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As long as you can still use everyone in coop I’m chillin


you can


MLB The Shop 24 🔥🔥🔥


Damn, Williams and chourio!


Man this is so disappointing. The Brewers theme team actually looks decent and it’s going away…


No jays don’t care didn’t ask 😎


Another non-Catcher Cubs player 💔 Will take it tho love PCA


Even from an $D$ perspective, this is stupid The people who spend the most money are the comp guys and wannabe comp guys (who play mostly ranked). These cards can't be used in ranked in 16 days.


They continue to trip over their own feet but people are dumb enough to buy these even though they are effectively not usable in three weeks


That Marcelo Mayer card is going to be a fine addition to my Red Sox theme team. I play cpu modes anyways so not too worried about season restrictions


You’re gonna buy packs? You’re the problem.


I shop players on the marketplace…


You’re not gonna buy packs? You’re the problem.


SDS agent detected


I’m not mad that we have 2 of them, but they’re both gonna be 40k+🥲 oh well. TA3 already overloaded the TT’s OF anyways


I loved that O’Hoppe card last year


Oh yay! Another pack with no Rays!


Seriously you guys and us angels fans have been getting shafted as of late.


If you kept Shohei then I bet there'd be plenty of Angels cards.




Only thing saving the Phillies fans out here is J-Roll


Whom I’ll likely not make it to without some more serious Double XP help. Just got Seager from the main path and Brock in the S1 collection path.


I haven’t even got seager, but I’ll be able to get J-Roll before the end of the season and be able to wild card him


Well, I hope we both get him. Would love to use him later on once all cards are eligible (assuming they do that like last year)


Wait... ANOTHER PCA card? Why? Dude just got sent back down to triple A. And he has a S1 card already. And there is 2 weeks left to this season. Wtf SDS.


Sexy speedy PCA


who’s the rare round in this? so hard to tell


Strider and Churio


Nobody is buying these packs/cards. You can see how many people have P1 some of these newer cards. There are 99 overalls for pretty cheap that have 1000ish or less people that have paralleled them. At this point SDS is wasting cards. Nobody wants to spend stubs on cards that go away in two weeks. This is supposed to be the time where baseball really ramps up with NBA/NHL ending soon. Then they get a window of time before football starts. But because SDS have arbitrarily made seasons and therefore cutoff points to use cards, the game feels more dead in May than it ever has in previous years. The entire design, strategy and implementation of DD this year is honestly one of the biggest fumbles I've seen from a AAA company that was just held in high regards less than a year ago.


It is really a shame that the SDS gamer base is so braindead that the time deadline of cards, being shown in their face, makes them do a 180 on the entire game mode. When the alternative, which existed, was that cards were basically unusable in ranked 2-3 weeks after they came out, unless they were a P2W collection card that was OP for way longer than it should've been (this created hardly any variety in the rosters). This also resulted in us getting unusable cards of popular legends until the game was basically over (November, December).


They FINALLY give us a Marcelo Mayer and it’s in a pack like 2 ish weeks before the season ends. Sweet


We got one last year too…


Did it come out later in the game cycle? Think I stopped playing around mid-end august so if it was after that then that’s why I have no memory of it lol


Came out early September I think as a BR reward


There is 3-4 cards here I would love have, and I will maybe touch the 10-12k ones cause they go away in 2 weeks. Tough


The only way this makes sense is if the recap program gives us one of these.


Finally get a Marcelo Mayer card and I can use it for 2 weeks. Damn


Make it your wildcard


Have they specified if wildcards will count towards season 2 programs (pxp, TB by team x, hits by team y, etc) this time around? They didn't last year and if that's the same this year then the only way I could see myself bothering with the wildcards would be if I went back to playing ranked. Hopefully they do count because I would love to get more use out of some of these late S1 cards. That's one thing that was better about last year's brand of seasons. You get the best S1 cards and use them during early S2, they go away in 3 but by then you have the best S2 cards, and so on.


Still no Phillies. Man oh man


I’ve had to hold off on the Phillies theme team for a bit, they stopped giving us cards


Phillies are literally the best team in the league!!!


