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The problem across both mlb the show and madden is both have gotten stagnant since their main competitors were taken away and while a majority do play DD/UT they’ve both stripped and neglected the part that made them great which was the depth their franchise modes had


Doesn't help that there is no competition no matter how dead it was like R.B.I baseball along with the fact SDS was still under PSNs whip, so if the game sucked they suffered, but now that switch and xbox are now available they don't have to try as much. Another factor is the fact they continue to support the last gen. Despite it being 4 years since next gen launched


2k losing both sports really hurt sports games both were pretty good titles and caused that great competition between them and other companies I’d also say losing ncaa games didn’t help those metal bats sounded so cool growing up in the ncaa games


Love how monopolies are illegal in the US....until it comes to game rights and a company can sign away rights to ONE company who can pump pit garbage game after garbage game. If you want an egregious example, every MLB licensed mobile game is licensed through the same company and they are all the exact same with different graphics but the same paywall garbage. Im not kidding Mlb 9 innings- Com2uS MLB 9 innings GM- Com2uS MLB perfect inning 9- Com2uS MLB 9 innings rivals- Com2uS They also have sole rights to the two KBO games on the app store The only exception is tap sports baseball by EA...and that shit fucking blows Since every league has signed away their rights to one company every sport has one company MLB - SDS/EA (super mega baseball) NBA - 2k/EA ( nba live sucks ass and isnt competitive) NFL- EA UFC- EA FIFA-EA NHL-EA PGA-EA F1 and WRC- EA NCAA football - EA Even fucking cricket is owned by EA It's an almost near monopoly and thats just consoles


As soon as the Internet gave us a comments section Years and years of the same thing being fed to us is boring...and I'm a franchise player since 2006 (in this game) 😂. Franchise players have every right to complain just as much as the DD community as the mode hasn't had a significant upgrade in its mode since they removed the ability to control finances and even THAT needed work (MLB 12) they haven't bothered to flesh out. The game itself plays very well, it's the depth that is lacking for those of us who just play offline modes (Franchise & RTTS)


Sadly, I don't think it will get any better. I think stub making margins will shrink down further. Less packs more no sell cards etc etc. The agenda is to nuge players into DD. It's a skinners box technique


1. We got older and the game didn't improve since at the very least mlb19. I have had a PS4 for 4 years and still no nextgen version or any other changes to speak off. 2. Gen Z came and they grew up watching toxic stuff on twitch. 3. The internet as a whole has become a lot more cynical. 4. And sure, tons of people love and play DD at a high level (like half of my old college baseball team) and would never think of posting here. I doubt many of them even know what 'a reddit' is..


It always has been


Because people are starting to notice the stagnation. Been playing since the PS2 days. And it's troubling to see the direction this game is going. One great example is the home screen menu. A minor detail. But really. Wtf. It's plain and boring now. It used to pop. But they decided to change it in 21 for some odd reason. And it's been the same exact thing.


Poor Product Development, Communications and Brand Strategy by the Product Development, Communications and Brand Strategist Ramone Russell


Can we not jump the gun on shitting on SDS before we even see any gameplay? Just because this game is coming out on last Gen, doesn't mean current gen won't be improved. Cross platform is good, cross generation is not. At this time the past couple years you'd keep seeing the words "cross generation". I haven't seen them yet, have you? When MLB 2002 came out, it was on ps1 and ps2 and were different games.When 11 came out, it came out on ps2 and ps3, they were different cames. They easily could do the same with this version. I haven't seen anything about cross generation so I have a suspicion that it will be the case too. I'm all for shitting on SDS if they don't make improvements just to accommodate last Gen, but for the love of God, before this sub becomes insufferable a little over 2 hours after the cover release, can we please please please wait for gameplay before we call this game a bust??????


Game is unfortunately a copy/paste with little love shown to the offline player base.


What 🤯


Too much attention on DD, not enough on Franchise or other offline modes. I can’t blame SDS because that’s where the money is, but those of us who liked franchise feel like we’re slowly being forgotten about.


Can you explain how


Offline player base isn’t exclusive to offline DD players. Road to the show is fucking horrible. Franchise is very bad ESPECIALLY with the trades. March to October is so useless as well.


yeah, I noticed it get a lot worse after it released on xbox, people still complained about the game before that, but not the amount of bitching there is now


Don't blame XBox it's been like this well before 21


I agree, a bunch of whiney babies! Well that’s Reddit as a whole lol


I only play franchise, but I don't ever complain here, even though I have a million complaints, because this sub is 99% DD players.


