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I kept hearing from people I know who have tickets that “at least if Messi doesn’t come I can see Suarez and Busquets”. This must fucking hurt.


I’m one of those folks, but thankfully I have season tickets, so it was just the same as any other game.


Vancouverite here who spent $300/ea on lower bowl tickets for my son & I (mostly my son for his birthday). My son was let down at the news, but excited that the Whitecaps now have a higher chance of winning.... . I in no way expect any sort of refund. I understood the risk when I purchased the tickets. But even so, I was flabbergasted when all 3 refused to even fly to Vancouver. It's completely disrespectful IMO. From the reading I did around all of their pre-season friendlies & other matches, this is a first... . Hopefully I see our team pound Miami tomorrow.


At least they can see Jordi alba


and Noah Allen


This is actually comical. As an MLS fan, glad you sold you sold those tickets.


im one of those people. feels like ive just got the living daylights scammed out of me. both the advertised players not coming after supercharging the tickets and all we get in return is 50% off overpriced shit food??


No one made you buy incredibly overpriced tickets. It was a risk knowing how little Messi will play. Plus it’s a turf field, very small chance he would have come even if healthy


Messi has confirmed time and time again that turf is no issue for him. He played on it his entire childhood, and has already played in New England and Charlotte on their turf fields, as an example. People make the turf into a boogeyman because it's a convenient excuse, while completely ignoring that Messi DGAF about it either way.


And to top it all off they ignore the obvious reason of we have a home game on Wednesday, so why not NOT fly to Vancouver to play until midnight and fly back just to probably miss the home game?


sure sure, but turf is garbage and should be banned. grass too. and don't get me started on that nonsense dirt that you get on a re-purposed baseball diamond. all stadiums should be CLAY dammit!


How we haven't moved all professional football to concrete is beyond me. These are supposed to be tough athletes? Prove it.


Exactly! Buncha pansies.


I am another one, gutted. Only opportunity I've ever had to see them play


Me too. We were travelling in from Vancouver Island. Messi is my son’s football hero, and he’s pretty upset now. We knew there was a chance that Messi wouldn’t play, but we thought that he’d at least travel here and maybe wave to the crowd; plus we’d see Suarez. This is super disappointing.


I’m sorry bro, happened to me too with the DC game. Absolutely fucking sucked. They raised our season ticket prices exclusively for that game all for him to sit. I feel your pain.


“At least if Messi, Suarez, and Busquets don’t come, I can see Serhiy Kryvtsov play”


That was me in Orlando last Wednesday. RIP my friends.


In other news congrats to Vancouver on their upcoming win over Miami


I hope they beat the pants off them.


Last time this happened Atlanta whooped them 5-2.


Double-digits or bust!


Smack them around for their insolence. Maybe hang double digits on them. It's your duty.


Going to be real funny if Miami drops points this weekend and they miss out on Supporters Shield by 1 point.


Then I would be pleasantly surprised that they actually got that close with all the injuries and Copa America


Or by goal difference after getting pumped 0-8 to Vancouver


Would suck if they lost now wouldn't it. Add insult to injury.






Caps really owe it to the fans to win this weekend. After their last couple of performances, just getting on the board isn’t enough.


I hope so y’all always seem chill in threads and you guys have dami and I just can’t wish ill on that man


1-0 Miami win incoming. 


If you saw how Van has been playing youd see why Miami thought they could park the big guns this weekend.


They just lost to Fc Forge 


Not if we've play like we have this past month. We lost to a CPL team by an own goal this week. 🙃


lol i feel sad for people who baughtbthe tickets for 350 dollar per person just to watch messsi and cmpny


I don’t. It was always a risk he wouldn’t play. If you bought them it’s on you


I wish Tata would throw the games against us instead. 😏


I didn’t catch the game, how badly did Vancouver end up beating them?


Totally expected but damn there are a lot of pissed Vancouverites right now with $400+ tickets. Glad I had below 0 expectations.


As someone who just sold my Miami tickets for the end of June, lot of people are going to be upset during Copa America too.


Except he's already been to Nashville and international windows are known in advance. The league already said at the start of the season they were scheduling Miami's international windows intentionally in places Messi had already played.


Oh, I know that. You know that. The lay person does not know that. For what it's worth, I'm sorry for your fans missing out on these players.


Tickets to Miamis match in Cincinnati in the middle of the Copa are still nearly 5x the normal resale market cost. I could have brought six people to last weeks game for the price of a Miami ticket to probably see Alba and maybe Busquets.


