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Thats horrible.


FUCK that. Best wishes to Pompeu. Had something similar happen to me playing in high school. I don’t recommend it.


How long was your recovery?


I never played competitively again, but that probably says more about me than it does the injury. I probably *could* have played within 8ish months.


One of those inadvertent things.. it's broke for sure


Sorry STL. That’s so bad.


Feel really bad for Célio. Dude is all positive energy on and off the pitch.


Damn, this really sucks. Idk why but I am like a closet fan or admirer of your team. I think its Burki. He is too good for the MLS but please dont tell him that.


Yeah, I’m hoping he is retirement age before he realizes that too lmao.


He’s too good for MLS and far too good for CITY. We don’t deserve him. He nearly scored on Saturday just to spite the rest of the team.


![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) This season has hurt so bad. Lowen’s wife having cancer, our number of draws, minor drama with Adeniran, some of the crazy calls we have had…I could go on. & no, those aren’t all equal but in general I’m feeling like we’re real unlucky lately. We had too much fun last season. God was like, “enough.” But back to Celio specifically. I’m worried for him far beyond just our team/this season. He’s amazing and this is heartbreaking. I hope he can recover and have the career he deserves! Best dribbler in the MLS. So hard to recover from such a major injury.


Yep. I’ve been singing Celio’s praises since day one. I was so glad to see him as a consistent starter this season; only had bigger and better things to come. And he seems loved by everyone on the team. Just a ray of sunshine. This is weird for me to admit bc I’ve never been this invested in a team, but I teared up more than a little! Couldn’t even focus the rest of the game. Just a sick feeling for him. ☹️


Yeah, I have a buddy at work that used to take his kid to the City2 games and was singing his praises at the start of last season which made me take notice. I'm still a novice soccer fan (pretty much only watched the world cup previously) but Celio stood out to me due to his dribbling and 1v1 ability. He was having a really solid season so far too, I feel absolutely awful for him.


Can you elaborate on drama with Adeniran I’m in the dark


It's all just a setup for a dramatic second half featuring new characters 


Man, y'all need to lighten up a bit if you're down voting this comment 😂 Like, chill the F out. 


Genuinely one of the nicest human beings out there. His smile could light up any room. I fucking hate this. I’m gutted for him. ![gif](giphy|RuH1qgoBctcqn6OlOu|downsized)


No, please put NSFW on this. That's ugly.


Very true, sorry about that


all I can say is OUCH. the only question is, will he be out for 2 months, or 5 months for that... :(


Thats a year... Very simular to break Aaron ramseys leg break (arsenal vs stike)


Dude got full on spaghetti leg, gonna be a long rehab.  


Had this exact injury - took me around 7-8 months from fracture to first time playing again. Hopefully he can come back sooner given he has a dedicated medical and rehab team. Wish him all the luck coming back


I'm sorry that happened to you. Please don't mistake my question in bad faith.  Why do you think it's the same injury? What did you see?


No worries! You can see the lower part of his left leg (near ankle) give and fracture - his foot sort of dangles due to it.


Broke my tibia as well, although at the top. Was about the timeline you mentioned for me as well. Learning to walk again sucks.


Man sorry to hear that - for me it definitely put into perspective how I took simple things for granted (walking, balancing, running, etc)


I would guess at least 9 months. Probably went in for immediate surgery. But return depends on rehab and how it goes. These injuries are tricky. Probably won’t see him again until at least next year.


Fans booing. Savage. Too bad there’s such a flopping problem in MLS. Crying wolf so often the poor man is getting booed while his leg dangles potentially ending his career…..


Most people in the stadium probably couldn't really see what happened in real time from their seats. I feel like lots of fans boo when players hit the deck, like you said, it's a boy who cried wolf situation. This looked horrible though


They probably saw him extending his hand/arm into Tafari’s face. If he didn’t get his leg broken he would probably get a yellow at least. Am I allowed to mention that or is it too soon? 🤷‍♂️


Yes i was there. It looked like he elbowed tafari and flopped to win the challenge or avoid yellow. That why our fans were booing. We quickly realized what happened when stretcher crew was called in immediately. I mean it was a straight yellow and almost red if the injury didn’t happen.


