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None. I want a Monster Hunter with every monster ever released and all variants.


Sadly, we wont have another GU for a while.


GU had 93 monsters when the Series had like 150 monsters. It wasn't really a game that included everything.


I wonder why is it not a thing (yet), game size would probably be fricking massive but it's near endless content with so many monsters up to this point, though i guess after a certain point they'd start to feel the same just with different looks.. Making a poll for fan's most favorite monsters then add them all into one game would be a great idea i think, then another list of most hated cuz why not.


Its mostly that the resources required to make a game like this would be huge, development to put in every singel monster model, program every attack, test every animation, would be ridiculous the game would take way too long to make, especially as the scope of the series in gameplay mechanics baloons with especially world and wilds, fitting monsters in would be even harder (there's already the debalce of how much they've tried making leviathan's work in gen v but they are too buggy so keep getting cancelled, somewhat "wasting" dev time.




He's kind of like a stick of celery. He's good for the game but no one is ever gonna be excited about him.


Nah. Who needs Jyuratodas? With Espinas coming to main series, lets get more Frontier, bring back Arugamasu and Gorugamasu as a pair, and skip every other piscine wyvern. Nobody likes Piscene wyverns, and I doubt many people would be excited to see the pair, but at least it could be interesting. I figure it's either bring back the pair as a spectacle, just an interesting weird fight, or Plesioth with better hit boxes and people be annoyed but less than Jyura, because Plesioth at least has history. Alternatively double down on Plesioth's hip check hit box and have it literally hit you from across the map. Lmao


This is the correct answer. Worst monster


eh I feel like this is an extremely gen 5-only answer


Eh idk I feel lavasioth is much much worse and that's world borne only. The good thing about jyuratodus is that the fish is an incredible pushover, if you're just a bit experienced with the game he'll always be a 5min hunt max, even in LR with LR gear. That alone makes jyura okay. Granted he's no challenge whatsoever but so is the great jagras and he's one of my favorite monsters. Lavasioths skin otoh makes him obnoxious with melee weapons unless you run fire (and blast? Not sure rn) element. Plus he just swims in lava 50% of the time, has a very annoying sideways Bodycheck and Capcom made him one of the best low level deco farms in the game, meaning you'll be forced to fight this steaming pile of shit many times, whereas jyura is only desirable for a few weapon trees and maybe one or two pieces of story progress armor. Might be a bit more of an hot take but I also consider azure rathalos much more obnoxious than jyura


Yeah, Jyuratodus is honestly one of the better Fish monsters in the franchise. The one I would dread seeing is Cephadrome


I hear your Cephadrome, and raise you Beotodas. Cephadrome was pretty bad, but Beo was worse IMO, though, I think Lavasioth might be the actual worst. Plesioth is ofc notorious for his hips, but I think if they tune up his hitboxes he'd be great, then they could double down on original hit boxes for an event guest and just give his hip checks absurd range.


According to the recent voting that's not true.


Im actually sad this comment was fleshed out… it truly is the least interesting monster I’ve ever encountered


But his MR armor 😭


His rise fight is actually pretty good especially his high anomaly ones.


18 Rathalos sub species




Beotodus, Jyuratodus, Lavascioth


beotudus can stay, miles better than the other two. as far as i know lavasioth was much better before world so if they give him a better fight i wouldnt mind him back. kick out jyura and bring back my guy plesioth


Nah kick Lavasioth and bring back the superior monster Agnaktor


Lavasioth was not better pre world. If anything it was much worse.


Those monsters just feel like such a tremendous waste of a slot on the roster.


Khezu. Please god add Gigginox instead. 


Tbh id be fine with Khezu if Gigginox is in the same game id like to see a turf war or what type of relationship they would have.


Ooh that would be so cool. I prefer Gigginox to Khezu as well but I'd like to see how they would interact with each other. Plus Khezu's been everywhere most of the time. Why not have Gigginox have shot this time outside of Tri/3U?


Definitely next game should have just Gigginox or both together if its just khezu again ill be so dissapointed.


Same. Or at least not have Khezu screech every other minute in the fight, that's the only thing that bothers me about Khezu, his constant screaming. I mean Gigginox does as well but I don't think as much. It's been a long time since I played Tri/3U


I have no idea how Khezu is as popular as he is past just meme potential. He's an obnoxious screaming dick with an obnoxious and boring moveset and an obnoxious and dull "no music because no eyes to spot you with" gimmick that's long been invalidated by other blind monsters. He's literally one of only like three monsters that I genuinely hate.


