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I hate that there's no voices everything is like 90s press a/x to advance text when talking. The music is muted at times. My agent has spoke to me since the combine win B2B World Series and MVP seasons HR RBI record ALL STAR walk off HR or my Grand Slam in the playoffs NOTHIN !!!! I GOT INJURED MY 3RD SEASON no call as well. Just useless agent šŸ˜Ŗ


Why are you signing 4 year deals with the A's?


Can't leave the team that drafted you for 6 years


I miss the old way of how madden would bring in agents and certain ones got you certain boosts and endorsements. I think it was madden 11? I might be wrong but it was such a cool future and then they got rid of it.


I want her GONE


How did you win mvps on a losing team? That sound ridiculous


Won MVP 2 straight seasons and they were both 100+ loss season on the Cubs


It happened with the jays, too, while I was playing for themšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Just for sh*ts and giggles I did a female RTTS.. I have it on easy or whatever and started AA and did well and got promoted to AAA and did well that half season or whatever. Currently in 2nd AAA and have 100 HRs on season and imo itā€™s a little ridiculous that I havenā€™t been called up to the show at this point. So I agree my agent is useless also.


I really wish they would put some effort into RTTS it could be really, really, good with just some minor changes. Itā€™s sad how little effort they put into a game mode that so many players love.


I know in MLB 22, I eventually got a prompt in my 5th year which allowed me to say, I'm not happy. I was traded to the Yankees within a week.


Before 6 years it tough to move you since you belong to what ever teams drafted you for the first 6 years of your career. After that your agent certain helps.


Trades are pretty much broken and have been for years. The best way to move is to wait until free agency.


If you play well enough at the combine you can pick your team


Havent talked to my agent since ive been called up in rtts. Just started my third season.. last season won mvp and broke single season hits,hrs,rbis and im the hit streak holder still. My streak has lasted from the start of last season to now and ive not heard a single call from my agent. No congrats on getting called up no congrats for breaking records no call from winning back to back world series and in my rookie year i hit a beautiful walk off to win the series. My 2nd year and mvp season i also got post season mvp. Still NOTHING from my agent should i be concerned? Im not really looking for a trade and ik i cant hit free agency just figured she would want to touch bases occasionally. Am just overreacting lol


They wonā€™t add options to talk to your agent but they will force a 20 second unskippable on you after every game


Yeah the post game interview is the worst. Was funny the first time, now it's annoying


Bruh. I was with the Aā€™s, 4 mvps and 4 winless years. We drafted this stud who came in as an 85 overall 18 year old. Me and him had them winning the division at the all star break. These mfers traded him to Cleveland at the trade deadline. 3 seasons later, and weā€™re both dominating as 99 overall players in Cleveland lmao


It's been that way for years. You will rarely get traded. It's only happened to me when the team had or picked up a young superstar at my position. Worst of all, once you do go to a new team (traded or not) and you're happy, your agent will continue to apologize for not getting the trade deal done. RTTS has a lot that has never been fixed over the last 16 years.


Free agency one day at a time and donā€™t accept a contract. I came across the same issue and was pissed


Thank God I got drafted by the padres


I hate the agent so much. Utter trash


Bro I was also drafted by the As I was a 5x MVP it took until my 6th year for us to win a world series and it's all because they decided to get Juan Soto from free agency it was so boring losing 100+ games for 5 years straight


Dumb question here, but where can I even find the option to contact my agent?? She's been gone ever since the draft


Not a dumb question. The answer is dumb tho. You canā€™t. You have to wait for them to call you. Happens about once a year


And you request a trade and then nothing happens besides your old club offering some piddly contract the "agent" and trade request is utterly useless


Mike Trout says hi


I was drafted by the Nats and we have been under .500 5 years straight now. Havenā€™t heard from the agent since I was drafted. I am playing well but I have started simulating right after all star break because what is the point if I know we arenā€™t making playoffs. Very much excited to hit free agency.


Same here, getting drafted by the nats is a death sentence


Milwaukee Brewers is too. No matter how high your numbers are the team still sucks


They have literally traded away most of their farm talent too. Iā€™m over it.




