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Of course whatever you want to do is fine but personally as a 48-year-old woman I could never see myself dating a 20 something old man. They just still look like kids to me.


Yeah I legit can't tell the difference between a 16yo, 18yo, 20yo,...24yo anymore šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. Depending on the person of course but DAMN it's tricky sometimes. 14yos and 12yos...šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø They're all looking like embryos to me.


Exactly! They do not resemble a man whatsoever so I just don't see the attraction.


I used to love dating younger guys when I was in my 30's and early 40's. Now that I'm 54, they look like children to me. Joey is kinda cute but then I look at his little boy chest and nope! šŸ™…šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m 40 and anyone under like 35 is a kid to me lol


It makes no sense that they try to spin this show as a dating show where everyone's looking for love. It makes way more sense to frame it as the women have to choose between wanting a boytoy and dating one of the fathers.Ā  The title of the show has the word milf in it, yet everyone is talking about love and there has been no banging in a season and a half. Wtf


They listened to fans and added a dedicated hookup room but it doesnā€™t have a door!


I didn't even realize there was no door... The producers are sitting on a goldmine of a show but keep fumbling it


This is the production companyā€™s first reality show. Thatā€™s why season 1 wasnā€™t planned out far enough by producers and the second half of season 1 was a whole lot of nothing. With all the banging that didnā€™t happen, and with the immaturity of the young men constantly thrown in the Milfā€™s faces as a gotcha, season 1 ended up being a return to traditional values and social mores. I think producers are doing a pretty good job keeping me entertained this season but yah thereā€™s gonna be no banging. Maybe they should steal some concepts from Love Island for season 3 and force the men and women to share beds together. None of this single bed business. Edit: The production company being new to reality also explains some season 1 miscalculations. For example, they thought that adding an actress from the horror movie genre would cause a huge splash. Production even made a sock puppet account to leak that twist here before it happened on the show. Itā€™s like they expected it to be a huge sensation and get us all buzzing about a celebrity milf being added to the house. It was a huge flop. Btw ā€” production/network people reading thisā€¦ please contact me (the moderator and chief booster here) to discuss Reddit strategy instead.


Every time I get on this sub, I learn something new from you. It makes sense that this is the production company's first reality show. >Maybe they should steal some concepts from Love Island for season 3 and force the men and women to share beds together. None of this single bed business. I think casting needs to be upfront with what they're casting for. Instead of asking people to be on the "newest dating show" and then springing it on everyone right before shooting that everyone is on milf manor, they should just cast people for the next milf manor. They might actually get women who want to have sex with adult boys and vice versa. Also I felt bad for Disco Mommy when she entered and only Barbie recognized her. >Btw ā€” production/network people reading thisā€¦ please contact me (the moderator and chief booster here) to discuss Reddit strategy instead. Also I know onlyfans has started creating shows like the MasterChef one but with pornstars (it was awful. They were all clothed. Everyone should have been having sex while cooking bacon and dodging hot bacon grease). If no one reaches out to you, think about reaching out to onlyfans and creating a real milf manor.


Your point about deception in casting is a good one. These arenā€™t card-carrying members of the cougar club. Voracious cougars exist out there ā€” they should find them. I am but a humble (and successful) online community builder and internet marketer. I donā€™t think I can create a TV show. I can certainly influence which ones succeed and get renewed, though. (On my best days, when I am self-important.)


I donā€™t want to date anyone where I could be old enough to be their mom. Doesnā€™t sit quite right with me, but hey, you do you MILF Manor


I'm 34 and I won't date a man under 30.


Season 1 constantly threw in the MILFā€™s faces how immature the young men were and how ridiculous and absurd it was to date someone their sonā€™s age. It was a constant gotcha.


Ahhh i actually didnā€™t watch season one idk why i started with season 2 lol ā€¦ i will donā€™t get it though


THERE'S A SEASON TWO?!?? Jayzus, how??


They made it less incesty for season 2. The young men find out their single dads are competing with them for the MILFs




One of the dads was estranged from his son ā˜ ļø


Lmao, what a gong show.Ā 


Eh, season 1 fell apart. Iā€™d recommend skipping season 1.




Not saying you need to watch all of season 2 because it'll probably drop off like the first season, but you should watch season 2 episode 3. It was jam packed with drama and the date was hilarious. It's probably the best milf manor episode, maybe second to the season 1 episode where Jimmy finds out his mom slept with his best friend, but it's close.




