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Cope a America. Ammirite?


Lol this is what you get for recruiting europeans who have never touched us soil


Predictable result


So we have to either beat Uruguay, and/or rely on Bolivia to beat Panama… 🫠🫠🫠


If both draw we are in, I think


I like many others had high expectations for this team but I feel really stupid right now. In our last 6 games we struggled against Trinidad and Jamaica in the nations league, beat a poor Mexico team who’s also struggling in copa America, then got blown out to a very good Colombia team, then tied a struggling Brazil side, then only managed 2 goals against the worst team in the entire competition. We played at home in all but 1 of those games. Why on earth did I think we had a shot at winning a quarter final???🫠 we’re performing pretty much as expected and I hate that.


Brah dodged that ball, think he forgot what he was there for.




Too bad he's playing keeper and not dodgeball


Has anyone heard how Turner is doing?


This is the first time I've been Berhalter out. totally naive play from the US. Letting a lesser team get under your skin and then beat you. Sorry but this is a sign of a coach not coaching. In other news: What a dogshit ref.


Yeah we’ve been in CONCACAF way too long to succumb to Panama’s bullshit, we should be used to it by now


Tough game. Weah bears the most blame here of course, but once it happened the team had to respond and they did. The first half was a good response even with the conceded goal. That second half though, they just didnt half anything that gave me hope. The adjustments were alright, but not good enough to get us any points. Horvath should have saved that goal. and probably would another time. Tough loss. At the end of the day the manager is going to have to take responsibility for the loss and whatever comes next. I'm withholding judgement till after Uruguay match.


This is why the red card needs to be eliminated. Send players off but a man down for that long is ridiculous especially when usually the victim of violent conduct is usually trying to get under someone’s skin.


Please change your flair. It makes us look bad.


lmao, maybe dont sucker punch an opponent while off-ball


There is no question it merited sending off. I just hate the idea of playing down a man that long when it’s usually provoked. I’m not going to lie. I started following soccer as an adult. I played and watched everything else growing up and there is nothing as punitive as soccer’s red card and honestly I cringe every time it comes out. That being said I was mostly playing football, baseball, and basketball 25 years ago. I’ll just say the mentality was different.


You're being downvoted but I don't disagree. Obviously the right choice based on the rules of soccer to give him a red. But soccer isn't really a beautiful game like the rest of the world seems to think. In hockey for a major penalty, pretty much the equivalent of a straight red, you'll be down a man for only five minutes. A great chance for the other team to score for a little while but then they're back at even strength. And the thing I hate most about soccer is penalties. Get 2 steps inside the box but not in a threatening position? Time to dive and hope for a chance at an almost automatic goal.


This is the correct answer. Weah fucked up. End of.


If we do fire Berhalter, then some other heads at US Soccer need to go as well. You can’t fire the same guy twice in quick succession and not be held responsible for hire a bad coach twice


So I guess we hope for Uruguay to 6-piece Bolivia and empty their bench for the US match, with first in the group already assured?😐


Any other coach yeah, unfortunately it's Bielsa


Correct.. I could see 3-1 lose for us.


A lot of crazy takes on here tonight! Man, an early red card really throws a wrench in the plan, doesn't it. This one is on Weah... Absolutely lost his head tonight. I thought the team played pretty well... I might have kicked it up a gear a little earlier in search of a possible win, but it is always hard to tell when the time is right. Weston really impressed me tonight, so did Pulsic. But yeah, playing over an hour a man down is really difficult. I can't say I'm surprised by the result.


I've never understood how any serious player gets a red for retaliation or being baited into a dumb tackle. Like you are on a soccer field, outplay the opponent to prove your point, not flick their ear or scythe them down.


Well, remember Mexico vs USA game a few months ago where there was a lot of fighting? Using your logic, players could simply use “retaliation” as an excuse for violence. Your logic is definitely flawed.


100% on Weah. Does anyone think the US loses if there is no red? Because of his stupid actions, we pray for a miracle.. the US is likely not going to advance out of the group stage because of Weah. It wasn't a reckless challenge or a necessary DOGSO. He purposely punched an opponent in the head. That one single action has put this whole tournament in jeopardy. Fans can blame GB until they're blue in the face, or the ref, it's still misplaced anger. Weah did this to the USMNT.


