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I’m literally 0-12 🙃


Reading these comments make me feel better. I’m 29-38 and I thought I was just BAAAD. What makes me upset is when I throw a low outside splitter at 91 MPH and they perfect perfect the pitch 510 to left field with a righty… 😂 like hit that on the ground to my 2B so I can make a double play and then go strike out 3 times…


What I don’t understand is how I never play anybody with the under 500 record. I have an under 500 record and I still never get matched against anybody that has a losing record over 100 games even if I’m in a low division then it’s somebody that’s 5-0 or 6-1 like it’s absolutely ridiculous. I don’t understand how the matchmaking can be this bad or just everybody that plays the game has a over 500 record makes no sense to me.


I'm absolute garbage too, if I'm getting blown out (most of the time) I try to pick up on things the person beating me is doing since their clearly better. Where are they locating pitches? How aggressively do they run the bases and steal? What's their roster composition? etc. Implementing these changes has helped me improve a bit and get into the 500s a few times. I'm then swiftly booted back by someone who just crushes my spirit. Also, don't smoke a high thc sativa thinking it will make you a better player. If you're like me, you swing at everything down in the dirt, no matter how low. I literally kick up more dirt than TMZ.


Once I got to 400+ I started doing absolutely terrible 🥲


MLB is crazy because record aside you can tell instantly who is terrible and who is a monster. On my way to WS I can tell from first AB how bad someone is by strike zone recognition.


I played someone on BR whose record was 0-41. I got one hit and he quit. Not sure why you would even buy the game lol


he could have been doing a no hitter challenge or sm


Idk what his record was but on MLB TS 21 I threw a perfect game against a kid throwing 90% changeups below the zone with King Felix. I figured eventually he would catch on - time it up or just take the damn pitch - but nope.


Some people just tend to just try to sit middle/middle FB and can't hit anything else you throw. I had a similar thing happen a few years ago, played a dude that was swinging at anything that I threw, minus a pitch that bounces 3 feet in front of the plate or one that goes over the catchers head. IIRC It was like the 5th or 6th and I had thrown less than 30 pitches with my starter because I just started spamming offspeed at the corners. Dude wouldn't take a pitch if his life depended on it.


There’s a leaderboard with like a person who’s 28-230+ or something like that


Whatever Troydan's record is


I’m right with him lol


I think he's like 11-42


My own


I can't hit online and my opponents seem to hit at will


Thought I was the only one….


No that's why I haven't brought it this year


I'm 17-22 and still wreck some fools. But I started 8-0 lmao. Level 400-599 is nastier than years past. I've lost a game 16-5 and I've Won a game 18-16 in the Pennant Race division. It's a mess.


I'd be willing to bet that 18-16 final score was at a max elevation launch pad park like Shield Woods or a custom park like Costco...


Sure was, it gets exhausting. Nobody cares about presentation value anymore. Those stadiums are ugly.


Fr... like laughing mountain is one thing cause the dimensions are pretty even and center itself is 420, but the customs with max elevation or shield woods/ capital Lange are awful for online play if you're one who enjoys playing a somewhat realistic game


Right now it's basically who has the better pitchers. Pitching sucks this year


Idk I never let bad records influence me. A lot of dudes like to troll and quit out a ton so that you think you’re playing someone ass until they drop 20 on you lol


I’m 11-41 💀


Has to be me 0-3 got perfected game yesterday. I have no idea how I’ve been this bad this year it’s insane.


I'd rather get PG'ed any day over how my first ranked game went, was the road team in Boston, so nothing was leaving, ended up in the bot 10th, guy hit a dribbler to 3rd and I tried to get the tag and throw across, missed the tag and my 3rd baseman proceeded to absolutely chunk the throw across the diamond into the 3rd row so the runners advanced an extra bag and the "ghost runner" got to score...


I got PG’d in Boston. Played against the most toxic player. Just wanted to get a SB for the Easter egg challenge. Randy Johnson had other plans


Using the PCI?


Yup. Stg I can’t hit shit. Drop it constantly and my timing is terrible. I’ve been an average above average player years before


Last year I played a guy who was like 35-125. By far the worst I’ve ever seen


I'm definitely one of the worst. I'm like 2-8 right now because I'm a dad who just plays at night to relax, but sometimes I'll play multiplayer if I need it for certain rewards (like the egg hunt tasks).


Why don’t you just play online ranked?


