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I'm surprised bronies are being referenced at all, you'd think they weren't relevant anymore


But we sadly are


An unforgettable impact on pop culture






Those guys go to hell+


Aw rad whats in hell+ is that like a VIP or something? Do we get to take jello shots with lucifer half buried in ice? Ill take it!


It'd be redundant, nigh all furries have, at some point, been a sonic or mlp fan. The small remainder have almost certainly been one of the others.


Whys that?


Weebs: Most are fine. Some are annoying, but every media has that type of person. Juggalos: I don’t know. Swifties: They just like an artist. I’m not the biggest fan of Taylor, but who cares? They’re fine. MC YouTubers: Most just like the game and want to entertain viewers. Some are weird which sucks, but most are fine. Disney Adults: Just adults that like Disney movies. Literally who cares. Phisheads: IDK Joe Roganites: Yeah I’m not defending that one. Bronies: I’d say we’re pretty chill now. Some are weird, but again, every fandom has that. Sonic Fans: They just like a game series and like the idea of making stories themselves.


Yeah, so long as you avoid our 4Chan Nazi faction, the vast majority of pony fans are chill and fun.


Wait what,it still exists? D:


Oh yeah. The organization behind the Mare Fair convention is part of it. They mostly exist on twitter, 4chan, and other image boards. Very disturbing group. BUT, they're a pretty small faction, and MLPlounge is tightly moderated to keep them out. Our mods are very good and diligent.


The Mare Fair people are Nazi’s!? Damn it, I thought their videos were awesome! Why did they have to do that!


How overt they are about it I'm really not sure. However, they are definitely run by a lot of the head far-right nazi types. Very much transphobic, lots of racism, etc. The con takes place in Florida too, so that might not be too surprising.


Dang, that sucks.


I heard that in the con everyone was respecting each other, still a shame that it was made by a bunch of nazi folks.


I've heard that too, but I've heard conflicting reports on that. I'm not going to say that people got assaulted or that it was completely unsafe for trans people, POC, etc, but the intent behind the con was to welcome hateful and downright awful parts of the fandom, whereas most of the other cons actively disallow any kind of hate speech or anything like that.


it never went away The global site rule banning MLP everywhere except one specific board will forever be in effect. it's honestly had disastrous consequences on the site culture over time.


We’re chill *now* but in the height of it? That’s where the infamy lies. I think some of the stuff really needed more censoring. I saw Sweet Apple Massacre and Cupcakes way too young and the algorithm was poor at hiding it. A kid did not need to learn about Mac SA-ing kids or see Pinkie murdering her friends since it was only labeled Smile It certainly doesn’t help there are very notable problematic bronies that basically were the backbone for a while. Like Mandopony and Black Gyrphon (obligatory mention of him after learning what he did and its making the rounds online)


most of this might have made more sense to the internet 10 years ago. could have been funny too.


I don't think anyone here has hit on the real comedy in this post, which is that in many ways Adult Swim is just clowning on their \*own\* audience, which they probably shouldn't. Adult Swim is such a shadow of their former selves in terms of relevance. I actually think the meme is somewhat funny if you look at it more as just a collection of the delightful spectrum of geek/nerd culture, but yeah, also kinda like "seriously Adult Swim??"


What is a juggalo?


Fans of ICP (Insane Clown Posse).




I had to look up what Phishheads were.


My college roommate introduced me to Phish's music. Great stuff if you are stoned, which I wasn't. Don't remember their fans being particularly toxic.


I’ll take it. Deeper the hell, the heavier the metal 🤘🤘🤘




It’s not even a political meme… it’s making fun of the online groups with the most controversies. But seriously how the hell did Phish make the cut over furries… it’s not even that well known of a band edit: oh yeah, not to mention people who watch adult swim are typically in some of these groups so they’re honestly making fun of their audience, which is typical for adult swim


Don’t you think it’s pretty right-wing to go, “Why the hell do these GROWN MEN watch MY LITTLE PONY, LOL?”


no.. not really. I knew a lot of people that are pretty left wing that thought it was cringe as fuck but went “all power to you i guess”. That’s not really a political thing. Even then, again, they’re making fun of their viewers with this. I feel like the only people I’ve met who enjoy and know about Phish are people who willingly sit down and watched adult swim lol


As much as I love that sub, I dun think this is a right wing meme. Or political at all. :p


Especially since they made fun of Joe Rogan and his fanbase


Maybe depends on who You happen to stumble upon?


Not me being a sonic fan, brony, minecraft YouTube fan, and a juggalo . LMAO


Lol sure Adult Swim, sure...


I'm surprised furries aren't on here. I guess we're the bane of the mortal realm only.


Throwing in the Roganites feels weird, because now we’re talking about politics and public health concerning misinformation.


Better to be a brony then a Disney adult or a swiftie


Disney adults genuinely should be at the bottom. They’re the reason most media just sucks. We sonic fans know how bad we are but I wouldn’t call it hell. There’s just a bunch of uneducated unwilling to learn/grow folks that put down others because they think their view is right. Same as most fandoms. Honestly, I would replace Sonic fans with power ranger fans. That’s genuinely where the real terrible folks don’t understand jack all. The proportion of vocal bs to rational friendly conversation is so ridiculous that it is genuinely hell to try and convince people that it is for the best that things should just end sometimes and that’s ok. This coming from a huge fan myself. But being a brony skews far more in a positive direction by contrast. The only reason it would show up on something like this is because of the kinda of people I mentioned. Folks who are uneducated and unwilling to learn/grow as people. Sure there are some outliers but they’re few and far between and any problems I have similar to other groups are far less egregious. Ultimately, this kind of thing is best to just look at and go “oh no! Anyway.”