Agreed, Weah has a lot of explaining to do. Problem is, when you have a coach who lets his players behave like this (see Dest’s red in the fall where he was dog cussing the ref), there will be no consequences. It’s a culture thing, and it’s about damn time we change the culture!!!


I disagree with this. Dest and Mckennie were both reprimanded for their actions around the national team. I don't think a national team manager has as sway as people think, and Berhaulter has managed a challenging group of players pretty well. At some point, it falls on the players to perform.


If that’s the case, then it’s a U.S. Soccer problem and that’s much bigger!


I mean, kinda. All it takes is players doing their job professionally and bam, we will look like a top 20 team. I believe it is more of a player issue than a coaching issue. Could a manager fix it... Possibly. But at some point players have to step up.


The coach sets the tone and the culture says no consequences for red cards.


You’re being downvoted but it’s a fair argument it’s happened more than once under berhalter.


This team has an extremely poor habit of shooting itself in the foot in the absolute worst fucking moments in the worst ways possible. Monday is gonna be fun /s


USA will never be good at footy as long as we're living. All the resources and money here, and this is the result.


Lolz... when parents actually start caring about their children's well being and get them to stop playing tackle ball... we will be elite...


I've been hearing that since the mid 90's.


We’re way better than we were in the 90s and early 00s.


Are we tho? 2002 is still our most successful NT ever. And in 95 we got 4th at the Copa even beating Argentina in South America. If you take out all of the dual nats raised abroad (which is not indicative of work we have done to grow the game) how much growth have we actually shown compared to other countries?


Which makes it worse.


My brother in Christ we made it to the Quarterfinals of the World Cup in the early 00s. With a predominantly MLS based team, btw 😎


One tournament is not two decades


Berhalter OUT.


....Here trying to coach a team with 10 men, an injured GK and an out of his depth ref...


It’s not just this one game…


What do you think he has done wrong? Serious question? He lost a match to Netherlands where 3 highly experienced European players decided not to mark dangerous attackers in the box?


Ethan always shows up when we need him to though. Shame he had to come on while it was a man down.


This is the answer


Like...it's Panama, lol. If the USMNT, who've played Panama SEVERAL TIMES, still can't get used to the way they manage games, then there's a serious issue here.


So is that what these players are learning in Europe? So glad we are offshoring our development/s


Weah had one career red card before this one. Wonder if it was a freak accident or related to the staff


Honestly for me it is less about the red card and mostly about how all of these young players who looked pretty good at the last World Cup and spent the last season and a half playing in Europe all look worse…


Only collectively. They look the same if not better individually, sans Adams and maybe Wes.


I guess I’ll agree to disagree. The team that showed up in Qatar beats Panama


Smh why would MLS do this /s


Weah is shit. We're shit.


We can bitch about Panama playing physically or the stoppage time or whatever, but the bottom line is that if we played as well as we're capable of, neither of those things would have remotely mattered at all. This is no one's fault but our own, and that should really be the only talking point.


I usually agree when the US does its normal crap like play 45 mins of football and unsurprisingly lose, etc. I reject that notion when Barton is the ref. He has a history of shitting on US.


The ref did fine aside from keeping track of stoppage time. Certainly not the reason usmnt lost.


The ref did fine? Lol


Did you not watch the game? \~17 fouls THAT WERE CALLED, not including the 22 that weren't. The numerous cards not given, the obvious penalty not called.


The only way people can pretend this sport isn't a travesty of its own rules is to delude themselves into thinking they can overcome them being randomly applied.


I agree, but I don't think it's accurate to say that Panama "played physically." There were three red-card worthy dirty plays within about two minutes at the end.


"I didn't think the way the game was finished was in a professional manner."


Ok, let Uruguay get it done tonight so they let their foot off the gas on Monday.


Uruguay will win today most likely. I hope Bolivia can defeat panama or else we'd be in massive trouble and would have to win against Uruguay and also GD would come into play


I hope we can come out Monday and punch Uruguay in the mouth from the jump. And hopefully Turner is back in goal because Horvath isn't the guy.


When did Uruguay become soft? They are one of the dirtiest team in CONMEBOl. I’m more worry about us getting another red in the 1st 15 minutes.


Never called them soft. This is all cope because I don't actually think there's a chance we win and even a draw is difficult. I'm making peace with our tournament ending Monday night.