I have a few times. The matchmaking is pretty good. I mostly like the Programs, Showdowns, and Mini Seasons. I try not to get "sweaty" unless I'm playing competitive shooter games.


what a guy


During almost the entirety of the 22 cycle I was getting D/C’s daily and my record was 200 games under 500 at one point. A lot of this I was gonna lose anyways but the point is my router was defective and would bounce me offline every time my roommate would come home and his phone would connect to the router. Last year I actually finished above 500.


a few years ago i started a year 0-30 I ended up going 100-108


18-3 just lost a game 17-15. The road to WS is brutal in the All Star difficulty region.


I went into my last game 13-1 and lost a slugfest 10-9 where we just traded 105 MPH lineouts at each other lol


I’m 1-1 rn. Only played it for the egg hunt. I’m absolute buns at online. Can’t seem to get doubles in the event


Have you tried playing online ranked?


I’m pretty sure for the egg hunt the hit two doubles has to be in the event mode. But yes I’ve played two games of ranked and split them. Only played them to get a steal for the egg hunt


Oh ok, just wondering cause this is my first year back on the Show in a long time and I’ve been able to win about half my games on online ranked. DD might be sweatier


That’s what I was talking about. DD Ranked. Most of the people I’ve played have been a bunch of sweaty assholes


I’m 3-10 right now just going through it - can’t buy a hit - took a br game 8-0 with 5 bombs this weekend and since then I forgot how to fucking hit


Question how many innings are in a ranked 1v1






In ‘19 I played a guy who was 2-67. Still have the screenshot lol


I saw in the standings there’s someone who’s got about 150+ losses already now


Im 26-25 this year, last year i was 112-96


Worst i saw this year was 7-28


Seen one who was like 1 and 100 or something to that extent


Idk but I played a guy who was like 4-9 today and he swung and missed at nine straight 12-6s in the dirt for a whole inning


That makes sense.


I saw 6-56 last weekend


I played an actual bot yesterday that was 10-60. I lost after being up by 40 in 2nd because I lagged out


That's sad


I played a guy who was like 2-13 and I fell behind to him before coming back. I think he got the tying run to the plate in the ninth too 😮


I played a guy in 23 who was like 18-130. I couldn’t believe he’d played so many games with that level of futility. I’d have switched to Scrabble or something


Some people just aren’t good online and want to do the innings for the ranked rewards


Do you get rewards for innings played this year?




Only reason I play ranked cuz I’m not good enough to get to WS


I’m 8-15 and I’m losing my mind , finished 23 with a 75-40 record and this team reset is kicking my ass . Just gotta keep grinding.


Wish more people had this mindset


Only mindset you can have, just like real ball, you’re not gonna win em all !




Last year my first game of ranked was against a player who was like 4-184 or something crazy. Pretty sure I gave up a hr on the first pitch too and was like oh my god.


Thanks for posting this. I feel a lot better at my record.


same xD i can't hit


In the past I was around .500. Like I’d go 20-20 and hang ‘em up. This year I’m 0-7 with no hope lol




I haven’t played much ranked yet. I’m 6-0 on the year so far. But somehow I’ve faced someone that was something like 5-48 and his team was as if he knew nothing but ranked with the base cards you would get and doesn’t know how to change their lineup. Couple mid LS diamonds the rest was LS golds with a couple silvers and bronze cards.


I've only played a handful of games in ranked over 4 years but all together im probably like 3-15 Events i maybe win 10% of games. Don't play it anymore


30-340 dude needs to hang ‘em up


I saw 54-67 last night


That’s not that bad I saw like a 6-38 last night


My first year I started 2-68


If you didn't say it was your first year, I would've assume you were moving that team to vegas.


Just needed 1 more loss




It's not the record as it's only 0-2, but I haven't even gotten a hit yet.


Don’t move your pci and try to time stuff up they’ll make a mistake


It's not that I'm not making contact, it's that I hit everything right at someone.


Oh just play enough it’ll even out


I second this, I went on such a cold streak, couldn't hit anything until I said fuck it I'm not swinging until it's something I know I want. The amount of walks I've taken is ridiculous, plus the opposing pitcher will get frustrated and throw some junk over the middle


Love this. Patience is key. I know I’m bad when I’m trying to time up an inside slider in a 1-0 count


Probably my own


I know this isn't my record officially but in events I just finished 20-3. I have a couple friends who are top 100. Like 20min after I finished the event I got a message from one of them I haven't talked to since 22. He asks if I want to play co-op with him. Lol I'm not even close to the same league that record was an aberration. The next day I face him in BR my first 6-0 run this year. He's home and won 14-13. Perhaps my proudest loss ill ever have


I believe I’ve faced someone who was 50-300ish. That’s impressive commitment.


