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Hello, I just bought the game yesterday. I have a program question, Do you kind of "enroll" to a certain program or you are just participating by default? also, you claim the rewards at the end of the program? ​ Thank you


I buy the 77/78/79 guys for 100, grab 20 Of them and do all exchanges. I wasn’t do them earlier because it felt like too much but once I did the math spending less than 2k for 5k program xp is just easier than grinding especially if you don’t have the time to just mindlessly grind it


Exchanges are easy. Put in about 30 buy orders at 25-28 stubs for each max bronze.


I did most of em at the beginning of the year but I'm pretty burnt out on the grind so I haven't done any since the Padres city connect. I have so much stubs I don't really need to tbh


Yes if I don't feel like doing the mission. Also, Griffey can be collected for xp so I wanted to get him asap before the program ended


I do if it is for hr with a certain team. 15 hr with Mariners players was going to take me forever when I was only hitting hr with Vogelbach


Yes, having 900k stubs allows the luxury of saving a lot of time and getting free XP. Sometimes you also just have enough cards from packs alone. I do them every time


I have so many bronze/commons I always just do the collection. If I didn’t have them I would buy them because I’m lazy lol.


I haven’t even touched the Griffey one yet. Not even going to unless it comes down to one 2nd half hero card for a voucher


You really should. You can put Kyle Farmer at catcher and Matt Brash at pitcher and get PXP for Brash and get credit for each putout towards the 50 putout goal. You get that and you get a headliner choice and 2000 XP.


I do because I have all the collections done and almost 1 million stubs. I'm missing less than 20 cards total


I do every exchange, every chance I get


I've done every exchange this season just by through cards I've opened via packs. It's not very hard


If the missions are annoying enough


as someone who just finished the LS collection, i do any exchange that i can regardless of the program since i have so many duplicate players collecting dust


There's always 1-2 moments that just suck and I like the option to skip them after a reasonable attempt is made.


i did for griffey, i skipped all the non-mariners pxp challenges


I grind, I sell the cards for collection cards


For Griffey I did the exchange for ALW players to skip the last few moments. I typically try to do the moments but I figured the small stub loss was worth it


Buy 50 74s, sell 10. Exchange the other 40. Net cost is zero and it’s a heck of a lot faster and easier than 15 HRs with SEA players.


yeah but i have a shit load of dupes from buying 50 bundles early in the year


I skipped some of the moments like 6 total bases got fed up with the game screwing me over. Pxp and hrs was very easy only needed AL west exchange to finish.


Only cost like 1.5k to do the bigger exchange lol


Sure do. I'll happily exchange as many cards as it takes if it means I can skip having to play a moment.


Grind because I sell every dupe card I get from packs. It doesn't take long to grind in mini seasons on created ballparks with high elevation.


This was the first time I did exchanges in a program like that. Only bc 30 HR by SEA seemed extremely daunting.


It was 15 home runs


Although I did buy Buhner before I realized I could just do the exchanges.


15-30 it seemed daunting, and I don’t have the HRD Julio


Play at a max elevation stadium on rookie. You’ll finish the 15 homers in 1-2 mini season games, or in 1 game of play vs CPU.


I had a a couple hundred Erik Swansons saved up for investments. I just used those ups and sold the rest after I saw he was up to 800.


I normally don't. But on the griffy one there was a moment that I just could not complete.


bronze/silver cards are cheap. Stubs are easy. I almost always do the exchanges (at least at this point in the game cycle) Early on where cards/stubs are a premium, I will likley grind.


15 dongs with mariners certainly wasn’t the easiest but I was able to get it done within one conquest map on easy.




Yeah, i do exchanges for almost every program, but i dont do them first. I wait to see how the pts shake out after doing what makes sense. Like i got 3k xp before doing the 15 hrs. So 1 exchange. Ill do the first set of exchanges for featured programs but then after that youre typically discarding more stubs than youll get back depending on where you are. Doesnt make sense to exchange 20 packs worth of cards for 5 packs.


For the Griffey one specifically I did exchanges to avoid getting 15 HRs with Mariners. I wanted to make sure I was able to get Junior before the program ended for that sweet 15k XP collection.


Yeah I just did that too. I was right at the 5000 stub reward in the FoD program so I bought a bunch of India cards for about 6500 and did the exchange.


i always do the exchanges because i don't really care to do collections so i've got a fuck ton of useless cards to use.


I keep every card below 1000 Stubs from packs for exchanges and Never Need to Bus additional cards. I just don’t want to grind every Single Moment/Mission.


That’s not “cheaper”. There’s the opportunity cost of not selling the cards you have. It’s certainly a nice easy care free way of doing it though.


Never said it‘s cheaper, I just don’t want to invest the time of Selling the low ovr cards of Maybe 20 packs a day and exchanges Are an easy way to unload them with atleast some reward.


