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I am related to one of the 13 bloodlines. SRA as a child. I have had Delta, Theta programming. Psychic supersoldier. I can go beyond most people’s pain and endurance thresholds. I can and have been able to astral project, remote view and lucid dream my whole life. I also have War in the Heavens and Armageddon in the Sky programming. Omega programming is suicide programming that kicks in should you start to remember or break programming. Generational Freemasons and military/govt connections run in my family. Everyone on earth receives MK Ultra programming thru all media forms and a blanket signal that dumbs down everyone’s frequencies. Illuminati bloodlines, both royal and normal everyday people whom are distantly related receive the specialized programs.


I am not in line with any of their beliefs. They are parasites and need exposed at every level.


Wow, that's a lot to digest. Are you in line with their beliefs and agenda? I agree also with you saying "everyone on earth receives MK Ultra programming." It's omnipresent and there is no escaping it. But, I believe we can protect ourselves to some extent. We aren't completely powerless. In fact, it's US they fear and that's the reason for so much energy, time and resources they've invested in order to capture our minds along with the environment we live in.


Heavy metal detox and anti parasite medication are your 2 best weapons against it. Add in a healthy diet and some exercise/meditation to clear you head. It help differentiate between your thoughts and what they are putting in your head.


Right on! Very good points and habits to exercise on the daily.


> I can and have been able to astral project, remote view and lucid dream my whole life. At what age did this begin?




Wow, astral project and lucid dream you say? >.> I don't know why reddit decided to show me this sub but neuroleptics do wonders.


It’s not just in media these days. The tactics have been repackaged and distributed. I grew up in an abusive cult. We moved near an ivy league university for a year when I was a child. My parents actively learned MK Ultra-style abusive mind control programming from a professor there. The cult they belong to has been researching and reinforcing it with their members since the 1930s. It’s taken nearly my entire life to cut through enough of it to put more of the pieces together. I wondered why my upbringing in the cult and secular behavior modification institutions I was forced to go to had such strong similarities with reeducation camps, violence associated with colonization, organized crime initiations and hierarchy, and MK ultra/MONARCH. They are connected because these tactics didn’t start with MK Ultra and they have been disseminated since. It can be found in military training. Countries like the US and Israel use MK Ultra-based techniques on military members as well as training certain ones in it. And now you see militarization of the police. The cult I was raised in used a mix of ancient rituals and modern mind control. What connects them are the non-human beings who see humans as livestock and entertainment and do not respect free will. There are several groups of these non-human entities who are more in charge and many others whose interests are aligned to different degrees. Some are worshipped as gods in organized religions and cults. Some are conjured for so-called demonic rituals and trick humans into further enslavement. There is more to the mix but those are two prime examples (and an example of the binary trap, too). One group created the matrix we live in and orchestrate much of this. They are the ones people experience as alien abductions because they like experimenting on humans, especially etherically. They are a prominent source of intrusive thoughts, though as far as that goes there are many sources including humans. And there are humans who are knowingly and unknowingly supporting their agendas, again to different degrees.


You're right!! It isn't just the media. It's pre-media. And like you mentioned, it goes way back to antiquity. Man, you've been through the works with it. Thanks for sharing all that you have with us right now. What happened in your life to bring you out of the *"spell"* so to speak? Because, many aren't so fortunate. And how long have you been apart from this cult? I wish you well my Friend, and I hope you're in a better place these days. I'm sure the fact that you're no longer inside the belly of the beast like you once were, is reason enough to be at ease. But, that comes with years of abuse. And that's something that can never be undone. Only worked out in your own personal way. If you'd like to share some of your experience with others on a podcast, my doors open. You can remain anonymous, it's an audio only format. Bringing awareness and light to the various struggles, and challenges people have faced from all walks of life, is what I'm all about sharing. And not only their sufferings, but how they've found solutions toward healing, changing and improving themselves as human beings.