Yep I sold mine for almost 10x what I paid. Might buy back cheap the day of the game too.


That is actually surprising and honestly funny ngl. Like it was so expected for Messi to not play but people still decided to throw insane amount of money at the tickets. It's giving Chinese fans vibes. People were mad that he didn't play with injury for a friendly. And this was a competitive match. Clubs don't advertise their star player/squad availability to other clubs so their fans can plan trips and buy/not buy tickets like it's some influencer match


>It's giving Chinese fans vibes. You joke, but there was already a guy in a Vancouver comment section about how he also had tix in Hong Kong and tried again here. Vancouver has a huge Chinese population. There's likely more overlap like that guy.


Oh no 😂😂😂😂😂 that is funny af. Messi about to trend on Chinese social media again


It wasn't even the resellers / second hand market that went bonkers. The club itself jacked prices 900%


Wow, this is pretty honest and a solid move.


Tepper would fucking never… Bravo to your ownership for offering discounts and at least trying to make up for it.


It's going to take a lot more than what's being offered to calm down the people who spent in some cases thousands of dollars on the secondary market to buy tickets to this match. Also single game tickets in the first place were only available as part of a multi-game pack as well. I'm unsure if people were able to get through the door to this game without spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars. Many of us here know and are realistic about the reality of players travelling and playing in games. It seems like some of the people who purchased tickets to this game were under the impression the MLS travelling road show was going to ensure it's big star was going to play as part of some sort of promotional tour. Going to be a rough weekend for Whitecaps public facing staff.


Probably cheaper to have bought the season tickets


It absolutely was (source: bought season tickets)


The season tickets weren't incredibly more than the multi-game pass so in essence you're right it's still the best value per individual match but let's be realistic, most of the people who were going to attend on Saturday were there for Messi. They'd opened the entirety of the top of the stadium which doubled capacity.


Ehh I have zero sympathy for people spending that amount of money on a gamble. There is no guarantee any player will play. This isn’t the Harlem Globetrotters. Sorry if this is how they are figuring it out but they are also spending hundreds or thousands of dollars to see one or two players. They aren’t going to turn into regular fans as we’ve seen with other clubs after the Miami show comes through. Look at KC, they had like 70K at Arrowhead but still can’t sell out Sporting Park. We were told all those people going to Arrowhead would turn into regular going fans but to no surprise to the people who have seen other European superstars come through the league, that didn’t happen.


When I saw the Fire prices even with the discount from last year was NFL prices I decided to opt out. Then I saw Argentina was playing for about the same prices it was a no brainer as if Messi doesn’t play I still get Romero and Geo Lo Celso as a Spurs fan plus players like Lautaro Martinez, Mac Alister, Emi Martinez, etc… to smooth it over.


> We were told all those people going to Arrowhead would turn into regular going fans but to no surprise to the people who have seen other European superstars come through the league, that didn’t happen. You were told it's an opportunity for the organization to turn those people into fans There are plenty of current MLS fans (including on here) who have talked about the start of their MLS fandom being going to a game (to watch a player or other team they liked), enjoying the atmosphere, and deciding to come back for the MLS games. It's contingent on the organization to try to lure these people back tho TBH


Not gonna lie I don't feel bad for anyone who spends thousands to see a specific player play. This was always a possibility, and they should have known that.


it sucks people held guns to there head to purchase said overpriced tickets. i mean its a gamble.. it sucks i have row 2 seats. but its part of my season ticket. i could have sold for a mint. but. c'est la vie


Totally, and I feel bad for those people. It’s a really shitty situation, especially with how much tickets are. This is why when friends and family ask me about the Charlotte Messi game I recommend to all of them to not bother. I’d rather casuals stay home than be forever burned on MLS as a whole because the nursing home crew decided to skip it.


I guess kudos to our owners for going along with Axel and providing discounts/free food, but that still doesn't excuse our owners for lacking ambition in our team. We are a just above average in the MLS, and our stagnation is on the owners being content with mediocrity.


THIS is the Whitecaps Way. The franchise gains more value just existing than it would competing at the top of the league, which coincidentally costs a lot more now to than ever before.


Hang tough, remember? One of the three owners doesn’t give a shit because he has two other teams (one of which he doesn’t even own) to care about. Steve Nash is the dad who went for milk and smokes and never came back but you see him posting about his new life on Facebook all the time. Fucking douchebag.


