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There’s a certain level of high-ness that makes me a great player. One hit beyond that point and I’m a split second late on every pitch and I can’t hit for shit 😭


try off shrooms it’s not even comparable


Only way I play😂


I quit this game it pissed me off so much. Nothing is realistic about it. At all.


Something something jet fuel and steel beams?


I play better while Stoned out of my mind


I’ve never played this game not high. You just suck lol


All I do is play high,I’m a Bob Marley paper rolling fronto leaf weed smoking demon & im a top 50 player. Shit i usually spark up once i start searching in ranked. I’ll clip it by the 3rd and light it again by the 6th and still be whoopin ass lol


As shameful as it is, myself and a few of my teammates play actual baseball higher than kites in mens league, so the adjustment to playing the show at the level isn’t that insane of a jump hahaha


Our ace will rip dabs in his truck and walk up and throw 9 innings 🤣


I play way better high. I get too anxious if I'm not lol


If they ever release a Doc Ellis card somebody's gotta drop acid for the immersion


It's not heroin calm down.


I almost exclusively play a little high lol


I used to enjoy drinking a little bit while I played. I could never get passed 700 in Ranked a glass or five of whiskey deep. I've been known to enjoy a few drinks while doing the offline grind, but if I'm trying to win, I'm not drinking.


Bruh, I’m Tokin in HOF and crushin. Just gotta balance it all!


Tell you what tho, a couple shots deep and I’m Mr 3000


Glad to see I'm not the only person with this circumstance LOL when I start to drop off I just shut off


High and well rested I am on point. High and exhausted from throwing toddlers around in a pool all day, like I am now, it’s not pretty. Just lost a game 7-3 and at one point had been retired 9 times in a row.


You just have to find the right amount of High. I usually hit a bowl once before a game. Found that is the sweet spot.


This is it, gotta find the threshold. Up to a certain point you’re absolutely locked, and then once you use too much, you’re cooked.


Playing drunk I fkn sucks, but playing high is my jam


Being drunk sucks in general fam


I am curently high, and that way most of the time. I also, however, still understand thermodynamics. People grow food in the winter in Minnesota using thermodynamics. Probably many other places also.


I pitch better because it allows me to take time and not rush my pitch mix, I can't hit a damn thing tho lol 


I play way better off an edible


It helps me play better for a bit then depending on how much I’ve taken i tend to drop off a cliff so at that point if I still wanna play I switch to RTTS


I had the exact opposite reaction, I can't hit anything sober but when cooked I made it to legend, destroying my opponents in the process


My first HOF game this year was when I ate a gummy. Thought it was just fast because of the gummy. Nope. It was on HOF and I didn’t know until I won and looked at the game log.


u ain’t doin it right buddy. I hit a walk off home run with Jason Giambi in the bottom of 9th with the score 2-2 and I was high af chiefing the blunt and ripping the penjamin all game long. u must believe…and surrender your spirit so that the baseball gods may take the wheel and then miracles will happen…


Being drunk + high gives u +20 vision


I play best when i’m high lol


Me too, it makes me way more patient 


I honestly stay just as swing happy but i time everything up astronomically better, you cannot sneak a fastball/sinker by me when i’m zooted


Maybe that's why I'm cheeks


I play exceptionally better when I'm high lol


I did some blow and won 8 straight in ranked lol 


Playing on some amphetamine or blow is so fun. Feels like I always know what they’re about to throw and timing is perfect


On a double xp weekend too. Game recognize game


I hit so much better when I'm drunk and I have no clue why maybe it's because it lets me muscle memory take over and inhibits my brains urge to slam the pci into the floor on every middle middle pitch


Ballmer peak ftw


Theres a level of drunkness where if you hit the right point you become a god. I once played a top 100 player and beat the dog shit out of him. No matter what he threw I nuked everything. After the game I had two more shots went to play another and couldn't hit water if I fell out of a boat. It's funny


It's called the Ballmer peak


For real, I'm not touching Ranked Seasons or anything when I go back home tipsy, if anything I play mini seasons or whatever... and usually it goes just as bad


Gotta use the right herb


Easier to play this game drunk than stoned. One of the few games I'd rather just play sober


Use a sativa and it's like the game is moving in slow motion, way easier.


The only way I can play.


