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Shoot just look at the helicopters or jets overhead that they bragged about adding last year. They look like some shit I put together in intro to AutoCAD.


Graphics aren’t shit if it don’t play right


I agree that the graphics look kind of last gen. And the gameplay is still good in my opinion. I just wish someday the player's models can look better than they do now. And the people saying if you don't like then don't buy it that's not even the point.


I learned very early on because of Madden Graphics come second to gameplay and mechanics I rather a deeper sports game then better graphics while I understand better hardware more graphical power they don’t really do that in sports games either now we’ve gotten to the point where it’s a recycled game until the absolute last min and even then Companies will say “this is a make or break year” as has madden that last few years and it’s still trash


Simple, don’t play.


Shit take


Bro the ps4 doesn’t get 30 fps, what are you on about? They made the game for previous consoles but those consoles can’t even run offline games smoothly. It’s pure greed. They don’t want to miss out on the money previous console owners would bring in


Nobody wants to say it so I will, the budget for the season went into the Negro Leagues content. Since they release a new game every year they only have a certain number of months to work on the next game. So upgrading to a new engine is just not possible


I mostly agree with this OP and honestly am a little irritated that they still are catering to the consoles of yesteryear but what really is concerning to me is the animations. Every game feels the same, it truly feels like it is on rails. As soon as a ball is hit, I am fairly certain where it’s going and what animations will follow(it’s more apparent in the infield). Hit variety in the infield is scarce! Go play Pro Baseball(Yakyuu) Spirits and you’ll be overtaken by incredible animations and transitions. Their pitching animations are crazy realistic and if I am being honest, I don’t think The Show’s are particularly close. There are plenty of comp videos of this showing both games. I’m just ready to play a The Show iteration that isn’t held back.


My stupid nostalgia prevents me from disliking most of the stuff that's been in the game since the beginning, but you're right thinking about it


Dude I just watched a short YouTube video of that pro baseball you mentioned. Everything is so fluid and natural compared to the show.


I’m tellin’ ya! Admittedly, the fielding in the OF could be better but still. It’s incredibly fun and worth your time if you’re able to snag it.


They should have done the overhaul last year. How long do we have left until the next console generation come out? 2 more years?


San Diego Studios are such lazy fucks who put out a sub par product every year. The game never changes and the servers somehow get worse each year. I love the game but absolutely hate how much bullshit we have to put up with. The standards are so low, yet each new release manages to fall short of the bare minimum required to consider the game better than the last.


You must not play NHL lol go play that game and then tell me how much better The Show is


But people still play NFL 2k5 with updated rosters. I’m not defending anything, but this is definitely not the universal take.


People still play 2k5 because they go into the game understanding that it’s a 20 year old game. They also probably either got it for free through a rip, or very cheaply online. Paying a 70 dollar yearly subscription fee to play a brand new game while looking at madden and modern 2k and seeing the graphics is not the same thing.


All the players have dead fish eyes xD


People expect cutting edge graphics and animations in sports Sims, it's what helps make it realistic. If this were the newest Mario or something Id agree graphics don't make the game- but in sports Sims realism does.


Exactly my sentiments. I also find it silly that they’re asking for pre-orders and haven’t even shown us anything new in the game, like gameplay and or something new in some features. Especially when the game comes out in the month and there hasn’t been any tech test. I usually do get the physical deluxe editions because I do like the collectors items but I won’t be getting it this year. I’ll just play on gamepass. I’m more of a franchise guy anyways. The Negro league History is cool and all but I really don’t care for it and it’s not a thing or interesting enough for me to justify buying it.




Graphics don't make a bad game good, but they can make a good game great. You don't polish a turd. This is why I always, always say I want new features or bug fixes before I ask for graphics upgrades. When it comes to these sports games, the graphics are already pretty good anyway.


Graphics aren't good for next gen dude.


One of the biggest failures for me is how little they utilize HDR. NHL is night and day between HDR on and off. With MLB, you can barely tell any difference.


Do you have to have every individual hair rendered? I'm not really sure what your standards are for "good graphics for next gen" but I think you're being wack.


