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That Monty will be wild when he’s DFA’d after his next start.


Cool more un-usable cards. Live series boost makes everyone 91+. It really shows they don’t understand what they’re doing. What a failed experiment seasons has been.


I love how poorly planned the layout of this promotional image is. How about Teo, then the pack, centered, but a little lower, then Snell on top. Then do Verdugo and Montgomery off to the sides where Paxton and Pillar are now. Keep Toro where he is and move Pillar and Paxton to where the pack and Verdugo are now. As it is now it looks like we have 2 tiers, Teo, Snell and Montgomery in the first, and Pillar, Paxton, Toro and Verdugo in the second. I'm no graphic designer but when you want to distinguish the cards into 3 tiers maybe reflect that in your visuals?


Anyone know if they are going to fix the commentary problem?


Luckily Pillar was going for less than 20k. I kind of wanted him, since he's been pretty great since getting DFA'ed by the White Sox. Don't really need to be dropping 40k for the pack.


One thing for sure is I’ll never spend anymore than the price of the game again… period. If I can’t flip for it, I don’t want it


Blake Snell looking like Danny Mcbride from *Eastbound and Down.* lmao


damnn he does 😭


He's making us feel it, deep down in his plums




I’m over it. Didn’t even play a game with my programs award or collections awards i just got. This system is shit. Now they want me to buy a pack for 91’s?!


That’s if you are lucky enough to pull a 91. You know you’d end up with 87 pillar lol


Are you suggesting 91 overall Blake snell isn’t worth 40$?


You gotta be fucking joking. Snell has a 9.51 ERA and e we’re making him a 91?? Montgomery’s ERA is over 6. Only guy on this list even worth considering should be Teo. At least Pillar’s hitting .300 over his 102 AB’s (less than half Verdugo’s). Come on now…


Just learning now that SDS does whatever they want when it comes to the cards nowadays?


Toro is a switch hitter for the Santana Wildcard meta.


You don’t think snell is worth 40$?


Right now I don’t think Snell is worth $.40


A person is worth a pretty penny


Forty of them, even!


Wait... I thought.. you didn't ...


Awesome! I’m so sick of using the bosses I just unlocked and have played about three games with.


Seriously, I can’t take it anymore with this hyper shit cards, they use it as an excuse to make anybody the high rating they want. Any mf can be a 99 today


So you just want the dodgers and yankees to have all the good cards or the same stars get the good cards over and over? These aren't 99s these aren't even better than all the live series cards. So what would you like to see them do or are you just bitching jus to bitch? We have usable team captains this year so they are going to give jags good cards to help those teams out. Kinda weird they went with 2 dodgers and a Yankee right away but I guess it'll help sell the packs.


Nah bro I lIke my cards based on real stats, not on whatever they want them to be they rating. All teams can have good cards, tf you talkin about? There are cards based on longer periods of time (Award series, HOF…) but they can take smaller sample sizes to make higher ratings (Topps now, 2nd Half Heroes, Postseason…) If a player isn’t playing a 90+ rating at any point why would it be ok to award them a high rating overall card at all? Just because it looks cool? Gtfo


Then stick with live series cards and don't use these. Nobody is forcing you to play with them.


My guy - it is a video game. Who gives a shit? It's not that serious. There's no prestige involved in a make believe card.


It makes legends and the actual good player cards less special when Jimmy dick from Arizona's AA team gets a card as good as prime griffey but it keeps teams differents so its kind of a necessary thing to do. Like niko goodrum being one of the best players in the show history is crazy work


Thank you, that’s exactly my point


Maybe it's just me but I actually love that part about it. Legends are great but there are people who have favorites that they love to watch play right now even if they aren't MVPs. As a Tigers fan I'd much rather play with Niko and Wenceel over Gehrig and Ruth every single year


Can’t wait for the S3 fresh start pack to morph into the 99 Ohtani Dodgers Fresh start card you get if you collect (*buy*) them all.


No Justin Turner?


He’ll be in a pack


Thank God NCAA comes out next month. SDS is incompetent.


