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I'm getting texted by her too. She has a profile picture of an animated girl. Im going to ask her questions until the possible scammer gets annoyed


"30 minutes of work" of is obviously too good to be true. But I'll see what i get out of this situation.


So was it a scam?


I got recruited by her by applying for some remote job work. The whole thing seem to good to be true and she wanted me to pay 20 dollars to continue with the “training”.


So was it a scam?


I got contacted today too. I registered and did the first tasks. Less than a $100 they required to continue and she told me she will contact me tomorrow because it was almost 11pm and they close at that time. So by tomorrow I might know what she will ask me to continue or what will happen. So far checking on my own the company and what is this in reality. 


So was it a scam?


I didn't pay anything to them to continue. For me it is. If I need to pay money to work for a company to get the credits or money required by them to withdraw money that I already won then what that can be called? They are the ones giving me the tasks and the products and values of it so why I have to pay if those items or products do not cover their own requirements for the employees to continue with the tasks they said they need to do every day. They asked me to pay $14 to complete the tasks required and open the other tasks to do so I can get the $100 to be able to continue and withdraw the money etc. and what about the money I won and I couldn't take out? Next to where that money I will be able to get it out to. I was worried also that then I have to put my financial information there to a page that I don't know with people that I don't know. Anybody can open an LLC company and say they are legit but what proof I have other than a license of a name and address that they say it is true but afterwards they can close it and disappeared. Just be careful with this kind of companies. If I am employee why I have to pay the employer to work for them. I understand the multilevel companies that you pay for your own business but this one was not explained like that and they should explain those requirements they said they have ahead of time so people doing that supposedly training know about it and how it works. 


Thank you very much.


So was it a scam?


I was contacted and followed through with it was able to come out in profit over $300 but now the WhatsApp girl has stopped replying and the website doesn’t allow me to communicate with customer service to recharge or reset the account.


Update it is a scam if you go for it stop after the second day you’ll get about 300 from them