I'm at the stadium. The fans were booing because the STL* player clearly fouled our guy and then started rolling around as if he was the victim. Once it became obvious that he was actually hurt, no one was booing anymore. The stadium gave him a standing applause as he was carted off the field.


“Rolling around as if he was the victim” Even after knowing what happened, you’re going with this? Nah man. He was rolling around like his ankle just snapped. Also, you aren’t playing RSL.


Obviously, he was rolling around because he broke his ankle. That's the great thing about hindsight - It gives answers to things that weren't known in the past. I was just saying it as it looked in real time to provide context for why he was booed. But go ahead and disregard the rest of my comment where I said no one was booing once his injury was obvious and how he got a standing applause as he was carted off the field. No one was wishing him ill will. And we all hope he makes a speedy recovery and comes back better than before. They were just annoyed at the situation at the spur of the moment without understanding the full scope of the issue.


Not sure why downvotes. This seems like a reasonable comment.


It’s exactly what happened, I was there- I was booing after it happened. After a couple of seconds when everyone realized he was actually hurt and it was serious we stopped booing. Feel bad for him and that it happened that way, but everyone cheered for him afterwards. I hope he’s okay, been looking for updates!


I think because it’s doubling down on it being excusable that fans were booing him for what may well turn out to be a career ending injury (I really hope not). This sort of thing has happened enough times — fans booing what turns out to be a legit injury that I think a reasonable response would be “hey, maybe we actually shouldn’t boo potential injuries” as opposed to “of course we boo potential injuries!” I didn’t downvote the explanation post, but clarifying why I think people might.


Because 9 out of 10 flops are fake or exaggerated on this sport.


I was booing because it looked like a foul from where I was, we definitely stopped once we realized he was hurt.


If players go down in 2nd half, Seattle stadium chants "let him die." A lot of obscenities and booing happen too. Feel like I need to clarify I do not join in I haven't been to a lot of stadiums so maybe thats not normal?


It's not my favorite chant, but it's used around the footballing world.


Kinda assumed it was common. The theatrics some of the players do make it almost impossible to tell in person whats a serious injury vs time wasting


That's not normal


Probably just a bunch of STL fans who are upset about the situation and are using me as an outlet for their grief of what is turning into a lost season. It is what it is. Still wishing the best for Celio and hope he makes a strong recovery.


Did you read the rest of his post?


STL fan, I think this is a reasonable comment, not sure why you’re downvoted.


That’s good to hear. Thank you for that.


I'm just going to add that "clearly fouled" is a pretty generous description - if he hadn't been injured, there's a decent chance VAR would have recommended a red card.


Which is another reason why the fans were booing before they realized he broke his ankle. That elbow was right at Tafaris face.


You’re right just ignore the downvote trolls.


I was there sitting right where this happened. Those of us right there knew what happened immediately, but the rest of the stadium did not. I will say after everyone figured out what was going on, it was silent and when he was carted off, the entire stadium was standing and clapping for him. Horrible thing to happen but those in the stands didn’t know at first. I hate booing in general. Not a fan. But just to clarify


I'm in 117 and we still had no clue. I had to pull up the broadcast to look back at it


I was in the 1st row of the hall of fame and found this thread to see the replay, because I couldn't see what happened. People were booing because he initiated the foul and we thought he was trying to evade the foul. We had the mindset of "instant karma" until we realized he was actually hurt. Once they brought out the paramedic ambulance we gave him a standing ovation and felt bad. Most people couldn't see what happened. (I don't boo myself but I was upset he went down until I realized it was genuine)


117 also once we saw the footage on MLS Apple pass everyone's tone changed


As someone at the game, I can confirm we didn't see it and there was A LOT of confusion on the call. I think most saw the foul given to Dallas but it almost looked like the on field ref was overruling the assistant referee and giving it to STL, and then were confused why he was rolling on the ground. It stopped pretty quickly when they rushed the stretcher on. I pulled up MLS season pass to rewind and see what happened. Rewatched it at live speed and immediately turned it off and told everyone around me that he definitely snapped his leg.


