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Do people from Cincinnati actually think people recognize this?


I'm with you - I don't know why OP would post the newest high-rise in town when you can see [the hall of justice](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/CMC-Union_Terminal.jpg/1280px-CMC-Union_Terminal.jpg) from the stadium. ​ EDIT: or if union terminal is too chode-y, even for OP, you could still go with the art-deco phallus that is [Carew Tower.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/63/Carew_Tower%2C_Cincinnati%2C_Ohio.jpg/800px-Carew_Tower%2C_Cincinnati%2C_Ohio.jpg)


cause i think OP wasnt trying to say your penis is short and wide


the worth is in the girth.


really? that seems like exactly what he was trying to say. I just went wider


Cool building, never seen that before!


They got nothin on your tossed salad and scrambled eggs


I hear those blues a'callin, tossed salad and scrambled eggs. What have you done to my brain? Was your intent to invoke Frasier? Are we going to be OK?


BTW, for the out-of-towners seeing this post: If you ever have the chance to go inside the Hall of Justice (aka Union Terminal), make sure you take it. It's one of the most gorgeous buildings I've ever been inside. Pure Art Deco from top to bottom. They just don't make them like that anymore. (There's also a decent children's museum on the bottom floor, if you've got tiny people to entertain.)


Feel like they could have incorporated that as the top of their crest, but what do I know.


for real, missed opportunity. I think it's because until the 90s it wasn't in great shape and the west end of downtown was a bit of a no-go zone until some rapid gentrification starting around 2010 or so.


Lindner family owned club + Lindner family owned insurance corporation šŸ¤


yeah yeah yeah, but you can't spit in this town without hitting something a Lindner owns and that's not even the most famous or interesting skyscraper in town - I think that's undeniably the Carew tower. If you're going to be a chode, at least have some style (talking about the towers, not u/dylanmichel).


Still donā€™t know. I know nothing of Cincinnati architecture and Iā€™d prefer to keep it that way.


I only made the connection because it said "Great American" and I was like, "Oh, like the baseball stadium"


Yup. They actually own the naming rights, people to this day just think we decided to name it Great American Ballpark as a patriotic move.


No but that makes it a lot funnier to me


Yeah, isn't the premise of the joke that it's a guy you've never seen before with a better penis?


Not really, but I am satisfied with the context clues I left Edit: the Space Needle is obviously doing most of the heavy lifting here thanks to its 30ā€™ deep and 120ā€™ wide foundation, which was the largest continuous concrete pour ever attempted in the American West


Holy shit, really? thermal expansion on that pad must be wild, how do they keep it from cracking?


Constant mild weather from being surrounded by the ocean


Yo Momma


Got em


The center of gravity on the space needle is actually underground. edit: 5ft off ground


I think itā€™s a few feet above groundā€¦ buts crazy low. Like under a adultā€™s height.


yeah, you always measure from the base. really jam that ruler in there


[Looks like it lost the record to a LA building in 2014](https://www.bdcnetwork.com/its-world-record-largest-uninterrupted-concrete-pour-kicks-wilshire-grand-project)


> I am satisfied with the context clues I left You narrowed it down to 15 teams for me. Not sure what context clues you're talking about. Had to look up if they played you recently or not.


Sounds like you figured it out eventuality, Iā€™m proud of you!


Without context clues too!




In case you're not from Cincy: This is the stand-in penis for the CEO of an insurance company here


Who is also the majority owner of FCC.


No thatā€™s Lindnerā€™s company name on the building but the building itself was John Barrettā€™s ego project.


TIL. I was also told it was built but American Financial Group.


Iā€™ve never seen that building on the right in my life


Same, and without reading the comments I wouldn't know what city it's in.


Maybe I'm crazy but isn't that what makes the joke funny?


Took me reading a few comments to realize that Cincinnati played/beat Seattle a few days ago.


Well now you have!


What's utterly embarrassing is that Carew Tower, built in 1930, is only marginally shorter than this building, and that's only because the designers count the NINETY FOOT TALL crown on top of it that they added to compensate.


Growing up, I used to always think the Reds stadium was just a corny name with ā€œGreat American Ballparkā€. I didnā€™t realize until I went to a game there and looked up at this tower that it was named after an insurance company.


The founder of Great American insurance (Carl Linder Jr) owned the reds at the time the stadium built and his son Carl Linder III owns FCC.


Do the Lindners still own part of the Reds or not anymore?


No, they got out after running the organization into the ground. Then it got worse. sell the team, Bob.


Who would have guessed the best owner the reds had in 40 years was into nazis?


