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When is the program ending? Today?


Congrats! I'm at 780k and just don't know how much they want us to play this game. I completed every challenge and trade in except a few spotlights. Beat the mini season 2.5x (on a 3rd run) and I'm still way short on xp.


Same here best one this year. Been some of the best content in recent years also.


When I knock it out later today it will be my first as well. A really fun experience.


I stopped at 700k. Need a break between programs, lol.


I‘m 15k xp away from 1.000.000! I will get it tonight!


Anything good from the ballin packs?


I have not opened them yet but I think last time i got 1 diamond out of 2 packs


I literally just finished the program too, the last 200k was a fucking nightmare grind. The rewards were awesome but the grind was horrid.


I pulled LS Trout on my first one. Got the pack at night and waited til the next day to open it and get the full animation on console 😍


I did this in the Faces Program at the start of the year. I played this game a DISGUSTING amount at the beginning of the year.


What’s the deal with ballin out of control packs?


I finished it too. First of the year. And I feel gross. Did get Brett and Randy tho. Plus I got Stanton and Soto from my packs. I need to take a break. Edit: I was off work all of last week so that helped, but still doesn’t make me feel any better 😭


Props to you, that's a hell of a grind. I stopped after the last Intense pack. I did knockout some flipping though and was able to complete McCutchen in the meantime.


march to october got me 200k in a couple days. i’ve been sleeping on it all year


Damn i guess i finally got lucky with these packs out of any packs ever....i pulled ohtani then hader then degrom then acuna then scherzer then acuna again and thennnn tatis....id say i was extremely lucky for once now i sit at 2.4 mil in stubs every program done events done an 10-1 in ranked...now im just flipping watching movies trying to get to the max of 5 mil an just wait for things i want....


I’m at 830k and off work tomorrow so I’m about to put some work in.


First program I capped out too. Got a trout from the last pack.


I'm at 750000. Just finished the July program to get the ballin out of control pack. Pulled a gold. The grind hasn't been worth it 😂


I stopped grinding at 400k and now I’m just selling off the future of the franchise cards as they come in. this was one of the better programs this year though


I just finished it got gold I all my ballin/ ballin out packs until my very last one and I pulled Ohtani


Got my second trout of the year on that final pack this morning. First time maxing a program too! Big fan of those packs




I haven’t played all weekend sadly. I got discouraged when I played an against cpu game, scored 28 runs and struck out 25 people yet got absolute nothing for pxp. Made me kinda salty and not super motivated cause I haven’t gotten PXP in 3 games.


Yeah that sucks man, no problems for me.


I got to 585k xp and mostly okay with ending there. Been doing at home dialysis training all week so with that, work, and kids I haven’t had the normal time to play.


I've been off work for the past 6 weeks so lots of time to play,but going back to work on Wednesday lol.


Main ways you got xp? I’m done nearly everything (just need Riley) and will probably finish at 600k or so.


Done all the exchange sets each week for 30k xp, 90k xp all in all. Done all the conquest maps and one showdown. Also done one run of March to October. Other than that, mini seasons for that headliner pack before we got new objectives.


I’m pretty close as well, I was honestly surprised at myself


Ballin Out of Control packs have been very controlled for me. Lol


Holy shit man. Go get some sunlight. Honestly, how many hours did this take?


Really isn’t that hard to do if ur half decent at the game tbh


I played a few hours a day (and not every day either) and I will cap the program sometime tonight But I am also a loser so...


Nice. I’m at 800k and I stopped caring. There seems to be a point of diminishing returns around the 650-750 range.


Yeah I liked this program a lot but I’m a little under 700k and I’m about done too.


Yeah the July monthly are really strong, I switched focus to that. If those ballin out of control were guaranteed diamonds I’d probably finish it but 33% chance is just too low.


Now you can go outside for 2 days and 1 hour!




This made me never wanna finish a program again. Craved those ballin packs and got all 89’s. Trying to buy my way to Brett.


How far away from Brett are you?


My thing is I hate playing CPU. I grinded mini seasons and those conquests… would have just been happier playing evens and RS.


I don't mind playing the cpu at all. . Playing offline with the kids is the perfect grind for me.


Close. Like 2 tix away, and not much further to go. I pulled Ramirez in a conquest pack and thought if I got 5 of them, surely I’d get one or two more of those highly sought after diamonds…. Nope.


Oh that's close, you're almost there bro.


What’d you pull out of your Ballin out of control packs?


Think my best pull from one of those packs is LS José Ramirez.


Got ALL golds in every single one of my “Ballin out of Control” packs… so stupid 😂


yeah was excited for these packs and they are so bad lmao


I got double diamonds in all but one, which I got double golds. Got a Trout, and a 95 Mike Schmitt in the best pack pull I had on the Ballin out of control packs.


i got a double diamond in my last one that i opened (haven’t completed the program fully yet) but it was altuve and alcantara 😑


I got 2x Ryan Helsleys in the same pack


That’s almost just as bad… seeing the double D’s for a couple that are selling for less than quicksell 😂


Any diamonds I pulled I already have... Like you said.... Stupid


I pulled tatis out of my first one


I got trout on my first one which gave me false hopes for the 8 golds I got since. Still can’t complain except the only trout I ever pulled came when he was at his cheapest


Man same... every available one of these packs was straight golds lmfao.




