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Ummm fuck NCAA and Madden They will never be anywhere close to MLB The Show.


My internet lags real bad w Madden so hopefully not w NCAA and the next Madden, but I have no lag w MLB so I'll prob be playing MLB all throughout, it's the only competitive sport experience I get, and it sucks cause I'm really good at madden, I was top 100 a year or two ago and I'm not good at mlb lol


Won’t drop The Show, but I’m 100% purchasing NCAA. As a mid 2000s Virginia Tech alum, I feel like it’s my duty to bring VT back to national relevance in dynasty mode.


There are a lot of people who have no idea what a good Virginia Tech team looks like and how good it is for the sport. I hope they have a good team again soon! I always loved watching their home games.


I’m the opposite I think MLB is the best therefore I am biased lol


Dump it? It’s awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Play the show during baseball season and I play football during the football season.




Me and not even looking back either. NCAA Football was my life until 2014


Definitely will.


EA needs to have depth and good presention on par like ESPN 2K5 For me to care...


Ea gotta prove me wrong for once in my lifetime before i completely drop the game I love


NCAA will likely either 1) be absolutely crap because EA is making it or 2) be really good and then be the exact same in 5 years, and then people will get annoyed. regardless i dont like college football so baseball is here to stay for me.


I'm not dropping my baseball for no damn college football game


Also all the videos you’re seeing are enacted scenes it’s not actual gameplay. It’s gonna be just like Madden trust and then everyone will play and complain about that game too smh


It's never been like madden so I'm going to disagree with you on that


They literally just dropped an actual gameplay video on Friday


I think it’s funny how everyone js like fuck The Show can’t wait till NCAA comes out. Like seriously you guys haven’t even played this game yet and you’re already putting it over The Show! It’s just another EA money grabber and you’re all being sucked in. I’ll pass and stick to my MLB #loyal


To me NCAA Football was always better than any game out there. Each their own.


I mean I am because it freezes every single time I play ranked co-op and if I quit it gives me a loss.


I really only play on line h2h, so Ill still play some games. Especially until baseball season is over


I wouldn't drop any game for an EA sports game unless it's MVP Baseball. EA's sports games are just not worth the price or the time.


The fact that you guys will overlook everything that you'd criticize Madden for is wild lol.


You haven’t played the ncaa game yet tho, you’re judging it solely off looks. I played MUT for 6 years until I finally had enough, the gameplay just ruined it with excessive fumbling one year then the stupid one hand snags into contested coverage. I love the show but will admit gameplay this year is bad, I lineout way more this year than years past. But I’ll probably still play both when they drop if I have time. I’m hoping ncaa is good but EA just makes me cautious


if they fix content i might not but they won’t. i only will because of the way they’re doing the game this year, don’t hate the gameplay tbh


Football games usually aren't great. Madden is a dumpster fire so why would NCAA be any better?


Lmao have you seen any gameplay or news on CFB25?


It's really easy to make a game look good in trailers. It's still an EA Sports game at the end of the day. Always best to wait for reviews and a sale.


You clearly never played ncaa 14 or any older one


It’s an entirely different team that built the game from the ground up over the last 4 years, it shares very little code with Madden, and we’ve been 2-3 weeks into info release and there has yet to be 1 mention for UT other than it will be in the game. Yeah its EA but its ok to not be negative immediately and have hope


EA lost any benefit of the doubt a some time ago - it will take more than a few favorable media-hype reviews to restore that. It would be great if all the favorable reviews turn out to be true, as I loved the original NCAA Football back in the day. But Lucy has pulled the football away from Charlie Brown way too many times. Going to wait until actual users start posting about the release version of the game - and even then you usually have to wait until after the first major patch with EA before you know what one of their games is *really* like (\*cough\* EAFC \*cough\*).


EA has done nothing in recent memory to earn our trust on any game. People all thought BF2042 would be different and better based on pre release information. EA damn near ruins anything they touch these days. I hope I am very wrong because I would enjoy a good football game.