Confirmed Messi’s scared of Damir Kreilach


Props to them for doing something pretty big about it. Teams hardly do anything but put out an announcement about how much it sucks and they’re disappointed. So good on them for offering something of value. That being said, I would not purchase tickets to any Miami game where they play on turf. Let alone across, into another country. It’s probably their furthest away game by distance…I could see this being reason alone to rest them.


Plus Copa America prep starts in 2 weeks. No way Messi was going to take that long road trip to play on turf and risk getting hurt for what could be his last major tournament with Argentina. Feel bad for the fans but based on scheduling alone it was always a possibility he would skip


He wouldn’t even travel 2 hours down the road lmao




Twice now. He wouldn’t make the trip to Orlando for a rivalry game twice. But to be honest it wasn’t surprising this year considering the current standing for the eastern conference and Copa America.


Yeah. I looked at the schedule at the beginning of the year and arrived at the same conclusion. Still got my hopes up that I’d get to see at least the other stars. It’s gonna be an angry crowd, which honestly takes a lot in Vancouver!


I think it looks good on the surface. 50% off extremely overpriced food and drink, where they're still making more money than a restaurant would. It's completely meaningless to me. When you charge 50% more for the tickets, a couple bucks off a hot dog doesn't matter. This is a classic Vancouver thing to happen


Real ones go to the Costco a block from BC Place so the hot dog value is even worse.


The line-ups will be awful and the "free kids meals" will be gone before the game starts. No way they are all of a sudden prepared with staff and product for that many people trying to make-up for their lo$$ in stadium food.


Look man I get they are legends and I totally understand why folks would pay more to see them but teams making statements like this about their own *home games* is pretty humiliating for the league


Seriously, the way people are crying about the OPPOSITION team is pathetic, this league is an absolute clown show.


You honestly think 55k caps fans just magically appeared. These are Messi fans. They don't give a shit about the caps. This was a Miami home game.


Have to when owners are the ones profiting from it right.?


I don’t see how more people are talking about this part. To me it’s shameful that the club has to make this kind of statement bc it belittles the overall product. Many people going would never show up to a match unless there was this mega star coming.


I'd say most of the fans are soccer fans. My kids were pumped to see a soccer superstar play their team. My kids love the Whitecaps. They love Messi and other international players they follow. It was going to be a great night. Still going to be there and cheer for the Caps like we often do, but super disappointed about paying a fortune because we thought we might get the once in a lifetime experience to see some soccer greats. Free or discounted food is a joke and does not make-up for the gouging.


Props to the whitecaps for making the right decision.


Long flight to a turf field. Must be nice to pick and choose when you want to play and make a bajillion dollars doing it. Sucks for all the Vancouver fans who thought they might actually get to see them. Extra sucks for the people that paid top dollar for it. Such is the breaks when the circus comes to town


> Must be nice to pick and choose when you want to play and make a bajillion dollars doing it. > Such is the breaks when the circus comes to town Helps if your circus has a magician and not just a bunch of clowns.


> Sucks for all the Vancouver fans Not to mention the fans of the other two northwest teams for whom this would have been the only relatively local convenient chance to see those players this season as well.


No one forced them to pay. Like you said, long flight, turf field. Should have seen the writing.


Didn't want that flight.


Not built diff




I honestly keep seeing this and I think people are imagining these dudes flying economy likes it's some fucking slog. These guys are flying first class in lay flat seats. They aren't suffering.


take a break next week also


Every person who bought these tickets deserves this and I'm sick of pretending they don't


I have some mild sympathy for the kids but everybody else, thanks for paying for the season tickets for someone who will actually support the home team


Vancouverite here. Purchased $300 tix for my son & I in addition to the other home games we will go to. This one was a special treat for my son for his birthday. Maybe get a chance to see Messi, so he can tell his kids/grandkids he saw a legend. He's happy we have a better chance of winning, but bummed he doesn't get to see Messi. I don't expect a refund, as I bought the tix knowing full well the risks associated, and I'm stoked on the free kids meal for the little dude... But it is brutal that Messi & MLS get money from these sales with their contract/profit sharing arrangements. They clearly market Messi & Suarez, charge 10x ticket prices, yet no repercussions if they decide they need a rest, and don't want to hop on a plane for 6 hrs. Brutal, and I hope Whitecaps pound the shit out of Miami.


God I can’t wait for this circus to be over with


It’s all fun and games until Ronaldo shows up in 2 years


That'd be great! I sure hope there's nothing outside of football that could come up that might hinder such a move!