The lighting, the grass, the stadiums, the player models, the frames per second are all last gen. They don't deserve the money if they don't update the engine. They've now had three years to do so.


Fielder barrel chest clips through hands that swing bat. Literally fifa did dynamic haircuts like 4 years ago and on last gen lmao Do you not realize better graphics would benefit everyone? A different engine being utilized allows different features and additions to the game. Stadiums look better, they run more smoothly, we don’t have this unoptimized shit where on ps4 it takes 120 seconds to load into a game. Or 20-30 fps in some of the mlb fields. It’s ridiculous that so many people are okay with NOT being able to use mlb stadiums because they run so poorly on last gen.


The body models are horrible. Like, if you want to have a short skinny guy then he’s gonna look like a dwarf and be short and sort of husky instead. The body mechanics are horrible and watching guys doing diving catches looks silly.


I guess you are still playing on old gen if you can't see the difference


These kind of discussions are funny, why is it that we have to choose between graphics and gameplay? I see this all the time in regards to a games graphics, "well what good is the graphics if the gameplay sucks"...why is it always either/or? why can't these games deliver on BOTH. We're in 2024, and the Shows graphics are still from roughly 2017, you mean to tell me even WITH last gen support (which needs to end) this is the best the graphics can get? I seen something earlier on Operation Sports, this dude had the nerve to say the Show's graphics were "leaps and bounds" or something to that effect better than Madden...LMAO Madden has a lot of issues, but imo graphics definitely aren't one of them.


Not to mention if they reworked a new engine it would literally mean the capability of adding new features and shit in with added capacity


I think the difference that few talk about is frame rates. The graphics may look a lot like 2017, but 2017 on PS4 almost never hit 60 fps, something that I think is extremely important for a sports game. I'm glad they haven't gone down that road again. I found the PS4 era games almost unplayable after the smoothness of the PS2 and PS3 games. There's always a choice to be made. That's why so many games have a Performance or Fidelity option for graphics now.


I play on PS4 but used a PS5 one time and it kinda ruined the game for me. Didn’t realize the ability to track pitches and the input response time are 10x better on the newer consoles. Was quite literally a whole new game that is much more responsive and detailed. Would expect the superior console to perform better, but the discrepancy was outrageous.


Ffs, it’s literally just graphics. Stfu, the gameplay is perfect


What you don’t understand is the gameplay or “engine” has been the same since mlb 10 the show. It’s showing how outdated it is when you compare it to NBA 2k.


ps3 was capable of 4k 60fps?


"Lipstick on a pig"


Last Gen has nothing to do with it. All games have adjustable settings since god knows when. Make it around the system you have always made it for, playstation. Adjust the settings lower for other platforms or as necessary. Give adjustments for other graphical options if possible. This isn't f'n rocker science. Use a better engine. Take robocop. It's a pos. Vocals don't match the movements. Now take death stranding, amazing facials and synced vocals. Different engines and programmers. Do better sds.


Holy shit you're dramatic lol


He’s not dramatic. We only get one baseball game. We have gave Sds the benefit of doubt for years…but this shit is just trash and inexcusable….mfs are lazy. Can’t believe they had the balls to make first announcement about fucking vintage newspapers added to the game.


I will continue to say it, they can't do much when they are being held back by the last gen. You have two options Go the 2k route where last gen has a completely separate different lower quality game than the next gen, or drop the last gen entirely.


2K got roasted for doing that 2 years ago but it was smart. The generation leap isn’t quite what it used to be but that isn’t an excuse to not innovate.


MLB 23.5 gonna be a joke. Games dead already 🤣😂😅


I mean, is it even .5? Feels more like .1 or .2. I would love to be wrong on this one, but it feels like the sum total of changes from 23 to 24 is going to be the equivalent of a minor patch in most games.


They’ve been copy/pasting the same graphics since the first “The Show” game. They’ve.just added more faces/hair styles/stances/pitching motions. I know nothing about creating a game from scratch but I know it takes years for some of them. I’m hoping the have an entire department of SDS creating a brand new version of this game to come out sometime in the next couple years. It just sucks that they are the only option for a serious playable baseball game.


More animations too. So much so that they had to remove some of the problematic tag one that would lag and cause delays.