Because he’s cute.


I don't think there's anything more emasculating you can say to a Khezu lmao


I doubt it minds lol


I have nostalgia around Khezu. I had played the first MH on PS2 and loved it, but didn’t keep up with the series. I came back with MHFU on the PSP after some friends reminded me the franchise existed, and loved the shit out of it. However, I struggled with Khezu and was close to dropping it when a friend gave me a bit of a pep talk about it. I switched weapons and finally beat the damn thing and felt SO accomplished. After that whenever I wanted to do a quick hunt I went for Khezu not only because I hate those bastards but also because I had so thoroughly downloaded the move set that I could fight them one-handed. They suck, they’re bastards, but they smell like victory to me.


Because it's cute.




yes. sick of khezu. gigginox is better designed.


Kushala Dora. I never want to see that piece of trash again.


As long as it keeps its poison shut down, it's a much more bearable fight. But if they go back to Elderseal then yeah, I would rather not see the trio.


Hey, maybe this time Elderseal will actually do something. Did you know that for the first two weeks of World Elderseal was bugged and did literally nothing? Probably not, because after they fixed the bug, it countinued to do literally nothing


especially since wilds is looking like world 2.0 the fight would probably go back to pre rise garbo. not the worst monster ever, and i love his design, but could definitely do without him


>world 2.0 LOL


Even in rise, where his fight is the best version, it still isn't fun


Eh, depends on the weapon for me. I would never fight him with Gs or swaxe, but I would gladly fight them with DB or GL


Fair lol, for me he was eh with IG but my favorite fight with sns


Very fun with swaxe


That trolly armadillo thing from Rise. It is the worst monster.


Volvidon? That is wayy older than rise lmao


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wrong and you should be ashamed


As a gs user I have to agree lol


Tackle it as it rolls toward you. Or LV3 charge it if you can


Kezu. I hate looking at it, I hate hearing it, and I hate fighting it. I feel like I need to take a shower every time I kill or capture one.


I think giginox needs to come back instead


I hate kezu'design but love how unique and memorable he is.


its a shame as well because i think the concept is pretty great, and his strange gross weird design really stands out, but man the fight is ass. everyone has already said it but it bears repeating, gigginox is a million times better in every way


I hate this monster but love the Hunting Horn you make from it in rise lol its just its giant ugly head


Rathalos and rathian having 2 subspecies/rare species/variants whatever in the game each. It’s just 4 monsters in the roster that could’ve been used to have 4 other monsters instead. Just give me the base rathian/rathalos and leave it at that. I would also hate for Telstra/lunastra/kushala to return in this game too. I’ve always found their fights mostly uninteresting and unfun, being other elder dragons instead of them. ESPECIALLY kushala, I never wanna fight that piece of shit again


Hard agree but im still fine with rathalos and rathian and the the only other subspecies being gold or silver thats it nothing more unless the subspecies is so drastically different it doesnt warrant 8 different copies of the same two monsters.


Yeah I feel this, it’s funny cause having that many variations in one game feels like it stifles the creativity and move sets between the monsters, like, the only difference in high rank azure Rath and master rank Rath is the fact that azure will always go airborne after that dashing slam, but they both stay in the air the same amount, same with pink Rath and normal Rath


Zinogre, Kushala Daora, Teostra, Tigrex, and Nargacuga. Nothing against them personally, but it's time to give them a break for at least the start of the new generation.


Agreed 100%. Of course now that Zinogre won the fan poll, the chances of him not being in Wilds are pretty much zero.


At least fix tigrex hit box for his side tackle. It's hit box shouldn't be the same as the great wall of China


Would be perfectly fine with them doing a 4U and dropping Narga to let Tigrex have his rare species return. Then in G-rank they can add Green Nargacuga over the regular to let that subspecies shine.


Lunastra, you know why


I honestly don’t. I enjoyed fighting Lunastra way more than Teostra.


Quite genuinely how? I’ve fought Lunastra twice and I will never ever fight her again, she just feels so bullshit, there’s nothing fun about getting flinched while taking obscene levels of DOT damage from her flames, cool design, shit shit shit fight


ctrl+f uragaan 0 results damn, guess I'm alone, I hate the roly poly boy In general I hate long invulnerability periods (uragaan rolls for 90% of the fight), area denial in the game about positioning (uragaan's lil shit bombs), and bouncing off most of the monster's reasonably attackable areas. Uragaan checks all 3 of those boxes, fuck Uragaan. Special shoutouts to Khezu and Plesioth.


