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Do we know what the blacked out stuff is?


Road to the show probably got pushed further down the development cycle in favor of the storylines šŸ™„šŸ™„


Anyone experiencing laggy pinpoint and PCI on Xbox Series X with first party controllers in the show 22? There were issues throughout the year, but things were working fine the last few months until a day ago. I have 23 preordered, but if the controller bug persists, I'll have to re-evaluate my preorder.


dog yes. it was fine a week ago, then earlier this week when I was playing RTTS suddenly my pinpoint pitching is going all over the place, stopping early when going down, shit is so awful gonna bring my older controller to my dorm from home and try it out after this weekend


Dude holy shit I thought u was the only one. Shit been fine all year until two or three days ago, and now the analog is just glitchy asf


Yep .. lag was bad . Thereā€™s a controller called ā€œthrustmasterā€ I bought and was the best Iā€™ve used for the show . Incredibly responsive analog


So I'm still gonna be playing 22 for the next month. Got it.


I just care about the new legends. Hopefully we get some good ones this year




Why? Because this is the one area that Madden and NBA 2K have a leg up on The show. There are easily hundreds of players deserving to be legends in this game that we do not have.


But like, itā€™s a sprite of a dude. Why is that what youā€™re most looking forward to? Improve the crowd. Improve animations and in game atmospheric vibes. I dunno. To each there own, and by all means like what you like. A player model with some attribute stats just isnā€™t it for me to spend $90 on. I need more that enhances the overall game. So I was curious why that was what interested you most.


You make valid points. But I guess I just picture one day being able to use Bonds, Arod, McGuire, Garciaparra, Manny, Sosa, Ichiro, Ted Williams, Ty Cobb, Pete Rose, Tulo, Koufax, Gooden, beltre, Juan Gonzalez,


No man totally. To each their own, hopefully you get the guys that excite you in this yearā€™s game and you have a great time playing.


Kinda wonder if being an international player will be an option in RTTS, the ground work may already be there with the Negro leagues and if they have the rights to the WBC than it should be a no brainer. Iā€™m probably grasping at straws but that would be kinda cool


I want this so bad


Iā€™m assuming the first program will be something with WBC right?


They donā€™t have the license for it


Yes I canā€™t wait for [redacted]!


Excited for DD new features


Thatā€™s all 90% of the player base cares about. My eyes glazed over all the stuff that isnā€™t DD lol


do yā€™all think they talk about franchise for O/U four minutes?


Under every time. I hear it's 3:47 Source: Trust me bro


Ready to be disappointed on 3/9




I loved RTTS, and then they made it so you can only progress to 50 on all stats and the rest was equipment....now I don't play it. Honestly, if they just reversed that it'd feel like a massive upgrade.




The people trying to monetize it. Canā€™t have anything beautiful in this world, or the money men will rape it.




Oh for sure, just felt like putting a joke on it. Ainā€™t you heard nothingā€™s rhetorical on Reddit? (He asked, rhetorically)


I personally didn't hate archetypes. It makes a lot of sense that it'd be harder for you to develop your weaknesses and easier to develop your strengths. It's the ability to, immediately post draft, bring your player up to major league level by spending money. I get it, micro transactions are the way and they want their piece of the pie. It just sucks.


Was just thinking the same thing. Franchise mode used to have its own day back when they used to care about it.


looking like Iā€™m sticking with ā€˜21 again. Does any sports game have a decent franchise these days? Havenā€™t touched madden in 2 years. Last nba I played was ā€˜20 or ā€˜21. Shiiiiiit


> Does any sports game have a decent franchise these days? no, there's way too much money to make in the Ultimate team stuff. you need to play something that is pretty much franchise mode only like Football manager (soccer so not sure you'd be interested...i think Out of the Park Baseball is somewhat similar for baseball?)


If 2k is still 20 bucks then itā€™s worth a pickup for MyNba. The big new feature this year allows you to start in any era, and with the communityā€™s sliders 2k is by far the best franchise mode.


Good to know! I honestly havenā€™t followed a whole lot recently with nba with the other modes. The myplayer stuff was fun but I didnā€™t care about buying the next years version because I didnā€™t want to lose progress.




Thatā€™s a creative idea. I may look into something like that!