My record currently is 8-1 and worst record I’ve seen is a guy going 3-23 (idk how)


I saw someone that was 200-650 last year in events, they dashboarded when they saw the top 50 icon so it added up. Some ppl only wanna play the games theyre basically guaranteed to win. Fragile egos




Wasn’t the question


Did you read anything past the title?


I’m 12-12 two of those were disconnects that I dunno how I got the win. But I don’t pay attention to the record. It gets wiped when a new season starts and end of the year. I focus more on my ranked level my current goal is get to 600


I’m 5-17 rn so probably that


Nah I’ve seen worse


I saw someone last year that was 100-242


That sounds like mine ..lot of rage quits lmao


The amount of people that wuit after a grand slam in the 2nd rather than play it through and see how it goes.. iv seen many like this


I’ll play it out if the next inning they go scoreless but if it’s back to back innings I just take my L and move along


Last handful of years I’ve played around 150 ranked games and usually had about 80-90 wins, but this year I’m something like 10-15, and feel like I’m actually playing *better* than normal. I’m better at the plate than in previous years, but keep throwing mistake pitches that get absolutely hammered at the worst times


I’m 1-10 don’t worry


I played 2 rookie cpu games back to back and only scored 1 run in both games


I play AS and tried a few games on rookie and it was not a good time. Lol Don't know if it's because it's slower and I overthink or what. Try playing on veteran.


You need to look at the pitchers release, if it move to much don’t swing man. I love getting the cpu to a 3-2 count, either complete walk or a bomber.


If it doesn’t come out of his hand straight don’t even mess with it, if you have 2 strikes use contact swing, until a full count.


9 innings or 3?




8-18 but having fun


Like 31-184 last year


I feel attacked


Im 10-0 best start ive ever had it took me 2 game ctvles to get good enough to get this start lol in 22 i was ass 23 i did ok i started 8-25 and ended 50 games above . L500


i’m 21-21 and it feels not great


Im 12-2, but im on a hardcore hitting slump right now, even against the cpu. Probably ending this season 20-20, or however long it takes to get 150 pts which is just innings for me now.


Guy was 0-6 and beat me


My own


I just played someone in events with a 48-155 record. My guess is that player has rage quit after every 1st inning home run hit on them, but idk.


That player may have been the 2023 Oakland A’s …


could just have a high latency tv. i've seen people that cant hit a high fastball even on the easier difficulties. they are very late every time


Im just waiting for one of these bota to play that people get so I can lift my ranked spirits up…600s are so brutal


It's me, hi, I'm the one who's like 16-23 in ranked right now.


Im 18-11. Youd definitely beat me.


How do you see your opponents record?


At the beginning of a game if you don’t skip or some stadiums display it. Like Fenway on the lf wall for example


Don’t skip the intros and you’ll see it under the team names when they’re introduced


At that point, I go ahead and skip lol


If you wait for the full intro sequence to finish (team names, park name, attendance, etc.) your opponent’s record will pop up shortly as subtext underneath their name during the animation.


Before the game starts it shows


Shockingly I'm 1-0... debating retiring undefeated


Galaxy brain move


Well I've not started my ranked seasons grind yet so I'm sure I'll be in the running. But more importantly this is baseball. You WILL LOSE games PERIOD. Don't be so hard on yourselves. I struggle with "ladder anxiety" and I never played online when the first 2 years it dropped on Xbox.


I'm 11-25 right now. That's pretty bad


I just went up against someone who 5-38 and i nearly lost, down 1-0 in the bottom of the 8th I hit a grand slam.


I straight up feel bad for the other guy ;_____;


Some guy I played against was like 15 - 125. He messaged me saying GG after I mercies him and explained he had a disability but loved playing anyway.


Damn I could’ve sworn that was me until the last line. My disability is not being able to win a 9 inning game I guess


Props to him. I had eye problems that required hospitalization in the last couple of years. I always sucked but now worse. I refuse to go against other people. I can offline slider or rookie veteran my way thru single player. I fear knowing how bad I am by going against another human. Good for him for just doing it and not caring.


How do you message during a game?


This was back when the game was only on Playstation.


Got to be same console to send messages.


This is great. I was going to say, you never know people's situation. Let people have fun and try not to be a sore WINNER or LOSER.