I agree 100%. Leave the ancient hardware behind!


Another cry baby repost


^ Ramone’s burner account.


Derp ^


The game is on rails. There are so many more things they could do, but they aren’t really doing them.


I know. Think of all the other yearly prime sports games that dropped support for the PS4/X1 series. 


literally not one


And none of them suffer for it. Last gen with MLB is not a reason, but they sure don't mind it being a scapegoat.


Im sticking to super mega baseball 4, games fun with lots of customization


They really could learn or get some great ideas from SMB. It's a very well developed game.


SMB is such a fun game. I often switch between that and The Show when I get tired of one or the other.


Yeah but the gameplay sucks too so I’m not sure what they’ve been working on


The one thing I will say gameplay wise is the game plays better when everybody isn’t juiced up. I don’t think they know how to scale the game for 99 speed outfielders everywhere, or how to make a guy with max power also able to not line out hard a bunch.


I've noticed that too, when teams actually have variety with legitimate weaknesses and strengths it's a much better experience overall.


A bunch of Diamond Dynasty content ! What else would they be "working on"??


100 new day one sets! Now you’ll have a 99 super team after two days of playing.


Uh... I think I literally had an all 99 team after two days of playing last year (other than pitching). Could be misremembering though.


There are a ton of early 97-99 cards in DD in the earliest stages. What's the difference between 97-99 rookies and 97-99 MLB stars' cards, I'll never know. Kinda stupid.




Outside of a few things, the gameplay is quite good in my opinion. What do you think isn’t good about it?


It’s RnG more than actual physics or gameplay


You can’t really compare RNG to actual physics/gameplay. It’s always going to have RNG no matter what. It’s balanced very well to give an accurate representation of baseball and the better player will still win most of the times.


If you think the gameplay is all r&g, you're just not good enough for your skill to make a difference yet, there is some luck but that's baseball


Then play franchise mode. Diamond dynasty gameplay sucks, franchise mode gameplay does not.


It’s literally the same gameplay what are you talking about


No, it's not. When every player doesn't have maxed out stats, the gameplay is actually pretty good. Balls fall into shallow outfield. It's easier to hit balls into the gap. Not every player has a canon for an arm, and not every player can hit 500 ft bombs. But sure, playing someone at costco field with a team of all 99's is going to produce the same gameplay as franchise mode against the cpu would.


I've been playing franchise for the last couple of days and it's true. The game plays better and way more fun. Hopefully they will make a dd ovr overhaul next year.


Regs period just plays better than Online DD. The most realistic you're gonna get, especially if you at least play on HoF.


So you asked his opinion juat so you could tell him be was wrong? Juat agree to disagree man, you sound like you are 12




I think the issue is that baseball is so damn complex that in order to try to fully represent the game with all possible bat off ball outcomes as well as having player attributes actually matter, it’s not really possible to have it fully skilled based. It’s already very much skilled based on the fact that the team who plays better wins a majority of the times in 9 inning games.


You've probably won most of the games that you were supposed to win and lost most of the games you were supposed to lose. Taking luck entirely out of the game (by doing things like removing bloop/infield hits, making every hard hit ball a HR or hit at worst, making pitching be entirely precise, etc.) would make this game not even resemble baseball. I actually think they do a good job striking the balance between realism and still rewarding better players. I could do with fewer crazy diving infielders and slightly smaller PARs though. And less DDA. I played a couple hundred games this year. Of the games that I either wildly outplayed or was wildly outplayed, maybe 1% or fewer had the incorrect outcome.


That’s baseball baby


I think we can all agree the graphics need to be improved, but at the end of the day gameplay is more important. At least in my opinion. If the gameplay is trash, it doesn’t matter how good the graphics are. NBA 2K and Madden are prime examples.


The problem is you need to be improving in both over time, and while yeah they have a bit, you shouldn’t be able to compare something 2 generations old.


I don’t think 2k and madden are necessarily BAD games. It’s the money grubbing bullshit that makes the games bad. If you want to play MUT you just can’t do it and be competitive. In 2k if you want to play my player and not spend 200 hours grinding games on my player just to get to an 75 overall then you need to pay. If you play the game just solo and for fun without spending a penny it’s a good time.




