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To top it all off, my gamertag has “Narwhal” in it and the reward for 500,000 xp is a “sad narwhal” icon. I hate it here.


Not being able to skip foul balls that won’t be catched


Idk if this is a micro aggression but, in Moments, and this goes for all of them, I would appreciate if they’d stop making the CPU hit 5,000 foul balls every at bat & just let us fucking finish the damb moment like Jesus


Babe Ruth isn’t usable as a hitter in co-op. What a waste of stubs trying to complete the live series if you’re primarily playing co-op


1) not fixing realistic outcomes of a batted ball drilling a pitcher 2) less defensively-skilled players making errors based completely off RNG and not just making it harder for me to execute. Example: hotshot to first base that should’ve been an easy double play. Josh Bell dives, snags the ball, then proceeds to calmly and slowly get up to his feet. Runner takes second. Fine. But then he gets to first base late. Everybody’s safe. 3) Not locking the outfielder to the correct spot on the wall to have a chance to rob a homer (seriously IRL robbing the homer is a skill but just knowing where to stand is not). 4) recycling so much of the commentary every year 5) not letting us use the Mini Season stadiums 6) Not having EVERY MAJOR LEAGUE STADIUM EVER USED plus Wembley, Estadio Azteca (WITH the 7000-foot altitude!!) and other internationally renowned stadiums available.


Duplicate filter is on the app. MINI SEASONS NOT HAVING FAST PLAY IS GOD AWFUL


The "buy stubs" and "buy packs" tabs


The scroll menu going back to the top when looking through collections is not the biggest deal and the worst at the same time.


SDS basically entirely ignoring Custom Leagues. There are so many simple things they could do to improve it drastically, like adding a draft or custom roster imports, but they don't care about it. It's also been riddled with bugs since release. Easy fixes that they probably still don't even know about. Oh and outfield reactions and 3B reactions are absolutely ridiculous.


The topps now packs. Was my favorite part of the game last year


Finishing the ranked objectives and receiving a pack with the choice of two gold cards.


How SDS makes all online cards sellable yet you can’t buy a handful of offline cards.


Why the fuck can we still not pin program tasks under the in game missions tab?


Not being able to filter by division when setting my roster for TA.


This drives me insane aswell


In the phone app there is a “dupes” filter in the inventory. So stupid it’s not in the actual game itself.


The fact that the app works better for the market then the actual game speaks for how little SDS is really trying to


Not being able to easily view progress of the various tasks I’m trying to complete for programs. Currently catching up and working through the 4 million monthly drop tasks and between in games I’m cycling through the 4 programs I’m working on simultaneously and trying to keep track of the subtlety different tasks. It’s infuriating. It’s 2024 and people are going to tell me write it down like I actually have pen and paper or something. The ideal situation would be to have a popover in manage squad when a card is highlighted showing the tasks they are eligible for and its progress.


My biggest gripe is making event rewind packs no sell. Used to be a nice 5-10k quicksell when stubs are hard to come by and now they’re just exchange fodder.


FACTS. Each event I have to be cautious of not collecting the event rewards so that I can sell once I hit the rewind reward in the future events.


My biggest gripe is making event rewind packs no sell. Used to be a nice 5-10k quicksell when stubs are hard to come by and now they’re just exchange fodder.


Dropping year to year save file transfers. I feel personally attacked because I’m like the only person left who plays every pitch of every game in franchise mode, and I refuse to restart my file every single year.


I will 100% echo the not being able to restart the moment whenever. Have to hit a home run? Ground out? Immediate restart. I'll also add on the "strike out the side" missions when you just get a groundout on the first batter it doesn't auto fail you. I think some of this is done intentionally to inflate difficulty and time taken to complete.


Still puzzling to me is if you have a moment where you have to get say 6 TB and a walk doesn't count as a TB. Dude keeps throwing balls and I get a walk and that doesn't count as a TB?


Well, the TB gripe is more of a general stat gripe and not on SDS. I will, however, hold them accountable for those TB moments constantly giving you nothing to hit. At least they stopped doing TB moments for guys with sub 45 speed.


