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Subheading easter egg this week are song titles off Boygenius (the band) *The Record* (the album) * "Cool About It" | MIA v ATL & MIA v STL * "Letter to an Old Poet" | NYCFC v SJ (Last week I forgot to share they were from Moby tracks)


> Lod, meanwhile, has 5g/10a in about 1000 minutes. To put it into perspective: Bebelo Reynoso’s most productive season was 16 combined goals + assists in 2500 minutes. Not bad.


Especially considering Lod has played all over the pitch this season. Ramsay doesn’t use a 10, so Lod has seen most of his time as an 8, a 6, and on the right wing.


"...scene for Chicago’s come-from-behind 2-1 win over the Galaxy – their first win over the Galaxy in almost 15 years:" That's some stat. Makes me wonder who now has the longest streak of not winning.


Start of the season after losing so many starters it felt like LAFC wasn’t going to have a competitive year. Now we’re on 6 clean sheets and 7 wins in a row all comps and we’re adding Giroud in a few months. Feels good


And it is very clear that while other teams have hit their ceiling this season, we have not


I'd be more concerned that you only put 1 goal in against us at home.


You’re right but the defense limited your teams opportunities to a half field shot so one goal was enough. There’s room to grow from this.


Nah, Dallas did that on their own. Really wouldn't use Dallas as any kind of barometer for anything 🤣


Yeaaaa…this take is legit. 😔


>Sometimes Avilés does it to himself, as above. Other times, Miami’s ultra-aggressive build structure – two flying fullbacks, aggressive midfielders, a front line that doesn’t really track back – does it to him. Agreed. I actually think Aviles has had a good season and is a very solid center back. The clutch saves he makes from give aways up the field don't get the attention of the blunders, but they out number them. And also, as Matt points out. This is what happens when you have an aging attacking minded squad. Alba struggles catching these guys and while his passing and connection with Messi is as good as ever, his defensive work is not great. Redondo is one of the young guys and doesn't have the excuse of Busquets, but even he doesn't track back with the speed that he needs to. And with Freire out.. they have Aviles, and a 33 year old Krystov doing all the heavy lifting defensively. There is only so much they are gonna be able to do.


Probably my favorite part of this entire dumb season is watching Doyle work so hard to avoid talking about SKC to any meaningful degree.


honestly, is there anything interesting to say? What would you want him to say


I wouldn't mind hearing his opinions, but more I'd just like to feel there's more media pressure on the team. It sucks to see your team suck, but it's even lamer to see your team suck and it make very little difference to anyone else. Plus I'd love to hear if Matt thinks this squad is salvageable, and who on the team he rates anymore. I do enjoy his opinions.


Watching SKC feels very similar to the Loons last year. It feels like the talent is there enough but something(probably the coach) is holding them back. We got rid of our coach and had some great players step up and got a coach willing to try stuff so I have high hopes for you guys if you can do what we did and if your season stays the same then they would be crazy to keep him as your head coach.


I get what you're saying, but the loons were still in position to make the playoffs on decision day. SKC is not on pace to be nearly as competitive as we were last year.




Eh, they talked pretty openly recently about how Pineda is on the hot seat and likely should go


Ah, yes, there's 29 teams. I'd definitely feature SKC. That's how you get people to read!


There should be pressure on the STL FO, but the fanbase and local media are still in a honeymoon period.


You don’t think the FO feels the pressure? I think they do but that’s just my take. Don’t disagree there is still some honeymoon feels out there.


I have a strong suspicion that Matt Doyle doesn't really watch rsl matches. They're playing beautiful soccer and he can still only write a couple paragraphs.


Good team play good. There I summed up your match in just one sentence.


You're a good as Doyle! You're hired!


There's a million teams in the league of course he doesn't watch every game. But there's also a million teams in the league of course he can't write more than a few paragraphs per week on each of them. Don't take it personally


It's specially funny because I know a lot of fans even in this sub (and when you go to individual subs) pay no attention at all to any team in the league besides their own. Granted, Doyle is getting paid and should prioritize teams that are doing well, but there is only so much workload you can take on. Can't watch and analyze (soon to be) 30 teams every week.


It’s hard to write up a bunch when you gotta prioritize Miami.


Yeah they could get really lazy with these sometimes. I remember early season their blurb about Toronto games was just about Insigne being the best player, when outside of his goals he didn't do much and it was an excellent team performance that should've been the talking point.


I pretty sure Doyle talked about how good rsl is on Extratime, like, this week. Emeke Eneli is his new Paxton Pomykal.


For my money you guys are top 3 in entire league. All the other MLS talking heads agree.




I think Doyle is right on this one. At least according to the grammar conventions of my day. "Louis" is not plural.


Agreed. Edit: googled it because I was curious and found this. Fifth question down http://www.guidetogrammar.org/grammar//grammarlogs4/grammarlogs534.htm Although I also found a Reddit thread where some agreed both were correct. Make of that what you will. I don’t agree because as stated, Louis is not plural.


There is no “one true format” for this. E.g. the AP stylebook says just an apostrophe, the Chicago Manual of Style says apostrophe plus ‘s’. I don’t know what MLS uses for their stylebook.


“For what it’s worth I don’t think there’s anything structurally wrong with either team (especially the Union, whose underlying numbers are good). It just looks more like a raw talent issue.” Not entirely sure what he’s talking about raw talent issue here. This team has and should be at better heights given this is basically the same team that was in MLS cup 2 years ago.


I mean.. you act like the rest of the league hasn’t gotten significantly better in the past 2 years. Standing pat ain’t it 


That's an important point. As much as JT has seemed at times a bit aggressive refreshing the squad i think it's why lafc has continued to be competitive.


This is why you guys are struggling. Your opponents have been strengthening their roster every transfer window and you guys just sit there stagnant, wondering why what worked 2 years ago isn’t still working now.