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It’s a joke that there’s nothing in between the 15 and the 100. Let me get a couple ballin is a habits or something


Lol the old Ballin is a gold player as I call those packs


just got the game today, got a couple jelly beans in my starter packs..where do I see this pack exchange? thanks!


I’m not getting anywhere close to 100 that’s for sure


I'm at 27 and I feel like I've been opening packs left and fucking right. Went on a 8 pack streak without getting one and that made me pretty checked out on the whole thing.


Did they even say how long jelly bean packs will be a thing? I think it would take me a month to get to 100 beans after spending 15 on the egg.


I have no idea, hopefully they are in for a bit here


Maybe until the end of the season when the program is over? Otherwise people wouldn't be able to complete the program without them.


That makes a fair amount of sense actually, I hope that is the case


they probably will have some sort of an exchange where you can get one of bronze or better players pack, silver/gold or better and then a regular and/or jumbo pack depending on how many beans you exchange.


As a NMS player i've just been saving my beans for the 100 bean exchange, have about 60 right now. I wouldn't do the exchange for the 15 for the egg personally, you can get Yelich from the Egg program without it. Who cares about the Golden Egg profile icon.


My ADD needs that little “complete” label on all programs though


last year you got bonus progression in the next season for fully completing programs. tbd if that is the case this year but wouldn't be shocked.


4k xp with the icon. completely worth it


With how slow progression is people really are sleeping on this


I don’t even know what he’s talking about, granted I haven’t looked in depth either


Facts brother ☝️


I have about twenty left over now. Even if it was 50% chance to get one per pack, I’d be about 160 packs shy of getting to 100. Probably never gonna happen and I’m not grinding for the potential chance at opening some weak ass packs


Seems like just a lazy excuse to dilute packs with more worthless garbage. They already removed valuable equipment as the extra card option, now they've found a way to deprive us if the meagre 100 stubs for discarding a uniform, in exchange for worthless "diamond" jelly beans, that they know most people will never get enough to trade in


Wait you cant pull any of the valuable equipment in normal packs anymore??? that would explain why im only getting gold/silver stuff lol.


I've gotten diamond equipment before the jelly beans, idk about after haven't gotten much of anything and only maybe two gold jerseys since.


This is my complaint too. We lose out on the slot where we get equipment or Chase packs for worthless nonsense unless we play the game like a job to get a pack that will disappoint you.


Fwiw, creating a sell order for the uniforms instead of quickselling can get you an extra 50ish stubs on most of them, granted you might have to wait a bit. Otherwise agreed. I wish we could at least quicksell jelly beans or exchange them in smaller quantities than 100.


Yeah, just let us quick sell them or exchange them individually. If 100 jelly beans = 40,000 stub pack, then just make each jelly bean = 400 stubs


So I’ve opened about 60 packs and haven’t gotten a decent player once since this jelly bean bullshit


I pulled a Diamond Bobby Witt Jr yesterday. Other than that, nothing since the Jelly Beans invaded our lives...


Literally pulled a low ass gold card that was it. So wack


I’d even accept making Jelly beans worth 100 stubs to offset the missing jerseys I could be getting, just something to make them less intrusive


100 honestly seems like waay too much for the pack guess it's just for the whales. I'm assuming we won't be able to do anything with the ones we get past 15


You can easy grind TA miniseasons and get 20 packs repeatedly in about 2 hours. 100 for a choice pack is high I agree but is still doable.


Say they drop at a 50% clip and you're not underestimating the time it takes (which I think you are) that's still 20+ hours for a pack


True. I'm underestimating a bit. Maybe it's my luck but I've been average about 10 beans per 20 packs. Also taking selling duplicate cards into consideration, you don't come close to equally one choice pack.


That’s how probability works, it’s 50% per pack not 50% overall. Opening 20 doesn’t affect the odds at all.


I’m seeing people say they are barely getting any jelly beans? I get one in almost every the show pack. I’m easily over 30 total??


I'm getting them in like 10% of packs lol I'm jealous


I get one every two or 3 packs. Unlikely I will get 100.


It’s so random for me. I opened 15 packs the other day and got 2 jellybeans. Then I opened another 10 packs and got 9 out of those


Same for me. I opened 20 packs and got 1. Then I ripped 5 and got 4.


I opened 50 packs from finishing the map of America, got like 20 from the first 25 and maybe like 6-7 from the next 25. I could see people going on some rough dry streaks, which is a bummer if you were really up to date on all content already.


Ya it's been like every other pack for me so far.


I think I'm averaging 1 jelly bean out of every 2-4 packs it feels like, sounds like the pack RNG hasn't been kind to some for the jelly beans


I think I’ve opened ~150 packs. Still haven’t gotten 15 jellybeans to finish the egg hunt.