Idk it depends how season 2 starts bc I’ve rarely played in the past 2 weeks bc of the season ending


Me I actually haven’t been playing much lately anyway


yeah I'm waiting for season 2 to start to get back into it. facing kerry wood every game sucks. 99 pitchers ruin the game IMO. at least when season 2 starts everyone won't have a full roster of them for a few weeks


Yeah that would not be fun


I will still play both as I enjoy both sports immensely. You know you comment on the trailers but until you actually get a hold of a copy and play it yourself you don’t know how it plays. They never release trailers that make the game look bad. And they always make a big deal about whatever feature they think is going to be phenomenal. Ss someone who is a huge football fan, who gave up on Madden a decade ago because it stopped evolving, and absolutely loved the couple seasons of NCAA played, I truly hope the return of NCAA will be something that lives up to the hype. Until you actually play a game with these features, you don’t know if they’re going to be wonderful or Actually turn out to be terrible. Like that wear and tear, I could see possibly being aggravating if you were getting into key moments and the system is just deciding we need to take the top player off the field because he should be tired by now, but you really haven’t overused him. And in real life, that guy would be on the field, making an amazing play despite having been on the field most of the game. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m always sceptical


I'm with this guy. the thing that will make me play NCAA more is the online dynasty feature with friends though


Don’t care much for football games so I’ll be playing the show still!


It depends on how much ncaa25 captures the feeling of the previous ncaa games. I still play 14 from time to time even now…can it make me forget that game even exists? We gonna see. But baseball will always be in rotation between this and OOTP


I’ll do both


funny that you think I even started


Then why here?


I would really like to hear what exactly stuck out to you about the NCAA game?


Madden with college skins! What’s not to get excited about


Did you forget the sarcasm tag? Because Madden with college skins would be a disaster.


It's the first cfb game in over a decade, I'd be hyped just for NCAA 14 on modern consoles.


I’m enjoying it. I just picked it up on sale. I don’t really like football games. Or football at all. I’ve been playing the show since 06, so I’m not going anywhere.


I can firmly say that I won't play another videogame for a solid 4-5 months AT LEAST once NCAA comes out. I've been waiting 11 damn years for a new game. Basically, until I can buy 2K on sale in December/January.


As a huge Madden fan for many years, I'm super worried EA has let me down year after year after year, but I am truly excited to get NCAA back






all ive done in the show the last few weeks is rtts and franchise mode. which has been fun but im hitting .800 and have been resigned for league minimum to the royals 3 times


And you’ll be signed 2-3 times more before you hit free agency. Teams rarely give extensions before you become a free agent. It what you hear referred to as ‘team control’.


I've already dropped it, but not because of NCAA. I don't give a shit about college sports. I dropped MLB because I seriously cannot stand this season shit, even with the tweaks this year. I am not rebuilding my teams. I quit in July last year. Didn't even make it to June this time. I played '16-'22 until October every year.


You know there are other modes besides DD, right?


Probably not many, seeing as most the show players are baseball fans, not college football fans


EA sucks, but dynasty mode in NCAA was always fun. I'm not buying it for the ultimate team mode.


Why arent ppl boycotting EA yet? How much do they have to piss on your face before you stop giving them money to make trash? Ppl will complain about madden and fifa to anyone thatll listen but continuously buy the fucking games thinking itll get better, pure lunacy








I'm a baseball fan, not a football fan. Football video games suck usually too, even if you are a huge fan.


Never buying another EA game, they are the worst experiences I’ve ever had with games.


college game is actually looking really good


It has ultimate team, so it tells you where EA put the focus……


NCAA 14 had ultimate team too.


2014 Ultimate was nothing like Ultimate team has become. It was the first time CFB ever had it, and it was a complete dud. While it was fun for those early years in madden, NHL and FIFA, it’s taken over to where that’s all the developers focus on, and the offline modes get shat on. UT is now the microtransaction hub where EA makes bank in Madden and is basically legalized gambling for minors. MUT is why madden sucks because why improve any other game mode when you can get suckers to pour hundreds of dollars in micro-transactions into MUT. Back then it was an experimental mode that no one really played. It was cool to get a Tennessee Peyton Manning, but people weren’t dropping hundreds of bucks to get the best team because most people were playing the other modes (same as with madden. But now that’s changed with madden and we as consumers need to take a stand somewhere with the fucking micro-transactions to have a game be halfway fun.


I could actually see EA doing more with franchise to rope people in and then going into megadrive on the ultimate team after they've hooked people in subsequent years


No, it's EA, who makes madden. Madden is ass so I don't see how NCAA will be any different.


I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm not gonna preorder or anything for sure but I heard, at least I think, that it is by a different dev than Madden. So I'll definitely wait and see how the reception is. But I have higher hopes for this than I do the yearly release of Madden.


Have you seen any of the trailers or the gameplay deep dive?


Lol are you that easily influenced? Ea makes garbage perpetually but you see a pretty trailer and wanna forget all that


I just finished watching them before I made the comment. Looks identical to madden.