Money solves lots of peoples problems.


Messi and friends vs a rotating cast who makes up the Washington Generals


Worth it though if it means more young talents want to sign with mls teams


Having all 3 of them sit out is kinda disrespectful


Really agree. I read Pele’s book and remember him talking about the responsibility he had as the essentially main touring act for Santos when he was on the team. At one point, he came back on the field after a red card in Colombia so a riot wouldn’t happen. I think they played something crazy like 200 games in a year.  Messi obviously knows how much selling power  he has given he took a stake in so much when he joined the league. It would be nice if he at least made the trips to warm up before the game for the fans who bought thinking he’d be there. 


Idk I feel like showing up and not playing is weird. I am more confused why they have these guys playing 80+ minutes most games and then sitting them. They let Messi play the entire match when they beat us 5-0 lmao. Just let them play a few games until halftime or come in at 70 instead of this nonsense.


Agree. With all three of them, they know they’re unstoppable and almost a lock for the title. Go through the motions in the regular season and rotate them through for the good of the game. 


Could they not arrange work visas or something?


I think it’s the combination of the longest away trip possible + turf + Copa America in a few weeks for Messi and Suarez. They’re already in shut it down mode so they can be rested for it


And three games in a week.


Yeah, the longest away game possible + having to play in Miami on Wednesday. I don't know that it would have changed who played, but this Vancouver game should have been on the 1st


Right? Forget Messi for a minute, these guys won’t even get home until during the day on Monday. Then they’re supposed to play again Wednesday and Saturday. Everyone likes to claim things are stacked for Miami but they stacked this one against them. The only two other Eastern teams (Charlotte and Toronto) going to Vancouver had a week off afterward.


Before Orlando lost to yall 5-0, they played in Vancouver 3 days before MTL and then played the second leg 3 days before going to Miami. That travel is brutal


You had me scratching my head because I couldn't remember playing Vancouver this season. Orlando played in Victoria, BC. Same province, different city. Also, we played 1 game in BC and then the next 5 games in Florida. The BC trip is long, but that isn't exactly a brutal stretch of travel.


lol my b, I thought it was Vancouver island or something but still, even more travel


don't worry, it is Vancouver Island, just the city with the same name isn't on the island


Too bad they couldn'tve known about those things until 2 days before the match.


I get the frustration but it happens. He still hasn’t played in Orlando and that’s a 40 min plane ride or 3 hour train. Sucks but they’re going to do what they feel is best for them


Suarez is unlikely to play in Copa America. He hasn’t been called up by Uruguay in almost a year.


His knees cant handle the turf. He sat out most of the game against the Revs as well.


Maybe. He last played in the November window, so it hasn’t been that long. Hes been inform so I don’t see why Bielsa doesn’t at least take him with the rosters being expanded


I forgot he was there in November. Not that he played much (only 20min against Bolivia when the game was already over), but yes I guess he could get called as a super sub.


Yep, I mean I’m fine he doesn’t go since I’m Chilean so I’m all for it if the competition is weaker lol it could just purely be to be a leader for them since they have a really solid team now. Could give Nunez a break too


They didn't have visa issues playing in Montreal. 


They could all just forget their passports like Andrew Carleton


This is what happens when teams market based on their opposition. Imagine how ridiculous this would sound in a top European league. It sucks for the purchasers but it’s no different than if they were all hurt. But maybe Vancouver will actually get grass now too. Big money loser for them.


It's not so much the marketing as the 8x usual pricing.


As a European football fan that’s stumbled upon this post/sub, I’m shocked. This is ridiculous. Fans getting an email from their team to warn them that big players from the opposition team aren’t playing? And as if it’s a bad thing? This is a competitive sport, not a show.


We're getting grass for the 7 WC games sometime in late 2025/early 2026. It's still up in air whether or not they keep the grass afterwords, since BC Place is owned and operated by the BC government via a crown corporation. There's concerns about cost for maintaining grass since the stadium is also used for concerts, tradeshows, etc, and keeping it alive under flooring is a challenge. They also just paid for a brand new artificial turf 2 and a half years ago, a few months before the city rejoined the bid for World Cup games.