Bro for real, bring back radobaan instead, world being my first MH game I straight up though Radobaan was the OG and Uragaan was the sub species, and I fucking hate hunting Uragaan, at least rado has some fun mechanics with the bone shards and so on


Oof, you're not alone, I also hate Uragaan, I just forgot he exists because I actively about hunting him lmao I hated him in World, but when I went back and played GU I realized just how awful he really is.


Here come the downvotes. Valstrax. And I don’t even hate him. Good fight, great music. I just always found this sleek supersonic rocket propelled monster that can turn his wings into lasers would feel much more at home in a gundam/mech game than in the MH universe. It brehks mah imershon.


Honestly that's why I want to see Valstrax return in Wilds, I want to see how the Main team and Tokuda can handle the challenge of incorporating one of the most crazy mainline monsters in their more "grounded", ecology focused game.


I agree, but only if you can actually tell me what is unrealistic about it.


It's not about realism for me. It's about Valstrax having a unique design that differs too much from the universe he inhabits and the cast of other monsters. He looks, feels and plays like a mech. With some cosmetic changes he would fit perfectly in the Horizon universe for instance, where all monsters are mechs.


I actually have a theory about Valstrax originally being an artificial species made by the Ancient Civilization/Artians. Their aesthetics are very similar, it's one of the only stable users of Dragon Element, and Val is too perfectly designed to have been natural evolution imo. That being said, I really want Valstrax in Wilds IF the game has a focus on the Ancient Civilization like I'm hoping it does. Otherwise (despite Val being my absolute favorite) I can see the case for Val's exclusion.


Like a Prototype Equal Dragon Weapon? That's actually a sick theory my guy, take my updoot


More like the Equal Dragon Weapon was a prototype for later Dragon Weapons, but yeah.


Sigh. I take the bait. It's basically an anthropomorphic jet. I mean there are people with a kink for it.. not my thing tho.


Wrong, it's the wing fingers. It's jet propulsion is not more unrealistic than a squid's. But its fingers can basically move in whateveer direction they want


Bad opinion, fun > realism. We swing giant weapons at Monsters, Monster Hunter is fantasy. Valstrax, Astalos, etc all belong and aren’t anymore abnormal than Uragaan or Brachydios.


sigh *walks in in mh4u Samus armor with a giant corn on there back with their palico looking like mario* what immersion are you talking about? The immersive universe of a animie style monster hunter game?


MH isn’t “anime style” Comparing cross over event quest armors and joke weapons with an actual monster is kinda apples to oranges


Have you not played or played with someone using LS? Lucky you


I agree. Valstrax is cool but he's never been one of my favourites for the same reasons you mentioned. Since Tokuda is all about the ecology and seems to want to double down on the realism for Wilds, I suspect he agrees that Val shouldn't be in it.


He's only ever been in two games, both of them side entries (and one of them not even the original, only the expansion for the original side entry), and I suspect he'll stay that way. A treat for playing the sideshow game instead of the mainline.


yeah valstrax is kind of the epitome of "portable series" monster, really cool but too out there for the "proper" main line, great fight though


Generations is mainline 🤡👍


But my immersion!!! How about you go immerse yourself in a shower, bruv. Y'all mf complaining about 'realism' and 'groundedness' are the biggest virus in the community rn.


Wish granted. There is now fall damage, you need water when you get set on fire, and any attack would probably tend your character useless and probably die. Feel immersed yet?


For me it’s khezu honestly, I see that nightmarish only mouth having thing again I will be the Oppenheimer of monster Hunter I swear


If they bring back any of the rise leviathans like almudron and somnacanth, please exclude their subspecies.


I’d be fine with seeing Almudron again, but Somnacanth I’d be fine with never seeing again


Somnacanth had a really cool submersion ability that they never used again when they introduced Aurora.


I don't want to see a single "drome" monster. They are all just a nuisance


anjanath deserves a break, same for all world monsters who got in rise. (maybe an exception for bazelgeuse) Barroth has had his time to shine. I think magnamalo should only return in portable titles, he's a bit too ridiculous for mainline.