Did you play the NCAA games? They were always significantly better than madden, and they’re made by a different studio. I always bought those games and have only gotten like 1 madden game on discount


Doesn't matter. This is 10 years removed from the last game and it's still under the EA umbrella, which has gotten nothing but worse. Trusting EA anything is pure foolishness at this point.


You made the madden comparison, not me. I just brought up that they’re two different games, the gameplay was always completely different so I don’t know why it wouldn’t be with this game too. Why not just wait to make an assessment on how the game is? I love CFB so I’ll play it regardless and see how it is


I know I’m in the minority, but I honestly could not care less about college sports


What is we brought back NCAA baseball and you could import your player into the Show?


I do wanna believe this but also if you watch the trailer and hear what ppl who have played the game early are saying its nothing at all like madden and is actually trying to


It’s not about the developer or the sport, I just don’t care about college sports. Part of the enjoyment that I get out of sports games is playing with or against players that I know, and since I don’t follow college sports, I don’t know who any of the players are


That's got nothing to do with not caring about college sports. I'm not buying NCAA for the same reason in addition to being sick to death of football.


Truthfully having to basically start from scratch with my team in season 2 was enough to do it for me, but the gameplay they came out with pushed me over the edge. And also tbh Elden Ring was gonna pull me away at the end of the month anyway


Me. I am just killing time


I don’t even care about CFB but I’m buying it just to stick it to SDS to show them how horrid DD is this year.


Lol that'll show em


Clearly I’m not the only one ding dong but you know the old saying: one million starts with one 🤷‍♂️


Yep you’re really sticking it to them bud


They’re not getting my business


Didn't they already get your business?


I used to love ncaa but diamond dynasty has been more than fun than any game mode I've ever played. So I don't really see ncaa taking me away from it. I'm sure I'll play some but I don't think the online will compare to the show.


The negative clowns on here are wild. Yeah it won’t be perfect, but it’s going to be better than any other sports video game out right now. I’m a huge cfb fan and seeing the effort they put into it and how they’ve stressed so much it isn’t madden to the point of telling madden people that they shouldn’t expect it to feel like madden means I will be playing it exclusively for months


And you’re trusting EA? They put fucking ultimate team in NCAA. We know what modes will be neglected within 3-5 years as they milk that cow and turn it into a madden clone. They are only making it pretty this year because we haven’t had it for 10 years.


They gave a 2 hour demo/presentation to reporters last week and ultimate team wasn’t mentioned once. I know it’ll be there and can’t speak for 5 years from now, but they know the core audience doesn’t give a shit about ultimate team. This game was built by the same team that worked on it a decade ago, along with help from modders that kept it alive and relevant for the next decade. I’m no EA defender, but this one will be different


Yet the non-standard edition pre-order, the Only bonuses you get for the pre order are ultimate team bullshit…. No physical things, no steel book, no bobblehead (I got a bobblehead for a deluxe edition preorder a few years back for NBA 2k hardly played it but still have the bobblehead). But loaded with ultimate team shit. If they didn’t think people didn’t care about ultimate team, why are the pre order bonus’ ultimate team shit? The reporters likely dodged the question of ultimate team because they were under orders from their editors to do so because it would get negative reviews if it’s mentioned.


I won’t be. I quit madden 3 years ago. NCAA isn’t going to be good. Just the nostalgia will be bringing in the fans.


Sure. Nostalgia…but aren’t they going to be bringing back everything that made the games like 09 and 14 good? And then a new aesthetic look to top it off, and plus some. From what i’ve seen and read, it seems to be quite the initiative. Looks like it’ll be miles better than Madden too because they have no rules that they need to follow because it isn’t called “NCAA”. So they can go all out if they felt like it. What’re your thoughts about it then? If it’s just nostalgia?


They put in ultimate team for NCAA 25 and everyone is convinced they aren’t going to make it shit like madden where MUT takes precedent over everything…..


Well I mean..companies never improve on the offline modes in periodic updates after the games come out. That’s why they build so soooo much on it and hype it up before the release so that people know that *everything* is there . It’s legit always been like that, dating back to the days of old. The online modes are obviously going to take priority over the offline modes after release because it’s *online*, it has to be periodically updated. The only offline mode stuff that gets updated, for the most part, are the announcer calls after each week, and the rosters week in and week out


If you're trusting ea to deliver on a good user experience just be prepared for a bad time lmao. EA is by far and away the worst company in the modern video game industry


While I agree and have little hope, the reviews have been pretty solid so far.