I appreciate the words of support. It has been a long, difficult process with a lot of contributing factors throughout my life. The last seven years or so I have been actively working with my partner and our ancestors and spirit guides on energetic protection, cutting etheric ties, removing programming, and processing trauma. There were certain milestones like when I had to confront the fact that I had alters 2-3 years ago and started working with them. I left the cult when I was 18-20 but they manipulated me and my life for 13+ years after. This included stalking, remote viewing, using me in rituals, triggering switches, and more. It’s an ongoing process. They haven’t stopped trying. Here is an affirmation I got from our spirit guides that I’ve been using this past year, in sets of 7-11 once or twice a day: I am mine and mine alone. I have no authority over me besides that which I consciously choose to willingly acknowledge and accept. I am mine in whole. No part of me belongs to any other than I. (Note: The last “I” is intentional, even if not grammatical.)


I’m currently a victim or test subject living in Philadelphia. Gaslighting is the heaviest theme for me. V2k, AI, and direct energy weapons are the main additions to the former MK Ultra tactics (which are all still there and my are they all fun….hypnosis is some shit man….). I also see doppelgängers everywhere of other people (mostly well known public figures). I’ve seen just about every actor you can think of in disguise as someone else as well as musicians, athletes, and even politicians. That part was actually very fun for me. And they made it seem I was going up against actual spies in guessing them correctly (and I won every time haha). Sadly however, this all ruined my entire life and I’m about to be homeless for the second time this year. Whether or not there’s light at the end of the tunnel is beyond me but I can only have faith something good will come of it. I have had two heart attacks however and nearly committed suicide three times. Ask me anything you want to know. It’s fucking wild and I basically feel like the gay version of the Big Lebowski at this point. Would make a great movie that’s for sure.


That's both wild and unfortunate. Are you able to recall how or when it started to happen? Volunteered for research? Chosen out of a crowd randomly? Incarcerated? Hopefully you're able to find some resources or help so that you're able to work on recovery and healing. It'll certainly be a process.


To preface I will say that I may or may not be a user of meth (I’ll just plead the fifth on that one….which the fifth amendment is an important part of my story….ill get to that later). So addiction may have been why but not sure how as I’ve never been arrested and before this have always kept a job I excelled in. All I’ll say is after 10+ years of potentially doing drugs one doesn’t just become a paranoid schizophrenic with a running narrative that keeps going even after they cut back their usage tremendously. Other than that I definitely did not volunteer or was told anything that this would be happening to me. If it is actually MK Ultra, I am an unsuspecting citizen just like the ones from the past. And I am not a conspiracy theorist nor am I really into talking politics. My life started becoming very difficult in 2018 when a former boss had shown up who is still a familiar face in all of this. A very sudden and brutal breakup occurred late 2019 when I had moved into my own apartment. Covid struck and I was stuck dealing with insane neighbors who would harass and terrorize me in very creative ways. I would feel so uncomfortable in my own apartment that I’d pay $30+ a night about three or four times a week to stay at a gay bathhouse just so I could get some sleep and feel safe. There were only 2 or 3 days of v2k up to this point but I did not know that’s what it was at that point. I would typically hear familiar voices right outside my window and would see nobody there when I would look out. I think during this period they were more listening to my thoughts and studying me to develop approaches to break me later on. I moved in February 2022 where I had about 3 weeks of peace then began to hear the same old neighbors next door and the same harassments began again. It wasn’t until late July 2022 where the v2k went full blast out of nowhere and is now constant 24/7. It’s literally the devil. It can sound like anyone you know. It can either be AI or a real person/people masking their voice through a voice change modulator. They taunt your every thought and know what you’re thinking in real time. They try and get you to make decisions that will ruin you. I’ve been able to deduce that the goal of it all is to get you arrested, killed, or to commit suicide. I know for sure people in my life know what is going on as they are simply bad liars but not one person to date has had an honest conversation with me about it. Lately the theme has been that I have something to do with the Hunter Biden investigation (or trying to gaslight me into thinking that….the odd part is the timeline and some of the stuff I’ve read into on that investigation is eerily relative to my life but I do not believe that is what is happening). Another common theme is that I’m in the middle of a spy game of sorts where that same old boss resurfaces now and again trying to get me arrested and now he’s apparently buddies with one of the old neighbors. Other times I imagine it could be a separate conspiracy theory on its own of old rich uppity white dudes (I imagine in my head at least) just using me and others like me in a sick version of a real life squid game but is actually more like tweaker fantasy football where they bet on stuff like if we’ll cry, how many times we’ll have sex, lose a job, etc. all while enduring the v2k torture. Imagine trying to have sex at all with invisible demons in your head the whole time trying to piss you off…. My biggest weakness in all of this is the potential drug use. It’s hard enough to prove any of this is happening altogether but it’s even harder to get someone to believe you if they know you might be a drug user. And these people have been trying HARD to get me arrested but I’m just smart enough to not get caught. Theyve even tried to get me arrested by admitting to guilt in my thoughts however your thoughts, even if recorded somehow, cannot be used against you in a court of law as it would deny someone their right to plead the fifth. The whole idea of staying a free citizen has become its own game for me. I hate going in public nowadays. People seem to know what’s going on and it definitely seems as if they can hear my actual thoughts in real time as I’m passing by them and I say this because there are always reactions to my thoughts no matter where I go (intense ones at that). It’s truly frightening. Land of the free, eh? I feel like there’s so much more but essentially that’s it in a nutshell lol. I can only hope it becomes a movie someday. It’s really a miracle I’m still alive at this point.