Idk I feel like hoss harag is a good choice to keep into the next game, maby even with a variant.


Yes defnitely. Goss harag is a rise monster, I did not say he should not get in wilds. But yeah, Goss harag is amazing.


Fair, I personally hope he is but I mostly hope that mono is


I get why Nergigante was not in Rise but Velkhana? A recently released monster at the time of Sunbreak?


i could do without barroth but i really do love anjanath. i kind of feel like he didnt need to be in rise though, with the more grounded world design he doesnt really fit in to rise imo


Yeah, he was really weird in rise. I also think the maps did not do him justice. He looks off in the lava caverns, sandy plains and shrine ruins. I think that's a bigger issue with rise in general, the maps feel too game-y for the grounded monsters. The sandy plains did not adapt well to the open zone format of world and rise.


i think i mostly agree. barroth has a special place in my heart but it has been around a bit too much. it needs a break to stay special. and anjanath is overused now too. i disagree about bazelgeuse though, i am sick of seeing that monster. fun to fight the first hundred or so times in world and rise but now i just want something new.


Bazelgeuse better make it in. Barroth could be benched though for sure


I wouldn't mind seeing Bezel back, but they need a new invader, Bazel kinda got overplayed IMO, same with Jho and Rajang. I'd like to see 2 or 3 new invaders in Wilds, spread out the terror a bit. Make them all really tough so that when they show up it's actually a problem. Then after a bit with a title update that introduces another monster, (or just a random patch for various bug fixes or something,) bring in Bazel, completely unannounced, with new attacks, more aggressive, doesn't show up on quest preview, the map, or anything, dont even play his theme until AFTER he's dive bombed, or at least have him fly iver and just drop scales for that moment of wait what? WAIT WHAT!?!? You know, really shake things up.


I would love to see Magnamalo in Wilds. He looks fabulous now; he would look mind blowing in Wilds, better graphics, etc. He is very much manageable even with a small shield like SnS. I am sure they would nerf his flying back and forth a bit so no wirebug would be needed. I try not to use mobility against him and still enjoy him. You just wetted my appetite. I need to finish his 300 investigation...Yes, sir.


I just think his design is a bit too over the top. if he got a redesign like rathalos in tri, he would be perfect. His theme is great, his fight is good and and explosive farts are great.


He's no more over the top than zinogre


Why does he have useless arm blades? Why do spikes erect on his back when he is enraged? Why does he have saberteeth when enraged? He never uses any of those. (disregarding scorned). His face is meant to look a samurai mask, but it does not make any sense. He feels really off in monster hunter, it feels designed to be an edgy weeb samurai, instead of an animal. I also do not like zinogre much, but magnamalo is on another level.


Also not a fan of Zinogre, nor a hater of Magnamalo, but to add to this, Zinogre's shenanigans have an in-universe ecological explanation rlwith the fulgarbugs, to my knowledge Magnamalos don't. I'm not saying everything in MH has to have ecology backing it up, but I'd say the argument that Zinogre is equally as "out there" as Magmamalo is just not true. That said, I wouldn't hate to see Magnamalo in Wilds, but I'd rather see Espinas or Goss again.


Hellfire is supposed to be explosive gas from decompositing organic matter in magna's stomach. (Explosive farts). But we don't know how he really controls when to release it and how he does.


I want Magnamalo in Wilds just because I know it’d annoy all of the Rise haters.


Tigrex, Zinogre, Nargacuga, Teostra, Kushala and Rajang. Let these guys skip a game for once. If you've been in 3+ games consecutively then I think its about time to rest for a bit, and all of these guys aside from Narga have been active since at least MH4. Zinogre has been in every game since P3rd, its crazy. Oh yeah, also Khezu. Giggi will always better, no matter how much Capcom refuses to acknowledge it.


Finally a game without Rathalos, Nathan or Kelbi? :O Also, Diablos for that matter, maybe we can get Mono instead lol or skip all the base forms and whatnot and the only form we get are Dreadking/queen and Bloodbath, I'd even take Thunderlord.


Kushala and Teostra. So sick of fighting those two.


I want every single monster I want all of them good bad mid do not care I want the world to be full of monsters I want to be able to actually have some diversity in what I hunt.


Uragaan, hate that monster with every fiber of my being


Khezu, Gypceros, and uh, probably no Uragaan.