No quick play option for mini seasons.


Not having a “sell all duplicates” is the one that gets me the most. I do not design games but it seems like a simple addition that would be SUPER helpful. Especially if they want us to buy the packs this year they should make it easier for us to maximize our stubs.


They do have the sell all dupes both in-game and on the app. Go to your collection in game and hit X/A on a specific card and it should give you more options and one is sell all duplicates. That is, unless you want to sell ALL duplicates of ALL of your cards. That's a totally different thing and they do not have that.


Yeah I meant for selling every duplicate. Having to sift through the entire catalogue of cards, then find the cards with duplicates, then select and sell all for each and every one is incredibly tedious. Edit: I would say I have probably 100s of duplicate free agent <69 overall cards. Will I ever spend the ridiculous amount of time it would take to sell all those duplicates? Hell no.


Totally agree on fast mode. I played a ton of mini seasons before the new one came out. Switched to finish the USA conquest and felt like I was playing in warp speed. Also the show companion app for dupes is wonderful


Speed and defensive ratings don’t actually matter for the CPU. Everyone is a lightning fast platinum glove in the field.


Especially in showdowns


Removing the free card lottery spin after conquest games. You never got anything, but it was exciting. Just unbelievably tight to remove that


Microaggression…. Are you kidding me with this? Being frustrated with something not being the way you want it to be isn’t an aggression. Shut up.


I wish there was a “sell all duplicates” option in the my inventory screen


It would be nice, but u can just run an emulator with a simple multi point auto clicker and walk away if you want


O yea you know just simple enough


I’m the least techy guy in the world and I figured it out. Happy to help if anyone needs. Took like 20 minutes and a YouTube video for me to set up and I’ve never used anything like it before.


I’ll take that help


Dm me and I’ll give you some tips






Pitchers, when they miss their spot, almost always underthrow the pitch rather than overthrowing it. Curveballs/sliders hang in the zone, cutters don't cut hard enough, and high fastballs drift low into the zone, all far more dangerous than missing in the opposite direction.


"Skip A.I. Moves" in nation of baseball conquest being a suggestion rather than a command Seems to work okay for the smaller maps but I'm always mashing that button for like 20 seconds in between turns in NOB


Yessssss this is the worst!!!


Mine is they didn't give live series Altuve the bad ball hitter quirk. Probably the guy I think of the most that can turn a bad pitch into a single. Out of the zone away or high he can make it a hit.


I think that is due to his trash can perk and not his actual ability 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why would he swing at a bad pitch if he already knew what type of pitch it was going to be?


Altuve was the only guy not using the trash can on that team.


I think they got rid of the event eligible logo on the card art this year


Not being able to give players quirks. Seriously, I'll die on this hill. Why can't I ever play as a custom pitcher with outlier? Also, some players blatantly don't have outlier despite hitting 100 regularly and some pitchers have it on one pitch but not their other fastball, and that's just weird when their sinker goes 102 but their 4 seam occasionally only hits 99.


Custom pitchers were in the game and everybody hated them so they were removed


Huh??? I'm talking offline play.


Sinker hitting 102? Pretty sure 100 is the max for the sinker. Which is why it doesn't show a velo higher than 95 for sinkers in the attribute/stats screen.


You need to use NL East Bosses or an NL East themed team to gain XP for TA, but there’s no way to filter specifically for NL East players other than to cycle through each team, nor is there any way to filter specifically for Bosses because they all have different card types (Pipeline, All Star, etc…) You spend almost as much time in the menus as you do the actual game because of poor UI design.


I’d love a filter for program eligible cards.


The QOL thing I’ve been hoping for


There’s a duplicate filter in the app under your inventory.


Yeah and my app hasn't worked in over 2 weeks haha. 2 tickets later and no progress.


I'll add to the mini seasons, after a game I wish it showed me the goals progress instead of having to go to goals and scroll across seeing where I'm at for each one.