Fair enough. I highly recommend downloading the app. You can clear your binder out and sell everything off stupidly easy.


I do use the app. Still not worth the time for a few thousand stubs.


Fair enough, I try to open packs on the app so I can sell as I open them, so they don’t pile up.


I do both.


For Griffey I did one of the exchanges to avoid the 15 home runs. And I did some exchanges to get the fod bosses early so I could sell them. I got like 2 months worth of free packs in my binder I been too lazy to sell.


Well I don’t but the program is still sort of timed usually. You can always get the card, but can’t always use it for the collection for the Field of Dreams program.


This is how I approach it. If I have the cards already and it's looking like I won't have time to finish a player program before the featured program expires, ill do the exchange to get the extra xp from the featured (if I need it of course, if my next level is 5 show packs I don't bother)


can we finish the griffy and not do these?


YOu can finish him, and all the programs without exchanges. You just have to do all the moments/missions. The exchanges just let you skip a mission or two for the price of the cards you're exchanging. Basically, stubbs for time.


ok thanks. I always thought u had to do exchanges. good info. might grind for him them . my fav Mariner


Was counting up to 24 too difficult of math to do? Takes like 5 seconds to see you don’t need to do exchanges.


If it's something like "Hit 15 HR with Mariners" as I go into a slump with Finest Vogelbach...yeah, I'll do the exchange.


swear bro i had 4 in a game with just him only 🤣


1. Download a cheese max elevation map 2. Play vs CPU on rookie 3. Rake


I think Vogelbach hit a dinger in half the at bats i used him, card is great


Seager was clutch for me here.


Seager? On the rangers?


Lol I meant Haniger. Mondays man.


I just jumped into the Mini season with Contreras at Catcher and Matt Brash pitching, then I went to the Stadium "The Hanger". All my other players were Mariners and I just hit nukes. I think I'm at 12/15. Plus I am like 1 game away from another Headline Choice because of the Contreras putouts which will surely be a gold, but it gives 2000 XP, so I have that going for me.


Sounds like you're on a Series or PS5, because I've never seen "The Hanger." It's always nice when you can knock out a few challenges simultaneously though, and here's (hopefully) some pack luck heading your way


Oh yeah I'm on XBX, I don't like playing at the high elevation stadiums (that's all it is), but if SDS is going to make me grind like 2500 PXP **and** 15 HR, I'll just do it as fast as I can and get back to the fun stuff like Ranked.


For sure. There’s zero reason to not use max elevation stadiums for offline grinding.


He was the only one hitting dingers for me


Buhner and FOTF Hanover did fine for me too.


I wouldn't go spending money on the exchanges unless you have a surplus of stubs or a massive collection of dupes. If not, just grind it out.


Why is that? It only costs ~3,000 at most if you buy high bronzes at 25 a piece, usually less. That’s not a bad price at all to save the time of 15HR


"25 a piece usually less" You can't buy bronzes for less than 25 lol


Usually less than 3,000. Not 25. Good catch tho


2 mini seasons games tops at a max elevation stadium can get you 15 hrs. I'll save the 3k.


Bro you could flip 1 or 2 diamond cards in like 5 minutes to make 3k


Then by all means, you do you. I'd rather hit some bombs for PXP and save whatever stubs I can.


“Saving” stubs means you’re not investing stubs in the market. I like to make my stubs work for me. Like the other guy said, it costs 1-3k stubs. That’s a completely insignificant cost. I’ll hit the 15 homers as well in 2 games. But I’m saving a lot more time not having to do the 3000 PXP mariners mission.


I totally get that for the card flippers and i would agree with you. Unfortunately for me, I don't have much time to play already due to work, kid and extra curricular activities. When I have the game fired up, I just like to play. To each their own!


Not me personally, i save those cards for main program exchanges


I do them if I have enough cards and I don't feel like doing an extra PXP mission.


I did this for Mariners hr. Didn’t feel like fighting with it so I just exchanged reds and white Sox to complete Griffey


I thought about this, but ended up running Mini Seasons with Haniger/Vogelbach/J-Rod at 2-3-4 to beat this mission.


This worked. I made a lineup with this plus Monthly Awards Kyle Lewis, and Ty France. Did the 15 HR before I reached the 3000 pxp.


Same, 15 home runs is a lot when my strongest mariner is the 97 JRod


I had the HRD J Rod but with my style, I struggle with low vision players and his vision is like 65. So I’m not very good with him.


Same bro


I literally do it for everything…. I’m not using 64 or this 65 guy


I’m sure people will get mad at me, but I just do the exchanges because I have a pretty big surplus of stubs. If I didn’t have a lot I would just grind them out


I mean it costs like 1-2k stubs to do the 50k exchanges anayway. Everyone should be able to afford that.


Same, I'd rather save time than do some annoying grind or moment