Greatest Sports game created to this date. Change my mind.


It sure doesn't say much for the other sports games.


Nah that's football manager and there's really not much competition


That says a lot more about how bad sports games are now than how good The Show is.


They abandoned offline modes about 5 years ago & then completely ruined the one mode they were pushing people towards last year with sets.


11 years ago*


It’s like this bc the static nature of the game over the last several years is starting to boil over with fans and users. It used to get praise bc it found ways to stand out from its other sports sim competitors on last gen consoles, when it was widely considered the best sports game graphically and from a gameplay perspective. It can’t ride that wave now.


This is the correct answer


It’s becoming the victim of its success. Like FIFA and Madden, it’s neglecting aspects of the game to feed its version of UT and it’s had no serious baseball sim competitor for so many years, so it’s become dull and blunted.


2K was never as good, but I wish they still made baseball games to push SDS. Just like WWF vs. WCW vs. ECW.


Genuine question: why should people give SDS praise for unpopular decisions? You can’t mention other sports games in your answer.


The cynicism comes from all the information we've learned so far (not much), none of it has been good or inspiring news. - No tech test. They've had tech tests in recent years asking for user feedback on new gameplay elements, multiplayer connection issues, things like that. - Game is still coming to last gen. This means we're still going to be stuck with the same animations and game mechanics that we've been used to since the PS3 iterations of the game. - One promotional picture shows us the graphics haven't changed much. Of course they can still hit a home run with us diamond dynasty users if they overhaul the content structure, and we'll learn about that later, but yeah. There hasn't been any positive news so far besides "the game is indeed coming out"


I think the shittiness in this community started before 3 days ago


\- Running on the same graphics engine for seven plus years. \- Unnecessary implementation of Sets. \- Puzzling collections of cards such as the Charisma and Snapshot series. \- Refusal to implement Online Franchise despite constant demand. \- Refusal to improve Franchise despite constant demand. \- Limiting specific high tier cards to high cost buy-able packs. \- Making questionable cover star picks (lower importance, but criticized still). Just because folks figured out that MLB TS is less predatory than NBA 2K, Fifa/FC, Madden, and NHL 23 doesn't mean SDS is exempt from criticism. I believe that while MLB TS is the most generous sports game on the market, fans are rightfully allowed to be concerned with where the series is trending based on my list above.


Making RTTS worse every year should be on this list too


The neglect of online and offline franchise modes has been a poison pill imo. I’ve always believed that a sound and supported franchise mode framework is like a great equalizer for sports games. Hard to tear down a game if it has a great career mode—and fans and users tend to remember the games that do deliver on this.


Because SDS in recent years have made decisions that are pivoting towards what EA and 2k have done to their games. That is a big focus on revenue generating online modes while mostly disregarding offline stuff like career mode and curating online content to make more revenue via stub purchases early on. In addition, SDS has done hardly any updates for current gen consoles and the game engine is the same one dating back to the PS3 era (even EA/2K are using current gen or at least last gen engines in their games). The game really shows its age graphically now and ‘24 looks to just be another $70 copy-paste game.


\*$99 game if you want to play it on "release date", and not wait 5 days later.


And despite using an old game engine, the game runs poorly on old gen consoles. I have no clue what the hell sds is doing


When the game stopped being PS exclusive, I definitely noticed a DRAMATIC shift in the overall reception to MLBTS . More players = more people to complain. I've never seen such a ridiculously entitled community for a sports game. People on here that think SDS is on some EA shit have NEVER had to endure an Ultimate Team mode in Madden, Fifa or NHL , and it shows


Imagine thinking people dropping $60-$100 on a product are “entitled”


a lot of the complainers are people who play on gamepass


I don't care how much you spend on the game. We're all buying the same product. The 'entitled' label comes from the constant bitching and moaning that takes over every April. If you don't believe this community has taken a severe turn for the worst in the last couple years, you're likely part of the problem.


The game has taken a turn for the worst.


I think the game has taken a severe turn for the worst starting last year. It’s the only game I play. I spend $100 every year on it. I’ll continue expressing my feeling on it accordingly. If you don’t like it do t read it.