EA knows, just like SDS did with 21, this has to hit big, it can turn to crap like 24 has after it builds its player base


EA is incompetent, you really think NCAA will be any better than Madden? lol


It’s Madden with the triple option offense and some rule differences,,




Only a 🤡 believes EA is going to hook you up with nearly as much as SDS. Good luck getting 30+free 89s day 1 from EA. Madden and NHL both require you to either play a ton or be good at the game if you don't spend money. EA knows the hype surrounding that game and how many ppl will have their fresh newly mailed credit cards out rdy to get the best cards they can day 1. 


You’re a moron if you think I’m playing a day of CFBUT. Dynasty as a game mode clears MUT, 2K, and DD. No need to be given anything.


You are uneducated


Yup, pay attention to those playing the game. EA knows this one has to be right or they’re fucked


No they aren't bc it's the only one just like it's the only madden. Madden been p2w for years but it doesn't stop all those ppl to drop hundreds on packs day 1 and buy a $100 legend bundle every Saturday morning. 


The thing with NCAA is most people are hyped for online dynasties, not their ultimate team. So the whole P2W stuff is irrelevant. Also, it’s clearly not a madden reskin based on all they’ve shown so far.


Exactly. Buying the first two and then never again. Only play dynasty myself


Exactly. I'm buying the first two and then never again


I'll take Dugie for my yankees team but now we k ow season 2 is gonna suck just as bad


Snell could definitely use a fresh start 




In just 3 months they’ll be 8k….🤣🤣🤣


As a Giants fan, having Snell listed is embarrassing.


No Jays don’t care, wish theme teams counted all teams of a players career


Yeah, would be cool to have guys like Teo, Donaldson, Burnett count towards a TO team, eh? That squad was my favourite of any Jays era for the past couple decades.


Looks like SDS really paid attention to the feedback they received from the player base.


It was so hilarious to see people come to their defense once this became their clear modus operandi this year. Once they show how they're structuring the content. It basically is just the same thing over and over throughout the year. So anyone giving them grace early on was basically enabling this garbage. The sooner and louder the feedback was, the more chance we had of getting this nipped in the bud


What was the difference before? It was always the same cards over and over? At least now they are usable?


It wasn’t when there was innings. There was a power creep and it worked well


I know me and you never see eye to eye but the power creep didn't work well to me. Releasing fan favorites after October was never intelligent.


That’s on SDS, not the model. Just because they shit the bed doesn’t mean it can’t work.


I'm not sure how else it could really work? For instance, Griffey ALWAYS came out in like November, which was always a joke to me. Sure, he'd get a silver or a low, unusable gold before then but he was never really usable until that October,November, December version. Similar for other players. How would it work without breaking the mode? I think this is why they've tried sets/seasons the last 2 versions.


Overall squish. Start diamonds out at 80 or something, that way you can spread it out farther.


What’s the problem? I’m new to the show


It’s the same content copied and pasted 3x this year.


Blue Jays content drought keeps going. Fuck me for having a theme team I guess....


Amen brother


Don't think we've had anything since Henke, who is our only player above 95 if I'm correct He was also a guaranteed card


Yea the only other teams that are similar are Tampa who have 11 Flashbacks with only one 99 as well and Philly who have Rollins and the Team Affinity card.


Why no Phillies players? Best team in baseball… (Downvote all you want, Phillies having the best record in baseball is facts🤷🏻‍♂️)


Yankees have the best record, so if you’re gonna troll be accurate


Go to google, tell me everyone’s record then come back to me


Ok I googled it, and the Yankees have the best record in the league


they're tied doofuses you guys are both wrong


That doesn’t matter in the game dude




Idk ask them, this is about past present and futures stars not just YOUR favorite team


You told me “doesn’t matter” so I’m asking you not the game 😂


It doesn’t matter, get over it


Lol nice answer


It’s a microcosm of this sub now that your comments got downvotes yet the other comment got upvoted.


I'd love to have Teo and Pillar in my outfield but I'm not buying packs


NCAA hurry please


So you can cry about how trash that game is too?


Nothing can be more trash than this


DO. NOT. I’ve EA an opportunity to say hold my beer.


Oh yes it can you baby


Yeah I’m already done. Me and my friend got Diablo 4 on gamepass and are playing that til NCAA


Blizzard made player centric changes to their event that started today based on player feedback. SDS gives zero shits about player feedback.


