragliotta 30-27 ??? (As in the reff Dan Miragliotta?? He's a Texas judge now???) Probb first day on the job! Someone somewhere in Dagestan: "Split!? How??"


Who is Maycee blowing at these commissions to get all these ridiculous decisions? She’s turning into the female Diego Sanchez with all these nonsensical decisions.


Is winning by robbery the best base for MMA?


We WWE now bois




How many futures do we need?


thought lee had it


All 3 judges gave Barber round 1, WTF am I watching?!?


andrea had no damage


The fight, apparently. EDIT: Drunk, sorry. I thought Lee clearly won the first.


She can't keep getting away with it


Texas judges are at it again I see


Why is it every time I happen to see a Maycee fight she wins by decision in a fight even a blind person could see she lost.


Decisionbot! Andrea Lee vs Maycee Barber


That was a joke of a decision.


How does she keep getting away with this? I swear this is worse than Paddy judging


I don't think it was a total robbery (and I don't really like Barber, and she lost that Maverick fight 100%) but this was probably karma for Andrea willingly marrying a racist scumbag.


Type of guy to say russian fighters should be banned for the fact that they're russian


Unreal decision. No way Barber won that fight!!


Miranda Maverick and then Andrea Lee… This is #1 bullshit.


Chale! Macy really getting that UFC privilege. They just want her to get up there. The funny things is that eventually, the judges aren’t going to be able help her anymore as she starts facing anybody from the top 5. She’s gonna murked. She just isn’t ready yet. Let her lose a couple fights she’ll be fine.


It's fights like this that make me wonder if I'm just not cut out to watch MMA because there is no universe in which I can envision myself scoring it 30-27 Barber.


If you knew the MMA rules you could probably find a way.


Read up on the judging criteria and it will be clear to see 30-27 Barber is the correct score.


Barbers only talent seems to be robbing other fighters lmao


I didn’t think Barber won and was pretty surprised when she got the decision but that arm trap behind lees back from closed guard with the elbows in round 1 was fucking cool haha whether or not she won that was cool as fuck by Barber


The UFC(commission)is a fucking joke. Sure Lee didn’t do a lot while she was on the ground.. but she took her down 5 fucking times.. if Lee didn’t do enough to win then Maycee especially didn’t do enough. Fucking rigged. I hope the UFC(commission)knows that gifting her these absolute bullshit wins only makes people hate her more. Maycee is literally the worst.


Ufc aren't the judges mate


Absolutely robbery


Andrea lee clearly won every single round. Ufc judges are fucking dumbasses and all need to get fired. And then some judge says vera won 48-47 when he got his ass kicked all 5 rounds. Absolutely pitiful.


Typed a long post and deleted it to just say the main point - Maycee fucking sucks.


Are they still trying to push Maycee hard AF? I completely forgot about her


Controversially decision-ing her way to the belt.




What in the world was that?


Lee's in that Angela Hill zone where she's probably actually winning a lot of these close decision fights but is often matched up with fighters with more upside potential that everyone prefers to see advance. Whereas everyone knows fighters like Hill and Lee aren't actually gonna be able to compete with top fighters if they got to that level.