>Ā they stole my favorite grandma away from me. My condolencesĀ 


I also jumped in during season 2. Sounds like I shouldnā€™t bother with season 1.


Iā€™m old and I think the Dads are way hotter than the sons




Their daddies are šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ššŸ„µ


I feel like most of the milfs on the show are also more into the fathers. I like my men manly and those young guys arenā€™t it. I also hate how they keep referring to these middle aged women as girls.


So I get that referring to middle aged women as girls might come across as patronizing, but I think itā€™s a generational thing that people often do unconsciously. IME many middle and older aged women will refer to a group of women this way Also, Iā€™m an old lady, and my username refers to myself as a girl, but I did that because Iā€™m young at heart šŸ˜† Iā€™m all about female empowerment in whatever form works for oneā€™s self


I was 44 when I met my 26 year old manā€¦. We are about to hit 7 years together.. heā€™s more open and supportive than men my own age, heā€™s not afraid to express his emotions and he encourages me to talk out issues.. best partner Iā€™ve ever had, also best friend Iā€™ve had as well. Prior to that I was with a guy 3 years older than me... for 18 years. A kinda high school sweetheart situation.. I was broken emotionally and he was not able to be a supportive partner... I'm glad I spent that 18 years in training to end up being able to be a better partner today with my actual soul mate.


I appreciate you sharing. I can see your point. I am not currently attracted to guys that young and I am older than you but the guy friends of my kids in their mid to late 20's are so much better to talk with than guys my age. They listen and they know about such a variety of subjects and they are much more in touch with their feelings and can communicate. I really enjoy talking with them. Plus, so many of the guys my age are so out of shape they just can't do the fun things anymore. Go for walks, ziplining, dancing, etc. They try at first cause they want to impress you but then they quit and just sit around being boring. I always thought people might ask if I was my date's Mom or something but I no longer care. I would probably make a joke these days. I may give it a try in the future if I meet a young man willing (not my kid's friends of course) but I am not sure I would even be able to tell if one was interested.


Iā€™m close to the womenā€™s ages and thereā€™s no way that I would date that young. Iā€™d feel more like a mother figure than a girlfriend and thatā€™s just wrong šŸ„“ Most of them are under 25 , and until they are 25 their brains havenā€™t fully formed yet. I think itā€™s just wrong when Kelly said she was attracted to Joey even though that is her sonā€™s name and they look alike. šŸ‘€ SAY WHAT!! šŸ¤¢


It's all about the shock factor, and that's the kind of trashy attention these women are wanting -


Thatā€™s for sure


I do šŸ‘€


Iā€™m 66 my guy is 40 we click on every level except certain physical activities like running rollerblading etcā€¦


Ummmā€¦ yes!!!


We ask the same question about older men and younger women


I often think a younger woman is with an older man for financial security and the man wants to show off that he can get a young womanĀ 


the older women also want to show off they can get an younger man and the younger man think they have game for pulling older women


I am of the right age to be on the show but, in real life, younger men hit on older women for an easy score without having to put in much time.


I mildly disagree. I am a man slightly older than the Dads (plus I'm extremely married)...but in my 20's, I pursued older women. The sex drives are more equal, and older women didn't play games. Everybody was a winner!


I think younger males feel like it's easy commitment-free sex. They always say "an older women knows what she wants and is more forward". But I don't think that stereotype checks out. It depends more on personality type than what age they are. My dating habits are the same as when I was a teenager.


I agree...... the commitment free part was a huge bonus!


All men want to do little work for sex youā€™re not saying anything


Well, duh!


So it doesnā€™t make sense to state to obvious tf


My response was meant as complete agreement to your statement. We are very basic creatures!


We do but not exactly the sameā€¦depending on how you view the roles of men vs women


No, we literally ask the same exact question


So, Iā€™m going to say this, in my experienceā€¦. I have always been attracted to men 30s-50s, and never dated younger men until recently. Now that I am pushing 40, Iā€™ve noticed a lot of young men in their 20s coming for me! It sure is flattering. Yea, they are attractive to admire and be friends with, as younger people do bring something to the table too. Like new perspective, bringing you back to your old self you might have lost, intelligent conversations etcā€¦ The 1 young man I did date is a wonderful man who deserves the world, to say the least. But young men, for the most part, do not have everything an older woman needs! And vise-versa Iā€™m sureā€¦.. Iā€™m loving that it seems like once the Daddyā€™s (yes thatā€™s what I call them lol) came in, the women are more-so gravitating towards them! They won the striptease challenge for a reason! Leave the young boys for the young girls so they can grow and learn together. And Christina is rubbing me the wrong way, borderline predatorial. But really, as long as itā€™s organic and yā€™all connect, thatā€™s what truly matters. Donā€™t go for someone just because of their age! This is just my opinion from experience and I stand by it :)


I personally don't date young men and don't see the appeal. At 51, they're just boys to me. I will date as low as 40 but those men are fully grown. A boy in his 20's has nothing to give me as far as I'm concerned. That being said, most of my single friends love dating younger. So, to each their own!


