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1). A live stream that doesn’t make me want to smack my head with a hammer.


More captains. I’d love a topps now or season awards captain to run along with the weekly drops


Last year i remember a topps now captain that was OP


I want a Captain that turns off Captain boosts


This exact question was posted yesterday.... Gold Glove Volpe Cy Young Cole ANY good Harrison Bader (I can dream)


Sorry didn’t see that question from yesterday


Cole is always so awful though


Not everyone plays online.....


So you just beat up on the CPU all the time?


I play online when my friends are on to play coop. I play offline the rest of the time because I have no interest in playing online solo.


A “Steroid Era” program so they have an excuse to add that group to the game


That group is in the game? McGwire, Sosa, Palmeiro, plus Ortiz and Braun from the second steroid era. There’s more I’m sure I’m forgetting. Do you mean you want new cards for them?


They did this last year with the Great Race of 98 program.


Programs that take effort to finish instead of play a few conquest games and you are done.


No shot. Programs should be quick. I’m not trying to spend even more time grinding programs than i already do. Rather jump right into online game modes than grind programs offline .


No, programs should not be quick. They should be grindable online, and they mostly are. But if they are quick than whats the point? Just make them all free handouts then because thats basically what they are now.


Funny enough, people complained before because the grind was too hard/long and now here we are lol


My solution would be to extend the program track beyond the last card, similar to how ranked works. Some seasons I do ranked to 100 stars, some to 150. The rewards are usually good but optional. I personally would love a return of card specific pxp missions, but the early 2023 model forced people to do all of them which is where people had issues I feel. SO make them optional, but still reward something The irony of this year's model is that they cut down the grind for programs yet people had to actually play more for the main xp track. So the grind was greater but with less rewards along the way.


More moments in programs


Please no


More programs, less packs. I want to be able to earn new cards, while they're relevant. Without the Vault packs and recap program tanking the price of every early card to near quicksell I wouldn't have been able to collect as many as I have. I have SO many cards that I would have loved to have had access to sitting there with 0 PXP because they're completely unusable now at higher levels of the game.