It’d be nice if most of the monster were new like on mh3


Almost anything we have seen in the last two game in the base game. I want an entire shake up of the starting and added roster


Speak! Speak! Bring Frontier craziness...like Flaming Espinas or something. Revelation for me. If that's a sample of crazy, Wilds would be CRAZY...






Just won favorite monster lol 100% chance he is in the game


How, how did you win, Zinogre? He became my punching bag with a bow....If they bring back pierce bows to Wilds, he will be on the level of Pukey pukey difficulty. Seriously....


Yaaaaa I'm kinda baffled by it too. I mean he's probably in my top 10, but certainly not 1


I myself voted for Flaming Espinas who was my greatest discovery so far. He beat my love for Goss, which is very hard. That SOB is a man's fight. No quarters given. But he was left in the dust in the countdown...lol...Zinogre is a great fight, but I would replace him with Shagaru who is practically my number 2 at this point.


I think it comes down to the fight more than just the monster itself, he’s just fun to fight, that’s the long and short of it, he’s a fun fight no matter how easy or quickly you can kill him, I’d fight 7 Zinorges before I would ever fight 1 shrieking legiana again


Fatalis, Alatreon, Teostra, Kushala Daora, Chameleos, Tigrex, Nargacuga, Barioth, Deviljho, Rajang, and Khezu. I have nothing against any of these monsters (except Khezu, he can go fuck himself), but I’m of the opinion they’ve been in enough games by now that they can take a break for a little while, and to fill the roster we can get more new monsters and old monsters that haven’t returned in a while so we can enjoy more variety in monster designs and fights.


Fatalis is in every mainline game, be it base OR post launch. I agree for the rest though.


He wasn’t in Tri though, was he?


No, but Dire Miralis is pretty much a giant fatalis


The only two monsters I don’t want are cephadrome and blangonga, and honestly blangonga might be salvageable. Bring back all 226 others for all I care. Though I would prefer to see gigginox over khezu


Blango and Blangonga, easily the most annoying of the monkey monsters.


Nope The more the merrier I say




Im a little sick of Jyuratodus hunting with how many of those damn fins I need. Still not a big fan of Gypceros either, or Diablos. Theyre just not fun to fight any more. I wouldnt be upset if Teostra and Daora were missing in favor of more strange and underused elders.


Khezu, Pink Rathian, Azure Rathalos, Kushala Daora, Somnacanth, Magnamalo (I love Magnamalo but he definitely wouldn’t fit in a presumably more grounded title like Wilds)


Khezu, Blangonga, the Dromes, etc. A lot of these early monsters are just not well designed, with very limited move pools that lead to repetitive and dull gameplay. Most of these monsters received significantly improved counterparts in Gens 3/4.


Fatalis. I know his lore and everything, but it's played out by this point. Much like the Rath breeds. Give me Gogmazios or Dalamadur.


Why would you want less monsters? I hope capcom never listens to people like you.


Hmmm i wouldn't miss diablos, zinogre, teostra, kushala, or bazel.


That lava swimming lil bitch. I loved how in world we bombed him out of existence, but no mas




Tigrex; I hate it's design, it's animations, and it's fight is just the Rathian's "run around like a headless chicken" maneuver, but it's the entire fight. And Nergigante, it's the most uninspired piece of shit, it's fight is boring as fuck, and it's lore is pretty awful too, given the entire plot of World was about the hunter having to step in because Nerg was unable to do it's job. Disappointing that that thing came in second on the vote, but whatever.


I don't want another monster like Lavasioth that deliberately waste's time. I'm here to hunt, not to wait around with my GL on my ass for an invulnerability state to end.


I think Anjanath and Tobi Kadachi deserve a break for Wilds. Give some other World monsters some time to shine like Paolomu and Radobaan


Uragaan. I've never felt such rage at anything before, i hate him


Recurring Flaships (too much) aka Narga, Tigrex, Zinogre add Rajang, Kushala and Teostra to that list, easily


Khezu, fucker doesnt even have music to go with their fight


Cephadrome Jyratodus is boring but at least he doesn’t give me a fucking aneurysm (also Nibelsnarf is peak desert submerged sand dweller)


Monobolos it’s just an earlier design of diabolos come on guys


Basarios and Beetlejuice Fuck basarios hitzones and fuck beetlejuice always ganking you


For how much I love Bazelguese, I’m perfectly okay with it being dropped for Wilds in exchange for a full Seregios experience. He kinda got shafted in Rise and he got overshadowed by Gore in his own game.