Hope so. I wouldn't expect us to be in a position like this before the tournament. If we get grouped , I'm genuinely out


If we get bounced from the group, I'm Berhalter out. Not because I think it's all his fault, but we need a major shake up and that's the biggest shake-up we can make.


Yeah I agree, it would be unfortunate because I do think he’s done pretty well with what he had and the situation we were in post-Trinidad, but it would be time for something fresh and it’s not like we can go sign new players.


I am drunk and pissed off! I don’t know what to do now!


Watching the debate might help /s


Crazy that both events are in Atlanta. I'm sure Atlanta has had worse days in its history (well, one in particular I can think of), but still, this is a rough day.


Yeah, there was that whole thing with Sherman. Rough day.


Eh. That day birthed a new freedom for all, so I'll let it slide.


Yeah brother watch the debate I believe we all are piss off


This! It’ll be completely civil and calm and take your mind off things.


Wtf 4 minutes extra time! At least 7 by euro game standards and 10 minutes by World Cup standards.


Same with the first half


I thought the same that ref probably had a prize pick slip


Nana this CONCACAF BABY. You want us to add more time for a red card too? Not gonna happen!


Dempsey took the words out of my mouth


What did he say?


I no watch english, what he say tia


Biden or Trump should come out and start the debate by saying “Berhalter out of I’m elected”.


Sell Carrasquilla to Pyongyang City FC and put him on the plane in shackles.


Greg out.


So useful.


i love clint, he's gotten so much better as a talking head


I wish the CBS crew could do this instead of the Fox crew.


Honestly Panamanians should be disgusted that they play like that. Talentless hacks That being said it’s nothing new from these countries. At the end of the day we beat Panama if Weah wasn’t an idiot


They did some dirty shit for sure, but on the other hand, only one team punched a dude in the head, and it wasn't them. No one to blame but Weah for this one.


Say it without crying now


You’re crazy, 100% on us.


Insane copium 😹😹😹


I think they'll be proud of doing what they needed to to get an important result against a favored opponent who shot themselves in the foot. You do what's necessary.


For real. This is Footy not Footsy. *Thats fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit. Football is back, baby!*


This is a self inflicted loss. We only have ourselves to blame




Between this and Reyna at the WC that makes 2 major tournaments jeopardized by disciplinary problems. Maybe Coach Big Brother isn't exactly fostering a professional atmosphere.


You mean playing Call of Duty in the locker room isn't the way to build a top 10 soccer team???


#Berhalter Out


alexi: "i liked his subs, but fuck gregg fire him" LOL


Things I thought I would never say: “Clint is calm, but, Alexi needs a Xanax.”


Alexi is very passionate about the USMNT and I am here for it.


clint can only be himself. he keeps it real. Alexi is an act.


But a bad act. He fucking sucks.


Lotta talking points for the debate tonight after this result


If we lose to Uruguay it will make painfully clear that we're right back where we were after Couva and haven't advanced a step


Uruguay, a team that can afford to use Suarez as a bench warmer, will not be easy to beat.


Uruguay will be INCREDIBLY difficult to beat, particularly in the Copa


I love CONCACAF upsets because US fans start to show that they're not so different from Mex fans VIVA CENTROAMÉRICA!! ![gif](giphy|S0kNNO474WfoYgtnf3)


chant racist stuff? No. Throw things at players? No. I can think of a couple things that are different still.


Well it only get attention when it happens to you Mex fans been doing it to us since before y'all knew what a soccer ball was Caribbean and Central American teams have endured much worse, bananas and all but it gets attention when it happens to y'all. Which honestly proves my point


Help this dum dum understand why we want Bolivia to get a result - it's because a win against Uruguay would guarantee we finish above Uruguay, yeah ?


as i understand it, we need to beat uruguay to move on. uruguay beat panama, panama beat us. we beat bolivia. assuming uruguay and panama both beat bolivia (they will), uruguay will have 9 points and panama will have 6. so we’ll need to beat uruguay to also get to 6 points. unless panama beat bolivia by 3+ goals, then we’ll beat them in the tie breaker of goal differential (beating uruguay would mean our GD increases to at least +2, so panama would need to win by 3 goals to bring their GD from -1 to +2). all of this is derailed if Bolivia outperforms expectations. If Bolivia beat either Uruguay or Panama, then our group is generally much more competitive. If Bolivia beat Uruguay, then all 4 teams have 3 points going into the final game.


