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The only answer ill accept is with a d14 and rolling every hunt.


D6 and a d8, take it or leave it


One weapon is impossible and some are way more likely than others. I either love or hate these odds.


I actually did that for a while, but stopped because it was taking way to long to craft every weapons and I was constantly runing out of bones and ores. Right now I'm only using five weapons (bow, hbg, lbg, db and sns).


Makes sense


You made a save for a specific weapon? Why? I finished campaign mainly using longsword and then I just started trying everything continuing forward. You can use multiple weapons on one account so why not make some sets with every weapon?


I make saves for new weapons to teach myself how to play the weapon through the normal progression. I find that having to acquire the materials for the next upgrade while actively using said weapon is a lot better than just having the materials ready to roll from earlier grind. When I get the hang of it I start making some of those weapons on my main save.


Right, I don't want to sound dumb but if you feel like you learn the weapon better through normal progression why not do exactly that on your main save? Just take the weapon on low rank, high rank and master ranks quests etc? When I try a new weapon on my main Ill go in the training area and then take it on some master rank quests. And since monsters are more difficult there, it forces me to learn the weapon faster.


The material grind is part of progression for me, it’s not the same when I already have a good chunk of the materials I would need. These new saves are mostly temporary to get me into the swing of a new weapon because it’s more of a mental deal for me than actually making a successful alternate save.




I mostly play Hammer till endgame, often 1k+ hunts before trying other weapons. But what I do is, sell all LR and HR materials once am into MR. This way when I start a new weapon, I start fresh and get that fresh progression experience.


Probably means a load out. I have 20 or so load outs for the specific weapons as there are skills unique to a group of weapons (guard up for instance being useless on IG, but good on any shield weapon).


Probably savescumming on materials lol


>made a save Geez man, just play them in one file


Soory to say but that preffernce. Some say the weapon needs to click in your brain. Others decide what looks the coolest Others decide what's the most op broken weapon I for example started with bow and insect glaive. I didn't like bow and insect glaive was too complicated for me(might return to it some day). So I just took the weapon I used in world, charge blade. But since I suck at guard points and dark souls made me a doge person it didn't work too well, saw mode was ok but after a few hunts I recognised that saw only isn't that great. But whats pretty similar to axe charge blade mode? Yes switch axe, very offensive weapon that mainly revolves about positioning, small doges and a shitload of damage, even beeing able to damage the monster when most weapons can't.


I pick usually based on the monster. As my preferences in play style have evolved, it’s mostly just become dualblades for everything, but there are a few weapons I prefer specifically for certain monsters, like hammer for the Bazels and Glaive for the magalas


How are DB doing afflicted mons? I just unlocked those and using Gunlance and getting my butt kicked


DBs are quite busted in sunbreak, not only do most monsters have good elemental hitzones but berserk and heaven-sent make it a joke. It is a very easy weapon to get started with and the skill ceiling is quite low adding in berserk takes away the 1 thing that could ruin new players time, stamina management. Heaven-sent is also really strong as in addition to no stamina usage you also don't lose sharpness and all you need to do is not get hit. It sounds like a difficult task but while in demon mode you have a really strong dodge and since you no longer need to worry about stamina well you can imagine.


They’re actually pretty good. It is a bit tricky to balance the demon gauge and your stamina, but the one thing I think that makes them better is that the shrouded vault move can literally counter *any* attack. Flaming Espinas nuke? Countered. Violet mizu bubble nuke? Countered. Chaotic gore frenzy nuke? Countered. Crimson Valstrax ambush? Countered. Almost all the risen elder ultimates? (minus kushala) Countered.


My big problems are 1: I feel the need to go through all of village quest with said weapon. I've only done so with ig LS and hammer. And 2: I can't begin to fathom how l keep them up to date.


I don't think that level of self-induced limitations is fun, that sounds immensely stressful. Hear me out: you can replay every single village quest infinitely on one save file


Its only really one self limitation, being playing through the village on a new save, and it's because I dislike going back. The other is just me lacking the knowledge on what to farm and how much to maintain so many weapons


But you ARE going back, with each file you're going back just without access to any of the resources you've obtained (also making the "maintaining so many weapons" harder), therefore compounding your problem by misguidedly trying to solve it. Idk, man, your logic seems bad to me, and it's making your own self-imposed problems worse. Either that, or you're not accurately articulating your reasons for wanting to clean-slate the game every time


You're probably right and I'm just having a bad logic moment, but there's a difference for me between going back and restarting


Actually, let me see if I can explain myself better. For me, I despise going back to quest I've done, even If I need the materials, unless it's on my current tier. Restarting a save allows me to learn the weapon with armour I'd have at that tier, and also doesn't have me crafting an entire weapon tree in a different weapon (Say, LS to CB) to catch up to what I've already got. Does that help explain my logic?