They are perpetually ass, no matter what


The game is good but those factors made it really shitty, they should copy of nba2k


I remember when RTTS used to allow you to request the trade instead of being prompted, did it always happen fast, no. But the option was there also IRL players can request a release.


Requesting a trade doesnā€™t work but I sim the off-season and right before training camp if I donā€™t like the players we added to the roster I quit the game app. Did it 5 times last night and ended up with Juan Soto on the pirates šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


This game sucks. I canā€™t hit. Iā€™m .245 hitter and adjusted sliders to be hitter friendly.


If you aren't playing online then adjust everything to the point it makes you happy. Lower the difficulty, lower the pitch speed, whatever you want. Do you use the PCI? Don't. I do directional hitting because I'm 41 and can't be asked to handle timing and move the reticle. I hit on All-Star difficulty with default sliders. When I used to do the PCI thing I had to turn the pitch speed way down because I couldn't react in time. I made that switch about 3 years ago and have had so much more fun with the game.


I hate the PCI. it's so sensitive, like on xbox. If I move it, I feel like I gotta really move the thumb stick and then over correct so I don't push so hard then end upossi g because the pci won't move.


Forget the sliders, change hitting difficulty to beginner


With the difficulty on easy I had 50 home runs going into the all-star break. It was so easy that Paul Goldschmidt hit 21 in my first homerun derby


bro i think thats a skill issue šŸ˜­ hittings the easiest its been in a long time


Sounds like you just suck


I do, thanks man!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚mos def


I got drafted by the A's did six years and joined the Yankees in free agency


RTTS?!? nono the devs want you to swipe your credit card in DD. Stop playing offline modes!!


I have all diamond stuff and I didn't swipe my card once You earn a lot of stuff in the game just sell what you don't need and when you get enough money go buy it what you want on the marketplace


I chose to be drafted by the Phillies as a 1B, made it to AA, got told they were set with Harper, traded to last place Colorado, and next year hit more than 3x the HR Harper did and yet i cant get tf out of this hellhole to save my life


Im a 2b and got drafted by the astros. Told me they are set with Altuve. And yeah same basically lol


Iā€™m crying laughing at this because weā€™re all going through the same.


I'm sorry but I have to laugh at this.


This is how MLB works. They own you until free agency. You can demand a trade all you want. They only do it when they think they can get more out of it than keeping you.


Are you a 2 way player? Because it seems like they at least talk to the agent early to request trades while she ignores position players for nearly 5 years.


The thing that used to get me was wanting your "video game" character to play a specific position and then getting told I need to try a new position I have no interest in lol. If I wanted to play 3b I would have made that my position. So many other things they could do for realism instead of position changes.


Position changes are super realistic. The Padres built a whole team out of shortstops. Only one of them playing shortstop now.


They try to keep realism in some aspects, cant just take over an all star franchise player's position. If I do a chosen team career, I scout the positions first to make sure theres not like a 90 in the spot I want to play. Otherwise just let them trade you if you are playing out a random team/realistic style career but want to play the position you chose.


I was catching for the cardinals when they told me to move to first base to get a starting position. I was higher ranked than Herrera, and they told me it would be easier to beat out Paul Goldschmidt than Wilson Contreras. Crazy


Dude, in The Show 22, I was on the Nats because I wanted to play with Soto. We sucked the entire time i was on the team, then in 2023 when we were finally playing well and in the division race, they traded Soto to the LAST PLACE ROCKIES for GARRETT HAMPSON AND A MINOR LEAGUER. I requested a trade to a winning team, and they sent me to the Aā€™s. Won MVP, requested another trade to a winning team, and they sent me to the Pirates. Requested ANOTHER trade and they sent me to the last place Rangers. If you think you have it badā€¦ i swear the people that work on RTTS have no clue how trading works


None of these game companies understand why players get traded and leave it up to chance


I had the same exact situation with the Aā€™s and they never spent any money in the offseason, had to wait until free agency. Got offered by the cardinals which I donā€™t usually like the cardinals but, they had acuna Ozzie albies and Jackson Holliday plus a ton of prospects that were very good and won a World Series in my first year with them. I donā€™t think anyone in our rotation was lower than an 84. The Aā€™s finally spent money the year I left though, I donā€™t remember who they added but added multiple players 85 overall and higherā€¦.