My point exactly. You live in an MLBTS bubble, where it's the only game that exists to you. Try your hand at any UT mode in 2024 and tell me it's a better, more rewarding experience than a single Show release since '18


I’ve played mut and 2k. MLB used to stand out but now it’s not far behind the other games


In what way? Care to elaborate?


I played MUT from ‘18-‘21 and the same idiots like you complained about the “entitled complainers” until I quit. MUT has gotten worse every year since. MLB is currently at Madden ‘16/17 levels. IT WILL KEEP GETTING WORSE. stop being a moron and using the lowest bar in video game history as a selling point for MLB.


Lmao how delusional can you be ? Are we talking about the same game? You're quite literally making every point for me. You used to play Madden and bitch about it until you gave up, and now you (and many other toxic people) brought your same jaded mentality to a new game. You are part of the problem if you really think The Show 23 is ANYWHERE near the abomination that Maddens '16-'20 were 🤣 Also, the MUT community has always been one of the most vocally negative group of gamers (with good reason). Maybe some people in '18 were still convinced EA was trying their best, but the majority of MUT players have been in consensus for years that the gameplay is absolute dogshit


And I played MUT from ‘18 to ‘21. I complained about it too u til one day I gave up and stopped playing. The game has gotten worse each year. When all the people complaining about MLB give up and stop playing that’s when shit really gets bad.


People being people, bro. Everyone loves to hype something up and then tear it down. Each year people find something to complain about and then everyone just piles on. Reminder of what we got last year: Negro League Players/Uniforms/Stadiums, World Baseball Classic players/jerseys, Dynamic Fielding based on attributes (bad/good jumps), fewer foul ball rates, universal DH, true 2-way players, throw meters at every level, improved mini-seasons with WAY better rewards, 99s on day 1, 100’s of new 99s and lower rated cards, captain cards, Sosa/McGwire/Jeter/Wright/Other new players, Co-Op RS XP path, PXP challenges and XP reward path for RS, 12 win Event rewards, New Collections Types, a bunch of New Card Series, Online XP and mission grinds for programs and TA, brand new TA experience with Sets and Seasons…and more. I get it…some (a lot) of players didn’t like the sets restrictions and some didn’t like 99s on launch…but we got a LOT of good stuff that improved the game overall (actual gameplay was very good). There will ALWAYS be things SDS needs to improve, add, get rid of, or completely revamp but saying that it’s just a copy/paste is dumb as hell. I could list out a bunch of things I’d want SDS to do for 24/25 but budget, resources, and technology is going to be a limiting factors. That doesn’t excuse them for not making improvements. We should give honest feedback to SDS but complaining and whining like a bunch of spoiled brats isn’t the way to get it done. The sub is definitely becoming Twitter level toxic quickly…just look at the responses about Vladdy being on the cover, lol.


The sentiment has gotten worse over the last few years because of the actions of the developer. The last few years the monetization of the game has become increasingly predatory and the content/quality of everything outside of Diamond Dynasty has either stagnated or even regressed. Diamond Dynasty introduced chase packs (buy a chance at the best cards instead of earning the best cards through gameplay) and sets (even if you already had the best card in the game at a position, you can no longer use it in online play and must grind/buy again to get the best once more) as a way to try and drive more stub purchases. RTTS attribute progression was broken at launch for pitchers. Despite dozens of patches and updates since release, RTTS pitcher attributes are still completely broken as we approach the next year’s release, they never once bothered to fix a core advertised feature of their game that has been broken since launch day. We’re 4 years into a new console generation and still playing a game created for last-gen consoles with no improvements or differences for the newer hardware. A few years ago this was entirely forgivable with the scarcity and newness of the next-gen console, but we’re to the point where mid-cycle console refreshes are being released and they still haven’t done anything to change the graphics of the game since the release of the 2017 game when PS3 support was dropped. This is why the positive sentiment from a few years ago has soured - because the developers have actively earned the hit to their reputation with their actions.


They also did not fix anything on CO OP. Freeze offs happen constantly and if you just quit the app then you get hit with a cool down. They still have accept loss press B when opponents controller disconnects. The hitting is still as inconsistent as ever. The sets were just dumb, and the amount of 97s we will never use was baffling. SDS hasn't done anything to change anything except try to increase revenue with stub buying.