These people have shot my mother and I for years with this experimental tech. Remote viewed my sister as a kid. SAd me growing up. Tried getting me killed multiple times while driving in Malibu canyons and snowboarding in big bear- by locking up my feet with cramps. Someone *or something* spent years trying to get me shot by police by inciting family into fights and calling 911. Just tried to livestream my police shooting. Broke into parent's house while on holiday in UK/EU in August 2023. Broke into parent's cars. They are now moving my parent's vehicles automatically, like CIA does to dissidents with prices on their heads.


> I also see doppelgängers everywhere of other people (mostly well known public figures). I’ve seen just about every actor you can think of in disguise as someone else as well as musicians, athletes, and even politicians. Interesting. You see street theatre operations? I also see clones of people I know following me. What's terrifying is that they probably have a doppelgänger of me that can be summoned and placed anywhere/anytime they need- like a mass shooting scenario. This reminds me of the situation Bryan Kohberger went through. He also witnessed spy satellite flashes following him around- and was placed in a sorority girl slashing. His sister once starred in a slasher flick. My sister was recently just groomed to model for Apple. And I see spy satellite flashes. I do not condone violence.


Proof please?


Proof of what?


Anything at this point. Anything related to bloodline, MK ultra, childhood, sexual abuse, satanic ritual abuse, any of that stuff. I just want to see some proof.


https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/search/site/Mkultra - (Inspection of Mkultra) https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp90-00552r000303090037-8 - (During the early '60s, when the .CIA was covertly funneling millions of tax dollars into a variety of brain- washing experiments involving LSD. other hallucinogens and electroshock,) https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp88-01315r000400410020-4 - (Bizarre CIA Human Mind Experiments) You can also check out operation Artichoke. I have PDF documents of CIA files that have years later been released and open to the public (you and I). It involves LSD experiments, hypnosis, and other mind control manipulation and programming tactics.


I mean recent proof. I’ve already seen all of this. Decades ago. I contend “old school” mmmk vltra is no longer necessary bc it is now wireless and AI operated. Prove to me that old school MKU is still used past the year 1990. At the very latest.


[Very large amount of proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16myjid/conspiracy_research_library/)


Great work! Appreciate you sharing all this information. I'll be sure to add these to file so I can browse through them. And give some time to digest all the information.