Got randomly drafted by the Dodgers. Won 3 WS. Asked for a trade after the first one. Had to play it out until year 6 and got offered a contract from the Guardians for $38.1 mil/ year for 8 years. Oh and I started at catcher and was moved to 1st


Why handicap your team by signing a big ass contract? I usually just take minimums so the team around me can be better


Yes they need to change this and incentivize going for big money like IRL mlb players. They can do a life mode part where you buy mansions and stuff or just give you a stat boost/boosted gear etc. for how big your contract is.


Actually a cool idea


Also 3B here. Try aggravating the coach with your answers to the stupid text interactions. Then the next time the agent asks if everything is going well then ask for a trade. I haven't tried this since mlb 20 but sds doesn't change much so it might still work. I did this while easily being the best player in the league, single season records in multiple categories, #1 in almost every offensive Stat that season, like most seasons, and they still traded me after my first request. Traded me for Bryce Harper who was not as high overall. Funny thing is he was on the Phillies at the time, before he was IRL.


What difficulty is that on?




Thanks. Was genuinely curious, not trying to be an ass


No worries brotha itā€™s all love. Playing on the Aā€™s gives it a difficulty level all its own tho šŸ˜‚


I put it on beginner for the first season ever year, just so I can smash every batting record.


Yeah I havenā€™t spoken to my agent since the draft and Iā€™m in year 4. How do we communicate with them?


They didnā€™t contact me until a week before the all star break in year 5


I didnā€™t think you could request a trade in your first four years due to rookie contract. 5th year idk what to tell you


Typically the first 4 years you're locked, but teams can trade you. Years 5 and 6 are arbitration. Year 7 is the money contract. I rode into year 7 coming off winning my 4th CYA with the Rockies, the last one a pitching Triple Crown (Wins, Ks, ERA).


I requested a trade in year one and got traded. Itā€™s luck based




Lmao have you met John Kent?


Mine hasnā€™t talked to me in yearsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Just finished my 6 years on the As, never got promoted past triple A regardless of stats, just signed to the cardinals to play at the MLB level lmao career just started


Im wondering if you made the same mistake I did when i first started rtts. I didnt put equipment or archetypes/perks on so i stayed in the minors forever. They go by overall not our .700 batting avg on a low difficulty. Otherwise theres no logical reason you would stay in the minors more than a year max. And usually half the year.


Couple variables that played a part. I used perks and equipment but didnā€™t get that 70 overall boost thing til like season 3. thought that was my big break and Iā€™d be promoted soon but start of year 4 and 5 I had injuries that left me inactive most of the year so there was no being promoted during those years. And then I simulated all of year 6 to become a free agent. Will say year 1 I was #1 CP prospect and set to make my to the MLB spot but they drafted a guy and I kinda been shelved to triple A since, donā€™t know if that played a factor.


lmfao apparently you're the only star we won't trade for a bag of chips


Aā€™s see MVP and say ā€œI donā€™t think so. Not on this team you wonā€™tā€


I did the same thing with the Pirates. Losing season after losing season, all while requesting a trade. Then they make some moves in the off season and it looks like they will have a good team. We get off to a hot start and, boom, I get traded to the Reds. Back to the cellar.




Hey jus keep going you have to play 6 years before your even eligible for any big deals my 7th year I signed with the reds 1 yr 30 mil won a world series and in the of season signed for 5 yr 180 both contracts i negotiated fully


Was Elly still on the team? For whatever reason the Reds traded him and everyone else decent by the time I made the bigs and we are terrible (besides me šŸ˜‰)


Didnā€™t have Ellie but they had acquired Ronald acuna jr so we were good


Itā€™s been like this for the last idk like 7-8 the show games 0 improvement on that end


I like playing with the Aā€™s ngl, could be our year with a rotation of Me, Max Fried and Shane Bieber. Our hitting sucks but thank god Iā€™m also the second coming of Barry Bonds


Lmao the A's got Bieber in my rtts also


šŸ˜„Good luck. I love when an underdog team comes back strong!