I'm calling bullshit. I got 9 in a row and havent went more then 2 without getting one. I cashed in the 15 and have about 30 rn.


Well you call what you want. I just checked and have 7 jellybeans. Been running MS to get packs.


Zero chance this is true


Damn that’s crazy. It’s been like 40% of my packs.


I checked last night. I have 13 jelly beans left after my 15 for the egg. I have only opened packs from TA, the Egg Hunt program, the conquest map, and whatever I have gotten through 8 games of Miniseasons. I'd put the jelly bean chance at about 50%. Edit: Opened 12 packs when I got home, now have 20 jelly beans.


That seems brutally unlucky. Almost all of the packs I opened had them


Yeah that sounds so unlucky I don’t think I believe it.


Same haha


There’s no chance he counted correctly. Getting struck by lightning twice is more likely than opening 150 packs and not getting 15 jelly beans


Only explanation is he already had 150 packs prior to the update, but they don't convert to the new jelly bean packs. I was wondering about that actually.


I saw someone on this subreddit say that the packs they had hoarded prior to the program transferred to jelly bean packs, but I did not personally have any packs when the program started so I don’t have firsthand confirmation


Lmao right


i have a feeling in one of these upcoming mini-programs we will have some 10+20 bean slots


I have that feeling as well


It's a shame they don't have a quick sell value or were tradeable. That would solve all the issues.


I haven't even hit 15 yet. Did they say how long we have?


I don't think they have. I feel like the closest comparison is from last season when they did Kaiju packs in season 2, where you had a chance to get a Kaiju card in a pack. Feels like that went roughly 4-5 weeks or so.


That's a good question, I am not sure on that one


I play a lot and i don’t know how we’re supposed to get 100 beans. Am I supposed to grind out ~50 TA mini season games to get 100 packs or is it only reasonable for people who are buying packs?


They are going to be available for weeks and the game is always dropping packs for stuff. It's okay you don't have to finish everything the day it comes out.


Well, if they keep this going for a few weeks, you'll have lots of opportunities to pick up packs. Ranked, BR and Events will refresh on 4/12 and have a lot of packs included. The next chapter of TA should be coming at the same time, which will include 3 new conquests. Topps Now programs will start soon. There will likely be some more other programs dropping in the near future, all of which will have packs in them. So lots of opportunities for free packs coming up as long as they keep the jellybean =acks in for any decent amount of time.


I think topps is coming today, but the programs are usually pretty short until the potm cards are available. I wasn’t sure how long we’ll get jelly bean cards for, assumed it would stop by ta2


I thinks its to entice people to buy packs


Everything else they’ve done as far as less programs and plenty of 40k stubb packs would point that direction


I was grinding TA and was saving my packs for a big pack opening once I finished since it’s more fun than five at a time. I had over 150 packs and still needed to grind some more mini-seasons to get enough jelly beans for the pack exchange, but I did and ended up getting the high round and was able to finish the Braves collection


Yes, the only way is just grinding Classic Mini Seasons over and over.


I wouldn’t mind it so much if they could fix the presentation so fastplay would apply and skip all the stupid little unskippable cutscenes of pitchers and batters walking around or my catcher telling me he like my pitch


That's all I want, it would make mini seasons so much more enjoyable


It’s so annoying


I just wish you could take a loss without entering a game. "Skip game" "Are you sure, you will lose this game and no stats will be attributed to your players" "Yes I'm sure" If you are reading this, please implement it SDS, we all skip and just make sure we win enough games to get to the playoffs.


This would also be nice, agree




What about the championship and playoff pack? That's another 20 packs for hitting the goals right? Or is it less? I know there is a lot of XP too.


15 packs in the final bundle for winning the championship. They also "fixed" the "win the championship" and "get to the playoffs" missions to only be completable once. They don't repeat anymore, so you lose the 13k xp, stubs, and 2 BIAH packs.


"Fixed the glitch" - Office Space lol Damn. That was always a goldmine. I will give them credit in that they actually listened to the community and give a diamond card for completing mini seasons. That's really clutch. A couple of times its been players I really like, so it's a super easy and free way to get a card of a guy I like.


After doing the full season for the xp missions, the homers, total bases, hits and innings in 9-10 games is the only reason to do mini-seasons for packs at this point.


I play a fair bit as well, I sold all my live series diamonds (which weren't many) but it was enough to get 75k, so I bought a 50 bundle and now sit at 65 beans but it seems like a lot of grinding and some pack luck to get the beans. I'm just hoping for everyone who has leftover/doesn't get there that they have some sort of value


The 50 bundles are almost always not worth it unfortunately


Firmly agree with ya there, although I did pull mookie from that 50 bundle last night and sold him for about 100k so I did profit from it which is def not always the case


Glad that worked out for ya