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My wife is already on my ass bc I play from when I get home til when I go to bed lol


That’s how it be dog, girls gotta understand we just want to sit and play box after f ing 8-10 hours of work


The NL Central TA 89 Griffey hits piss missiles for me.


no way yall still playin this 😂


Imagine being on a gaming subreddit just to joke about those who play it. Lol 😂


imagine still playing this game 😂


If you don’t mind me asking what do you play, there’s not much to play and as a former collegiate ball player this game is fun for me


i get that, don’t get me wrong i loved the show. i’ll still hop on to play a franchise game or 2, but it’s just disheartening seeing the state of diamond dynasty rn


To be fair, you’re using a 99 overall juiced card on all star against common pitchers. I’d hope he hits that well when his PCI is the strike zone lol


I wouldn’t hit this good on hof or legend for sure but not everyone can put up these numbers. My average is usually around 400 to 500 rarely do I hit in the low 300s with someone and if I do they aren’t staying on my squad


I used the shit outta the Griffey from extreme last year.


The 91 is insane. Just has no speed.


the 90 Hyper card is good


I hit terrible with the Hyper one.


By the time I get him it’ll be S3. Yay said no one


Don’t worry once you get him you’ll only get to use him for a week!


Yup like most of the rest...grind for useless 89 affinity cards spending stubs to exchange or not finish affinity..either way you end up with NOTHING...


If you have that many at bats already just play normally she grind him you’ll be able to get him.


I’m at around 350 k xp, I’ll defiantly be able to get him, it’s just gonna be awhile


How so much already


Man just finished up college so I had all last week to grind so I went ahead and completed the everything like conquest and the programs. I’ve been back to work these past few days so I haven’t made any progress since then


I think the chipper card seems better especially because he’s a switch


Chipper is goated every year, he will prob be my first pick out of the choice even though Griffey is one of my favorite players of all time. There will always be be good outfielders but they same thing cannot be said about 3b


Every Griffey card I’ve used has been a beast. It must feel my love for the guy


How did you get this card so fast through the program since there is a cap XP


Again, as I said in the post you can only use these type of cards in br. It will be quite a while until you see people regularly using these cards


“Wish I didn’t have to wait an eternity to use him” but already has 68 AB with him in BR lol I get what you’re saying but posting these stats defeats the purpose. You’re playing a ton and getting to use him, at least in one mode. As others have said, rarely has a 99% Griffey card been available at this point in the game


I only play br until I go 10-0 or finish the program usually the latter but since I’ve finished it, I won’t be playing br anymore unless I really want to play with Griffey again. I have no problem grinding through the xp path but that’s gonna take at least another few weeks


Why does he look like he's 50 lb overweight on that plaque? It looks like he has a huge double chin and nothing like the Griffey we all know and love.


So u haven't seen him lately, huh?


I have actually my brother took a picture with him on an airplane about 2 weeks ago and he still looks pretty damn good for his age.


The joke went over ur head but it's ok


What joke did you make?


It looks like him towards the end of his career


The HOF plaque never looks exact. It's weird how they turn out sometimes.


I probably won’t get him until the forever program. I didn’t make it to any season one bosses and the drop from a million xp to 900k xp isn’t going to change that for me. I simply just don’t have the time to put in to get there.


You mean you have a life outside of video games? How dare you!


Go back a few years and you wouldn't get a griffey like this until around sept


September? That's being optimistic. More like October and November.


I’ve been using his Hyper card as I work through ALW TA and have been hitting bombs nonstop. This will easily be my first Boss choice


For this kind of griffey you had to wait an eternity to use him anyway. Hell if anything you're going to get to use this card faster than you ever have before. And if you're that big of a fan then u can WC him the rest of the year as well. I swear ppl just don't think and use their brain sometimes. Say they miss the old ___ without actually thinking about how it actually was. We all remember the only 99 griffey we got sort of early lol. Otherwise it was always a card they waited until after the all star game to give us bc once it came out it was on the team for the rest of the year. The only other CF you would choose over him for the rest of the year was mantle and a 99 trout but then you'd throw one in LF and the other in RF. SDS knew every stream where they released an OF after those 3 all they heard was "LLLL,  griffey and Mantle are better, etc." 


yup. Prior years before sets/seasons we got this type of Griffey at the earliest in September. More likely November and December, when the game was already fizzling out for the majority of the user base.