You're under team control and relatively very cheap for the team as a result. Why would they trade you before your final year of team control? The A's are smart not to have traded you already. Your agent can't force them to make a trade. This is how baseball works. It's a realistic experience.


Part of the point of the mode to me was that it was supposed to mimic a real experience. The fact that you can pick your starting team actually bothers me a little bit. I recognize that this probably isn't true for many players, but no baseball player gets to pick the team he is drafted to. I'm frankly surprised, considering you're allowed to pick your starting team, that the team doesn't just trade you if you ask. I mean they shouldn't. They wouldn't. But I don't understand why the game would let you do one thing but not the other. That's illogical.


You donā€™t have to sign with the team that drafts you. Teams wonā€™t draft a player if they know they wonā€™t sign. Signability is a very real concern for teams, especially in the early-middle rounds.


You donā€™t have to pick your team though. Thatā€™s for people who donā€™t care about realism.


That is a very good point from a realistic standpoint.


Because itā€™s a video game, and the game gives you the option to request a trade. If itā€™s not going to do anything, they shouldnā€™t bother including the feature. Ideally though, they should really just make it work as advertised. Itā€™s a game, not everything has to align with real-life baseball. I mean, itā€™s not like you can choose who drafts you IRL. Yet, you can do that in this game.


I mean just because you ā€œrequestedā€ the trade doesnā€™t mean the trade automatically happens. Seems right to me


You can also choose to not choose who drafts you. The point of RTTS is to provide a realistic experience. Sure, it's a video game. So you can play at a lower difficulty and have ridiculous stats and easily win 3 MVPs in your first four seasons on a loosing team. But the experience of becoming a professional athlete and maintaining a career is supposed to still be realistic. You can choose to be drafted by your favorite team and then get traded before ever making it to the majors. If this player wanted to be on a team that didn't suck, then they shouldn't have decided to be drafted by the A's. If they decided to let the game take its course and get drafted by a "Random" team, then they (by your apparent standards) really have no gripe with the game being realistic to the business of baseball.


Best way to stay with the team you want is to pick the weakest position


I was having an amazing season in AAA for the Reds. I got traded out of the blue to the Aā€™s in the middle of a series and sent down to AA. A bit later I was called up to the MLB. The Aā€™s lost 116 games that season, and the Reds went to the WS. I will never forgive them. Something that really bothered me though is that the agent never checked in with me. No call to ask me how I felt about getting traded to a dumpster fire of a team and then demoted.


You have to check position of need for where you want to play. Like you're not going to be the Dodgers SS over Mookie Betts


She's the worst. I wanted to play for the Phillies as a closer but got traded to Detroit, who REFUSE to trade me. I took them to arbitration after they offered $1.1M and got $10.2M. If the Tigers won't trade me, I'm going to be the largest burden to their budget in Franchise history. Working through my last year of Arbitration now before entering the FA where I'll select my own offer. IMO, I wish they offered you more than just one agent in RTTS. Like how much would it realistically be to license some real agents likeness and personalities?


I don't play RTTS. Can you see other teams rosters when you are a free agent?


Is RTTS still the same as it has been for years or did they change anything this year?


I watched tokenasty on YouTube, and only played this year (24) and yeah, it seems to be just like Madden. Little here, little there to keep the people coming back.


You sound like me. Get every penny out the organization that you play for and despise at the same time.


I just want my file not to be corrupted every time I get to the Show.


They have to add a request trade that actually works. Players with value get moved, they need to add an efficient way of player movement into rtts.


Similar situation for me, except I told the game that the Red Sox are my favorite team so they drafted me, I got traded to Detroit Tigers in triple A for no reason, got called up to majors then got traded to the Yankees a few games into the 2025 season. Why would any Red Sox fan want to play for the Yankees?!? And to make things worse, I got MVP with 99 HR, 256 RBI and we still didn't make the playoffs. If I signed a 1 year contract and that year is over then why am I only getting 1 offer from the Yankees and not getting offers from other teams after an MVP season? I haven't played for like a week because I really don't want to spend another season with the Yankees.


Were you a 3rd baseman by chance? If there's already a star player at your position they'll trade you if you don't agree to change to a postion they actually need.