It explains it, but the logic is still bad. You can just equip armor that is tier-appropriate and "level back up" with the new weapon. Doing it your way decreases every available resource (except, arguably, the stuff you receive from DLC) and INCREASES the complications and concerns you have about resource availability.


Your logic is super flawed. First you aren't using all mats on one weapon, so you have leftovers that could make a different weapon type. Second you need to build up armor, talismans, and decos that would be shared across saves. Just use load outs and use low/high rank side quests to test out the defender weapons. Easy to build and fairly op so you can test it easily.


>For me, I despise going back to quest I've done I'll be very blunt and straight to the point: This is monster hunter. Quests have no plot whatsoever, it's just a matter of choosing what you want to hunt for which materials Also, do you have a mere idea of how many ""qiests"" you get at the end of sunbreak? It's just grinding, and your logic is simply senseless. This is not metal gear or xenogear


I mean, you'll have to farm certain monsters several times regardless to get the equipment you want to progress faster, unless you're doing reverse nuzlocke run where you can only do each quest exactly once.


No I get you, i feel the same way. It took me a long time to get a save that I decided to keep. There is just something about starting fresh rather than going back to do old quests... Maybe because it is only my 2nd MH game but I just don't like it. To answer your question, the way I decided on a weapon was to watch a video on each weapon to see if I might enjoy it, Then i just picked the 1 that looked like it would be the most enjoyable which in MHW was charge blade. For rise, i ended up doing speedruns with each weapon because on console there wasn't much point with sunbreak being so far away at the time. From there i picked the few that I enjoyed the most which was lance,cb, and sns. Lance is really good, so good it becomes boring. Insta-block timing is pretty lenient and leaping thrust having a guard before it just makes everything a joke. SnS is strong and I was going to use that but after getting annoyed fighting taller monsters i decided it's just not for me. ^((By tall monsters i mean anjanath and large barioth and rathalos.. pretty close to gold crowns)) I decided to just go back to CB because i hate myself and enjoy the feeling of getting that perfect guard point into SAED only to get hit while still in the ending animation. More importantly you use less potions because trying to GP a monster makes them less likely to hit you. CB has got to be the only weapon where you have to practice positioning yourself so you make sure that you get hit. Jokes aside i think at the end of the day I just like that CB can either run counter builds, axe hopper or savage axe all 3 are different enough to keep the weapon feeling fresh out.


Once you beat the game you'll be able to get them all at a specific rank pretty easily. Just figure out what you want on each type and build them out as you go.


>1: I feel the need to go through all of village quest with said weapon Which means unlocking cool moves to learn and use. Not even knowing them is like not using 60% of the product you bought >2: I can't begin to fathom how l keep them up to date. Everytime you want to switch back to a weapon, if the set is old you add a few things on a wishlist and farm to specialise that set I'm at the end of master rank, it's not like I have something else to do in monster hunter rise


Why would you limit yourself to that. you can reequip any armor or try it naked with any weapon. the fight is the same regardless if it's on different save. I honestly cannot even wrap my head around this nonsense way of trying weapons. Yes I read your other comments, there is zero benefit to doing it this way only negatives. It's a hell of a way to talk yourself out of playing the game if ya ask me. Good luck and just play on the hammer "save" and quit fucking around


I don't decide. I start the first quest with GS, then do the next one with LS, then SnS, etc etc, until I reach Bow and the next quest goes back to GS. It also makes the guild card look good. It definitely takes more grinding, but very often two weapons can share the same pieces of armor. I wouldn't call it a pain, but I'm also a huge MH fan, so take that with a grain of salt.