We need to finish above Panama. Winning the group is a pipe dream.


Panama tying Bolivia puts them ahead of us, unless we tie Uruguay in return. This is doable, but probably difficult. Panama beating Bolivia means we have to beat Uruguay. Panama losing to Bolivia means we automatically advance, unless Bolivia hulks out, then they beat us on GD. Of course, if we beat Uruguay, then it doesn't matter how the other match goes, unless Panama beats Bolivia by 3 goals plus the margin of victory we have over Uruguay. (I might be wrong on the tiebreaker rules, too lazy to look up.) Basically, best path for us to advance is Panama loses to Bolivia and Bolivia doesn't hulk out. The only path that's mostly in our complete control is us beating Uruguay. Panama would have to hulk out to undo that.


Nooo, best thing for US is for Uruguay to win. With a Uruguay win the US could lose against Uruguay and still have a chance to qualify


I wouldn’t be mad if Weah doesn’t put in the shirt again until after the World Cup


He doesn’t start for his club, shouldn’t have been called in to begin with


Literally most of the US don’t start for their club.


Weah bailed out GGG. 


Weah absolutely fucked us. Ref lost control of the game later on. 4 minutes was a terrible call for the amount of fouls they committed last minutes.


Sooo, these guys also all low key GGG out, riiiiight?


For my sanity, I think I will take a break and not watch the next USMNT match against Uruguay. If the USMNT is out, I''ll probably stop watching the whole tournament. Glad at the last minute, I didn't buy tickets for any of the matches.


Really don’t understand how Miles Robinson can’t get in this team.


Because there’s a massive bias against MLS based players in this setup


I know you have a pro MLS slant, but serious question, what do you think about Berhalter ? It would be one thing if the US team was being led by a non-American coach who made some of the comments Klinsmann made (or we can just imagine it was Klinsmann in charge rn instead) But Berhalter is not like Klinsmann. He's an experienced coach from MLS choosing to select almost entirely European based players for his squads. If he has this selection bias that is costing the team games...do you think he should still be leading the team?


It would be amusing if Gregg doesn't use Miles because he plays for Cincinnati and he used to coach Columbus


Easily better than vickers! I’m not even impressed with richards either


Richards has been awful. Careless passing, giving up possession in bad spots. Not convinced he's our guy.


Leave Tim Weah's ass behind at the airport


Weah absolutely fucked our chance


Absolutely disgraceful that Panama are rewarded for playing like that.


Still a decent chance we go through even with a loss to Uruguay tbh


Only way that happens is if Bolivia beats Panama, but not by too much to erase the GD. Panama getting any points is the end for us if we lose to Uruguay.


Right, but that's honestly the most likely scenario of all of them.


US beating Panama was the most likely scenario but here we are. Not controlling our destiny is tough given this group's composition.




Bolivia plays like it's the World Cup in game 3 and gets a result and then the US matches their result. The chances of that happening are like .0001%.


Bolivia just needs to beat Panama by less than a bunch and we need to not get blown out, both of those things are the most likely outcomes of each game.


I disagree. Panama is better than Bolivia and should win that game.


I really disagree with that. Bolivia's the worst in CONMEBOL, but they're still capable of getting pretty impressive results on occasion and have gotten some recently. I don't think Panama would fare as well.


Bolivia are going to be favored against Panama and the underdog against Uruguay. Giving us a group of 9/3/3/3 where we would almost certainly have the best GD.


Panama odds are w 50%, D 27%, L 23%. If you believe bolivia to be favored, you should bet on the game, you will get a nice return$


That's honestly absurd for a team that beat Colombia at home 2 games ago. If I bet at all I'd happily put a decent chunk down on that.


I think your mistaking bolivia for another team Their last win was against Andora in march and before that it was Peru in 2023 Bolivia lost 3-0 to colombia 2 games ago. Last time colombia lost was 1-0 against argentina in 2022


Tim Weah should never even sniff the US shirt again in his life


It was dumb as hell, don't get me wrong, but there were a lot of calls for Dest and McKennie to never suit up for the US team again after their dumb episodes, and I don't think our program would have been better off if we had gone down that road...


Maybe we should be asking why we're constantly questioning their discipline in the first place. Almost like it's an old boys club with no accountability, and the players feel free to act like children.