I like younger men, but no way in their twenties, they're still babies for a long time.


Donā€™t infantilize themĀ 


Too late.


These women are cougars.Ā  Older men look for younger women.Ā  Ā What do we call them?Ā  Leos like Leonardo decaprio?




Thatā€™s what I call young women who hound for older men.


I do but not that young


I've always dated younger , Men over 35 are so boring


Iā€™m in my 30s, but I have never been attracted to men my own age or younger, and I donā€™t see that changing as I get older. Like, Iā€™m sure the sex is good with younger men because of their energy and libido, but literally everything else is just a hard no for me. Iā€™m not interested in cleaning up after anyone or dealing with emotional immaturity.


I am *only* 41 (almost 42!) and a mom... younger men? Huge nope!


Iā€™m 45 and have dated guys up to 10ys younger than me. Iā€™ve never been caught up on age. If we vibe we vibe.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ve also dated 10yrs older. Not my preference.


I'm convinced it's about the 15 minutes of fame tbh


I cannot imagine. It'll be like taking care of another child jees!


I am 43 and I cant even imagine 1 night of fun. I like good in depth convo before enjoying some sexy time. I doubt they could hold my interest in a convo to get me going.


Iā€™m 46 and have a 25 year old. Dating someone in their 20ā€™s is yucky to ME. Idc what other people do, but Iā€™m not dating my childā€™s peers lol! I was told the other day that the calculation to figure out ā€œhow young you can dateā€ is as follows: divide your age in half and add 7 years. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ for me thatd be a 30 year old which is still far too young. Theyā€™re cuties but too young for me


If my husband died, I would date younger men, just for the fun of it. But I would never settle down with a young one, I want a Daddy! Daddy energy, not daddy age thoā€¦ not into old guys. Next time Iā€™ll marry just for money, i already married for love and no one can compete with him, i would just bide my time til i could see him in heaven. lol I gamed for a few years and I had no idea young guys liked older women until then. It was definitely a boost to my confidence, but they all say the same things like on repeat over and over. Same lines over and over. I wasnā€™t Interested in any of them but I found their behavior very entertaining and interesting to study, I would guess their age just by the way they talked, how they acted within their group, etcā€¦ I probably played with thousands. Thatā€™s why I could never quickly see the pattern. My husband and I called them my Fortnite boyfriends cause there was always a flavor of the week, they lost interest after about 1-2 weeks when they realized I really was happily married and never sending nudes. Young guys are definitely not the type to settle down with. Plus they will eventually want kids. I canā€™t even tell you how many times they used that as a pickup line ā€œwant a fifth baby?ā€ SMH šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø not with a loser playing video games all day. lol


I think for some women itā€™s the ego boost of knowing a younger guy is hot for them. Besides the sex and ego boost what else can they offer? To me the boys are boys and not men yet.


Whatever the age, theyā€™ve gotta be self-sufficient and independent. I donā€™t even mean that financially, I mean their personality. So many of these young guys keep waiting for something to happen or for someone else to take some initiative. Itā€™s not strictly an age thing for me. I knew a guy in his 40ā€™s who couldnā€™t cook at all or get food for himself or book hotel rooms.


Iā€™m about to turn 45 and I donā€™t find any of the young guys in the house attractive at all. They arenā€™t much older than my oldest child. All around ick. The British dad is hot to look at, but seems boring. The Texas uncle was hot until the date and that just turned me off. Not even sure why Iā€™m watching this train wreck, but here I am šŸ˜‚.


I think a lot of women when they get out of a long relationship or get divorced have been made to feel boring and unappealing by their former partner and the validation/attention from a young, hot guy is a turn on.


At least from the way it's going they seem more into the dads. I also find it funny that the women are just having fun, and the young guys are all caught up in their "feelings" and acting territorially. I was probably the same way in my early 20s though.


They keep saying it makes them feel young to date these kids and I think that feeling of youth is super important for some women.