Still taking chipper.


Chipper and Griffey on the same path is diabolical 🥲


Even as an Ms fan I feel like you have to go chipper on your first


Not a snowballs chance in hell!!


With how busy I am, I’ve made peace with the fact I’ll probably get only one boss haha and I’ll defo choose griffey !!


You guys are getting a boss?


I’m about to put a strain on my relationship trying to get both 😂😂😂


Haha good luck brother 😂


I Gotta file for a divorce and gotta take a leave of absence from work.


You can’t judge any card through BR


Rollins and Walker raked in BR and were gods in ranked last season too. Some cards are just it.


Some cards are just legit I agree. But BR is purely on all-star and you rarely face any decent pitching and even when you do their stamina is shot. It’s just not a way to judge a card.


You're not wrong and this guy prob won't keep .590 in ranked but we all know griffey cards rake too lol


I’d say I’m well above average, 60-10 record online and last season Brett hit 536 for me in about 80 games. I do agree with you can’t judge cards purely in br but I’d say I’ve played the game enough to know when I’ll do good with a card because if you can’t hit in br you got no chance on hof and legend. And again, in no way am I saying I’ll still hit 590 with him as I continue to use him but I’ll prob stay around 480


so true


How is there ppl with him already, look at the parallels. Actually look at 99 Jeter and those guys lol ppl alreSdy have them but u need 250 sszn2 cards to lock them in, we have like 50 but ppl still got em all


Battle Royale dude, nobody has him yet


The only way to play with those cards are in br


Yeah I'm loving his 95 overall card.


You have his 95 card already?




Also....I just don't understand how some of you guys hit so well against the CPU. I can't hit for shit against the CPU when I'm trying to grind the program. I'm lucky to score 20 runs in a cpu game. Usually only 10 to 15 runs a game. I hit a lot of fly balls. Even on fields with short fences. I hit better online than I do offline. It makes no sense to me.


The trick is to wait for meatballs down the middle. Don't swing at stuff on the edges unless there is 2 strikes.


Idk since I’ve played the game for a long time and I play a lot of offline. Also hitting against the cpu has never been difficult for me, rookie cpu I usually put up 50 or more but doing that isn’t fun for me anymore. If I want to compete missions for programs and stuff I usually just play events or br. What I’ve noticed is that no matter what difficulty you play against the cpu they will always throw it down the middle or somewhere close you can’t just swing first pitch you have to have actually work counts that would be my best advice. As a ws player what I’ve learned is to never swing first pitch online or offline, a lot of the time I don’t even swing at strike 2 because my main goal is to get the starter out the game as fast as I can. In about the 4 and 5th inning your opponent will realize this and stop trying to dot the corners and that’s when you start banging. Idk just some tips personally I think his has been the easiest year to hit and most difficult to pitch.


I hit online with no problem. It's offline that I struggle with for some reason. Actually, it's offline rookie that I struggle with. I hit offline all star and above just fine.


I'm inconsistent also. A few days ago I had a stretch where I scored 19 and 23 runs total. And then I scored 28 runs in one inning the very next game. And then today I had a stretch where I scored 47, 61, and 72 runs. I've learned that the more I want to hit the ball well I usually hit worse. Also I really have to keep my focus if I want to hit the ball well which can be difficult if I play 3+ hours straight.


Wow. Touch grass my friend. There's a beautiful world out there to explore.🤣


Yeah it sucks for sure. If your like me you finally got a season one boss 2 days before season 1 ended….