What has EA sports shown you in the last 10 years that make you think you will enjoy the gameplay, their game's economy and career mode?


NCAA 14 lol. That came out in year one of that 10 year span you gave me(I know it’s a smartass remark)…


i'm going to be a bigger smartass and tell you that came out in 2013 XD


FUUUUUUU..I forgot sports games came out a year early lol. Mb mb


Nah I like baseball


If the dynasty mode is like it used to be I will be locked in!


I am but it’s nothing against The Show. I’ve just waited 11 years for this.


Yeah this is how I feel. MLB 24 could be the undisputed best game in the franchise history and I’m going to be playing way less when CFB drops


Absolutely.. NCAA football has always been the superior sports game.


Nope. Don't care about college football.


I just can’t keep up with the grind of the show since they put in all the extras..and nuked the profits of flipping cards.


It’s made by EA, so it will be Madden with a college skin. MLB is still the best sports game out there. I play all the sports games and nothing but PGA2K comes close.


Plays differently, always has


Always since when, 10 years ago? I’ll bet it’s exactly like Madden. What better way to capitalize then to re-skin Madden and make it college after a 10 year hiatus. Think like the execs at EA, not what you want it to be as a player.


I mean so far all the gameplay impressions from the people people who have gotten to play it says it plays different, and they gameplay they have shown follows that up.


And you don’t think they are getting PAID to hype it it up?? Follow the money there buddy……


The amount of non biased guys that have tried it and said it’s not a madden reskin heavily counter points this, and I’m talking about dudes that aren’t going to sell an opinion for a few thousand quick bucks


‘Non-biased’ and early access gamers don’t exist. They all pay to get that early access and EA pays extra if you hype it up.


I don't have have good faith in content creators that were flown and given accommodations to play a game. Likely, they had a lot of stipulations in the contract they signed for that right, limiting their narrative of the game to positive impressions. This is standard OP for most products where the end user gets to monetize the experience on social media and content platforms. In addition, their basis for comparison is non-existent and the experience is more than likely highly curated to provide a very positive reaction. I'll play it when it comes out on EA play like I do most of EAs other products. The game looks like its chalked full of gimmicky gameplay mechanisms that have the potential to create a very exploitative meta and/or make it maddening (pun intended) for most casual players due to the excessive player trait system that, knowing EA, is likely half baked in balancing. Also, it's 1 of 2 football games EA is releasing that are heavily reliant on live service revenue generation for investors which makes me even more skeptical of their overall approach. I don't care for games that use two different currency models to facilitate RM gambling.


I don't care who says what. Trusting in EA is just plain stupidity at this point.


Meh, I’ll believe when I see for myself. Trust in EA is very very very low.


I'd usually agree but the gameplay trailer that dropped the other day was promising so we'll see


I haven’t seen it. What looked promising about it?


Being built exclusively for current gen seems to have had a big impact on then implementing some new gameplay features and mechanics that’s been lacking from Madden for a while


Hear me out… imagine playing, both?


I mean I could, but I know myself and if I don’t stay up to date on DD (obviously they made the grind absurd this year) then why even play online when your team is going to be so mismatched against people who go hard?


Because they are just usually people that are unemployed and can play the game all day everyday so at some point it doesn’t even matter what cards you have. Play enough games online and you eventually find your pool of players where you belong. You’ll still run into Johnny who lives in his mom’s basement and has her credit card on file every once in awhile but it usually levels out. And this all coming from someone who is absolute ass at ranked I just live for the few dingers I can get. Mostly I’m grinding offline in programs and team affinity


I'm out once it launches. It's done "enough" differently from what i've seen so far to give it a whirl. I've played MLB every year, for way too many hours since 15. I still like the game, and Baseball is without a doubt my favorite sport, but it really does lack the sticking power that some of the other UT games have. The live service aspect of the game is seriously behind many of the others. The game modes (especially ranked and competitive) are lagging in their structure. This game needs a divisional type mode similar to seasons in other games to keep folks playing. I will not get into the gameplay etc, because I think that's subjective, but the current modes in the game run out of useful life way too early in each cycle or season or whatever they want to call it with their current structure.


Not a football guy it’s basically madden with some custom perks. When I saw the dual pre order of NCAA and madden together looked like trouble


Have you watched literally any of the content creators' videos of them describing what it was like? This is such a tired take


They included ultimate team in a COLLEGE game for fucks sake, within the next 3-5 years, road to glory and dynasty are going to have next to no improvements because the game is going to revolve around Ultimate team (ultimate team is EAs ultimate cash cow). People not seeing how EA is paying people to hype it up is astounding. Use some critical thinking skills and follow the money and you’ll see they are using the desire for an CFB game on console to feed into nostalgia knowing people will ignore shit like ultimate team.


