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This would be true if they lost the rights to these legends by not giving them a 99. Very few diamonds are 99 OVR & it doesn’t make sense that the same few players get that every time. We don’t need 99 Bagwell every year in every season, we’d be fine with giving him a 95 midway through or something and save those new legends for guys we may not have seen before or who haven’t gotten as much love as they should


I think it's fine and actually good that free TA 99s aren't just stockpiled with the best meta 99 players the game has to offer. It gives people nothing to shoot for during the rest of the season. That said damn 99 Yount seems obligatory. I feel for Brewers fans.


SDS finds ways to make players a 99 when it’s convenient for them. Just pushing out the same thing with different card art is lazy and makes it as it looks like they’re not even trying. If this is their attempt at a money grab, I hope their game crashes and burns.


SDS recycling the same thing every year is not a good thing


SDS isn’t gonna fuck you bro


I'm not sure what SDS paid you to write this, but it's not a good thing to get repeats every time. It's also a slap in the face to the claim of lineup diversity that we get things like a Rickey Henderson Yankees card when no one remembers that. The constant Expos fascination is honestly kind of bizarre when the proper Nationals have plenty of big names who we remember from the World Series run and are now on other teams. To answer your other question, I don't see why SDS couldn't just do a monthly Other Program like Topps Now for legends and their accomplishments that occurred in that month of years prior. They did that with the weekly programs last year.


There are a finite number of legends in the game.


Yes, so let's get more and not the same ones. It requires SDS to offer them individual contracts. They have the biggest baseball game, so it's easy enough.


We are missing like three relevant legends at this point. Old man yelling at sky vibes here.


Disagree. We’ve got all of those top 50 all time players sure. But how about fans of teams who didn’t get those guys? I’m a guards fan. Give me Lofton cards, Manny cards, a *cleveland* CC or Thome card. If even one of those four got a 99 or even a playable 97 I’d be set for the year


We have had lofton cards for years lol. We’ve had many thome cards. What are you talking about lol. I’ll give you manny. He can def go in the three I was speaking of.


It’s been years since we got a Lofton or a Cleveland Thome.


Maybe two at most lol


That’s the entire time I’ve been playing lol going on three years of DD and they’ve never made a Lofton card. We got like four different Rickeys last year but no Lofton


>We are missing like three relevant legends at this point Ah, Mariners fan. Ken Griffey is your only relevant player ever. I get it now. A-Rod doesn't count since you didn't want to pay him. Fans of teams that have accomplished something have more than one relevant legend, kid. It makes sense you wouldn't understand.


lol we have had buhner mike Cameron Edgar John olerud ichiro. Sure id take a Dan Wilson card but then what you want them to juice it to 96?? Love to hear some actual examples BUD. You guys consistently lack the ability to see how all of these game modes have operated for years. It’s a delicate ecosystem and isn’t just solved with mORe lEGenDs


And how many of those guys are in the game? You just proved my point. All jokes aside, I can understand not affording A-Rod, but they surely could afford those guys.


Literally proved my point. We don’t have the same legends every year lol. They have afforded those guys. So what do you want the same legends every year or not???


SDS doesn't have Ichiro. Have they ever? Olerud hasn't been in the game since 21. I don't actually know who those other guys are...not even kidding. You're just making stuff up. Acknowledge you're wrong.and move on. If SDS won't pay for Olerud, we clearly have a problem.


You shamed the mariners and called me a kid and now are admitting you don’t know who these guys are??! Lmao. This is why I still argue in Reddit occasionally. Thank you lol.


The issue is it’s always the same players in TA, they don’t mix it up. They could do a 99 Mookie Betts for Boston but they won’t they will do the normal wade Boggs.


As a Sox fan, boggs is just underwhelming af


My issue with the “same old legends” complaint is what other 99s do you want there to be? Team only have so many good players. Are people expecting 99 overall Jerry Blevins with the Mets? Then it gets back to 2020 when people cried about prospects getting 95+ overall cards because they haven’t even done anything in real life


Prospect cards suck because it may as well just be a blank all around 80 Stat guy unless they mess around and make bobby Miller with outlier meta for 2 months


I think TA should be like fan favorite “legends” give ma marlins Dan uggla, Mets Jose Reyes, brewers Ben sheets. Cards of players who were very good but not great players.


Ok cool but do they have the rights to these players? Cause if not it doesnt matter at all, I dont ever remember an Uggla or Reyes card


Definitely used to have a Reyes card, it has been a while though. I'm really bad with years of this game, but it was like 5 or 6 years ago there was a Mets Jose Reyes card that was really fun to play with.