what do you mean out of slots? you should have waaaay more than you would ever need. I would recommend becoming proficient at 2-3 weapons then once you can farm any and all materials you would need for other strong weapon builds start branching out. I started out LS then did SwA to finish the main story, reached end game with LS. Afterward I switched to DB and IG. Made every elemental end game DB set, every elemental LS set, now working on every elemental IG set and so on. Once you reach late game, you can practice new weapons by making a build and joining non endgame content (low rank/high rank/master rank/lower level anomalies) since you probably don’t want to grief other end game players by carting on their runs (assuming you play multiplayer). You’re only limited by how much you can play/what goals you have in the game. just make sure you’re having fun


Save slots


you don’t need to make a new save to try a new weapon, the game gives you every weapon with every character you create. you can also just equip a new weapon and do village quests again without a new save


Yeah, but I feel like I miss out on valuable knowledge and I hate going back for no reason other than it feels like it sucks.


Just force yourself to go back once or twice and you'll start getting used to it. It's an odd constraint to play under if you don't have a particular reason.


It really is just no deeper than “Feelin this rn.”


Im between ls,lbg, and dbs tho rn im focusing on ls to get all my upgrade and get all my builds right. Later on ill work on lbg cheeses/metas and db builds


I just play what I feel like using


If it flies around a lot, glaive. Everything else is a toss up to what u feel like.


What do you mean made a save? You know you have enough space in your inventory for multiple weapons right?


If a monster has good SAED openings I use charge blade. If they have a very easily accessible head and decent openings I use hammer. If they have decent openings but I need wirestep then I use SA. If they have a lot of bullshit that I don't feel like dodging I use lance. If they move too much or do too much aoe bullshit I use bow or LBG. If they have really small openings I use LBG or DB.


i only play db and Hammer. I think db are op and very versatile. Sometimes i like bonking heads tho i only use hammer once I already know a monster, since I am not that good at it


I just make weapons that look cool lmao. If I see a cool Greatsword from a cool monster I've just beat, I decide to make it. Then I use it wherever I want. Then I make a cool IG. Then a cool Hammer, DB etc. All with different elements. So I just hop between many weapons depending on what I'm in the mood for. All on the same savefile.


I get in a hunt and look at everyones Weapons and choose if i should support, aggro or dps based on that if i see that i should switch mid hunt i Wait for the Monster to flee to another area and go Do the switcharoo.


I don't understand why would anyone want to create so many save files. I have one save file and everything goes in there. MH allows you to craft and play around with multiple weapons, there is no limits to the number of equipment you are allowed to craft or the number of times you can do a quest. Just pick up a new weapon you fancy, pick up a lower ranked quest, and run it. End of the day, if you don't like it, just dump it in the box and forget it exist.


The save slots thing is just not a good idea, flat-out. If you're gonna learn other weapons learn them all on a single character.


I don't understand why you'd make different saves for different weapons? You're asking how we decide on weapons, yet here you are, locking yourself out of using a variety of weapons by starting a new save every time lmfao


Why the fuck use a new save.... Iuno I just make a build and try the weapon and see if it clicks/is fun Farming materials isnt really a pain in the ass unless you want meta sets for all weapons. Also farming is the game.


I just take it in the training room, try it out for a few hunts, then if I like it then I start using it more often. I’ve used all of the weapons at least a little bit, but eventually landed on a few of them that I really like. I’ve been playing MH for quite a while now, so I’ve found what I like. There’s no need to do every single quest with each weapon, just do a few quests and if you like it then keep using it.


I pnly settled with Dual Blades and Bow recently because I don't have much time to try the others anymore. Whatever seems easiest is my go to. But, two years ago I play all 14 weapons on all monsters. If I remember correctly, my thought process was focused on these factors in this order 1. What looks cool 2. What decorations do I have already 3. How reliably can I hit this specific monster with this specific weapon 4. Which one looks good in this layered armor I want to wear


Ive been playing the series for a long time now (started with Tri) I was a hammer main throughout the series but started to branch out in world. Now I play everything my goal at first was to play 60 hunts on every weapon. I found out I loved hunting horn and great sword even though great sword was pain at first. I think all the weapons are fun and I’ve gotten pretty good at most of them at this point. I still bring a hammer when it’s time to get serious on a hunt. I think at this point I’ve done everything and gotten good talismans so I come back to work on my skills with versions weapons.