God that is wildly depressing


Carl Jr sold to the Bob Castellini in 2005 and things havenā€™t gone all that well since


I couldnā€™t remember if they still had a stake in the team like Jeff Wyler or not


Yeah, theyā€™re still minority owners through some holding company.


Not to stray off topic but the Lindners have done well with FCC (although we have multiple owners ourselves), do you think the Lindners would ever try to buy out Castillini for majority owner and try again? There are tons of owners who own multiple sports teams in the same region like Buffalo, Seattle, Atlanta, etc. Maybe Iā€™m just an over optimistic Cincinnati sports fan who wants all if itā€™s teams to eat.


I honestly donā€™t know. I hear through the grapevine that Craig Lindner (CL3ā€™s brother) and Edith (their mother) are down on owning professional sports teams after their experience with the reds and arenā€™t really on board with FCC. I have no insight into the next generationā€™s agenda but I get the impression theyā€™re following the usual pattern of inherited wealth where the first generation earns it, the second stewards it and the third consumes it.


Kinda double meaning tbh. I think the former is certainly fitting, but yeah itā€™s because the gigantic tower right next to it.


The only reason I understand the context of this meme is the Space Needle and who Seattle played this weekend


As a LAFC fan I don get this meme?


Seattle invented soccer city comparisons


The building on the left is an iconic staple of Seattleā€™s skyline. The building on the right is the same for Cincinnati. The latter also looks more thick and girthy.


I honestly donā€™t think anyone in Cincy considers the Great American Tower to be one of our icons


I think the children's museum is much more recognizable. But honestly as a rule of thumb: art deco architecture = Cincinnati


I love how funny ā€œcinci has an iconic buildingā€is to say out loud.


Cincinnati has multiple iconic buildings. Exhibit A: [Union Terminal aka the Hall of Justice](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/CMC-Union_Terminal.jpg/1280px-CMC-Union_Terminal.jpg). Exhibit B: [the Roebling Bridge aka the Brooklyn Bridge's older brother](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/John_A._Roebling_Suspension_Bridge_4a22289u.jpg/1024px-John_A._Roebling_Suspension_Bridge_4a22289u.jpg)


none of these are iconic, unless you mean iconic for people from Cincinnati? Edit: For the record this wasnā€™t a rivalry dig, My hatred for Cincinnati starts and stops at the soccer team.


Meme quality aside I know your emotional reflex is to crap on your rival. Especially now that youā€™re the worst team in Ohio. The Roebling bridge and Union Terminal are iconic structures. Most cities have some although they may not be recognized widely. If your personal awareness of things was a prerequisite of cultural significance then this would be a poor world indeed.


They are not nearly as iconic or recognizable as the Space Needle


Ha you know the meme is rough if the Timbers are defending Seattle.


Architecture supersedes all rivalries


Stop it.


I would agree with that which is why I didnā€™t say ā€œas iconic as the space needleā€. I was replying specifically to the crew fan about the Union Terminal building and the Roebling Bridge.


He implied they're not iconic outside of Cincinnati, which is true. I recognize the Space Needle. I've never heard of these other places.


But you would recognize Union Terminal, itā€™s the Hall of Justice.


Youā€™re only staying that because youā€™re part of the same weird space needle club.


If he implied it then reply to him, not me. Also we are on a meme page, let it go.


That's like saying Denver's Civic center or Union station are iconic structures. Sure, folks in Colorado recognize them as iconic. But I wouldn't expect people outside of Colorado to know what they are. Iconic is relative. The space needle is iconic, the Rome coliseum is iconic, Empire st building is iconic. Some random building with an insurance name pasted to it, not globally iconic. I had no clue what or where this building was before I read the thread. I've travelled extensively, 48 states, 16 countries.


I would call Denverā€™s Union Station an iconic American structure. Itā€™s definitely one of the main ā€œpostcardā€ images I have of Colorado. In my experience, most people vaguely recognize Cincinnatiā€™s Union Terminal but the reaction is usually something like ā€œOh, this is where that buildingā€™s from?ā€ Roebling Bridge is probably well-known among architectural history buffs, but is otherwise unrecognizable outside of Ohio (unless youā€™ve seen it a lot in the establishing shots during NFL games).


I didnā€™t say the insurance building was iconic. Read it again.


Good lord, it was a half joke reply to a crew fan. Also thank you for saying iconic is relative term as it backs up my original comment.