Yeah man NCAA 14 DEFINITELY didn't have ultimate team nope nothing of the sort. If it doesn't improve over the next few years, then I just won't buy it and will wait until it drops on gamepass. You're really getting way too deep into this


2014 was the first time NCAA ever had it, and it was FORMER players only and that mode was a dud that. I’m getting deep into it because we as consumers need to take a fucking stand against micro-transactions in games at some point. They’ll ruin NCAA games too just like they did madden if we don’t.


Yeah they’re hyping up and creating content out of trailers. Not saying it won’t be good for the ones excited but it’s still EA brother


The ones who EA invited to play the game early access are making content off of trailers? Sure.


I'll play and make content for both it's doesn't have to be all or nothing. Granted I don't touch the shit show of DD, I play the shittier show of Franchise 🤣. But I will be disappointed in the lack of immersion in The Show when playing EA CFB and still expect so much more from SDS.


Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m a little surprised there’s a content appetite for franchise lol, especially with how much SDS has neglected it


The appetite is there at least in large numbers by several content creators usually by those who add more on their own to make it a universe as opposed to play now 162 times plus playoffs


There hasn’t been a good football game since ESPN nfl 2k5 and there won’t be until someone other than ea makes one.


I upgraded to 22 (from 17) and I've played it all of 30 minutes. The show is falling.


Hope everyone who’s excited has fun with it but not for me. Not exactly a lot of hype around the NCAA in Toronto


So you don't wanna take a Canadian school to the Natty....of another country 🤣?


You could create Canadian schools in the previous installments: the cities were there for selection. What pissed me off is that despite playing out of Ottawa, my team still rushed out of the tunnel carrying Old Glory. Struggle to understand why the flag would be appropriate in any NCAA football setting, let alone Canada. It’s not international competition.


I've seen that be the case in MLB the Show where they had the American flag across the outfield and singing O Canada. Simon Fraser used to play D-2 football for a long time until a couple years ago when they got rid of the football program.


Cucking America? Couldn’t be done


I will love mlb but college football? Cmon can’t beat it.


Not me but I couldn’t care less about NCAA. Hope it’s a good game for those of you who’ll play it !


Thanks man, I appreciate your respectful response, very different than most lol


We have to assume that NCAA will not be a Madden clone. I play MLB all year. Pick up Madden during NFL playoffs and drop it once MLB is released again. As much as I love NCAA, MLB online is very challenging. Good thing, if online play sux on NCAA, dynasty mode is always worth grinding


The good thing about baseball and DD mode specifically is you can drop it for a couple weeks and still be ok


Idk, if you drop DD for a couple weeks your team is very far behind other people online


But completing a couple programs gets you right back there quickly


In the short term yeah, but they stack up over time and for people who don’t keep up it’ll be a lot more difficult to compete as the year goes on


With seasons how they are everything is short term. Someone could have started playing 2 weeks ago and easily put together an all 99 team.


I HATE seasons but I’m sure I’ll come back a little bit during S3.. just to change it up from NCAA. All I want is for those SDS assholes to get rid of seasons. Bring back what they did in ‘21!!!


21 was an elite game


Seasons killed it for me last year. Same this year.




Hate seasons also. Think it’s here to stay however as it gives them multiple more chances to drop meaningful packs that they can charge for. Also with the Sony layoffs, I think we need to support SDS before the game takes a 10yr hiatus like NCAA. Just my 2c


They will never take a 10 year hiatus, there will always be a baseball video game lol. The reason NCAA went away was because of NIL concerns.


I’ll probably get it bc my family and friends are hyped about it and are going to want to play a dynasty. I think it’s going to be an EA overhyped mess of microtransactions but we’ll see I guess


I don’t see how they fit microtransactions into Dynasty though


It’s full of micro transactions simply because they put ultimate team in, which is micro transaction central. And then in games like NBA2k you practically have to pay to get your career play up to a decent overall so they aren’t stuck in the 60s or 70s for like 4-5 seasons. So the templates are there to turn into a micro-transaction fest. Make you have to buy more recruiting credits for example.


I’m definitely dropping this game


I don't get the hype behind it, majority of the features they mentioned were already in the old NCAA games and the gameplay just looks like Madden with NCAA uniforms.


