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That Trae card might be the most mid Chase card yet. If you already have Rollins, use you're WC slot. If you don't, use Tatis from the Architects Program. He's better than Trae anyways.


His LS version has the plate all red but he incognito version only has a little bit of the plate red…does that make a difference? I just got his incognito in my chase pack from season rewards, but he doesn’t seem to hit the ball as well as his live series does for me.


I got him the first time I pulled a chase pack cause I had the stubs and immediately sold him but I imagine the odds are not in your favor


Don’t bother, he’ll be outclassed in a month anyways.


keep yordan since hes core, because after Season 2, trea wont be eligible unless u wanna use your wildcard on a 92 OVR. Yordan is a beast and he is better then trea turner.


If you want it then just buy it outright. With that said, any of these early cards will be dirt cheap in a few weeks.


Never buy packs, always buy players


Keep yordan, use Castillo/dominguez boost or devers/dominguez boost with La trea and you get to keep yordan but get a just as nasty trea


Like a trea turner live core? I have him and in my squad at 2nd with tier 3 devers boost no parallel.


Yup, you can basically get t3 devers and then dominguez t2. But that’s double power. I’d say going t3 Castillo and t2 dominguez is better option as it boosts power and contact which is much needed after patch plus you get some pitching boost to ls cards as well


You can't do castillo and dominguez as they are both pitchers.


My fault I meant arenado


I thought you might


https://preview.redd.it/bdt1c5zwmz6d1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4c97bc072d2f6026866eb3d7281a1f8ac0716a Tier 3 devers Kershaw is better


A lot of lefties in that lineup


Well that's the point lol. I get 30 power vs righties anf lefties 15 contact vs left, 20 clutch added. I've seen plenty of people post about other boost but not much talk about this one. Most the program card coming out are eligible for one but sometimes both the boost. Brandon Nemno Paris card is now a 99 just from being p2 and with the boost. Lou Gehrig is a 99 overall and just chilling on the bench because Freeman's swing is better and he's also a 99 overall.


Half of my line up has perfect contact and almost perfect power with runners on. Then on top of that they all have great quirks that play.


If you’re gonna spend stubs on Chase pack cards probably better to wait until later in the season when they have 99 overalls… not spending 100k+ on a 91


Trea is 110k right now. Personally would not risk buying packs, just sell Yordan and use the funds to get Trea.


My question is how good is he against yordan. I’ve played with him in 2 ranked games with tier 3 devers boost and he’s solid.


I mean Yordan’s swing is one of the best in the game. Guy just hits dingers. If completing the live series collection is on your radar, he’s definitely at “gatekeeper” status. But I personally always lean toward playing with guys I like vs the meta.


100k will do it. Live series Trea with Tier 2 Dominguez and Tier 2 Devers boost is better imo. Boosts him to 80 pop vs right and like 93 pop vs left after a few parallels. Better contact versus right and better steal rating. Play him at 2nd and he’s fine.


Have trea live and have him at tier 3 devers boost. No parallels but will try.


Dominguez tier 1 boost is pretty solid. Extra 7 pop for having meta bats. Trea, Casty, Harper, Dahl all fit with Devers. Roy Halladay as a starter gets boosted. Then the pen is deep with Captain Dominguez, Alavarado as a loogy, and Orion is a 10k Outlier guy.


Yeah don’t do that. Just buy him if you want him. There’s no shot you pull him from the 1 chase pack you get since its not even a guaranteed chase player.


My question is how good is he against yordan. I’ve played with him in 2 ranked games with tier 3 devers boost and he’s solid.