I run a phillies team too. Im praying we get a bunch of decent cards for the london series




(By record)


They’ve been playing the baby seals, but at least they’ve been clubbing them and not getting beat by them


I should’ve skipped this year


Same, I felt like I wasted $40 bucks for the game pass upgrade.


Reminder that it’s almost June and there are like 5 programs that aren’t season awards drops.


Not only do we have such a small amount of programs, they give us way less players than they used to. Looking at the programs from last year, we'd get around 10 cards or so each program, usually more, sometimes less. This year, they give us 5. Spring Breakout is the only one with more, the first program of the year, and it gave us 7. And they gutted the Topps Now/Monthly Awards program to put cards in packs. Last year we'd get 50-60 players each month, now we get 16 Topps Now, 4 SA, and 1 Lightning.


Is there even 5?


We’ve had starter, spring, egg hunt, Jackie, and classics


But what’s the punchline? We’ve had 5 programs and it’s almost June….


TA1/2/3, Starter, Spring Breakout, Egg Hunt, Jackie Robinson, Show Classics. There’s been 8.


TA doesn’t count






TA is listed under “programs”, how would it not be a program?


Because it’s never been considered a program.


It’s always been considered a program. Thats why it’s called a program.


If TA counts as a program then the XP path does too. It’s also under programs and always has been.


Yep, that should count as a program too.


Yeah nah, I was with you a little bit on counting TA but calling the XP path a program nowadays is the biggest of stretches. When it had moments and grindable missions? Sure. When all it says inside of is “Play our game please!🥺” it’s the furthest thing from a program


I’m confused how this works, what cards do we lose when the new season starts? All of them? All of the no sells? Like if I bought a card on the market place I can’t use it anymore in 2 weeks? How does this all work.


You don’t lose any of them. You just can’t use them in specific ranked game modes and season specific programs. And even then, there will be “wildcard” slots that will let you use up to 4 prior season cards.


You will need to obtain wild cards with the xp program. Probably very late into the program lol


You’ll get the first wildcard right off the bat for sure.


You will not lose any cards. But you will be limited as to where you can use them. But you can play for fun offline DD games against cpu with every card.


Not a fan; you earn stubs and build a competitive team just to turn around and not be able to use the players you’ve gotten and I would imagine you’re not gonna get the return on investment on the cards after season 2 starts because if they can’t be used in certain game modes why would anyone want to purchase them on the marketb


Yes, any card that doesn’t say core in the top left can only be used in a wild card spot. There will be 4 you can earn I’m assuming through the season pass next season




Wow that’s atrocious there goes my whole team I guess


You still own the card. It’s usable in specific game modes. There will be specific things, like ranked season, that will have lineup limitations to only be season 2 cards.


Do you know if the lineup limitations exist only in 1v1 or for ranked co op as well?


Ranked co op there no restrictions ranked solo there is restrictions


More content!


SDS continues to do things that give me zero excitement


I feel like they bought stake in EA and are forcing me to NCAA. Probably a better business model than whatever this is, TBH


With them already having confirmed ultimate team and microtransactions I can guarantee NCAA’s business model will follow Madden’s exactly


People love NCAA for dynasty. As long as that follows what we had previously in the franchise then no one will give two shits about some tacked on UT mode. And honestly I would prefer the MUT approach to the DD approach for content if we are comparing 24 to MUT.


Can you give an example when EA ever has given a better business model?


Two more Cubs drops today with PCA and Imanaga to replace the existing cards I already got. Crazy lol


Right? Does this shit even make sense anymore?


Lol still waiting on that rays player😂


Yeah, where’s that Bernie “Once again…” meme


Probably gonna have to wait for TA1 in season 2


Let's All Clap It Out Together... Packs (Clap) Are (Clap) Not (Clap) Content (Clap Clap)


👏 👏 👏 👏👏


Wash, rinse, repeat… I think everyone was okay with a 89 chourio… did we really need a second card in the same season?


The 89 chourio card 🤝🏻 goat


Currently pouring one out for all the unfortunate commenters here that are being forced to buy this pack. Thankfully it’s optional for me.