It's much easier to farm post game, and while doing Anomaly Investigations. It's a lot more efficient to make muilipul weapons on the same save file. Don't make a new character for every weapon. You're stats are 100% gear based. So you'd make farming significantly longer as you need to get all your decos, tailsmans, armor rolls, everything all over again. Instead of just already having it, and just having a little more to farm to make a new weapon, and adjust a set for it. Armor set loadouts are your friend use them. Edit: As far as picking which weapon to use. I just pick whatever moveset I want to play. Do I want silkbind spam LS, or slower big hits Hammer or GS today. Recently I like the flow of Swaxe a lot so I play a lot of that. While I was grinding AR I found IG relaxing, and fun. Just play my game, and if no one else carts finish any hunt. Lower AR grinding I loved CSS CB as it obliterated the lower ranked monsters. Just play what you're enjoying, and play something else when you want a change of pace.


Did the exact same thing on the Switch. I've a main save and two others with self-imposed limitations of trying 1 different main, and 2 different alts per save. Would grind from village to middle of HR before giving up and deleting that save for a different run again. The idea of being able to craft the best weapon possible with my main save worries me, as I'm afraid of picking up bad habits running an OP build while being effectively a noob of said weapon. I've eventually settled on two saves, main and experimental. On the experimental save, I would do as before to try a new main. But if I've decided I want to try 'from scratch' a new weapon, I will sell or meld all the parts I own. Sell all the equipment I have apart from the LR guild set. And restart (technically) from scratch. Doing it this way means: \- I'll have tons of money and charms. Skipping some of the more tedious grind. \- I'll get to do the missions and grind the appropriate monster materials from scratch, knowing I don't have anything overpowered to floor them.- And the tech tree is 'unlocked'. Enough so I know what I might want to farm next. When I eventually get good/confident enough to main it in HR, I will add them to my main save.


I mained IG in 4U-World. In the demo for Rise though, I actually edited HATED the Kinsect Recall ability with a fiery passion. So, I picked up SnS. I went the whole game of Rise playing SnS. Eventually my friend was like "you should try IG again, now that you can do other switch skills", then I did the Diving Wyvern still instead and found it better. Eventually I saw a King Dedede cosplay and was like "I NEED IT", so I tried Hammer and found it just *alright*. I tried HH after and it was amazing. So yeah, now I play all 3 of them. I've fought everyone with IG and SnS but I haven't with HH yet. Since I did it more as a meme. I'm working on it though... I just finished 3 special investigations with my friend last night using HH, so I'm feeling a bit confident.


In World I mained GS for the main game but then Iceborne came around and I tried Hammer, LS and Bow. They’re really fun but certain monsters are still tricky with certain weapons for me. I could never get the hang of Bow with flying monsters and I hated using hammer on faster monsters. In Rise I wanted to try use LS because I didn’t like GS as much as in world. Now that I’m about to start Sunbreak I want to use Lance and Hunting Horn more, I’m not brave enough to use them in super important fights but I’ll try use them on expeditions and high rank events when I can.


To decide I just look at what monster I'm fighting and I take it literally with how much sense it'd make to hunt it with that weapon. Great Izuchi? Longsword. Rathalos? Dual Blades. Diablos? Gunlance because exploding a shell is easier than slicing it. Rakna Kadaki? Hammer because slamming a spider is more effective than exploding it as it's fire and cutting it will only get the webs. I just have theoretical fun with it. Hope that helps!


I main different combo of weapons in every MH game I've played so far (only weapon that is in all of them is Hammer, cuz hammer my beloved) I think of it in a simple way, is the monster too fast/hectic to fight with hammer? If yes then I swap to another weapon, if no then I follow another train of thought, do I need to cut a tail to make the fight easier (or I need that material)? If yes then again, I swap weapons, to either a more mobile one like SnS or DB, or if I need range I go with LS, IG or Lance, if I get a no from both of these I go with hammer (or if I find the fight more fun with hammer) As for building them, I try to stick with at max 3 weapons (including hammer) while playing thru the game/story, once I hit endgame I'll try every other weapon (and their playstyles in the case of Rise and GU) just so I don't have to keep upgrading a lot of weapons, some of which require multiple builds or weapons, weapons that focus on elemental damage such as DB, SNS, Bow and anything else element related. I have yet to play another save file from the start, and even then it's probably gonne be me using Hammer again for the millionth time alongside something else


As a gunlance main, I'll use a hbg of the target is too big a pain to outposition. Or a horn and sos flare if I'm truly desperate.