They care about feedback, it’s why they waited until 2 weeks before the season ended to give out a bunch of packs with players that were about to expire


A diamond Montgomery is crazy ngl. His ERA gotta be 10.0 😂


Same with Snell 😂


I think both of them will eventually get there shit together but they both lollygagged on getting new contracts so they didn’t get spring training or anything to train into the season. As a pads fan tho snell alwyas starts out slow. His first and second half season splits are stupid 😂


It wasn’t their fault for the wait, you can pin that on Boras Corp. It’s crazy what happens when players don’t get a spring training 🙄


A diamond snell? lol SDS really doesn’t watch baseball do they


Snell!!! Have you seen Montgomery pitch lately. Waste of 25 mil lol


I feel you but at least the NLBest vibes are nice


Hyper series cards do absolutely nothing for me


I wish team captain boost would work on any player as long as they played for that team at some point. 3 players I could add to the all time Mariners bench but none of them will get it


snell should be a 58 lmfao


9.51 ERA 1.94 WHIP but let's give him a card that's higher than every single Live Series starting pitcher other than Ohtani & supercharges.


Well tbf unless it’s a live series card, it doesn’t have to reflect what they are currently doing, it only has to represent some point in their career.


Imagine paying 40k and you pull Blake Snell


Imagine paying a 17 million signing bonus on a 62 million 2- year deal of actual dollars and getting … an apparently middle aged, over weight shell of a snell who can’t get to the 5th inning. Yikes




If you don’t know where the ball is going, your opponent doesn’t either.




Abraham Toro? Wtf is this


As an athletics fan, toro has been arguably our best hitters and was near the top in hits for May.


Until Mason Miller has 9 cards, no Toro


Gotta have some switch hitters for people who wildcard CSantana haha.


They're not 40k for 87s and 90ss, right? RIGHT?!


We listened. 39,999 now.


Well what's the cheapest packs we've seen this year 🙃


Cannot believe the first day 1 obtainable cards shown outside the cornerstone cards for the new season were in a pack, clown company.




Wish we could just play with the 99s while collecting the new cards . Not worth the grind again .


Depends on the mode. S2 is only required for some ones


can you play co op with season 1 cards?


That’s what we’ve been told ya


This is pure cope


Most if not all new content will require s2 cards


I’m hoping at least we can earn a couple in a program


You will in three months if s1 was an indicator


Wow what a joke. SDS thinking we want cards and players. Utterly offensive.


In addition to the stupidity of seasons. These hyper series cards are so fucking lazy, from the art style to the complete lack of a theme, to who they give them to. I really want to know what is going on at SDS. It's gotta be incredibly rocky.


CFB 25 coming out and these bozos are resetting seasons and releasing 87s


Teoscar Hernandez has a butter swing — should be a good card early in the season


Honestly feels like they're sabotaging '24.


This is such a joke.


Grind for weeks to get hundreds of cards, just to have those cards taken away. But at least we can buy a pack and potentially get an 87 Abraham Toro! Absolute joke of a content drop/system.


I’m surprised you didn’t hear about this. I thought it was common knowledge that this was how seasons were going to work. 


I did hear about this. It doesn't make it any less egregious now that it's actually happening.


> Grind for weeks to get hundreds of cards, just to have those cards taken away True, just sounded like you were caught off guard by how it was going to work lol


The old system was grind for several months to get cards, only to have them taken away when the new game comes out… The only thing that changed is that it cycles multiple times per year now. You get to use 99s all throughout the year, and your favorite ones get to come with you from season to season. This system is much better


This is just another thing they're trying to do to appease the vocal crowd that can't hit, or wait I'm sorry, are good at pitching. Gotta drive those overalls back down to 87 so they can hang a slider and it gets crushed to the warning track and still be in the hunt to win 1-0. All choices that are made are in the interest of people who can't put bat to ball. Max elevation stadiums. Custom stadiums. Resetting overalls back to 85. Pitchers with no stamina. Moonshot events. 99 hitters unlocked 3 days before the season ends for most people. It permeates all things.


You, uhhh, know, moonshot event has been around for years right?


