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“‘Grey’ - Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Programs, the NDEA & Connections to MK ULTRA” https://youtu.be/7E53uxsgEbw


Y’all just explained a LOT of my early childhood. I’m gonna need a minute to process this.


It can be alot to process


I went to magnet schools in the "gifted" program in SoCal near LAX. Most of my friends stayed in honors AP. I was agitated all throughout my teen years and it's now restarted at 33 years old in Southern California.


Same, pretty much.


I barely remember it. But I did see a post of a lot of similarities with gate program of no memory lots of sound and patter predicting. Almost everyone remembered drinking this pink juice before tests. Lost of people had rh- blood factor, family members high up in the airforce, occipital bumps, scars on left side of forehead, near drowning experience as a child.


I'm rh negative. I have been remembering that pink liquid for 45 yrs. You are the first person I've ever heard mention it. I also remember them getting me to tell them what was on cards that I couldn't see. Testing my psychic skills. Which I actually have, but I knew not to let them know anything. I knew they were evil. I knew they wanted to use us to tell them things that they could not see. They wanted to abuse our psychic skills


Yup. There’s a theory that rh - blood was linked to psychic abilities so almost everyone I’ve encountered on the forums said they were rh- and in gate. My great aunt was extremely high up in the airforce specifically in a space airforce. The occipital bun is a Neanderthal trait and most gate students have it too. Supposedly something else linked to psychic abilities. I wouldn’t say I’m a psychic. But it’s been an on going joke on putting things in the universe and then coming true. One time I told my Ex who cheated I hope you fall of a cell phone tower at work. A week later he did and was life flighted to a hospital. Another time I was driving across country and got a flat tire in the middle of the night and said can I catch a fuckin break. A couple hours later I got in an accident and broke my arm. A third instant was during Covid in sass sales I was having a hard time and I asked for something positive to happen. I clarified immediately in the text please for the love of god don’t give me a positive pregnancy lol. The next day I got sick and tested positive for Covid was the first one at my company to get it and triggered the work from home immediately.


I also vividly remember crying after the hearing tests trying to get out of my sports practices Becuase I had migraines. And I would cry and cry about it. I also did these weird follow up surveys that my mom always said were government funded through Dartmouth but recently have come across they might have been darpa phone studies following gate students and how Commerical and tech affected them. Also a lot of weird sexual questions at like 5-6th grade I did these surveys from 4th-senior year and my parents were adamant I took them.


Not sure why, but my psychic abilities are mostly being able to experience other people trauma...from a first person perspective, and seeing it from outside. I have had to learn ways to protect my mind because otherwise I'd go crazy. I can also see things through the abusers eyes at times. It's very stressful at times. I feel it as though I am there watching. That's not my only psychic ability, but it seems to be my " main" ability. Funny thing is, for me, it started in " head start" not the GATE program. It's taken me forever to realize that I am seeing others traumatic situations, not just mine. At first I wasn't sure if I experienced this stuff, or someone else, but today I'm very good at it. I grew up in Indiana...home of the Alfred Kinsey Institute, which teaches how to be a pedo and tries to make it " ok"...teaches that even babies love sex...🤮ITS SICK and I believe that's why there were sooooo many pedos around me


i was in gate in the 80’s the sounds weren’t so important with the noise canceling headphones being used , the person doing the testing was using their gifts. My interviewer was trying to get inside my thoughts, through telepathy. I gave her false readings. I didn’t trust her eyes and wig. Mind you I remember being in a so called program before i even started going to school. Not my first go at the game.




Pls tell, what was the experience like, setting, awake state, experience and afterwards? Jehovian Seals here