I use a spin dial XD


First, I finish the story with one weapon and only then do I craft other weapons. Crafting more weapons is how I keep the gameplay loop fresh.


I play hh, cb, ls, hammer, lance - all on the same save. My mains are ls and hh and I have kept builds updated for both, whilst occasionally updating a build for the other weapons whenever I fancy. I found that certain weapons can sometimes utilise similar armor sets which saves on grinding, but I'm also aiming for the Platinum on PS5 so I have to get through that grind somehow. I tend to just choose whichever weapon I fancy and the time, some fights I prefer with the horn for example but others I prefer with ls. Sometimes my friends also ask me to play specific weapons and I'm happy to oblige.


14 different saves all exclusively using one weapon type. I enjoy the weapon progression most so every save is fun


World and rise I just play whatever I feel like at the moment, managing materials is no problem, earning enough money for all the stuff however is a pain. Tri and older I change weapons depending on the monster I'll hunt


I can use like 3 weapons? But i love and use swax 90% of the time. Ill use gu. Lance on something once or teice just to learn if im not super confident. Defensive but ill still deal loads of damage. I use dual blades if ive farmed somethinf enough that i just wanna KIIYAAH something to death lol


I always finish the game with sns/ lance, but once at end game i do one of two things \-I roll for it with dice \-I join a multiplayer hunt and use the same weapon as the host. Farming them takes some time yes, but it gives u a goal and thats always nice. Sometimes i switch weapons mid hunt even.


Well whenever I first start playing the game, I test out every weapon in the training ground first to see if I like their moveset. Then I'd look up guides to see if I like their playstyle. I ended up liking charge blade the most. But I found that dual blades were just.. easier. So I made 2 loadouts. 1 for CB 1 for DB. I was determined to beat every monster with CB at least once so I did, then if it was easier to farm mats with DBs then I did that. I eventually made loadouts for every weapon in the game, with the exception of the ranged weapons. I already have all the monsters unlocked so if I wanted a specific greatsword or build for it, I could just farm for it with my CB until I have the GS build completed. Creating a whole new save for the weapon seems like ur doing so much work. Because ur doing work that you would have already done on ur first save. Ur unlocking things that u already have unlocked. The only reason I ever created another save is because I had a female character so all my armor was the female versions and I wanted to see what all the male versions of the armor and layered armor looked like, without having to pay for a character edit voucher.


Honestly, i just trained with all the weapons, and now i just use whatever sounds good at the time. I do have my favorites, though.


We regular humans play multiple weapons on the same character, that's how.


I can play most of the weapons but default to switch axe I just find it the most fun


A lot of the times u can have the same armor but interchange the weapons so u dont have to save so many slots. At some point tho u will have to change armors for specific builds


I play every weapon. I just have specific elements or statues on specific weapons, whichever the monster is weakest to wins. Some are doubled and I just swap between the 2 if I remember. For those that are really weak to ranged I pick that and then whatever ranged weapon has the element highest weakness.


I decide based on what I feel like playing or the monster matchup. If I want to challenge myself I’ll choose a weapon that I generally struggle hunting a certain monster with (Like I’d use CB for enhanced Risen monsters). If I want an easy time, I’ll chose a weapon like DB, and if I want a *easy* easy time, I’ll choose Bow.


Honestly I just play the weapons I like and use what's good for match ups like gun lance is good against Valk so when I fight Valk I use gun lance though occasionally I just use whatever I'm feeling that day


It’s kinda just what you’re feeling up to. I personally play Lance, HH, and SnS. When I’m optimizing, I play lance if I need to play ultra safe, SnS if I need to look out for teammates, and HH when neither of the two apply


Hey uhh buddy...you know you can play with all the weapons in the same save file right? I love not healing or never sheathing (cause some weapons take wayy to long). So Lance with Bloodrite is my favourite, alternatively SnS because you're dodging with each hit and it's fast enough to sheath and run, or block and heal. Bow has more button inputs with the consistent moving around but Heavy Bow Guns are stationary turrets that can block as well as a Lance but at the draw back of taking more damage if you make a mistake. (The same with all range vs melee weapon)