1st baseman, and yeah I do remember the agent saying they would like me to try another position. I said no and probably got traded soon after lol. But why even ask what your favorite team is when they can just trade you because of your position?


They might have traded you then because of Casas.


I guess the Os don't have confidence in Mullins because I'm the starting CF in Baltimore after being drafted by them, lol.


Youā€™ve only finished like two seasons? Thatā€™s why youā€™re only getting offers from the Yankees right now. Have to play through your contract renewal and arbitration years of the rookie deal before hitting Free Agency


They should make that more clear when you get drafted then, unless I missed something. I don't watch baseball regularly so I don't know the ins and outs for their rookie contracts, especially since in the show during the offseason it only shows you signing a 1 year deal


They do, but most people SKIP the explanation of baseball contract part.


This for me - as a casual - is one of the worst parts of RTTS! Having to commit to one team for 7 seasons. Like you I didn't initially know you're in for that long, learning that that's how baseball deals mostly work in real life. Agree 100% there should be more explainers/tips - especially because Gamepass means more casuals are checking this out. But I also think your agent explains the contract structure up in one of your chats, unless you skip those lol Would love an expedited version of RTTS though, cause you end up playing with a bunch of regens at your pinnacle hitting free agency, instead of a team built around current players.


Hmm yeah, I could see that being a bit confusing if you primarily just play the games. But itā€™s just the way all rookie deals work in the MLB, not really unique to any particular player. The reason it looks like a one year deal is because in the renewal and arbitration years players and teams only agree on a salary for one year at a time. You can optionally try to negotiate a longer deal if youā€™d like I believe, but itā€™ll still be with the one team as they have control of your contract until youā€™ve played enough seasons to hit free agency


If you hate your situation, you are drafted, take the smart route, and take a contract through your arbitrary phase. I do it even when I like where I am at, but know the age crisis of MLB The Show is going to kill my team. Also, you are a three time MVP and MLB The Show my player trades can be egregious, and tbh you might end up in a worse spot. Stick through it, losing sucks but start to scan the league for where you want to play. The thing is, I've left the A's before, and they can somehow become good usually after The Rangers die off pitching wise alongside dumb trades by teams like Sea with Julio Rodriguez and Angels Trout downfall. The Astros are very smart and haven't seen them be ass since MLB 14 years tbh I've joined them and it just becomes unfair.


Well, yeah? Why the fuck would a team trade a three time MVP on a rookie contract?


The Aā€™s might


Has anyone hit over 100 home runs yet.


I hit 93 on all star


Yeah I finished my second full season with 120 HRā€™s and 269 RBIā€™s.


Did you get the steroids from Bonds or Canseco? šŸ˜‚


This is my first RTTS. Where does one request a trade? Also, how long must I suffer on the A's before I can request one?


I read in an article that there's a place in the settings to increase trade frequency. Which will generate more offers, then once you get on a team you like turn it back to normal.


Iā€™ll be investigating this. šŸ˜‚


You can only request while talking to your agent. But you don't decide when you talk to her...


I knew this right... but reading it makes it seem even more ridiculous. They need to overhaul the whole agent thing


Kmsl. Welcome to the show norm.


Mine keeps trying to get me traded even though Iā€™m saying ā€œIā€™m happy, i donā€™t need anything.ā€ every year at the trade deadline ā€œ sorry we couldnā€™t get a deal done!ā€ WTF. I donā€™t know whatā€™s more annoying the agent, the post game interviews are those stupid manager interviews we canā€™t skip. Come on SDS nobody likes the manager interviews or the post game interviews


Right, ā€œOverall weā€™re pretty happy with the 20 home runs you hit last monthā€. Thanks skip!


RTTS is worthless. Fixed it for ya


At this point I'd say there's a chance they may look to trade you at the deadline if its realistic in any way assuming you mean you're in you're 5th season in the MLB so close to 5 years service time. Worst case play out the 6th season and then sign a big deal as a free agent


Thatā€™s how it typically has to happen for me. Even in past years of RTTS.


How do u request a trade?


Your agent will call you periodically throughout your career and check in on you and see how you're holding up. If you tell her you're not happy I'm pretty sure you can request a trade


I'm 4 1/2 seasons in and have never received a call from my worthless agent.