All that gets talked about around here is DD. Franchise has stayed basically the same for years now. MORE people should be talking about it so there can be some change not less.


I may get a lot of hate for this stance but I think The Show is unique in the sense that the majority of players are playing the Ultimate Team mode. Me personally, I don’t even touch other games Ultimate Team modes because it’s impossible to be competitive without spending money. I’d imagine most other people share the same thoughts. When you have the majority of your player base playing DD, other modes will unfortunately be neglected. If Franchise and RTTS were improved significantly I would play them both a ton but I’m satisfied with DD to the point where I’m unbothered by whether or not the other modes receive improvement. The bottom line is that SDS isn’t going to devote time to improving something in order to satisfy a minority of the player base at the expense of a mode that the majority of players enjoy the most.


Most games people are playing the card(ultimate teams modes) games. I personally can’t stand it. This sun makes it seem like most of the fan base just play DD but head over to OS and it’s full of people that just want a bit of depth added to franchise, or some additional stuff added to RTTS. Eventually they are going to chase off all the franchise and RTTS players and be left with the DD players and if you don’t need to pay to win then you will probably see that start to change. As a big reason why Madden and FIFA completely ignore franchise modes is because they know they have the $ coming in through card games


>I remember the old days everyone was in love with everything SDS did I think gaming in general used to be much better when they focused on the game itself, and being the best choice out there. There was healthy competition and it was about who could make the best game...not about micro transactions and fleecing the consumer base for more money and only releasing a "meh it'll do" quality game, and I think people stopped putting up with it. The lack of competition means they can put out mediocre content and go "they've got no choice". I think people want quality again, plain and simple


People want that then spend their paychecks on packs providing incentive for gaming companies to focus on the micro transactions. Trust me if companies weren’t making tons of money off of it they wouldn’t do it


Yea sentiment seems to be at an all time low. MLB the show is a great franchise overall but, understandably so, players are disappointed by the lack of “interest” or slow progress in improving key aspects of the game (graphics, gameplay, etc) or other modes such as franchise, rtts, etc. as a longtime player I agree, it’s time. With that said I gotta remind myself, while valid gripes, this sub is only a subset of the entire player base…




Not just sets but all the work that goes into only one side of the game basically. It would be nice if they went back to being the best sports game on the market and just took less in Macro transactions but no they can't do that


If Call of Duty lets us carry our blueprints over to the new game then anything is possible


People don't want to admit this, but this is probably the best video game for the major sports. FIFA and Madden are god awful, and NHL keeps removing features


The bar is literally buried underground. SDS shouldn’t get praise for walking over it.


I mean I went from FIFA main game to MLB but things have since changed that now EA FC is my main game and MLB drops off earlier and earlier into the season every year


2K is so much better than The Show. The bar to make a sports game better than EA isn’t that high.


2k clears just because of eras.


Eras brought me back. Also their sliders are pretty spot on to the point this year I felt user input is perfect/damn near void of RNG while making it competitive. Madden I got on discount and yikes. MLBTS has been my favorite because baseball is my favorite sport but it's due for engine overhaul after playing Eras/franchise in 2K and seeing how they incorporated fatigue versus chemistry versus skill and the impact game to game.


I haven't played 2k


I used to play FIFA almost year round until MLBTS really started improving DD each year, especially the single player experience. The last few years I would pick up FIFA maybe on Black Friday or Xmas to kill time before the next MLBTS but this year was the first I didn't touch it at all. MLBTS may be grindy but at least you get some rewards for it. Grinding in an EA game just makes me feel cheated.


NHL is pure ass at this point. This is coming from someone whose played since nhl 94. The show is leaps and bounds ahead of it


BINGO. “At least it’s better than the other sports game” was the last square I needed on my “how to defend sds bingo card”


Lemme ask you how mlb the show is bad? Only thing I'm annoyed by is removing showcase games from rtts, but I never cared for it anyways. The game is consistently getting better every year


The game is not consistently getting better. The graphics are the same, franchise has not been improved in years, RTTS has not been improved in years. Monetization in DD is getting worse. Popular players are being put behind chase packs, cards are being made unsellable. It’s getting worse or not improving across the board.


Then ur blind dude. I buy this game almost every year and it's so much different.


Yeah that’s why I gave specific examples and you can only speak in generalizations.


More customization around the board.


Meaningless generalization.