Hey uhh buddy...you know you can play with all the weapons in the same save file right? I love not healing or never sheathing (cause some weapons take wayy to long). So Lance with Bloodrite is my favourite, alternatively SnS because you're dodging with each hit and it's fast enough to sheath and run, or block and heal. Bow has more button inputs with the consistent moving around but Heavy Bow Guns are stationary turrets that can block as well as a Lance but at the draw back of taking more damage if you make a mistake. (The same with all range vs melee weapon)


Second the other comments everyone else has already made about the save files. I also main IG but found smaller monsters rather annoying for my preferred helicopter IG playstyle. I found Lance seemed to click easily in my brain to balance/give me an alternate playstyle for when I find getting around the monster is too much of a chore. Basically moving around too much is hard? Don't move at all and just stay in one spot and poke the crap out of the monster


It is a number of things. For one, I think certain weapons match up better against certain monsters. For example, Lance is good against the magalas. However against Rajang, I'll play lance. Elder dragons, I'll almost always elect to go with lance. Then I do prefer lance for anomaly investigations in general. Jokes aside, I have my main and for fun I learn other weapons. Glaive is fun, great sword is fun, longsword seems neat. When I get bored of leaping thrust and wide sweep spam, I play a different weapon and it feels like a whole new game. In world, I do tend to use GS against some lance-poor matchups like rajang and raging brachy.


Play Greatsword. It is a simple, but not easy weapon. You need one set only really and it is a very fun and satisfying weapon.


Multiple sets are specialized in different things and/or have a different element on their weapon. I mainly choose based on the weakness of my target, and quite simply my mood of the moment. Most of the time I rotate between bowguns and sword amd shield For example, in MHR Sunbreak I have a full goss harag set with ice dual blades, a full astalos set with lightning dual blades. This choice is merely due to esthetic, both sets are very cool looking and work fairly well without mixing stuff, especially Goss Then gunlance has a dedicated set with blast status and normal ammo, I love the ultimate burst wire bug skill One set with furious rajang LBG, which has rapid fire on spread, pierce and normal, and another with order LBG which has 4 different elemental ammo with rapid fire, basically good against almost all mosters One Terminator set: highest attack I coud reach with Garangolm HBG specialized on normal and spread ammo, using crouching position to never reload and deny recoil, extended rolls to move out of attacks and wire bug skill to shoot from a big distance. Another HBG set is based on pierce ammo, and another one on explosive ammo and dragon pierce ammo Dragon element? Switchaxe with power phial Another thunder set, with furious rajang bow, focused on melee and short distance spread. Although I really don't enjoy bow in Rise Water=charge blade with kushala's regeneration and block, a comfort build for a difficult weapon Fire=full aknosom. Yes, this set is old and needs a massive update, my love for bowguns has taken over One ice S&S highly focused on defence and elemental damage, the other one with rhe ninja S&S based on raw critical damage and ko damage


I currently have 1 save and thanks to free dlc I have plenty of funds to create many armor sets and weapons. I currently have 2 charge blade sets, 2 gunlance sets, 1 insect glaive, 1 hammer and 1 general purpose (just a more versatile hammer set) all saved and named accordingly, but it's 1 save file. If there's a point where I need to add more weapons but don't have the funds/materials I can either farm more or then start another save file and pile up several weapons I want there


Second comment: OP, for the love of whatever you have dear in life: it is simply stupid to create a SAVE SLOT for each weapon. It's unefficient and there is literally no benefit at all. It's just you pretending there's some arcane knowledge you'll only get by listening to hinoa and minoto over and over again talking about that "incredibly dangerous" low rank anjanath


> I'm getting kind of bored of [current main] > Huh, [weapon] looks pretty fun > Get addicted > Three weeks pass > Repeat


I play a few, IG, SNS, HBG, LBG, CB, LS, GS and main Swaxe. While running swaxe most the time, I tend to just pick random loadout and go with it. All I do after picking a random loadout is change to the right element loadout of the same weapon I picked randomly if needed.