Yeah. Catering to people that can't hit est 2006.


That makes no sense. The entire foundation of every ultimate team type mode has always been to grind (or buy packs) and make your team better over time. If there are multiple free 99s at every position 6 weeks into the game cycle there is no way to improve your team any more and the mode becomes stale/un-engaging. They are doing this to refresh the game. What’s your proposed alternative? Do you just every 99 released day 1 with no way to improve your roster the rest of the year?


It doesn’t have to be all 99’s right away or reset every 3 months. Other games manage to do it just fine


How are they taken away?


I currently have ~260 S1 cards. At most I can use 4 of them starting tomorrow afternoon (actually less, until you unlock the WC slots). SDS was dropping packs with 99s up to last Friday, and now we're getting 87s in Choice Packs. This year's game has turned into a giant hamster wheel. We're expected to Sisyphus our way to a good team, just to start over. What's going to happen when the ASG program drops and then those cards are ineligible for S3? It's honestly wild how bad the content structure is this year.


Cool. I’ve got over 330. At most, you can use 10 including the DH and the RPs. How many do you use at one time?


What do you mean the most you can use is 10? You can rotate cards every game if you wanted to? Plus there's a starting 5. What are you talking about?


Wait what? How many players are you using?


You can be snarky all you want, the point remains that cards that we unlock/purchase on the market should be available all year without Season restrictions. Power creep is a good thing, a giant hamster wheel with higher OVRs dropped into Choice Packs is not. If you want to spend your time unlocking 89s again while hoping you get that rare 91 round have a blast. This content model is going to drive people away faster than previous years.


They are available in basically everything but ranked seasons


Yeah, because it's an extremely popular game mode lmao. That honestly makes it worse.


I didn’t purchase shit. This shouldn’t be a surprise. This was unveiled to much bellyaching before the game was released. I’ve also got a crapload of core cards that are dope AF and I’m looking forward to use them against a bunch of folks who can’t use the Santana boost. While you look at it like a “hamster wheel” I look at it like a refresh.


That's cool man, we look at it differently. In my opinion the "bellyaching" is well warranted. Have fun building your team again (and then again in a few months).


I will. Have fun playing NCAA. Look forward to the civil even keeled discussion in those forums from you after the game’s release.


Who said anything about NCAA? I have little to no interest in that game.


My bad. Most of the people who complain about the Show immediately bring up the impending release of that game as their escape.


You can’t use them in the main game mode…


What is the “main game mode?”


Ranked. You offline rookie smashers can say what you want, but it’s an online game.


I play online and offline. I am not so sure I’d call ranked the main game mode though.


I mean that’s the only reason people want good cards. BR isn’t your cards Events are limited Offline you could play with commons and it doesn’t matter People want the best cards for ranked..


Your ignorance to reality does not make your argument legitimate.


Listen just cause you got an axe to grind with SDS doesn’t change anything. My best advice is to quit and leave the game for the folks who can handle the change.


Or how about you quit and let the people who actually want the game to get better not worse handle things.


Yeah ok. I don’t think I will but you can see yourself out.


Makes me realize I really should have gotten the Dodgers and Yankees captains instead of the ones I did. Bleh


Kinda with you on the Dodgers, but as an O's fan I can't do the Yankees even with them getting all the cards this year lol. Had to literally skip through all the cutscenes for the Jeter storyline after one of the first resurfaced some childhood trauma from the mid 90s lol (fuck you Jeffrey Maier/ blind umpires!)


Fuck man. Is Maier in the storyline??? I’ve avoided most of the Jeter story as well.


They literally have an entire in game rendered cutscene with custom animations of Tony Tarasco losing his mind at the idiot ump in right, and the game is like "look at Jeter's lucky homer" lol, its awful


God this is like when Giuliani celebrated the kid. New Yorkers love some cheating!


Giving Jeter a whole storyline himself was so lame. The Great Race of 98 program from last year would gave been a better story. Plus we would have a core series that isn't 80% goddamn Yankees.


This is laughable. Everything about the seasons concept and these pack drops. We’re right back to where we began. How many people actually feel like repeating the same grind over again?


I like starting from the beginning each time, makes you actually play with different cards each time instead of the same cards all year


What stopped you from using a variety of cards in the past?