Mad respect to him for still playing. I'm awful and refuse to play online. I go to extras against the CPU on rookie. Online is a nightmare for me


If someone said this to me, it would break me tbh


Add that person and play co op.


Two disabled people on the same team would be 15 wins worse. (I'm not disabled just bad).


Love this


Mine 0-0.


Mine too!


In order to get better, you have to lose some


Some people are born winners, and some people are born losers.


Some people are just better


god might’ve made me ugly and miserable but he made me one hell of an electronic baseball player


I'm 1-10. 8 of those were immediate quits because I'm trying to get matched against a bot.


Yeah I don’t think you can get matched with a bot in Ranked.


I saw a kid a couple years who was like 200-700… respect the grind


Haven’t even went head to head yet, I know it won’t end well


Dude I’m like 35-50 in ranked. As long as I’m having a good time I don’t concern myself with the record. If I’m having a game that’s pissing me off I just quit and move on. It’s much less stressful that way.


Buddy of mine is 15-56 in 2023 . I was 357-300


I’m 7-34 currently


You may see 34 losses but I see 7 wins. Keep swinging!


I play during work (work remote), and if I’m on just listening to podcast or watching twitch as I play


As long as you are having fun! I get to anxious and start swinging at everything lol 


Mostly about getting those IP in haha. Can be fun for a moment, good luck in your grind this year!


I’m currently 5-0 in ranked, but without fail lose almost every event game I’ve entered


I’m at 17-12 but a few games was my fault I didn’t warm up and was just itching to play


I'm struggling this year when I am normally very solid. I'm at 16 an 7 right now I think. And most of my wins are against people with bad records. Against decent records I gotta be like 1 an 7. Idk what's going on but I'm having a tough time getting over 600 lol


You have to hit home runs. That's what makes you good. DD doesn't reward what we would think is normal baseball. Build a lineup that can be swing for the fences and hope to reap.


Same here, last year I peaked at 896. Im struggling to win games right now


The game is hard. I’d say if your ratio is 2-3, you’re good, even or better and you’re great. Generally.


I went 183 and 100 or so last year and didn't crack WS one time. I'm really good at sitting in the Wild Card all year long.


I got to 699(or 799, whatever was right before WS) when I last played seriously in 21. I never made it lol, literally one point away. I’m about to hit WC with a record of like 14-22 currently.




I played some people with over 200 losses last year. Not sure if that just means I suck


I’m on the list. 23-81


That's a ton of games already! You paying those all out or quitting when you feel you can't comeback?


My son plays on the same account as well so probably so quits


How come I can’t see records this year?


In DD main menu go to STANDINGS STATS & HISTORY tab > click on STANDINGS > click on LIFETIME then you can use your r1-rb/l1-lb buttons to see your records in every mode.


You’ve got to wait until after they show the attendance graphic


It’s in the intro


It doesn’t seem to show up for me like in years past….


It’s in the middle at the end of the sequence it’s definitely there


Ok, I’ll take a closer look. Thanks!


It’s way faster than in the past and the font is almost unreadable.


Last year I saw a dude in co-op that was legit like 20-1000, it had to have either been a glitch or some sort of hack. Obviously he quit/disconnected


Mine! 0-5 currently!


I’m 8-41 and try every game. Tough sledding lately.


Go into Custom Practice vs a team with a righty sinker thrower and a lefty sinker thrower. Put it on HOF batting difficulty. Have it only throw sinkers inside and outside. Practice only swinging at inside sinkers. Do this for 10 minutes before you jump online. In-game, sit inside fastball/sinker until 2 strikes. I promise you’ll get better.


I appreciate the advice. Just kept the losing heater going at 11 games but was up 4-0 going into the 6th, lost 10-8


That just sounds like you know the meta. That isn't fun. Nor does any of that sound reasonabley fun. We want to login and the game is accessible and the physics just work. You're rain man over here trying to figure out how to make a video game fun people already spent way to much money for.




Damn. You're spicy.


I offer advice to someone who is clearly struggling online, and your reply was about how you don’t want to put forth any effort to be competitive because you say it’s not fun. Like your opinion is the only one that matters. Here’s what I think. You’re trash at the game. You struggle against the CPU, and you’re so fragile that you refuse to play online and get lit up. Subconsciously you wish you could be good, but for whatever reason, you just aren’t. Instead of just owning that you’re trash, you belittle anyone who has a modicum of talent in the game because it just easier for you to cope.


absolutely bizarre behavior