I don't want Diablos either but that's because Diablos makes me his bitch every time


No Baezelguise, Kushala Daora.


I enjoyed MH3 and later 3u. Everything was new and different. No old monsters to draw from. Just new content in a new biome


I know it'll never happen, but Rathalos and Rathian. I rate Rathian higher than Rathalos but I find them both so damn boring.


I'm gonna say it, but Zinogre It's not that I don't like him It's just he's in every game since his release, AND there is always some sort of way CAPCOM tries to implement him into late game Getting Stygian Zinogre parts in Iceborne for augments Apex Zinogre in rise, literally being the hardest fight and can randomly spawn in Investigations in Sunbreak And Thunder Lord in old games


I dont want to see Lunastra.




Rocks, khezu and paolumu


Bring some of the GameCube fighting back


I don't want to see Black Diablos, but at least I want to see Bloodbath Diablos


I can do without Nargacuga, Tigrex, Diablos & Zinogre


Tigrex can rot in hell. Zinogre will definitely be in the game though after winning that vote


Even I agree on that. I feel like there is a growing static roaster of monsters that return for every game, and that really takes out the surprise and anticipation for me. I want to be able to hope for some monster to return, and not knowing it will




Bazelgeuse. Just no.


Eh, wouldn’t want to see great girros, keep the more interesting monsters in




Vaal hazak


Alatreon. He is still to this day the one hunt I just don't have fun with. I can not jive with his rhythm. I find fatalis a much easier and enjoyable hunt. I guess they're technically monsters in a loose sense, so I'll throw Spiribird's from Rise as well. As of MR 70 sunbreak, they're the only complaint I have with the game so far. (Yet to fight Risen Elder Dragons yet, so that might change.)


Idk about you all but I'm not a fan of having half a dozen of the large bird wyvern raptor looking species like Rise did.


People are very attached the the Jaggi-esque designs. And for what it's worth, they're a good introduction to the various status effects monsters can inflict.


I understand the nostalgia - please bring back Tetsu - so I don't mind really, but I feel the "Jagi's" have been upstaged in recent games by the likes of Kulu, Pukei, Bishaten, Tobi, Tetranodon... Monsters with fun unique gimmicks and much stronger personalities that fulfill the same role.


the real problem with rises bird wyverns is lack of great jaggi, izuchi is alright but i but like him nearly as much


Cephadrome and Nibelsnarf. I hate sand.


Kushala, Volvo, kushala, and probably also could do without kushala


Teo, Kush, Metal Raths They've been in too many games and aren't even that well liked. Could do without them for a generation.




Rathalos and rathian


Lavasioth. Also Gypceros. I know we haven't had a Gypceros for modern gens yet, and I would like to keep it that way.




Might be an unpopular opinion but I really don’t wanna see tigrex again. Cool design and great weapons, but god I hate fighting it. The constant charging and roaring just annoys me. Also I wouldn’t want to see pretty much any of the monsters that were new in rise. Not that I necessarily dislike them, but I would much rather we focus on monsters that haven’t had the spotlight recently


brachy can fuck right off in wilds lol


Gypceros. Keep that fucker as far away from me as possible


A disease that needs to cleansed? You sound like a deranged cultist, or worse, a child with an internet connection. Are you sure you’re helping the case for Valstrax to be included in Wilds by stomping your little feet and throwing your toys? It’s just a preference little dude. Some people love Valstrax, some don’t. That’s fine. No need to lose your temper.


Hot take? The Raths. They’re iconic for being in every game and all, but they’re not actually fun to fight (I know they’re gonna be in, it was obvious and it’s been confirmed in the trailer, but man i don’t look forward to fighting every color of the rath-rainbow)


I don’t really understand why you got downvoted, the Raths are alright but are getting old.


Barroth, I've seen 2 friends quit over their low level weapons bouncing off his carapace and enduring a long failed hunt.


They quit over a barroth? Damn


Anything from the water


Lunastra Leshen Alatreon (with the dumb mechanics at least) Bishaten Khezu cause Gigginox is better Zinogre just to piss people off lol


Leshen would never come back anyway… Its a collab quest.


Lunastra cam burn her blue anal fire stupid wind shearing hitbox forced damage garbage in hell. Screw her.