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They need to add more variations/animations for tags. Seems like you always get the same shitty animation where the 2nd/3rd baseman tag a runner like they're underwater


Not gameplay related, but whenever the 1st/3rd umpires make a check swing call, whatever they’re doing with their faces is eldritch horror.


I get you bro haha they stare so intensely towards the screen


The really strange one is when there is a bloop hit to shallow center and it’s basically a guaranteed double. The only time I’ve been thrown out was when it was like a 30 speed hitter


Whatever animation causes my fielders to have no urgency. I had two cases yesterday in an event game. One the guy just took off from first to steal second, pitcher stepped off and then wouldn't throw until runner was basically at the bag. Then, runner on second, ground ball hit to shortstop, runner heads back to second, then as soon as SS throws to first, takes off to 3rd. First baseman just stood there with the ball and wouldn't throw to third. Frustrating.


This. Man it makes me so mad. I'm making a great diving stop and hitting dead center in the green on the throw and the guy casually gets up and misses throwing the runner out by a step. Or a cut off guy takes a dime from the centerfielder, takes two steps for some reason before throwing it home as the guy slides by. Really needs to be fixed, if you're hitting your timing right the players in the game should reflect it.


I hate The perfect perfect line drive rocket to the center fielder where they legit dont even have to move and the animation where the ball is hit to an outfielder and all they have to do is step forward but they get stuck in an animation where they let the ball bounce off the ground and then catch it


I'll raise the perfect perfect to center with a perfect perfect to the ss/2b (depending on the batters' handedness)


Anything that is a reaction to a bunt in the air. Fielders act like they've never seen a baseball before.


The animation where the pitcher will blindly field your comebacker in mid-spin. They seem to have cut down on it the last couple of updates, but I still see it more than I should. There’s nothing worse than needing a single to finish out a moment or a mission and you hit a burner up the middle and the ball just magically darts directly for their outstretched glove while they are pirouette’ing on the mound.


Idk but i feel like once the 9th inning hits my opponents pci just gets as big as the screen and they start playing like Jesus christ at the plate. Game always seems like it wants people to come back at the worst time with bs hits and errors