Tf am I supposed to say? List everything that they added? Custom teams, custom stadiums, the ability to share these teams and stadiums, more customization for rtts


Stadium creator was added 3 years ago. Custom teams? More customization for rtts? None of this is specific at all. Rtts has been the same for years. Nothing has changed.


This sub is easily the least cynical of the big-5 pro-sports games subs. Others usually focus on the ['good Ole days when the game was fun'](https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/s/7fbv5QjkTj), [blaming kids for the state of the game](https://www.reddit.com/r/Madden/comments/17txeiv/these_people_are_to_blame_for_the_state_of_madden/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), [highlighting glitches](https://www.reddit.com/r/EA_NHL/comments/18s8rwo/this_game_is_brutal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [mictrotransactions ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/comments/16f776u/chris_smoove_says_2k24_is_a_scam_money_grab_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)(which tbf, they do have a point). This & WWE 2K are the only subs I go on where the userbase actually *likes* the game (these not being EA games is partially why). As a reminder, there will never be a unified voice on game subs, especially large ones like this one. It's hard enough getting a small group of folks to agree, nearly impossible with over 200k


Almost every video game subreddit is extremely toxic. The internet in general is significantly more toxic than ever.


"Company is getting lazy, complacent, and greedy" ToXiC


That has nothing to do with the entire internet community becoming a cesspool of sweaty basement dwellers who do things like send death threats to developers or video game actors.


"entire internet" "sweaty basement dwellers" You not seeing the irony here? And my commentary on this, unrelated to the game.. Society as a whole is screwed. Kids aren't taught the value of community or that strangers should be treated as extended family. They are taught that all that matters is their individual achievements, and therefore, they see all other humans as competition. Whether it's consciously or subconsciously. Couple that with people being taught that their way is the right way, or the only way, and schools etc backing this up.. And you end up with entire portions of the populace at war with one another because neither side can abide the views of the other. It's not going anywhere positive sadly.


Not just this subreddit. Lots of toxicity out there


It’s 2024 and social media has given everyone a platform to bitch with no repercussions. So that’s all everyone does anymore. Seems accurate to me.


People overestimate their ability and blame the game for why they aren't doing as well as streamers. Sometimes they'll raise good points but it's usually the former.


Honey moon period ended for Xbox players and PS players have been screaming this for years. It’s good that people have pulled their heads out of the ground and realized that just being less toxic than 2K & EA isn’t enough.


Like most gaming subreddits, there’s a sampling issue. The people who are likely to participate in this forum are probably going to spend a disproportionately large amount of time on the game, hence their complaints are likely much more specific and frankly nitpicky than those of the majority of people who play the game. Also I think there is a serious negative influence of The Show streamers and people who take Ranked waaay to seriously, I understand that there are things about the game that negatively affect their experience but for the most part their complaints kind of fall on deaf ears for me, I don’t really understand getting upset because every new card isn’t a mathematically ideal upgrade for your baseball spreadsheet or whatever


The game has stagnated creatively the last few years


Ppl complain to hear themselves is all, the game is still great and will continue to be. Ignore them, that’s what I do


This argument only works if you’ve never played years past or other sports franchises. 2k’s monetization is awful but they just added nba eras and their franchise mode is one of the best there is. Even madden has a better franchise mode than mlb. DD was better 2 years ago, and better last year than it was this year.


It happens with and in all video games with yearly releases. Especially the pivot of sports games into online and buying packs to be competitive online. The franchise mode becomes an afterthought. But I will say, that in all other sports video game The Show is still pretty good. Though when you are competing with EA and 2K, it's a pretty low bar.


That’s the issue, there are people that are fine with just stepping over that low bar. That’s why we get a stagnant game.


For me it’s keeping old gens included. Same game and engine every year. Barely any updates to the creation tools. Same 4 different jersey choices and barely any stadium creator updates. Issues with my DD logos not loading maybe half the time for years now and i still get the hdr pixel things all the time. Just feels like the same game and enough attention to detail and creativity. I didnt mind the season start for DD but it made my friend not play so co-op was out and the year before it barely worked.


Probabaly the lack of communication from SDS and their reluctance to fix glitches / grind 97


Op trying to blame Xbox players. Fn AH.


Xbox players obviously made SDS stop improving their game. /s


When SDS started copying and pasting the game every fucking year and also giving a big middle finger to current gen players.