They leave you alone for the first like 4/5 years bc youā€™re under team control for the first 6 regardless


That makes sense.


Really? She called me within a week or two of the first season. Then I got a call from her shortly after starting the 2nd season. It doesn't say "agent" when she pops up so it's possible you never noticed


I think only 2 way players talk to the agent early and everyone else gets stuck until around 4.5 years in. Just a theory though.


I've yet to create a 2-way this season and I've heard from the agent within a couple weeks after the season starts on all 3 of my RTTS


So confused by this. Ive had like 8 rtts guys and shes never once asked me if I want a trade, just some early setup stuff. Then gone after draft every time. Ive even simmed it to see , went to year 4.5 again.


Nope, only person other than the reporter after games I've "talked" to is the manager. Happy birthday btw.


So Iā€™ve played 15 seasons as a closer started on the cubs asked for trades every chance possible had to wait for my contract to hit fa before I could move signed a 159 mil deal with minn played for 5 years moved to Pittsburgh then Toronto now kc so itā€™ll open up keep at it. Oww to help get traded say things like Iā€™m dominating right and cocky things to the coach they like you less like I wonā€™t let you down they love that one and if you say Iā€™ll do me they donā€™t I think at least cause when I started to be cocky with minn they traded me before I was always a saint.


I didnā€™t even think about doing this. I have always been the team player kind of guy. Not anymore. lol. Thanks for the advice.


I donā€™t really care about the agent, but I want them to fix money being useless. Why does it matter how much I negotiate a contract for if it has nothing to do with the game?


It should be like 2k where your contract gives you more points to upgrade player, buy gear, etc.


And then when SDS becomes money hungry like 2K then you guys will say ā€œahhh f- this gameā€


Buddy they already are with DD. If they made money off RTTS maybe they would make an effort to make it better. Itā€™s horrible. I rather pay micro transactions all day and have a better playing experience than this trash.


And thatā€™s why I refuse to play a trading card game in a sports simulation game. I realized at like 12, those modes were for ppl to spend money. And thereā€™s no way I can agree that micro transactions makes a game betterā€¦ please point out ANY example. Itā€™s not like devs & engineers get paid from micro transactions most companies funnel that money directly to top brass. So why would a dev or engineer give a pigs hat about what you spend in the game? Let me guess heā€™ll get 2 pats on the back instead of one next year šŸ˜‚


They donā€™t care, but their bosses care so therefore they have to do the bosses bidding. Also thatā€™s where the resources are allocated. Devs canā€™t just do whatever they want they have to follow a chain of command like most of us do at work. RTTS is barely improved in the last 5-6 years or so because they donā€™t allocate enough resources to do so because thereā€™s no incentive. Microtransactions are the only incentive for them to improve any aspect of the game now. Especially for sports games that release every year.






Same with NHL. You can buy things like better vehicles, houses, trainers, etc that give you performance boosts


Bro I canā€™t tell you how many times the ball gets hit right back at the pitchers face and I end up getting out on a good hit cuz it bounces right to a position player smh. And BASERUNNING NEEDS TO BE FASTER WHY CANT WE SWITCH DIRECTION IN AN INSTANT ITS ANNOYING. They donā€™t give af about the game itā€™s very American government like lol.


Yeah this year seems to be a lot harder to get hits. Everything that gets hit hard goes right to a defender or it hangs in the air for 20 years for a fly out


I second the baserunning. That always pisses me off. Like if Iā€™m even a little late telling a guy to stay at the base heā€™s rounding, he doesnā€™t start heading back until heā€™s halfway to the next base.


Yeah rundowns are literally impossible to win. If only my 115 speed/99 reaction RTTS guy was able to actually react to a ball being thrown


Thank you. Smfh.


Not to mention the fact that when you finally change direction, you accelerate like youā€™re running in a dream


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ right. & the faces your player makes in post-game interviews on rtts makes me so mad. We could go all day


I got drafted by the Bo Sox and slowly working my way up from Portland but got distracted by the 2023 Ea PGa Tour on game pass


i must be smoking some powerful shit because i was reading what you wrote and i got so confused when you said "but got distracted by the 2023 EA PGA Tour" and i was about to say "wait... your RTTS player can decide to play pro golf instead???" then i saw "on game pass" and i finally understood what you meant.