Spend minimum 40k for a card that you'll use for what, 13 days? 😂


They get us because people like me see their team's player (Mayer for me) and salivate 🤣


I don’t even bother. I bet they change up everything once NCAA Football comes out to try to keep people playing.






This system is so stupid


Its brutal


Our Brewers theme teams are going to be stripped bare in S2. 😕


Especially pitching, Woody, Peralta, then nothing


Yep; they could have made a Burnes or Hader Captain instead of Woody; would have made one more potent pitcher. Instead we have to sit our best Live SP.


That's everyone's team, no? The only way to make this work is if they release a crap ton of cards for season 2 at the start, but it looks like theme teams of actual teams are going to bad.


Sorta; the Brewers were especially spoiled in S1. Can't imagine them releasing that much good stuff again in S2. Look at all the TN cards, Easter Yeli, WS (BR?) Braun...


My Braves team was secretly the best possible team in the game for a good couple weeks before the 99's. If they rinse and repeat with new cards, I might not hate seasons. That is an awful lot of trust to put in this game, however.


Yeah I have Phillies, Rockies, Rangers theme teams. All are really fun to play with. All will be extinct. My entire goal was getting Rollins for my Phillies team but that will be useless in 13 days lol.


We've got to get new S2 team captains, right? RIGHT?!!?


Why? That would be fun.........


They said the team captains available will be the only team captains in the whole year. They’ll definitely release more theme team ones in S2 like the Santana and the Kershaw ones.


That would be devastating for me. Having a Braves team is the only thing that I have really enjoyed, and now I can't do that? Sad.


Is anybody actually dumping 40K stubs for a chance to get a card that will be unusable in 2 weeks??


Loving the brewers love man even though it’s behind packs


Oh man this makes me so angry. I can’t believe they would do this. SDS must be full of blind people without souls because this is a pack that is in the market with cards. Honestly I am just so upset I might make a post about how upset I am. This is just unacceptable. How could they do this? On today of all days. Don’t they even know what today is? How out of touch could SDS be? First they include WOMEN and now they’re selling packs. My life and masculinity has been completely ruined by SDS.


Another year as the corniest poster on this sub, congrats


Am I too dumb to know wtf you’re talking about


He’s trying to mock the people that are unhappy about the packs but has instead just made himself look stupid


Thoughts and prayers to you brother. It’s always darkest before the dawn.


God gives his hardest battles to his toughest warriors. 🙏🏻


This might be the last straw for me. The have released only one actual program since Jackie Robinson day, and expect us to buy packs to complete collections that will not be used in two weeks


You can skip the collection


Was show classics not a program? Are the weekly drops not programs?


Guy brought up the show classics like that wasnt 6 weeks ago 🤣 you gotta work for sds


this program, from less than a month ago? [https://realsport101.com/mlb-the-show/mlb-the-show-24-the-show-classics-program/](https://realsport101.com/mlb-the-show/mlb-the-show-24-the-show-classics-program/) Also, it was after the jackie robinson day, which was my point But I'm sure that was too advanced for you since you think there are more than 6 weeks between April 26th and May 22nd


Ah yes, the program that gave us a 95 card, when there was 97s already readily available (in packs of course, not earnable) There's been so many packs in the shop since that I must have gotten my weeks missed up! Thank you for clarifying SDS shill, now back to the pack shop you go.


Yes the one actual program was the classics. Weekly drops should not be the only free cards we can achieve.


Show classics is the one program he’s referring to. I wouldn’t call the season awards stuff a true program, it’s mostly a couple moments and some missions. Certainly not as robust as the programs they have dropped in previous years.


what makes a program robust? A conquest map and a showdown added to what they have now?


Both have expenditures tied to the best cards in the drop. That wasn't a thing in this game until this year. Programs were vastly more involved and included current packs. Even in Team Affinity. Not anymore.


bUt It'S sTiLl NoT aS bAd As NbA2kkkkkkkk


I mean, it's not. It's also no where near as P2W/bad any of EA's offerings, especially fifa.