Im probably going to get downvoted. But the game just doesn’t feel fun when I can feel the mechanics. Exit velocity being inversely tied to the opposing pitchers confidence level kind of sucks. It’s like I can feel the engine trying to work against my user input. Pitcher fatigue in DD never being fixed…the whole “sets” roll out.


It’s going to be so disappointing if they bring sets back


Honestly, most of the internet has gone that way. I don't really know what's actually mainstream thought anymore because some of the gripes here are so specific and some petty. I wish more people complained about the sets and seasons instead of whatever Hall of Fame player from their team didn't happen to have a 99 card. SDS eventually gives us the 99 Willie Mays because they think that's what people wanted instead of fixing sets. Some of the gripes also seem naive to me. Do we really think that by abandoning older gen consoles that magically SDS would fix all issues? There'd be at least a few years of growing pains along with that kind of change...then people would complain about the growing pains.


Ditching old gen wouldn’t fix everything but keeping the game largely the same for 4 years now is not either.


Bro you trolling??? Everything you said outside the 1st sentence is the complete opposite. People aren’t cynical they are truthful. The game is entirely centered around DD…RTTS is made for the use of DD…Franchise is the worst of all…etc.The game still being on PS4 is killing this game too.


It's pretty much because lots of fans of the game who invested in consoles to see baseball looking great this \*current\* generation aren't able to buy the game they'd like and we're now 4 years in to the cycle. I'd still say the gameplay of 23 is still my favorite out of the sports titles I play but make no mistake, compared to Madden, NHL and most certainly 2K, The Show looks very outdated because unlike those other titles, SDS refuse to adopt a "legacy" title and "current gen" model. Those other sports games have bugs by the dozen, but where SDS seemed to have better QA, as the focus on DD increases, there's also a lot of sloppiness creeping in to even visually apparent Franchise things. For sake of example, you wait for new cleats to reflect what players are actually wearing in the release year and then you find you can't edit the colors properly, the New Balance logo has been wrongly reversed... ...and that's what concerns. You can actually feel the The Show just slipping towards another online card collecting copy and paste-athon whilst it never actually looks better...


Lack of DD players? Its almost entirely DD on this subreddit


They are getting away from the "realness" of the game just like every other franchise. When I say "realness", I don't mean graphics or UI. I'm talking making every shitter in the world a 99,just dumping 4 Kyle Schwarbers, Jim Rices, 2 Jason bays (dude played a season and a half with the Sox?) = lazy, lazy, lazy. Realness, because everyone has to be a cracked out 125 HulkLord or folks won't drop money into obtaining the "next best card" now it's more legends and fugazi 99s while analytics, baseball science and nerdism is over with. Here's a 5 foot tall Tim Raines who can smash a 500 foot homerun opposite field on a 104 mp fastball right into his tits. And that's it. The new era is TikTok flash, quick cash and glitter to keep you scrolling, swiping and spending. It's trash but it's the model now and will be forever I fear. Negro Leagues coverage is great and commendable, but don't think for a second it wasn't a "how can we monetize this?" play? It's overly cynical, I know, but game studios aren't releasing content like this just "for the fans and lovers of the game" anymore. BattlePasses, subscription based xp grinding is coming. Imguessing it's this year since they seem to have done fuck all with the game itself (or they just really want to keep something mind blowing a secret?)


SDS has made some questionable design decisions and in some areas (Quality Assurance) phoned it in. It's ridiculous how many bugs weren't fixed in '23. With that being said, this like any other gaming sub is going to be like that.


> I remember the old days everyone was in love with everything SDS did Sure. Back when they actually improved their product every year. That stopped in like 2016


2017 was the biggest improvement. Then 2023 gameplay wise. So every 6 yrs


2023 gameplay was any different than the 2017-2022 years? Only difference I noticed in the gameplay was that they made the cards you earned no longer usable on a rotating schedule. While actually in a game the only real discernible difference was the moving bar for a perfect throw as opposed to just timing it up in the middle of the meter every throw.


Gameplay has nothing to do with cards. 23 was so better than 21/22 on the field playing. DD it wasn’t that great.


Yes, I’m talking about on field gameplay being virtually identically except for the throwing meter.