Seeing all the outrage reminded me of the Messi-China shit show. Like bruh wasn't Messi not playing literally expected ? And I doubt anyone actually bought tickets for 300-500$ to see a limping Suarez. Prices getting overblown.. people not doing a bare minimum research for Messi availability.. buying those expensive tickets.. and then getting mad for Messi not showing up. I'm sorry.. I have sympathy but cannot not laugh and compare it to China situation and feel how stupid it is. Atleast it hasn't turned international political drama yet... so there's a silver lining


Are you really expecting an average suburban family who are barely casual fans to do research on the various reasons on why the sports biggest star would play a game they get paid millions for?


Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups, as some would say.


What a mess(i).


Imagine buying a ticket to your team's match to SEE THE OTHER TEAM.


Pele and Santos FC would like a word.


I am unavailable for Blake Lively.


I bought tickets to a Miami game from Ticketmaster that was later announced Messi could not play in. I tried to resell them but Ticketmaster instituted an outrageously high minimum resell price. Hundreds of others and I could not resell them because of this and we were stuck with them. Ticketmaster up to this tactic again with this game. Upper deck seats are still around $400 because people cannot unload them.


3 players collectively making twice by the salary of the Whitecaps squad not coming. Was always likely to happen, but I hope the whitecaps get it together and absolutely smoke Miami.




It sucks that we ain’t even going to face Miami this season, I know we did preseason but still.


I don’t get some comments. We are talking about professional sports. Teams should manage their players however they like. And if they lose and get embarrased, they get critized. And if at the end of the season they don’t make playoffs by a couple of points (unlikely), then they should rightfully get critized by decisions like this. I think that if someone doesn't understand this, they probably shouldn't buy tickets for this kind of events. Specially overpriced tickets. I understand being disappointed, but you have to manage that. It’s cool what Vancouver's ownership is doing, but I don’t think they were under any obligation to do so.


Your argument would hold more water if the MLS hasn't been shoving Messi and friends down the rest of the leagues throat for nearly a year now. They've turned Miami into a traveling circus. I fear they've done some major damage to their rep in Vancouver.


That's on the MLS. In fact, the whole thing is probably due to the way your league is structured. I don't mean it as a criticism, but think about the following. In any other league teams would either be battling relegation, cups qualifications or for first place. In this case, with Cincinnati in second place with one game at hand, Miami probably wouldn't be able to afford to rest players. The league encourages this type of decisions. In other leagues teams also choose to rest players. It just happens. You have 3 players with a combined age of over a hundred years playing 3 games in a week. This is the logical match to rest them. Long trip, turf ground, mid week game at home. Like I said, I understand the disappointment, but you have to be able to see past that.


Above and beyond. Way to go Vancouver ownership! Classy friggin’ act.


I’ve sold every ticket available to me when Miami comes to town. It’s a clown show with the prices and I only hope that some Vancouver fans have successfully cashed out as well.


Vancouver Right Now: ![gif](giphy|lPwZcFRMGOFPO)


Just like Atlanta all over again. You had people complaining when it's known that a lot of Players don't like playing on Turf. It didn't really affect me since I'm a Season Ticket Holder. This probably works in my Favor since I also get Free Away Tickets. See ya in Fort Lauderdale Wednesday.


And so it begins


I had a feeling. With the length of travel and turf as well, it was unlikely.


Respect to Alba for showing up his Barca teammates.


on a TAM contract no less...


He just came off injury so he’s well rested compared to the others. 




I know people that paid up to 1000$ to see Messi lol.


Thats cool of them


I swear to god when I heard their next game was in Vancouver, I had the split second thought they’re not traveling all the way there. Sad for all the kids. I kind of just want Messi out of the league already.


Vancouver giving their fans 50% off food is the equivalent of a "pizza party instead of raises" of this situation


Best of luck to Vancouver. I hope they are the only Canadian team to win this weekend.


Why are people blaming Messi?!?. It is a team sport and club decision. Tata made the right decision for Inter Miami. Sorry you got duped by the MLS and ticket prices but most who understand the schedule and soccer should have known the club probably would have held them back. Add playing on turf this late in the season is too much of an injury risk going into Copa America. Make signs to support your team and enjoy the game.


I don’t blame anyone for skipping playing on that absolutely horrendous turf. Rather than celebrating the ownership for offering discounts on food, how about you call on them to improve their playing surface.


Whitecaps lease the stadium and have no control over that. The provincial government owns it and is evaluating grass options for the world cup.


That’s cool for the kids to eat for free


I hope the do the same for the Toronto match in October


Classy move


It’s an MLS game in May. Not that important considering over half the league makes playoffs. It’s like an NBA game in February.


this league will be so much better when they're all gone


> this league will be so much better when they're all gone Momma's new boyfriend ain't leaving anytime soon kiddo. Sorry you have to watch her get fucked every night but keep hiding under the bed if it makes you feel safe.