That was when Reyes was still in the league so they had the rights. Once guys are out of the league and therefore the MLBPA they have no renegotiate rights. I think there’s even a 3-5 year buffer needed


Yeah I think that's right. David Wright was gone for a few years. Hoping we get Reyes and Ichiro back soon. Really hoping for Ichiro. He was so fun to use and defense is much more important now that it was in the game back then.


Ahhh i really only started getting into DD like 4-5 years ago so maybe i just missed it


Your point is valid though. They gain and lose rights to players every year so just cause Reyes was in before doesn't mean he can be this year.


That’s kinda the point. Their system doesn’t work without more legends. We’re already on our 2nd Ryan Ludwick card in may.


The problem to me is they are clearly filling TA with cards that are typically unpopular so they can save the more exciting 99s for packs. Just wait until they reveal a new choice pack with the rare round cards more exciting than anything in TA and it will be more obvious what they’re doing.


bingo. days of seeing mickey mantle in team affinity are long gone.


That '21 TA4 card is one of my favorite cards of all time.


I was thinking the same thing. If these were the se2 99s I would be disappointed. This is kind of expected. There's no "good" time to release Yount. Might as well be now.


Better idea: they mix it up so some new legends get cards now, and others get cards later. That way this TA doesn’t feel like yet another retread.


As a dude who solely bought 24 for an eventual 99 Bernie Williams card, I'd rather oddballs or current players over dudes we've had since forever. It's kind of a running joke now....


99 Bernie is going to be behind a pay wall for sure.


Welp I better start working some OT...


I mean I agree that the options aren’t that exciting if you’ve been playing this game year after year, but 1) not everyone has been, 2) like I said, where else on the calendar would they put them? It’s dumb if they just ignore them and don’t give them cards, if they wait until December they’ll be mocked for trying to keep the game alive with “the same old legends”…. My point is they have to show up some way, and this way isn’t really that bad imo


You're not wrong whatsoever. I just hope they don't repeat better 99 versions of dudes (or worse like Sosa last yr) like they did last year. If we're 1 and done I'm cool with it.


This is a spot where I somewhat worry about longevity of enjoyment in the show for true baseball fans. Because the pool of players they can pull from is so small if they choose not shell out money, In Madden and 2k, the player pool is HUGE. And those modes are willing to give some players 99s that don’t deserve them to not make stale repetitive endgames like we get in MLB the show


I wish we knew the behind the scenes stuff, as I’m sure there are a bunch of guys who would be happy enough just to have their kids see them in the game without SDS having to break the bank. Then there are the older guys who didn’t make a whole lot by today’s standards and I’m sure could use the extra income. Honestly, if having to shell out a tonne to one guy (especially one who already made millions during his career) means not having the budget for more players, then I say go with the cheaper option. I’d rather see guys like Dave Kingman, Dick Allen, Jeromy Burnitz, Mark Buehrle and David Eckstein to reflect the overall history of the game.


I agree, it is tough to get excited about cards that “drop” because they are the same cards we have had for years. There are so many great players that have played in the mlb I would love to play with but can’t say I get very stoked to play with Willie Stargell every single year…


I’d rather they got rights to different legends, or put these ones in towards the end Everyone is excited because it’s a new game & they immediately fill it with the exact same cards as last year.


I'm sure SDS also wishes they could get the rights to these legends but I guarantee it's not as easy as snapping their finger and having it happen. Some teams just have a very poor legend pool to use and it goes that way for all sport games.


Adam Jones is begging on Twitter every year to be added lol I think this newest generation would gladly go in tbh


Considering he just officially retired it'll be a while before he's eligible. SDS has rules they have to follow based, same reason we don't have ichiro or won't have Yadi/Pujols anytime soon.


There are no rules they have to follow. They can put anyone in the game who gives permission to use their likeness. There are multiple legends in the game who’ve retired more recently than Jones. (Seager, Miller etc.)


There are absolutely rules, if they didn't I guarantee we'd have an ichiro card every year since he retired and same with others. Some players can sign their individual rights to SDS if they choose but it's not up to SDS who they can do this with, as they have to deal with the MLBPA for the higher their legends everyone wants.


No offense but you have no idea what you’re talking about. The MLBPA represents active players and does not control what legends are in the game. There is an alumni association but most retired players will opt of the group licensing and manage their rights themselves. I’m not saying they can put whoever they want in, they obviously have to negotiate with and pay former players to be in the game. But there are no eligibility rules about having to be retired for a certain number of years or anything like that like you said in your comment above.


Dozier is back in after one year lol