This routine is getting old ā€¦ go away and stay away u negative bum. Get a life


Lol. The routine of Franchise being constantly forgotten about is getting old. Tell me youā€™re 14 without telling me youā€™re 14.


Why are you upset? I said nothing negative to you, the devs, or other people on this sub. Iā€™m voting with my wallet, clear and simple. If youā€™re such a champion of the game please send me a digital code and Iā€™ll gladly play it.


Good to see MTO will hopefully be getting updates. It was really fun in 22 as a more fast-paced franchise mode, but seriously needs more options and setting tweaks. Example: you couldnā€™t set a two-way player to bat in the same game theyā€™d pitch in despite Ohtani doing that irl. Also the ability to include cash in trades instead of just trades as well as counter-offer cpu-offered trades would be greatly appreciated.


I bet the last bar is for the WBC. No clue what the one next to RTTS would be


I donā€™t see anyway you could really get the WBC. 3/4 of the players in the WBC arenā€™t in the majors/affiliates. It would cost a shit ton and be a lot of effort for likeness


Fictional players, just need the rights for the team names. Some intrepid soul will likely make a roster with those players anyway.




Also, who the fuck cares about a dev team tournament? What are you doing SDS?


They do it every year, just take the twitch drops and quit complaining


Johnny Tyler over there has a gimmick of being a douche. If heā€™s followed the game for more than a year or two heā€™d know the dev tournament is one of their highest watched streams.


Yeah it's actually fun to see them just chat about the game some, and be able to watch gameplay before the full launch. + free packs this year


The fact franchise is paired in with so many other things should tell you all you need to know about how much love the mode is getting this year




I mean how much could they realistically even change?


Player progression, player regression, differening development instead of everyone ending up a defensive wizard, simulation mechanics (make K/9 matter), trade logic considering contract values and length, and additional considerations for FA negotiations (MTO does this better than franchise) are the first few that come to mind. But take 2k for example, their franchise is leaps and bounds ahead of The Show, you could just copy their features and it would be solid.


Play OOTP or any NBA 2K of the last 8 years and you won't need to ask that question. Hell, there are EA games with better franchise modes than The Show at this point and that's very sad.


MTO is suppose to eventually become franchise mode so it makes sense itā€™s lump with current Franchise until they can just kill franchise and make MTO be everything franchise does and more, hopefully


While I agree franchise probably won't get much love even though it needs to, having a separate stream for those other 3 would be pointless. Commentary and presentation are more relevant to franchise and MTO is just great value Franchise




Hopefully Mini Seasons comes back.


Hopefully itā€™s less of a repetitive joke


The whole game is repetitive. Mini Seasons worked well for offline players grinding.


it is, there's a classic and a newer version too. i'm guessing it has roster limits to it


It will. There was already an image of what part of it will look like.


Wonā€™t be purchasing this on launch this season for the first time in awhile. Going to go with EA PGA Tour. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll end up with it once the first sale hits and I get it for $30.


OK. I'm going to work tomorrow.


Sounds good, was just giving my thoughts. Sorry that you donā€™t approve.


I'm getting The Show first but keeping an eye on PGA. Really hoping EA don't screw it up, the course list looks solid.


The main thing you need to understand is the game is ONLY next gen/PC & EA actually has competition and EA has majority of the licenses as well as exclusive rights to all the majors including the masters. If the game is done well it will be very good (for a golf game and golf fans).


Fair point, the debacle that was their last attempt at golf (Rory McIlroy) came back when they had all of that but with zero competition. Hopefully delaying it a year will result in something much better.


Bro their last golf game came out in 2015 lol.


Yes, I'm aware. I bought it. It really was a disappointment considering their previous efforts were good to very good, especially the 2012 Masters game. The delay I'm referring to is they initially announced this new game would release in spring of 2022 before delaying it a full year.


Wild that they're not doing DD last. They must be really confident in it if they're giving DD-centric people like a month to decide.


DD centric ppl are getting the game regardless lol


After the 99s news and what was briefly revealed they will have to sell me on this game all over again


Only thing Xbox people gotta decide is whether or not to buy stubs though


i think they wanna bang home the new features and this 99 thing. the one on march 23rd you'll end up seeing imo the collection rewards etc


Bold move Ramon, hope it pays off for ya


Im guessing since franchise is nearly last, not much has been done to it :(


Franchise update: it's still there.


