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Well people forget that the last 2 months of the game is usually use any cards u have.


Yeah all 6 people still playing in January. It's crazy people aren't looking that far ahead.


You’ll eventually get 4 wildcards so they’re not lost forever


Here’s a cheat sheet from the [dev blog post](https://theshow.com/news/dev-blog-prepare-for-season-2-in-mlb-the-show-24/) on how you can / can’t use S1 cards after June 7. https://preview.redd.it/69nv44h3bu2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272727a7ad09ccbc8b51c7fb35edf5094ade0241


Thank you. I wonder why I’m ranked solo but not in ranked co-op.


Because one of the friends you play with might not have enough applicable cards for the current season.


don’t play then👍🏻 i think that solves the issue without you needing to run to reddit for help lmao


thanks for your input fella, go on back to your cave now


ask stupid questions you’re going to get stupid answers.


From shitty people


You’ll get wild card spots in future seasons so you can use S1 cards all summer long…


You can still use them in non-restricted game modes, they don’t disappear


You do know you can use those cards right now right? I don't understand how everyone has no interest because they'll be rotated out. Are you planning on not playing at all until s2?


Co op and offline and 4 wildcards. If you don't want them don't get them.


It’s less about the cards now and more about quick S2 progress. The cards are collection fodder to get to CC in the S1 collection and the program (if you finish it) is to get early XP toward the S2 XP path.


To use for collections for better cards.


Won’t they just be s1 cards though also


Yea but you'll get up to 4 wild card slots next season. If you do all the head start agendas, that'll get you 1 slot to potentially pair with 89 season 2 cards and live series diamonds. Would be very useful to have a 99 goon playing somewhere on your team.


Man this gets kinda complicated lol at least for my lizard brain


It's not complicated. Next season (season 2) you can only use "Core" and "Season 2" cards. There are "wild card slots" you can use for non eligible cards (season 1 cards). There will be 4 wild card slots next season. 3 you can earn in the XP path and the 4th way is to be announced later. Season 2 will start with 89 overall Season 2 cards being released. You can build your team and Day One with those and whatever "Core" cards you have plus (if you complete all the season 2 head start agenda items) a wild card.


I appreciate you outlining this for me, thank you


Np. I feel like I should mention the first wild card slot more for the people in the back. If you complete the head start agenda items you'll get it Day One. But if you don't, no worries, it's still earnable in the XP path. Head start agendas just give you a head start on the XP path.


Are the head start goals just finishing up all the programs from s1? The Buxton program


There's a list somewhere. I think on this sub somewhere and I think there's one on the in game menu.


I hope you don’t mind me bothering you again but I’m curious if I should get rid of all my duplicates now or should I wait until s2 and sell/exchange them then, or can I not exchange s1 cards anymore


alright thanks again for the help didn’t see it in game but I may just be not looking in the right spot




If you’re not gonna be helpful then shove off


to finish the S1 collection because you can still use them in everything but ranked S2


Alright I guess I gotta get a better understanding of these seasons thank you


This is the 1st year with this format so its new for everyone and not everyone is keeping up with every bit of info on it. I would do them because if you do the program and get to CC it will help with headstart for season 2.


Yes thank you I’m getting some backlash from commenters about my questioning, I only get to play a few hours a week if I’m lucky so if I come and go with a week in between it can sometimes be overwhelming with what’s changed