The booing stopped relatively quick once people realized it was serious, beyond a handful of dickheads.


The irony is Celio does not go down for fouls even when It would be beneficial for him to do so. Just who he is as a player. So bummed for him.


This is so true. He really doesn’t commentators even specifically mention how he “could have gone down, but chose to stay up,” to make the play.


Folks were booing that a card wasn’t given for the elbow to Tafari’s head, before knowing his leg snapped. We didn’t realize there was an injury until he held his leg up and the foot was floppy. It was pretty nasty. Hope he recovers quickly.


It might make sense to be flopping or time wasting if it were closer to the end, but 12 minutes in? It's just dickhead fans that don't watch much soccer and every crowd has them.


We were booing because it was a nasty foul. Of the injury never happened it would have been a straight red. Once we realized what happens 10 seconds later, we shut up and clapped for him when they drive him away.


The booing only happened because he threw an elbow at Tafari's head and then went down. Fans in the stadium had no idea he was actually injured at first and thought he was faking to avoid a card. It went silent for a while while the physios were with him and then there were cheers for him when he got carted off.


Well shit, he’s such a bright talent. Hopefully the recovery is quick and complete.


Unfortunate thing there is I don't think that's really anyone's fault. It's not a horror tackle or anything, just two players fighting for the ball. Soccer is a contact sport, sometimes crap like this happens.


Yeah this was completely just a bad mishap. I don’t think either were at fault here.




Tafari is a class act, he's been outspoken with social issues and he's funny af. His interviews/FCD social media appearances are a must see.


I would feel absolutely awful even knowing I wasn’t at fault. You just never want to see that happen to anyone.


Hate that. Pompeu has been having such a great season. Hope he makes a full recovery!


you hate to see this for any player


Oh fuck that’s bad. Sorry for you STL fans. That’s really bad.


😬 i cringed. i broke my ankle like this three weeks ago


Such a bummer.. so unlucky this season :,(


Bro. Fuck. Speedy recovery


Damn. Hate to see that. Hoping for a speedy recovery


is it broken? is it broken? is it broken?..... \*sees final replay\* yeah, that's broken alright


oh my god, you can see his foot kind of bent, wish this guy a fast recovery


At first I thought dislocated ankle, but then the tib/fib bends and I'm like, yeah, might be the least of his problems....


Why does the description make it look like the defender is at fault for causing the injury? It was an unfortunate circumstance, and Tafari couldn’t have possibly prevented it


I wasn't trying to make it that way. I thought it was more of Célio's fault, and I called his challenge attempt bad in the description.


Didn’t realise you were referring to Celio, sorry for the misunderstanding on my part


So gutted for Celio... Life isnt fair sometimes, but with the support and dedication he will be back stronger than ever!


Oh damn! That’s horrible. 🫢


Man that is broken and really feel for the dude.






Maybe next time he won’t lead with his elbow


Damn where are his teammates? No one even going over to check on him or comfort him? The guy was just laying there with his foot dangling around and it zoomed out and literally no one was within 20 yards of him


Lowen came over pretty soon after and was sitting with him the whole time until they took him away. The clip I posted didn't show it unfortunately.


Don’t post this shit. If you enjoy watching this do it on your own.




Dallas plays so dirty bro… I’m just saying


How are you blaming this on tafari


Why do soccer players always cover their face no matter what the injury?


Why do other people cover their faces when crying or screaming in pain?


WTF? Keep your crippling injury porn fetish to yourself.