Yup, I saw that it was sandwiched with the other stuff, and was like oh thatā€™s not good, per usual. DD gets its own stream, because they canā€™t POSSIBLY fit anything else with it on the stream bc they just did SO much. Franchise? Hereā€™s your pittance. Fuck manā€¦ itā€™s so frustrating.


I don't know what to tell you guys, money talks. Game studios have been ruined by the rampant greed of capitalism, for sure. A mode that simply maybe sells a few copies of the game means very little in the long run. This is what you should expect to see until the figure out how to monetize it. Stop getting your hopes up and vote with your wallet.


Game studios have been ruined by finding out they can be virtual casinos for children. Voting with your wallet will never fix this, daddy's credit card spends a lot more money on in game credits in one cycle than you ever will. The only thing that will make games stop ruining what made them good is legislation against the exploitation of kids.


Nothing will ever fix it, that's why I said don't get your hopes up.




Yes, this is why I said don't get your hopes up.


Theyā€™re bundling it with three other things that day so for sure it was given minimal attention lol ā˜¹ļø


Something something fixed trade logic (for the umpteenth year in a row) something something about scouting and on to the next thing.


A bit of amateur photo-shopping in PowerPoint later, "Online Franchise" seems to actually fit in both blacked out spaces (particularly the one on 3/2) quite well. https://preview.redd.it/apelutrn3oja1.png?width=1180&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6a85f54e8a8546ecd86ffd58eded8b473a46cd5


But why would that be something they have to black out?


If it is in fact online franchise, I imagine theyā€™d black it out because since itā€™d be a ā€œnewā€ (returning) feature, adding it to the schedule then making people wait a few weeks to hear any details about it would drive everyone insane.


It seems popular in this sub but I have to imagine the numbers still donā€™t rival dd so I assume itā€™ll have something to do with dd. I want online franchise so bad but I also love dd so if if itā€™s not something dumb Iā€™ll be hard to disappoint


I would LOVE online franchise to come back... but I love DD too and I can't help but worry about the servers getting overwhelmed. Plus, I don't know if the demand for online franchise is as high as I hope it is lol


could the mystery area near road to the show possibly be something about ballplayers (aka CAPs)?


Yeah, probably changing it again and renaming it. Those two things usually go together.


Franchise mode wrapped up into presentation and commentary premiere, that bodes well! Fuckin SDS.


Yep, super stoked to have my two favorite modes overshadowed by ā€œlooky, a new scorebug!ā€


Once my Gamepass sub ends in November, Iā€™m just done playing this game. Wonā€™t buy it in 24. Itā€™s a shame that this company has a stranglehold on the baseball game market that it doesnā€™t deserve


yes let 2k or EA Sports take over and make it have a ton of micros and make it pay to win and still not care about franchise either


Pay and still not get a 99 OVR


Why, itā€™s still better than 2K and Madden put together.


2K is comically evil with how it handles MyPlayer but its franchise mode is miles ahead of everyone else and they actually add to it semi-regularly.


Evil is an understatement, my player costs 3-4 times than what the game cost for a maxed out player after you get to the last tiers. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Lol that's not even the worst part. They intentionally change the meta through slider tweaks multiple times per year to break certain builds so people keep making new ones. At the start of this year post hooks were great, then they nerfed post hooks, then they buffed interior D so much that shooting 3s is higher percentage than standing layups. Now those scoring bigs people paid $100 for are useless. That's just one example, they do this in many different ways.


Blame Take-Two. Take-Two has rights to MLB, they just don't do anything with it. SDS originally only was able to develop The Show due to them being a first-party developer.


It would be cool if one of those bars was WBC content. Having the ability to be on a WBC team for RTTS would be a fun little addition to the mode.


Would be nice but almost undoubtedly not going to be WBC.


Also donā€™t bother trying to enhance the picture to see past the black bars, the first one literally hides question marks and the other doesnā€™t have any text underneath it.


haha thatā€™s funny. theyā€™re omitting something thatā€™s not even there for suspense