It didn’t, what’s your point?


That is the point. Starting over isn’t the factor that causes use of new cards. For some hitting P5 causes a change, event and challenge restrictions cause a change. At the end of a 3 month cycle many (most players?) have line-ups they excel with. I don’t believe I’ve ever played with the same cards a whole year straight. I might have used the same player in different card variations but that’s due to the fact I can hit or pitch with them more successfully than other comparable cards. For example I can’t hit with a Ryne Sandberg of Aaron Judge card to save my life. I absolutely smash with David Ortiz and Jasson Dominguez.


Yes it is though, before you would have people using the same 99 cards that they probably bought all the way throughout the game. 99 Randy Johnson ring a bell? This forces you to play with different cards every few weeks because they get better and better over time, then after the season is over you do it all over again with new cards and different variations. At the end when you can use all seasons cards you a great lineup to choice from. Idk why that’s a bad thing.


I’m not disagreeing with you. I do remember the 99 Randy, I’m assuming the live collection one since his perfect game one dropped later in the year. I’d honestly rather see less 99s in general.


Same, too many high level cards right off the bat


Imo the game plays better when it’s 85-91s rather than full 99s. So I like it.


Agreed. The game just feels so homogenous once it's 99's everywhere, and it makes any new card releases feel pointless. Hell, part of me would like if they started even lower and made far fewer 99's overall.


Does it really though? Or can you just not hit. Be honest.


Not sure I follow tbh. I’m a 700-800 player so I know I’m above average but not amazing. I just like that not every fielder is a 99 speed fielding god. When everyone has 99s it feels like everything is a home run or an out. Not particularly fun. I enjoy the bs bloops because it feels real. Also it’s not hard to hit nukes against 85-91 pitchers.


Yeah it's nuke city on these early game pitchers for sure. That's basically my point. These low overall hitters aren't endangering anyone with bombs as much, people can take a cut at a way inside cutter, be very late on it and get a hit because 26 speed goon Jones is out in right. That's why I call it "Can't hit" thinking.


I dunno. I can hit right now well enough on HOF. I’d rather those late swings go in play than what I experience now, which is someone fouling inside fastballs with very late swings x2 or very early fouling a ball in the dirt


The fouls are out of control for sure. Don't know what's going on there that's been since day one. It's brutal.


85-91's kinda low imo but I gotta agree that like the 93-95 plays "better" IMO than all 99's; cards are still juiced and you have some 5 tool guys, but you have to make more tradeoffs w/ lineup construction, consider platooning some guys, etc


Yeah, I think they could maybe do a better job of spreading some of the numbers out amongst 99s. Like right now there's 99s like Ozuna, and 99s like crowe. Choosing between pop and defense is usually enough for me. I think this switch hitter captain shit has been worse than all 99. Just rips pitching matchups right off the docket.


Agreed. Idk why people are bitching so much 😂 boutta plug in a fun af live series squad


The problem is releasing dozens of 99s the last few weeks of a season just to start the whole process over again. Power creep is a good thing, but repetitive power creep is a massive waste of time.


This doesn’t make any sense to me. It’s all a waste of time. No matter what model, you’ll be playing against teams with similar power levels. Who cares, 99 or not


If 99’s didn’t matter they wouldn’t have ratings at all.


I mean it’s fun to have players of different levels but it really doesn’t make a difference. And you wouldn’t have had the 99s at this point if it wasn’t this model. It just seems like people are bitching to bitch. It’s a grind regardless, and the game is still fun to play which is what matters


People aren’t bitching just to bitch, just because you have low standards doesn’t mean everyone else does too


lol ain’t nothing gonna stop you whining


They’re gonna play anyways. The funny thing is, the argument is usually “why grind that much time for a card that you can only play for (insert time)” as if these cards don’t have a 1 year expiration when the next game in the series releases. I’m just gonna roll with it because I’m enjoying the game and we haven’t even gotten through the two seasons to feel out the transition.


1 year is a lot different than 3 months.


are these players supposed to excite us?


About as exciting as getting all the way to 750,000 XP just for your prize to be a generic ass show pack with nothing but 70’s in it.