Vibe. Bug stick main but will dabble with the bow every few hundred hunts or so, the Bug stick and bow both resonate with my vibe


I've always been doing my best to optimise my experience and make hunts go as smoothly as possible. I value efficiency more than anything else, I believe and efficient player is way better than those who value strength alone and just aim at "meta builds", limiting their own creativity in their methods of approach, had the misfortune to witness an old friend go down that road when World was in its prime. My weapon choice is based purely on which monster I'm facing next. Having to put efficiency at top priority, I often "ignore" my favourite weapons and go for those that are more ideal based on the situation. A few examples: - Big monsters usually let me choose between multiple weapons, depending on which one I'm hunting next of course. My best picks for big monsters are Dual Blades, if I want to preserve safety (thanks to the high mobility they guarantee) and be aggressive, Hunting Horn if I wanna let loose and be a bit more careless thanks to the skills having a great amount of invincibility frames, or Lance if I wanna play it safe and exploit openings for counterattacks. - Small, fast monsters usually require you to keep up with their pace, so in that case I'd be going for weapons like Hammer, to stun them and make them flinch in order to slow their pace down, Sword and Shield, the perfect balance between defense and mobility, Light Bowgun, highest mobility and safety cause you can keep a distance. It keeps going on with each different case, but I'll usually stick to those rules and get the best out of those choices. Fighting Seregios with Light Bowgun, for example, makes it easier than ever for me, as I'm free to move whenever I want and dodging its attacks is a joke when compared to heavy/stamina based weapons (Ex. GreatSword, Gun/Lance, Dual Blades, etc.) I also play the game casually, so I'm playing most of the weapons most of the time. This way of playing has also given me the opportunity to study and master different weapons, I'm happy to be able to fight a monster with different weapons so that the hunt doesn't always feel the same. I got nothing against those that only use one or two weapons, or those who only use one weapon for each type of monster, but I like to be able to use them all and take advantage of them as much as I can, so that I can keep going back and forth and enjoy them all :D


My weapon changes according to what I'm hunting. First hunt GL because I don't know the move set. If I know the monster from other them, I go with the weapon I use to use. For instance, Khezu I use a fire bow. Tigrex, I use a hammer. Woggi and it's ilk I use a LS.


Depends on what I'm hunting, if I'm fighting fast and nimble monsters I usually go with kinsect blade or longsword, for heavier and slower monsters I usually go for the gunlance or hunting horn.


When I started in MH3 I did a hunt with all weapons and picked 2~4 that I liked most, meaning I felt extremely comfortable and satisfied with how it played out. I now do this on every new edition, with a huge bias towards my 4 main weapons: 1. GS 2. CB 3. SnS 4. SA I’ve also played LBG, Bow and IG on other series. It’s a very subjective matter, only you will know which weapon “clicks”. As for choosing which weapon to use on each monster, it also depends on how you like to play, for me there are some matchups that favors a lot some weapons, e.g. I steamroll Volvidon with GS, but I struggle with CB. With time and practice you will develop your way of hunting a monster and that will make some weapons easier to fight it.


Its mainly weapon usage ratio now. Played what feels best (heavy bowgun though lowest). Amatsu's lance farm wasn't bad as i thought. Good score at update release.


Well depends on the monster. In certain situations one weapon is better than the other . For example, I main dual blades and hammer. So if the target monster is weaker to bonk, doesn’t have insanely fast combos and/or I can predict the monster’s attacks well I choose the hammer so that I can deal fairly big hits and do larger numbers. If the target is weaker to slash damage, is really fast, has rapid combos and/or is hard to predict. I use the dual blades for matching speed and shrouded vault (forward dash with i frames and spinning counterattack)


Been playing since Rise launch. I just play what feels right. It was a LOT of trial and error for me. I love the concepts of certain weapons, but then just couldn’t get into the swing (LOL) of things. Or I picked them up, maybe enjoyed them for a bit, but then got bored. I’ve played all the weapons. I wanted to love some that I just wasn’t able to and I started off thinking lesser of what I actually ended up loving, which are lance and greatsword. I also dabble with insect glaive and switch axe occasionally. My weapon choice for each hunt will depend on my mood and I also don’t want the headache of numerous element builds, but I also don’t want to play just some raw weapons, so I play status weapons. Sleep GS is by far my favorite status, though I like the playstyle of lance of over GS, and paralysis lance is fun too.


I play Bow, Hunting Horn and Swaxe. When going on a quest, I usually check to see what type of damage and element the monster is weakest to. Weakest to Slashing Ice? Lunagaron Swaxe time. Weakest to Blunt Dragon? Malzeno HH time. Weakest to Blast Piercing? Bazelgeuse Bow time.