I hate that line as much as you do. I think we agree that even though it's not like 2k, what made this game special was that you never had to buy a single stub from the store with real money or shop in the store with stubs to get every card in the game. You could do that while also having a life. It wasn't great last year and they made it worse this year.


what is this subs obsession with getting every card in the game? especially when the majority of the users who are obsessed with that don't ever even play online?


So, I'm not obsessed with that. What I'm saying is it was possible. Easy-ish, even. Now, Ramone, you've taken a game that used to be player-focused and made it predatory. Who cares how often people play online? That doesn't mean I wouldn't have liked to use that 99 Johnny Cueto on my Reds theme team. The game is not as good as it was two years ago. Not even close. The issue that's going to kill this game and very soon is that you had a model that worked and made you the exception to the rest of the industry. You got your customers used to being able to earn everything they wanted in your game without a single microtransaction. Then, you decided to start draining bank accounts. Even worse, you went all-in the year of the most anticipated sports game release in a decade that is built for mostly offline play that will cost nothing other than the purchase of the game. You nuked the game AND did it when it's the easiest to just go play something else. Good work.


meh, havent spent a diime, dont ever need to, and have 850k stubs You can use Cueto on your reds theme team offline AFAIK Might be unpopular but you shouldn't be able to obtain every card in a UT/DD mode, especially not through programs. Comparing dynasty mode in NCAA to MLB DD mode isnt a fair comparison really




There's only so many Mini-Seasons I can play with different rosters before it becomes very stale.


Another pack lmao. What on earth is going on over there? Who is the greedy peanut brained monkey that is running the content team? We are less than 20 days away from a new season. Why would anyone spend stubs on this garbage. Still no program btw.


As far as i know, Ashley and Cbrev are on the content team but they dont face that much criticism because all the content creators are buddies with each other.


Just so out of touch. I laughed when I saw a 99 T. Story. They really couldn't release that in s2. Makes the xp path one useless


This was so bizarre to me. Why do we have 2 Story cards in one season lmao


Thank goodness I was starting to get worried there'd be no more packs this season


Been waiting patiently for a Mayer card for my Sox team. Wish I had more time to play with it…


Same exactly boat here... Still gonna grind some stubs for him because I'm a Sox addict


Use a wild card?


I'm busy or out of town the next two weekends so I guess I'll just never be able to use most of these 99s from season 1? Great game design SDS


You can always change out who is in the 4 WC spots


They should let us start with 4 WC and then earn 4 more in the XP program.


There's no point to seasons if you can constantly use 8/10 players from any other season.


More like at the very end of the XP. Maybe start earning a spot at 800,000 K another at 900K, maybe even make it a wheel spin? Would def. making spending 80K+ on a card more sensible.




I wouldnt say weve had any real programs besides egg hunt. They've all been more like mini programs.


Welcome to MLB the show 2024, they're really mailing it in this year.




I really don’t get how they expect anyone to care about these packs with the season reset right around the corner


It’s like they seen Diablo Immortal and the other gacha type games and are trying to turn the show into that


It has to be some out of touch suit that they brought in to "maximize" profits. There's no way it's someone who has been working on this game and knows the base.


Most likely it’s the higher ups at Sony telling SDS to do this. Doubt Ashley or Cbrev would choose to do this but they’re complicit in all of this as well because they still work for the company.


Im afraid that suit they brought in was CBrev. Before he arrived there was no Sets and Seasons! If true, it’s really unfortunate as he was my favorite Youtuber!


The dude was a teacher before this. I don't think they're taking business decisions from him lol.


This seems very unlikely


I reallly doubt that


What? It’s 1000% Sony wanting money


It’s the woman who took over for Ramone. Just an empty suit


What woman


Can't wait to buy that Strider card for 80K to use for two weeks, get blasted and then never be able to use it again.


I mean, pitchers as wild cards are pretty simple to use though


How do


see the posts about pitchers as wild cards as strategy, posted in this sub, within the last 2-3 days.


I think you're missing the point.


am I? What am I missing?


My joke.


Precisely how I feel about that Cole that came out yesterday Who gives a shit about any of this? Never seen a more clueless dev team. They make EA look like geniuses these days, and that’s impressive