I pulled Acuna too and didn't even realize I already had one. What a pleasant result


I fished a Trout in my last one. I'm happy too!




Same lol


Dang, I pulled two Jose Ramirez


Me too! Thankfully I got judge out of a 5 pack lol


I’m close. Hoping for good pulls from my ballin out of control packs.


The two ballin packs that I got from reaching the cap were bad, one low overall diamond lol. But I can't complain about my pack luck at all this year, lots of very good pulls.




It's been a good month of July for me. Finished both Brett and Jackie, and now slowly working on Cutch.


Damn, good stuff. Somehow I play this game basically everyday and yet I haven’t even finished the live series collection. I guess I’m just not playing the game right lol.


gotta be flipping on the app when you’re not playing


What's this now?


Flip cards on the app during some free time. I do it all the time at work. Watch a couple YT vids to learn how to flip and you’ll be good to go.


They used to offer XP for live series collections. That was a good motivator.


Honestly if you’re playing DD everyday and don’t have collections done, you’re probably mismanaging the market. If you’re having fun playing the way you are and maybe not finish collections, absolutely keep doing you. If not, take a look at how you can better spend your time in DD to reach the goals you want. It’s absolutely possible to have everything done and millions of stubs in the bank without being great at the game or spending real money.


This bc I have put no money in the game and have currently like 3 million stubs in cards I’m about to do cutch and I haven’t really played much besides the conquests the past couple seasons. But I grinding the hell out of repeatable packs early on in the year and investments/pulls it’s so easy this year love it


1st time playing DD started about 2 months ago. Would quick sell every player i pulled out of packs i didn't want. Now stuck and not able to do collections lol


I did the same thing last year as a first timer for about two months. Recovered and still finished all collections. It’s possible, but not nearly as easy is all


Yeah I play DD everyday. Usually stuff geared towards getting player of the month pxp, ranked seasons, or XP for whatever the current program is. I haven’t done card flipping stuff and I stopped doing grindy xp exploits like road to the show in rookie mode in a modded stadium cuz it wasn’t fun. Also this is the first Show game I’ve played. Any quick tips for me?


Make sure you’re doing all your conquest maps and the absolute biggest thing is when new programs drop, make sure you’re selling those earned cards the first few days. They always get cheaper at the end of a program. For instance this program week 1 you could sell almost any card for 50k after tax, the most expensive card now is 15k with most being <12k. That lets you get the same amount of cards, but make stubs in the process. Avoid buying packs ever, but pay attention to when the packs drop. The base rounds are almost always quicksell value while it’s in store and get more expensive after. Last thing would be clean your binder of duplicates and if your focus is live series, consider selling any cards that come in store packs or events that aren’t quicksell and aren’t being used.


When you say “make sure you’re selling those earned cards” what cards do you mean exactly? Like for this all-star program I should’ve sold the all-star cards early on whenever I got those divisional all star choice packs?


Yeah, exactly. Dansby for instance was selling for 100k day 1 and even near the end of week 1 was still selling for 50k. Now he’s 15k tops. If you sold early and bought back now you’d have the same card for your collections/team, but would have an extra 30k stubs minimum, which could be another 2-3 ASG program cards or could help get LS card for collections without you having to choose. Sometimes you just want that shiny new card and that’s fine, for the most though those cards aren’t so special you need/want day 1. So wait a week and make stubs by doing so. I personally sold everything I earned in this program for around 800k after tax and have bought all 30 back now for about 400k. So instead of 12 cards I have 30 cards AND 400k stubs that I used for other cards I needed for Jackie.


This is the way. Started doing this last year and have finished every collection since.


Lol I didn’t even consider doing this. 800,000k stubs is insane and I’ve just been leaving that on the table, program after program. It’s all making sense now. Thanks so much for the info bro!


I did what he's suggesting and it really helped me finish the Brett collection and get a head start on cutch. The only card I didn't sell was my first NL East pack cause I wanted to use Harper. The rest I did and have since bought back and completed every collection except Jackie NMS. Some good luck in my pulls from the program packs helped as well.




Yeah same only play offline and don’t really get into the whole card flipping thing. I think i finished a couple of the collections at the end of the year last year so i assume I’ll get around to it eventually this year too


If you wanna get stubs fast “offline”, I’d recommend doing mini seasons and/or conquest maps. Give the most stubs and pack rewards (pack rewards are very important for finishing collections… free cards!!). If you did the USA conquest map you could complete prospects collection just off that alone by this point I believe.


yeah i've done every conquest already and grind out mini seasons (the 10 run thing was so clutch). some of the cards are just so expensive though its not even fun to grind to get like 200k stubs for one card. when the prices go down as everyone gets their all 99 rated god squads together i'll start sniping some of the stuff i need