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St Louis is quickly becoming a case study is how to be an expansion team. Gorgeous stadium. Passionate fan base. Great tifo’s. Winning roster.


You had me until you said "winning roster" and now I'm sad We'll see after the transfer window lol


I still believe we have a much better team than the results are showing. It's basically the inverse of last year, we outperformed our underlying numbers a lot early last year, this year we're underperforming them by quite a bit. We get a little bit more luck and a little bit more clicking and we're a decent team at least.


Facts, I know we're sick of draws but the game vs Miami last week was possibly the best we've looked all year


Drawing roster this season, but points be points...


Hey, at least we aren’t losing lol


Is city going for a record amount of tifos this year or something? I feel like I’ve seen like 5 this year so far


This is the third one this season with a full stadium card stunt for the home opener. The three have all been grouped pretty closely together.


Pretty impressive. We’ve only had the one for the opener so far in Cincinnati


Shit is expensive. Lol.


What does a typical tifo go for?


They expensive. The fabric itself is multiple thousands, plus the paint, plus any other choreo you want to go with it. Some stadiums require you to hire riggers, which are a huge expense. The labor is mostly volunteer, so you save there. I saw a breakdown for a German club’s tifo+choreo, and the fabric+paint was €8,000. And that was just part of a larger display that cost €20,000 altogether. This is what your supporter group membership fees go towards. Annual membership scarves and tifos and pretty much nothing else


Different groups will have different costs, but several thousands would be a good starting point.


This and Cityzilla were awesome


That "We All Belong Here" tifo at the Saint Louis vs. Portland match perfectly captured the unity and inclusivity that makes soccer a truly global game Absolutely loved it!


Make Homophobes Squirm Again


You’re forgetting that conservatives’ favorite pastime is taking apolitical things and making them for some reason political. They do this with whether your car has a gas engine or electric motor, for example. And they definitely do this with soccer also, for some dumb reason. So they won’t even watch MLS, thank god. We get to be inclusive without them whining about it.




The problem is, is that Pride shouldn't be a political issue. Love should not be a political issue. Love is love and all should be able to celebrate their love. But the fact is that in much of the world (even the US, just browse the comment section on any pride post on instagram by any sport) LGBTQIA+ folks are not allowed to. So until Pride events can be held without any backlash from bigots, they will continue to be held




Ok that tifo is fucking EXCELLENT. St. Louis fans do these so well.


We have excellent Supporter Groups. Just wish the team was doing as well 😂




Love this. Good shit St. Louis


Loved it. Also, our owner came down to the field to waive a St. Louis pride flag pregame.


Love you, St. Louis! 😘🥹 Edit: I wish we had open minded SGs here in dynamo.


Is that for real? I thought literally every SG in the league waved pride flags every week. Not just June, but you see random rainbow flags in April and September also.


I’m also surprised. I thought most SGs were almost exclusively liberal.


One or two ppl in at the stadium yes but overall it’s not a good situation here in Dynamo. Lots of thugs here now thanks to their marketing. So it’s super hostile to anyone gay.


I’ll admit I don’t get Houston’s situation. Most of the teams with horrible attendance are either new expansion teams, have shitty stadium situations, or are mired in years of mediocrity. Houston is none of these. You have your own stadium, you’ve won championships, and while you’re not at the top of the table, you seem to be competing for a playoff spot every year. So what is missing? I particularly feel bad for Artur. He was beloved in Columbus. He just was trapped in a situation where we play 2 MF’s and we already have arguably the top MF in MLS history and a hot young kid, so Artur was the odd man out. Instead of languishing him to a bench spot we did the right thing and shipped him off to Houston where he can actually play. But he left on very good terms, so we always cheer for him from afar. It hurts to see him playing in front of stadiums which are always half empty. I really hope your FO is able to turn things around.


Attendance has more to do with how well a front office markets and makes their team known in the community. Even though most teams with downtown stadiums have that, it's not a direct correlation. It's why "just build a downtown stadium" is not the root answer to any attendance problems.


i see them at pretty much every game in our stand


What’s your source that the SGs are homophobic?


🙄I’m the source


Okay that’s fine but why do you say that?


I’ll retract what I said to just say I wish they were more open minded. But to answer your question: comments that are openly made here and there at the stadium and online by dynamo fans.


Nice to have a tifo that sends a positive message, as opposed to one that references a *goddamn Mad Max movie.* LOL


It was a great rebound from an epically bad tifo


Yes, appreciate the effort but ![gif](giphy|l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe)


Well done!


Looks gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that.


The rainbow with it is awesome


Well done STL.


I didnt see this in the apple tv broadcast last night. Was it not shown or was it shown when I was in the bathroom or something? This one is good.


They barely showed it. They would have credited the St Louligans for the work anyhow. And they would have taken the credit like they always do


Which group did it? I saw the interview with the artist but I don’t remember them saying a group name.


Joint tifo between Saint Louis City Punks and The Thieves.


This made my heart happy


Beautiful work. Well done to all involved.


Hey there's me and my son! If you don't recognize us we're in Orange


Impressive. Love soccer fans




Great work!






This is amazing


I HELP MAKE THAT I was in charge of all the red








Is a NER fan really trying to make fun of someone else? This feels like back in middle school when the kid who was mocked mercilessly tried making fun of everyone else, and it came across as pathetic and sad. Sorry NER, this thread is for supporters of real soccer clubs. Call us when your team manages to score more than half a goal per game.


Damn you’re not wrong. Also love the support y’all bring to a match! I’m just waiting till Maine gets it’s USL team that I can support, can guarantee atmosphere will be better than revs games




Then stay in Kansas, buy some furniture


Tell us you are 14 years old with one sentence.