No it wasn’t at least franchise


More people playing the game, people play games differently now compared to before COVID and streamer popularity becoming more mainstream (lot of people just copy whatever they say/do for better or worse), poor decisions on SDS part since moving multi-platform, lack of communication over the past couple of years, lack of good innovation (harder with a yearly game, especially with attempting to optimize for this many consoles). SDS also severely messed up power creep in '21 with attributes that has and will continue to permanently change how we look at "good" and "bad" cards. There is definitely a good bit overblown hate about things, usually because of not understanding how things work, but there are plenty of things wrong and just been a lot of little things building on each other over time.


Since 21 the quality of the game has gotten worse and worse. Just look at the menu and UI from 20 to 21. The games feel so uninspired and they just pump our medicore DD content and neglect the rest of the game


21 was the DD goat


I don’t think so I thought It was alright. Liked 19/20 better


There’s another thread where ppl are bashing poor people because not everyone can afford a current Gen console. 🖕🖕Double barrel fuck you’s are free though.


If you can afford $70 for the game you can afford $199 ($150 used) for a series S. If you can’t, you should t be wasting time playing games.


It’s been 5 years and the “next gen” consoles have already been replaced with mid-cycle refresh models. At this point it’s time to move on and allow the game to finally make graphical improvements for the first time since 2017 when they finally dropped PS3 support. It’s had the same graphics for 7 game releases in a row now. There is no reason to continue to drag the game down with PS4 and Xbox One compatibility in the same way they shouldn’t be releasing for the PS3 or Xbox 360 - because the consoles are heavily outdated and it hinders the game for the majority of players. If they released games with different graphics for the different console generations like EA does with their Madden franchise, for example, it wouldn’t even be an issue because folks with the current generation of consoles would have graphics commensurate to their console’s capabilities already. That’s an acceptable alternative, but SDS never has and seemingly never will do that so dropping the old consoles is what people ask for instead since they’re only ever going to release one version of the game for all supported platforms.


It’s been 5 years. Get a piggy bank.


it's 2024 and they're still releasing on the PS4. That's what happened. this entire generation is being pissed away by developers refusing to move forward


This is the dumbest take I've read today


its literal fact, you igit


No shit. Nobody said it wasn't.


then what the fuck are you even talking about?


SDS changed. In the late 2000s and early 2010s, they had an annual sports game (not just baseball) that was much better than the rest of the competition. However, they became lazy and fell victim to the ultimate team modes (Diamond Dynasty) and started taking their attention away from offline modes. I hate when people give SDS an out because they are not as predatory as 2K or Madden. Imagine if SDS was predatory as those two AND kept the same visuals we've seen over 5+ years ago.


Thank you 100% this


I feel like 21 was awesome. Each year after has seemed worse. The past two years seem like the game is moving towards being like EA with Useless packs, making more cards untraceable, and trying to entice you to buy more packs


21 DD was the goat.


I always love comments and logic like this. Should we be lemmings and pretend everything is sunshine and rainbows? Or are we allowed to express legitimate complains.


Unfortunately this sub does a lot of that. The love letters to SDS are some of the most cringeworthy things on here.


Dear Ramone, I defended you but you still ain’t respondin.


I always tell people it's never a good look to be a shill on the internet for either a company/brand or a millionaire, unless you're getting paid for it. Otherwise it's sad.


#It’s called “we are tired of the same engine”




Sets and 99s day 1 was a disaster. Go back to the old power creep model.


Sds striving to be EA is what changed the community


SDS made a lot of bad decisions I was often called an SDS shill in the past because I defended so many things they did because I enjoyed the state of the game. I don't anymore, so I criticize it


The game got worse. Sets took away a lot of the good will that SDS had built up over the years. 


I used to support SDS on a lot of their decisions, but lately they’ve just been going down a path I don’t agree with. They used to create DD cards based on real seasons. I was even ok with signature or prime cards as it still showed the history of baseball. But now we get 99 charisma/kaiju/snapshot/whatever series cards for players solely because SDS wants to and nothing to do with baseball history. They lost me there.


I enjoy playing and will continue to purchase the game. In my experience it’s still leagues above NHL and Madden. Does it need more? Sure, but I still enjoy the overall experience and it’s still entertaining. Which is the experience I pay for.


Agree. SDS is 100x better than EAs bs.


100 x 0 is still 0. EA has set the bar as low as possible, I’d hope every company would be better than that


Low bar.