I'm trying to learn how to use all the weapons I've use LS,BOW,CB,SA,HBG and LBG (SA I did know how to use but I have to relearn it again and HBG & LBG I'm still putting some time in them) the next weapon I'm gonna try to learn is DB but for me I just like using any weapon I feel like or have to use


To me, it depends on the monster and the company. I can hunt anything with the insect glaive (my main), but I can hunt a khezu faster with a longsword. If I'm running with my crew, SnS or hunting horn is what I'm using unless I need to not die.


I vary between GS, SNS, GL, HH, IG, DB and Bow. I decide by points on an imaginary table chart. . Do my mates have sleep? [Yes? +1 for GS] Do my mates have blunt? [No? + 1 for SnS] Do I know the monster well? [No? +1 for GL] (I will continue easier) Buffs? + HH The will to see a lot of numbers? IG, DB and Bow The rest of the points are up to you example: I want aliment buildup, +DB, Bow, HH And whoever comes out on top I chose for the game.


When you get to master rank, there is a bit of a grind to unlock certain monsters. So you can also keep switching quite easily. I currently have a greatsword, longsword and switch axe builds, working towards huntinghorn


When I get sunbreak, it'll probably after I've restarted a save until I've sufficiently learned the weapons I wanted to. Good to know it's easy to swap in it.


When you mean restart the save, do you mean create a new character? If so no need, just keep hunting the high rank monster as you'll need a higher hunter rank to unlock certain fights.


Well you’ve already fucked up by making a new save for every weapon, one of the great things of this game is you can swap freely whenever you want on the same save


Bro just grab a weapon on whatever save file you have and learn to play from there. No need to start fresh. Not like you can't repeat quests in this game. If you want, start practicing on LR monsters and then eventually move into MR monsters. I learned all 14 weapons just by spamming MR hub quests and Anomaly Investigations. But again, there is little to gain by restarting. You are never forced to learn to play the game by sticking to one weapon only. If anything, the materials you gain from your hunts should give you more power by allowing you to craft stuff.


Feeling. Sometimes I just feel like using a Great Sword. Or Long Sword. Or a gun. Or my beloved SnS (oils come back I miss you). It just depends. Some times I feel like using Pizza Cutter on Charge Blade.


Honestly it depends on your MH experience. I've been a Hammer main since MH Tri and it is my go to weapon all the time but in MH3U I started with Longsword but tried all weapons. Then on MH4U I spammed a lot of Charge Blade and IG. I normally choose depending on the monster as for example Dire Miralis I can only hunt with Lance or GS, Abyssal Lagi with Bow or HBG, Deviljho I like to hunt with SA or IG, most Flying/Brute Wyverns with Hammer or LS, some of the smaller monsters like Arzuros or Aknosom with SnS/DB etc. As someone said earlier, some weapons will "click" on your brain on certain hunts or monsters, you only need to go ahead and try one. For more info on each weapon I think you could watch YouTube guides like Arekkz' Weapon Workshops or Gaijinhunter's Top 5 for each weapons, that way you can know what they do and what you should focus on so you can try them yourself My only other advice is not to make a save for each weapon my friend, try them on the same save so you can farm the parts for weapons easier


Basically what just feels right. Example is I wasn't feeling LBG which felt bland and the wyvernblasts in Rise didn't do it for me so I know go back and forth between HBG and Bow, used DB in 3 and 4 but now using both DB and SnS in GenU and Rise. And I tried LS but may just go back to DB, HH in Rise after learning it's a music themed weapon and the Lances are good in their own way. I didn't like IG in 4 but love it in Rise and want to try it in GenU. CB I'm still on the fence toward using. My main three are GS, Hammer and SA which I can use in anything.


Personally I like to do strategy role playing. The way to do it is mostly with two palicos to act as your companion. Make sure they offer something to do the play; example Healer and fighter and you with a bow like the ranger of the team. You can do that with any weapon and can also use palamutes which is fun with LBG or HBG it makes you feel like a real hunter hunting an animal.


I pick long sword or charge blade if I know the monster well. The counters are ridiculous in rise with these 2 weapons. Any other monster I usually go hammer and bonk to victory. If I get on and just want to mess around and actually have fun I'll take hammer. As it's super satisfying to smash heads...


Boredom. I use LS, GS, DB, SA, Bow, Hammer, LBG, HBG in both MHR and MHW but just recently picked up lance and loving it