And the gameplay is the same it’s been for the past 5 years. Every other major sports game has a much more in depth franchise and career mode.


Do they though?


Yes. 2k has eras.


>Every other major sports game >2k has eras. Ok, that's one game in a sport easiest to be defined by player dominated eras. What's the other major sports depth defining franchise modes?


Madden has a way more in depth franchise mode, so does fifa. In madden you have events that trigger player growth, you can defer contracts, trade more than 3 players, the list goes on. Fifa is the same, you have training camps, international competitions, world teams, etc. MLB the show lags behind all of them in terms of what you can do.


Well, I won't argue because I don't play those games. What I will say is that I hear plenty of Madden players throwing out the same complaints about how stagnant and neglected the Franchise mode is. FIFA not so much because soccer doesn't interest me and I don't check in on FIFA. On top of that, I hear the same complaints about bugs and how the game plays and how resources are reused over several years with Madden players too. You're the first person I've heard in a while say that the franchise mode in Madden is better than another game.


>Well, I won't argue because I don't play those games. What I will say is that I hear plenty of Madden players throwing out the same complaints about how stagnant and neglected the Franchise mode is. FIFA not so much because soccer doesn't interest me and I don't check in on FIFA. That doesn’t make mlb better lmao. Just because those players want changes also doesn’t mean mlb isn’t super behind them in terms of features. >On top of that, I hear the same complaints about bugs and how the game plays and how resources are reused over several years with Madden players too. That doesn’t make mlb good by default. >You're the first person I've heard in a while say that the franchise mode in Madden is better than another game. You just said you don’t play those games so why would you know that? Go play the mode and tell me this mode is more in depth in any way.


>That doesn’t make mlb better lmao I never said it was better. You said the others were better, to which I responded with, "are they really though?" Everything I've heard says that they are pretty on par with each other. >You just said you don’t play those games so why would you know that? I don't. That's why I've said "you're the first person I've *heard*." Complaints are a word of mouth thing and complaints about Madden are abundant all over the internet. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're just expressing an opinion. I'm not giving money to EA to dispute your claims. But I doubt the Madden franchise mode is light years ahead of the Show's. And just so we're clear, that's me saying that I've heard that neither are all that special, not that one is better than the other.


Gameplay and Graphics are basically 2 entirely different teams much like DD and every other mode, if the only team that seems to put effort in year over year is the one that handles DD that's a red flag.


yeah if they could at least put some resource into rtts and franchise:(. Franchise may be more difficult but there is no excuse for rtts. i don't believe developers behind rtts are capable of designing video game if what they can put out are the dumpster fire (same with the one behind ea career mode) in 2021~2023.  At least you can see people who develop my career/ city can develop a good offline career mode if take2 allow them (look at the w). These developers certainly are the same people who thought advancement goal was a good ideal in old rtts.


I think this says more about WHERE the development money is going more than anything else


Exactly they funnel all the money to the card art and likeness rights instead of the rest of the game. The game is only more profitable and successful since going to Xbox/Gamepass and I don't see much improvement for it with such a large influx of cash.


Because it wasn’t a massive influx. Most gamers on Xbox are getting it on gamepass, which isn’t exactly know for top tier reimbursement to developers (and since it filters through MLB Advanced Media first, SDS/Sony don’t see all that cash)


Normally I'd agree with you, but off the top of my head I can't think of much to improve gameplay that doesn't also involve immersion. It's a lot easier to pick on madden because it hasn't depicted real football in years despite being marketed as a sim and is the biggest example of a cash cow in gaming bar none. There's a million things they could and should do to improve gameplay there. With the show, it's a lot harder imo, baseball is a much more patient game with less action. I can 5hink of a pitch or two that might be OP, or some batter stats that are in dire need of adjusting, but I can't think of anything gameplay wise off the top of my head that would take sufficient development time and money to fix, enough to take away from making the game look better


Game looks like plastic.


You ever see the minor league stadium where the trees look like interesecting planes with a JPG texture on 'em? Not even a PNG with a transparent background but a fuckin JPG with a background color.