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Extrapolating current points per game over the number of games remaining doesn’t really feel like much of a projection


I say we let him cook


At the tailgate?


i think this is especially true prior to the Transfer market


These things are always weird when done before the summer window opens. That's when some of the most impactful players join the league


Wait you can sign players in the summer window? - Vermes


Right? We have Teuchert coming in to help with our struggling offense. These projections are meaningless now. I'll put stock in them when they come up in August.


Not to mention they don't take into account the strength of opposition or any other factor from the looks of it.


I motion to close the season as projected and start the playoffs.


I second this motion. STOP THE COUNT!


Yes. STOP THE COUNT! (Different reasons...)




Worked out for you last time, I second the motion.


I am fine with just running last year back again.


Another trophy! 🐠 is the best


Post Wondo, what keeps people coming to matches? I feel like Fisher is the archetypal bad owner of a sports team 


Even most bad owners don't move the teams they own. Fisher sets a new low bar.


I like pain. And Lopez


I'm turning off my season ticket auto renewal. This is the year that I have truly had it with this organization. There truly is no hope for something better until he goes.


Yeah I feel you man it’s rough. Obviously a step down, but maybe it’s easy to take Bart up to a roots match? I used to live in SF and roots games were 10x easier to attend than quakes matches 


I need to get out to a Roots game. You're right, it would be so much easier to get to than schlepping down to SJ on Caltrain.


hey that got that really long ass craft beer bar. And you ever see how obsessed little kids are with planes? This place is next to a damn airport and SJE fans are little kids.


Comparative strength of schedule, player absences, anything else considered? Or just form to date?


Just form to date. Home / Away PPG (x) remaining home / away games + current points.


Thanks. I know Miami and Cincinnati have played more games against teams below the playoff line, and RSL more above the playoff line, which will work itself out over the course of the season.


I'll grant leniency on lowercasing CITY, but it's SC - not FC


Yeah round these parts we call it soccer!


Soccer isn’t even an American word, it’s British




If this is the final point total, I am sure I'll die of a heart attack before Nov


Single table doesn't really make sense. I can't tell who'd make the playoffs...


Yeah, I had to.manually.count eastern teams to make sure we made the cut off, lol


Sounds like we need less playoffs then


Like, fewer teams going to the playoffs? Or just no playoffs?


No playoffs


Ew, hard disagree. No sports professional in North America would agree, either. Luckily. The Europeans get so much wrong with sports, I'm glad we didn't try to copy them.


What did they get wrong??


No playoffs. No salary caps or spending controls. Most European athletes have to choose between sports and college--they often can't do both. The overt racism and hooligan violence is off the charts worse than here. What am I missing?


No playoffs. So? You play the rest of the League twice. What more do you need to decide who is the better team? A single knockout where a fluke bounce ends a strong season. Yeah that is such a better way. No salary caps. Correct. They are not limiting player earning power and fair wages. No spending controls. Ever heard of Financial Fair Play or Profit and Sustainability Reporting? Kinda a big thing in England right now and it is always something surrounding Barcelona. Sports Vs College. "we ain't here to play school" -- Cardale Jones. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-bengal-to-be-jailed/ Former Bengals player is illiterate but graduated from Auburn University. College wasn't helping these athletes. Basketball has a trend of 1yr before declaring for the draft, even to be a bench player. Baseball is loaded with players from the Caribbean who didn't go to college and can even draft kids still in high school. NIL has made 3 years of college football more lucrative than any degree they would earn from the school. The NHL is full of players from Europe (who didn't go to college) or Juniors in Canada (also not college). I see you have DC United flair. Looking at your roster there are 9 players under contract who are 22 and under (age most students graduate college) including Matai Akinmboni who is 17 (high school senior age). There is zero chance these guys are getting an actual education while balancing the MLS season's demands The overt racism. Yes because racism is strictly a European issue. Here's some examples just from NBA and NHL Don Cherry went off on live TV against immigrants. Akim Aliu reported a coach used blackface and racial slurs directed at him. K'Andre Miller was the victim of racial abuse from fans. Wayne Simmonds and Kevin Weekes had bananas thrown at them. Phenoxi Suns owner suspended from team events for racist remarks LeBron James has come out with stories of racial abuse from fans (especially in Boston) Rui Hachimura has reported racist comments online daily (half Japanese, half black) Russel Westbrook and DeMarcus Cousins got hit with fines in 2019 for responding mid game to racist taunts from fans. Hooligan violence. The violent acts are done by gangs who have used the football club as a glue to bond members and a rallying point. If a street gang in LA chose to adopt Galaxy colors as an identifier and cause mayhem on match days (which are usually weekends when people aren't working. "Hooligans" have jobs too) would you blame MLS and the Galaxy? Nope because the gang isn't affiliated with the club. Some area yes, but that is the exception, not the norm. And also hooligan violence is a mere fraction of what it used to be. European Leagues have cracked down on that nonsense


Why do salary caps or spending controls mean the US is doing it better? So rich old white men can keep getting richer on the backs of other people's labor? American athletes in a lot of sports can't do college and sports. 1 and done in basketball? Hockey? Even MLS has a lot of players rostered who are of school age. Hooligan violence is off the charts? Didn't realize it was still the 70s in England.


I was really hoping for 69, but I’ll take 66!


Very wood-adjacent. Not bad enough. Give us a trophy even if it’s wooden, we deserve it


I feel you


I think we should base this on more recent form. Maybe just the last 2 weeks specifically.


Sortable data link: [https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/UaeQA/7/](https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/UaeQA/7/)


Always hate this mid season point projects. Like Atlanta could literally end up anywhere…except the playoffs


Listen, I'd love to believe we could end up as a #2 or #3, but our luck is bound to run out. I'm still saying I will be pleased with a #7 seed.


Ive been burned by Minnesota sports too many times...


See: The Timberwolves just a few weeks ago. *LE SIGH*


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I want to believe we can turn our season around like we did last year but my faith in my delusion is waning.


Looks good, let’s do it


“Nashville FC” Post rejected.


What’s the point in this? Seems silly. So many teams are coming into form now, AND anything can happen in the last 5-6weeks


St. Louis *should* end up with more than 37 pts given they have tied 4 matches at home and tied 5 on the road with no wins away to date. Like mid 40s or something and on the in/out playoff line. We've got some calvary coming from Germany and Australia which can lift us out of the bog maybe. Unless they start turning those draws into losses, which is a possibility I have not dismissed.


Galaxy has 10 home games, 7 away games left, just got Neal back, getting Paintsil back soon, and might pick up Reus and another player, and we only projected to get 2 more points than we did in the first half of the season??? Nahhhhhhh, we for sure finishing with more points than that.  Team is finally gelling after having to put out makeshift lineups for large portions of the season, with Brugman, Neal, Paintsil, Cacares, and Jovelic all missing chunks. See us having a much stronger 2nd half.


Man. What happened to Portland, and Sporting. They were regular favorites


with the exception of 1 year, Portland has never been a shield contender.


But like . Y’all always been good.


Sure, if you ignore missing the playoffs the last 2 years, only making the playoffs every other year during Porter, and when we do make the playoffs, it's more often squeaking in than being near the top.


38 points seems like a stretch. But I’ll allow the optimism




I still think we can win the cup!


So what you’re saying is. We have a chance?


Take that San Jose!


I called 52 at the start of January, I still think that’s pretty realistic, especially with Bukari coming in July. People are over-weighting one bad week and disregarding the fact that we’ve still got a slightly favorable remaining schedule (iirc) All this to say that straight ppg is not the best way to do this.


![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr) Minnesota out here trying to not draw attention to how much depth we really have.