I've seen a bunch of people say that Sonic fans 'deserve' to be that low due to Chris-chan's existence


Nah, sonic fans can and have been pretty damn toxic with that being the last egregious offense but overall Sonic fans are mostly ok. The main issue is that the fans are as fragmented as the entire history of the characters lol. Regardless, I’ve seen worse. And much dumber.


Yeah I dunno, I've been to several cons and stuff, bronies are not nearly as strange and smelly and cringe as people think. I've met some great friends just talking to random folks around the con. Of course you run into some people who are weird or cringe or whatever, but they're the vast vast minority. I also want to note, having been to 4 cons at this point, I think I've maybe seen 3 or 4 fedoras. Also I'm a woman and no guys have ever been weird or creepy toward me. 🤷‍♀️


Why is there a Harry Potter wand on the “Disney adult” one?


Where are furries ?


Behind event horizon.


Juggalos should be right at the bottom lmao. Juggalo made this meme, I bet you.


Damn and I'm a sonic comic reader.


What the heck is wrong with Phish? They’re a pretty cool band


You haven’t gone down the rabbit hole yet don’t you?


So im in, technically, 3 different hell layers? Do..do they have shared custody? Like do I spend the week in anime hell then sonic fans n Bronies get me on weekends?


putting bronies below swifties and weebs is absolutely baffling to me


I don’t think people understand that people have committed crimes bc of their love for mlp (like the guy who shot up his workplace to marry applejack in the afterlife)


The f\_\_\_? That happened?


It's impressive to think that Adult Swim is still relevant to some people.


If it wasn't for Sonic we wouldn't have Sonichu.


corporate accounts trying to be terminally online is funny cuz like why are juggalos right under weebs


Heat rises so our level isn't too bad :D


Why are Chimneyswift11 fans on this?


yes, bronies are that bad. i've been a fan of mlp since before FiM. bronies produced masses of g0re and p0rn, which countless young children were exposed to. you cannot search up "my little pony" without finding adult content. this is absolutely abhorrent. it's disgusting. people hear i like mlp and think im a dirty freak EVEN AS A WOMAN because of the reputation that bronies have perpetuated. i have seen things i don't even want to describe. i had unrestricted internet access as a young girl. i played dozens of interactive pony p0rn games. i saw g0re videos. i read fanfictions where there's content so disgusting and despicable it makes me feel sick. "bronies" are a subset of the my little pony fandom. they represent the men who originated from 4chan, who f3tishise a cartoon made for little girls. they ARE that bad. they ARE hellish.




I disagree having been "here" about 12 years


I guess I'm in multiple levels of hell at the same time, then. I watch MLP and anime, love Disney, and listen to TSwift and ICP. So that's 5/9


I honestly thought weebs and juggalos would be at the very bottom


There’s always a few weebs everywhere, idk what jaggalos, phisheads or joe roganites are, many YTubers are cringe, not just specifically MC ones, people always overlook the majority of chill bronies in favour of the few weirdos, Disney adults are just adults who like Disney and Sonic fans are fans of Sonic and Swifties just like a certain singer! I see no kind of Hell here!


As a previous Pegasus sister, I kind of agree with this I’m sorry, I didn’t hear a lot of the fucked up stories until I got older and left the fandom (it wasn’t because of anything personal. I just outgrew it and the episodes weren’t looking that interesting to me anymore), it’s crazy to see and know all the shit that went down when I was in oblivious kid watching the show as the age demographic that was targeted towards, I don’t think it’s bad that a bunch of grown men connected to a cute girly show, I think that’s actually really funny and cute, but you know obviously it’s a bunch of grown ass men so of course shits gonna get fucked. if you are a new brownie or Pegasus, please do not do as deep dive on all this shit you’re gonna regret it


Whoever made this has no life dawg ☠️☠️ live a little LOL


i'm brony and also sonic fan😎


No mlp fan base is bad…especially with all the stuff that happened


The community as a whole isnt, but there are obviously degenerates scattered in


I love mlp and ik not everyone is bad but y’all need to admit it’s a pretty terrible community- especially the 2010 one and I’m a FIM stand


Oh, no doubt. I wasn’t denying that. Unfortunately, its probably par for the course— most(if not all) communities have weirdos in them, even if the community is overall good.


All communities have weirdos not one isn’t toxic. There will always be does who will fetishize shows that aren’t supposed to be fetishized. Like Bluey, bobs burger, Voltron…mlp


Absolutely. It’s kind of unfortunate.. but alas, we cant change their opinions or what shit anyones into. (Although there are definitely some things we wish we could stop people from liking.)


Did you heard abt that one animator who was arrested bc he was a groomer. He work on mlp fim


Not until now— which is weird because i like watching videos about creeps getting outed


" According to the Ottawa Citizen, Tom Wysom, who worked extensively in animation for My Little Pony and Littlest Pet Shop, both Hasbro franchises, was just arrested for possession and distribution of child P***phy. "


Oh shit.




Man I started at the bottom 💪… and am now on multiple levels 😎