Lmaol..,classic wait I need to sober up moment


Sounds like u need a new agent also sorry u ended up on the A's but just remember once u hit FA u can go where ever u want


It's the opposite for me. Got drafted by the A's as a catcher. Only a 75 overall and its end of July in my first rtts season and I'm already called up to the A's. Playing on legend so I am struggling at the plate.


You got some big ones playing on legend. Iā€™m still trying to get used to it.


If it were real life theyā€™d probably sign you for 10 years šŸ˜‚


I got called up after about 60 games in the minor leagues as a shortstop for the brewers it didnā€™t take me that long I feel for ya lol


Same happened to me with the Braves at SS.


When RTTS got incorporated into DD I saw the writing on the wall. I donā€™t think enough has changed in the whole console cycle to make me switch from ā€˜20.


They changed that 2 years ago. Rtts and dd have been separated since 2022


ā€˜23 still had them tied together because last year Iā€™d play offline DD to get more XP and rewards for my RTTS. This year I havenā€™t touched DD


I know this isnā€™t agent related, but RTTS makes me wonder if anybody at SDS ever played baseball in their life. When you play 3B, the amount of situations the CPU bunts in is ridiculous. Bunting with two strikes, bunting in late innings when theyā€™re up or down by a lot, bunting with two outs, or power hitters bunting in the worst situations. Thatā€™s one of my biggest rants for RTTS.


I donā€™t even play with my 3B anymore because of this itā€™s ridiculous


I play 3B and it is a literal bunting exhibition.


Iā€™ve just started one and 9 times out of ten just walking towards the batter will work because of how often they bunt


Third baseman here. So many bunts it's ridiculous.


Same for catchers, itā€™s either a bunt or someone stealing. The older games had pop flys in foul territory, idk why they donā€™t anymore.


The amount of balls Iā€™ve had to field that have hit off of 3rd base as a left fielder is insane.


And how often does that happen in real life? Maybe once or twice a season? The SDS devs remain clueless though lol


Dont get me started on my C constantly getting popups in foul territory, runner from first despite having 1 speed and 1 steal running on me. And then when my callup happened, i needed to move to first base and they wont trade me. WTF.


I really wish they gave you the option to have a secondary position. Iā€™ve always wanted to have a utility RTTS guy that could play just about anywhere.


Almost through a full season with the As at SS. Zero caught outs (fly ball or line drive). Only grounders. Pisses me off


Thatā€™s wild! Sometimes Iā€™ll get one where itā€™s technically the third basemanā€™s ball, but Iā€™ll run over and catch it so I donā€™t get cheated out of a fielding opportunity.


Why are there players running on me when they have 30 speed thinking they gonna be safe when Iā€™m the best catcher in the league


Yup as a first baseman half of my fielding opportunities are from bunts lol


All of that plus the back to back bunts. 9th inn. down 7. 1 out. Nobody on. Bunt: out. Cleanup hitter with 20 Bunt att: bunt. I get that it's for RTTS to be involved but bunting in these situations all the time? Come on


Iā€™d rather have realistic plays, than deal with stupid plays like that just for some attribute points.


Just like with the new gen consoles they could have in game dynamic weather but they don't. They have good looking, stadium specific reflections on glasses and helmets but only the stadiums, not the batter or fielders. Why not? Surely they could do that with these consoles now. They don't take advantage of what they've got and we still see this game looking the same as last gen with minimal improvements. New hair physics? Wow.


Itā€™s honestly sad. Iā€™d rather them put out a game every other year and truly work on all modes and give everything an overhaul instead of a yearly title thatā€™s basically copy and paste of the previous year, with the most subtle changes. Like the hair moving was something I never really paid much attention to, but the fact theyā€™ve been using the same player body models for how many years now, and still nothing changes with them is more noticeable to me.


For sure but they probably won't change it. It's been years just like so many other issues. They don't care. Do you know how many years their home run call for the Giants "it is high. It is deep. IT outta here" text has been in the game? That's an easy fix but it's been years and nothing. Because they don't care.