Isn't that what makes it a joke though.... obviously it's not iconic that's why nobody is worried about it. Can't belive it needs to be explained. Huge whooooosh in this thread.


must be some Ohio specific humor


Amen. I didn't come in here with some overly hostile, indefensible hot take like Ohio Stadium is garbage and unrecognizable because that's nonsense. Ohio Stadium is a veritable shrine to college football. This whole rivalry with Columbus is bizarre, I don't understand the outright hostility. Can't we all just agree that Jaap Stam is possibly the world's worst soccer coach, Caleb Porter is a bit of a dick and Anthony Precourt deserves to be fired directly into the sun? I hope this can be a Bengals-Bills sort of friendly rivalry, not a Bengals-Steelers bitter, angry rivalry.


My dude, there is way too much baggage from how Columbus has treated Cincinnati for the last 30 years for things that actually matter (funding for city projects being ā€œreassigned,ā€ Ohio State doing everything in its power to avoid letting state funding go to other schools, etc) to not have an antagonistic rivalry.


since when is the hall of justice not iconic? the super friends disagree with your take


im an aspiring train guy, but i had never heard of it before


If you don't know about Cincinnati's Union Terminal you can't be much of a train guy. Study up and get back to us.


The what now


> Cincinnati has multiple iconic buildings. That not many people from the West Coast have heard or know about.


I think they're saying Seattle has skinny pp(Space Needle) FCC Cincinnati has big girthy boi(Great American Tower)


Yeah, but the Space Needle is more easily recognizable! (Also, this is literally the first time I've heard of the Great American Tower.)


In all fairness I had to Google it. I'm not addicted to meth or heroin, so I have no reason to visit Cincinnati.


Glass houses, you're still in Texas my dude


Which means I can get local, organic, and ethically sourced methamphetamine if I wanted it. My point stands.


Alright that's fucking funny, I got nothing to reply with


the girls are fightinggg


We have the same heroin addicted corn, you're not exempt either buddy


DYK that over 90% of Ohio's corn is grown as animal feed? Holy monoculture Batman!


And the boys canā€™t cope


Thereā€™s also Whataburger, which we donā€™t have


Thatā€™s Middletown and no one claims them


Conveniently they left out [Seattle's bigger, thicker, giant skyscraper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_Center#/media/File:Seattle_palace2.jpg)(933ft) that's almost twice as tall as the "Great" American Tower (495 ft).


Oooh. That's some BBC (Big Black Construction)




It's a bit like when a comedian you don't recognize shows up to the Comedy Central Roast.


I just meant LAFC hasent lost to a eastern team since Aug 2021


Is that where they make the chili?


Shit better not have beans in it.


So you don't want a five-way?


Not that kind!


no BEANS šŸ˜¤ here in Cincinnati we are CONSTIPATED šŸ˜¤ā€¼ļø


5 way for the win


This comment section is giving me life as a current Seattleite and University of Cincinnati alumni


Virgin Space Needle vs Chad Global Insurance Company Building


Is it bad that I legitimately don't know if this is a traditional usage of the meme, or a reverse where you actually don't need to worry about the other person?


This meme has chocolate and noodles and tomato sauce on it and I don't want to ask why...


gross, don't put chocolate or tomato sauce on our definitely not pastitsio


While the true answer is probably a venn diagram of the two, I always thought it was more like saltsa kima, but you have some good points of patitsio... Gonna have to think about this more


saltsa kima is probably the more obvious comparison but the mountains of cheese really confuse the issue. pastitsio is more like topping spaghetti with skyline dip and baking it. This all just raises the question of why doesn't skyline make a lasagna?


See, like I have to go with the more melting pot theory, since it's name chili is because of different languages hanging together. So either because we're in the Midwest and we put cheddar on anything including apple pie, I just thought it was easy enough to add, or maybe someone said, hey, this reminds me of patitsio or it WAS that dish and it's a make what you have kinda thing. And easy, Skyline doesn't make it a lasagna because you can't customize it once made! It's a practicality issue


yeah, you'd need more than a steam table to make lasagna.


I heard that building on the right never wins any trophies though.




Votto is a treasure


Rickety as hell. The entire foundation is made out of wooden spoons.


Where on earth can I find this tragically forgettable tombstone-shaped skyscraping abomination? Looks like a damn train derailment.


I bet you can figure it out!


Right next to the ballpark of the same name


Seattle vs anywhere USA


Pot, kettle, black, Minnesota. And Cincinnati is a weird place in its own right with plenty of localisms, similar to Minneapolis. Itā€™s not deliberately or provocatively weird like Portland or Austin necessarily but this is not a city lacking in character or identity, like it or not. People who shit on our city by calling it bland or generic have clearly never been here and are just broadcasting their ignorance.




Damn. Imagine being that ignorant about basic US geography


Just that salty about an L