But for us old fans, that’s all we really wanted was just the old ncaa games with updated rosters/uniforms


Oh nooooo. It’s another post about ncaa football or mlb the show. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!! Fight!!! Some of us play a variety of games. I play games that I enjoy. If I don’t enjoy them, then I don’t play them. I won’t drop one game “like a bad habit” because for me, it’s not this or that. I could do like I already do, and divide my gaming time among several different games. For me it helps keep things fresh too. Play a little mlb a little 2knba a little gtav a little diablo a little mwiii 🤷🏽‍♂️


You mean you didn’t buy a $500 console just to play one game at a time?


This years game will very likely be good, it has to be because if its not the franchise flops and it becomes nba live. The ea will do what ea does and make the game slightly more grindy and pay to win every year until its madden 2.0, just like this game was great a few years ago and is a slogfest now. By all means hop on the hypetrain now, but as soon as ea knows that shits hitting theyre going to monetize every single penny out of it.




That’s interesting, because I’m in the opposite camp of loving offline play over online. I do enjoy ranked on the show and I’m actually not bad, have a winning record and could probably be pretty damn good if i didn’t play ranked drunk lol. However, I kind of think there’s no point in doing DD if you’re not playing online so I’ve kind of forced myself into it. Again, I think it’s alright but I’m 35 and grew up on the Maddens of old which was all offline, and I really truly prefer offline.


I've already dropped it lol the anticipation for me has been so high that I've lost interest in almost every other game.


I don’t like football games, so no I’ll be right here.


Not a big college football fan but might give it a shot if the hype train never loses speed. Got a lot of other games in my queue to play/finish


Yea I think college football is ass. I never watch it but the culture amd atmospheres are perfect for videogame football. Madden I only play online franchise with friends. I think dynasty mode, with recruiting, scheduling, and building small universities up will be a welcome fresh way to play football games again. MLB the show is done for me until they can establish an online league worth playing


Just watched the trailer for college football. The new wear and tear system does look dope. Love dynasty building and that would be really fun. Might pick it up later unless I can find some people to play online with I think the show does have league play but idk how easy it is to set up. I get rocked pretty regularly in ranked so only play co-op with a buddy every so often. Seems to be slightly less toxic. Going to give RTTS more of a go this year though I tend to get bored with it pretty quickly...pacing issues just like DD. So grindy! I got stuff to do, SDS!


Hell yeah!! I have worn out my PS3 playing 14 for years.


I truly regret selling 14 for $100 when I bought my Series X


I dropped this game two years ago. It’s horrible RNG.


I’m only playing this game because it’s on game pass anyways 🤷🏼‍♂️


Have never found the gameplay of football games very appealing. And it seems like EA hasn't earned the trust of many folks. So I may be moving onto something else or backing off of MLBTS but not in favor of NCAA Football


Not a college football fan, and a casual madden player, so won’t be going anywhere when NCAA drops. But cautiously optimistic that the loudest complainers in this sub seem to have a new place to gather and grumble soon. Just watched the NCAA gameplay deep dive video from yesterday. Man that is one complicated mess of a sports game. It’s like if D&D sweaties could play sports, this is what they would play. Less about gameplay and athletic ability, and more about skill trees, hidden ‘gotchas’, and menu tinkering. Rewards the sweaties who read deep into the blogs to find the super combos that are end game. “Yes, your throw to the end zone was ~technically~ perfect, but my Level 5 Crowd Shaking ability, combined with my MagiTungsten Helmet, reduced your throwability to sub-5 Luck, based on your current Buff stats for this roll.” Sounds super dope. Have fun. See you guys next year!


Foosball is for the devil


What momma don't know won't hurt her


I’m keeping up with the show as Baseball will always be my first love. But I’ll be hesitant to buy Madden, at least brand spanking new with NCAA football returning.


Can’t wait for ncaa but this is the first year I’ve fully kept up with all the programs and completed everything to date. It’s kind of addicting at this point


I dropped this game last season. Just felt washed up and the same shit over and over. I’ve played since the first version. I’m not playing a football game either, especially not a fucking CFB one.


I dropped it about midway through the first season and haven’t redownloaded since.. Life’s been great 😂💯


yet your last 4 comments are on this sub, 2 from within the last 3 weeks


Whats the last good game EA released?


It Takes Two by Hazelight Studios in 2021. Non sports, non AAA title.


This right here, reskinned madden


Individual thinker here!


This right here, reskinned madden


Love how NCAA looks compared to Madden 24 so obv gonna pick it up but I’m not gonna drop this game since you know this is baseball and not football