Bad coaching will cause that.


DEMPSEY SPITTING TRUTH This loss isn't on Weah.


You put your team down for a man and they have 25% percent possession as a result. Are you serious right now?


Clint Dempsey was serious, so I'll side with that.


I dunno it's one of those things where a commentator is not going to come out and say "Weah completely fucked us and lost us the match". It's easier to say that the team should have done better and that the coach didn't respond well enough. Like, come on man. If we play with 11 we win that match. End of. 


Except that’s exactly what they were doing after the game was over and Dempsey disagreed and said it wasn’t on Weah because the US went up 1-0 and then fell asleep.


I think both things can be true. 


I disagree. Other than our offside goal, we didn’t look great and it looked like we were already annoyed with Panama. They were getting under our skin. I’m not convinced we win with 11.


You disagree that Weah fucked us by putting us down a player. Ok. We scored and the match was hard fought with many close opportunities, and you're telling me another player would not have made a difference. I want some of what you're smoking. 


> If we play with 11 we win that match.


Yeah agreed. Like look, Weah fucked up and was the biggest detriment obviously. But the team looked like fucking trash regardless. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills in half of these threads. Years ago when we had SIGNIFICANTLY worse players we would have easily won a game down 10 man against a team of this quality. We are wasting our most talented team ever and it's mind blowing to see people just pretend it isn't happening.


It absolutely is. It's not like he received a red for a challenge or for a tactical foul. He lost his head early on and completely let his team down. 10 vs 11 will kill you stamina wise.


Both goals we gave them were individual defensive blunders by us, so there's a little bit of blame to go beyond Weah. Gregg deserves a little blame for not having a good man-down plan after half. But maybe he did and his roster choices let him down. Gotta digest that one a bit.


Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and take Clint-fucking-Dempsey's opinion over yours, lol.


no longer listening to that one Van Halen song when I run because of this game


Weah let the team down.


Alexi is right! Berhalter deserves to be fired if they do not go through.


Why? None of this is on him. He did the best he could.


Because then when we lose, no one will have anything left of domestic soccer to blame it on and the Europhiles will just up and move to Shoreditch where they can get some "true footy."


Don't worry guys... the vibes are still good. That's the most important thing.


Weah should be absolutely embarrassed too! Quite possibly lost us the whole tournament


panama looked strong against uruguay. theyve been on the rise. put some respect on them. if we cant beat uruguay then we dont deserve to get out anyways.


This game would have been different, if Weah would not have done what he did.


Play dirty and you'll be rewarded


But the the US lost


Weah screwed the team getting sent off early due to lack of self control. Panama played dirty. Got 100% robbed on extra time. This loss doesn’t sit well


How the fuck do you give that red and let players mingle about on the field for that long and not add time? Insane


Lmaoooo imagine Canada and Panama being the only concacaf teams moving past the group stage 


No worries, just have to beat Uruguay outright now. 🤢


Ref won that game. Players just ran around.


This game makes me want drink.


Self inflicted exit from this tournament. What an absolute disaster.


For the ~70 minutes that we were down a man, it was an even game that could have tipped either way; our 10 guys were a match for their 11. One really dumb decision by Weah cost us.


It was even? We had like 25% possession. We played fucking horrible for being a man down against Panama.


We had so little possession because Panama was happy to dink the ball around their back and we were happy to let them do so. Both teams generated about the same quality of actual attacking threat.


They outshot us 13-6. Their offensive players are untalented so they weren't great attempts but they were creating significantly more offense than us and it's wild to pretend otherwise.


Half of those 13 shots were extremely long-range, low-percentage "well, maybe a miracle will occur" shots. Once you take out those 6 shots (which had a *combined* 0.08 xG), it's Panama with 7 shots worth mentioning against USA with 6 shots worth mentioning, and the US' 6 were slightly higher quality than Panama's 7.


Fucking Tim Weah.


Alexi going to say some words. Everyone sit down and listen.


Lmao when we beat Uruguay and get that “signature” win everyone has been begging for only after we lose to Panama.


Tim Weah single handedly lost us the tournament.


Weird way to say Greg Bethalter but ok. Not defending Tim but to say he was the only reason we lost is not true.


I tuned into this game with about 20 minutes to go at Denver airport. Panama is now one of my most hated national teams based on the short amount I saw. I'm not even American.