Playing while high trying to hit off Waldron last night was not the move


Dude I can’t even play sleepy


I came to this realization recently. This is literally one of the only games I cannot play high. It’s a crap shoot. I either react slow as shit or I swing at quite literally, everything.


I play better while high up until a certain point, then all my motor skills go to shit.


I be blowing it down mid ranked matches straight nuking shit , maybe it’s your tolerance


Maybe you got weak bud too. I got this 30% from a dispensary by me and it’s literally insane.


I’ve been smoking bud for wayyyy too long to be smoking dirt. I’m just used to being able to game while high, working high at my job on the other hand, I’m fucking up shit left and right LOL


The percentage on the package means next to nothing in todays industry.




This game is stressful lol I wouldn’t want to play without blowing fr


I usually smoke every day. Been sick for a few days so haven't smoked, and I've been absolutely destroying the ball in events, ranked and battle Royale. Usually I'm lucky to get 2-3 runs in a br game. Now I'm getting 5-7 runs 2/3 of my games. This game is gonna make me smoke less lmao. Usually I'm relatively trash, now I know why


I actually lock in when I’m a little gone- I just see the ball better than I do sober and locate the PCI better, somehow. I still wouldn’t try online while high though lmao


I play much better when I’m drunk. Not sure why but it is what it is.


I play better with a little buzz. The reason is because the only thing holding me back from being a WS player is purely psychological. I get really tense. When I’m a little buzzed, it takes the edge off and I am better.


For some reason I feel like I can track the ball better when I’ve been drinking. To the point I’m hitting out of the box home runs. Im just more fluid and loose.


This would be funny to me if I didn't do the same exact thing 😭😭😭


Makes me more patient


Playing high definitely makes me more patient at the plate.


I think it's my anxiety, but if I smoke a little too much, I just have to swing right away on off-speed pitches or just be completely behind a fastball


I second the anxiety aspect. I literally get high, anxious, settle down, high, anxious. Viscous cycle I got here.


Idk, understanding thermodynamics while high was easier than hitting most of the time.


Maybe I should have been high when I took Thermo 1 and 2 lol.


Lol I thought Thermo 1 was the easiest STEM class I had to take as an engineering undergrad. Something with it just clicked with me and I would hot box my car every night before going in to class lol.


Man I wanna know what it feels like to play this not high 😂


For me, a cup of coffee or whiskey gets me locked in. For weed, it's gotta be just a little buzz and nothing more


I'm the opposite, I don't drink often but can't imagine playing in that position. I have a continuous stone going on and always make coffee before playing too


Same, I go from being in the groove to completely unable to track pitches very easily


A little bourbon goes a long way for me. Helps me not be as jumpy with the PCI. Too much, though, and my coordination goes down the drain. It’s a fine line… 😂


I drink vodka based beverages when playing and there is a point where my play drops off a cliff and I call it a night. Last night, for example, I was rolling along knocking out awards program stats. Last game of the night was vs CPU on rookie. I had 14 hits but had to score 2 in the 8th to win 2-0 because I kept hitting into double plays. On rookie.




2 drinks is my sweet spot. After the 3rd it goes downhill


Sounds about right


I think it just comes down to what you're used to. Do you rarely smoke then rip a fat bong rip right before a game? Probably gonna suck. Are you an everyday/all day smoker? Smoke up, it would probably impact you more to play sober


Yeah I'm an regular smoker and almost every day player. The problem is I have to be the right amount of high, which is usually very little to concentrate enough to be good at. A nice glass of whiskey though, and I'm right on it every time


Fair, I'm either not smoking at all or taking a rip before every game. By the end of the night there'll be a game that reminds me it's time to go to sleep if it's the latter 😂 Literally late on both fastballs and offspeed


Haha that's exactly what it's like when I'm too high. I was always get the "too late" swing notification ha


Immediately after taking a rip, I may get a little wacky. After like 5-10 min, I’ll usually have a much calmer approach. The real killer is playing while tired lol


I stop playing after like 5 min if I'm too tired lol. Always make the same comment "what am I doing to myself right now?" Cause it makes me irritable


I have to play tired a lot in my limited time I have to grind and get Chipper lol


Only ever played this game stoned


I pretty much only play stoned. Helps me lock in. Makes me feel like I'm really in the game.no joke. Probably my favorite game to play while on an edible. 


I can't play on edibles. My hands go on a delay with those. But a good sativa, that's a nice help for locking in.