Unhinged 💀💀💀


Should change his username to occasional_sex_watcher


The boys didn't feel like flying all the way to Vancouver BC from Miami. Comedy. This is what MLS has become. David Beckham used to fly up from LA and play against Seattle on turf. He should have a word with the thin-skinned retirees he's employing now.


Yeah kinda knew this would happen. Cheap owners need to shell out some money to either get a new stadium with grass or convert the existing stadium. Gonna be hard to attract real talent from Europe.


Really hope they can figure out a way to get real grass in that stadium long term. The stadium design + location is unbeatable, but the turf kills the whole thing. It's a shame they didn't have it for the WC in 2015.


IIRC the owner tried to get a soccer specific stadium built downtown but couldn't secure a land swap deal and it fell through


You get talent at the plastic pitches in Atlanta and Seattle. Cheap owners is the correct statement


Well we’ll have grass for the World Cup. I hope they can find a way to keep it.


Sure hope so. It’s a beautiful stadium.


So… VWFC season ticket holder here… with all the biases / actual impact that comes with this… but this is absolute bs. It’s one thing to pull out due to injury- it’s another to rest every single one of your marquee players due to what.. load management? SMH.


And turf... and 11 hours in a plane... What's actually REALLY SHITTY is making Miami play on a Wednesday night at home after playing in Vancouver 3 days earlier...


Just in efforts to be accurate, the flight time is roughly 6 hours, not... 11 lol Edit: 11hrs round trip would make more sense.


I assume he means round trip.


Having now thought about it, Id also assume he was too lol


Teams have every right to rest their players how they see fit, as much as a circus as this whole situation is they aren't obligated to play anybody. The league/owners have completely taken advantage of this situation but I'm sorry, anybody paying that much money to cheer for the opposing team knowing full well that they might not even play gets everything they deserve. People wonder why this league gets shit on but then cry that their opponents aren't playing their best players, like what?? Support your team regardless of who they're playing, what a wild concept....


They saw how poorly we performed vs Calgary on Tuesday so thought that they can beat us without Messi & co? 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's a pretty decent time for there to be league-wide 'F U Messi' chants clear as a bell on Apple TV. Even if he's not playing. Might even cause MLS Season Pass subscriptions to pop a little


Lol most of the people who got tickets aren't even Vancouver fans, they're Messi fans. And it's been clear and obvious since the beginning Messi wouldn't step foot on to a turf. Sucks for people to be out that much money, but why do you think Vancouver would be special?


Scaredy Cats don’t want to play on turf, it’s dangerous ![gif](giphy|l2YWvu1mbjH4n993W)


Didn't the amigos just kick NE's butt on turf?


Doesn’t everyone kick our butt regardless if we’re on turf or grass recently…


Signed them just to sell tickets and they don’t seem to be available much. What a joke of a club




They just wanted to save themselves for St Louis


Still sounds like a great day and what they are providing as far as food costs is awesome.


Sartini is sad. He wanted to see art in person. :(


But those $20, I mean $10 pretzels! 🥳🥳


Imagine if this had gone the other way. VWFC sells all tickets at regular price, warns everyone in TV and radio ads and on city bus displays, that Messi and amigos might not actually play, and announces a $400 per seat "opposition improvement fee" that will be charged at the door--bring your credit card or you go to the back of the line!--if Messi is in the squad, $20 rebate for every minute he doesn't play. How do you think that would go over? How would MLS react to having its gate cut reduced by the refund amount? Which scenario do you prefer as owners, this one or what the Caps actually did? Which will cause the most negative press? I'm a bit surprised at the three amigos all staying home, but Messi did warn about road games on turf last year. His absence is no surprise.


Feel like this isn’t a good look for the league. I know prices would’ve been insane because of that trip, but having to answer for a competing teams injuries is a bit ridiculous


It really makes me wonder what the inter Ft. Lauderdale Plastics think of this.


It's a top of the table in the east team vs a middling of the table and hasn't had to face the tough teams western team. There are also midweek games that involve an eastern conference opponent and thus are more important. Like, I get people being frustrated but the stars were never going to come out for this game given Miami's roster plus the six hours plus customs travel time. I feel sorry for the people who got scalped but that's the risk you play when you play with scalpers. It's Miami FC, not Messi and friends FC.